His Devoted Dragon (Divine Dragons Book 4)

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His Devoted Dragon (Divine Dragons Book 4) Page 10

by Jill Haven

  I was certain I did. “Look, I have to leave for a while. I’m going to leave you in charge.”

  Devin’s eyes narrowed. “Are you okay?” His eyes flickered toward the house, where both Ace and Ten still were. “They’re not making you do anything, are they?”

  I fixed him with a look. “Do you really think someone could make me do anything?” I was stubborn as a mule and we both knew it. Ace just happened to be a soft spot.

  Devin chuckled, although he didn’t look entirely convinced. “I suppose.” His eyes raked over me, assessing. “Are you sick?”

  “I can’t give any details,” I said simply. I rarely talked about my personal life, but Devin was often an exception to the rule. Except this time. It wasn’t really possible to go into the whole dragon thing. Then I hesitated. What if the jerks tried to go after my house while I was gone? I hadn’t asked Ace about it. Would the dragons that were after me know I’d left?

  “What are you thinking about?” Devin was sharp as a tack.

  “There’ve been a couple burglaries in the neighborhood,” I said finally. “Just keep an eye on my house, will you?” I was finally realizing how much danger I was in, and the last thing I wanted to do was put anyone else in the line of fire. Devin had his own small house on the grounds, so he wouldn’t have to risk staying at mine.

  “I’ll keep in touch,” Devin said reluctantly, his gaze flickering behind me. When I turned to look over my shoulder, Ace was standing in the doorframe, his gaze on me. It sent a warmth through me that calmed some of the anxiety, and I realized I wasn’t trembling as hard as I had been earlier. Which was good, because that would have been hell to explain to Devin.

  “Thanks.” I reached out and gripped his forearm, a casual goodbye, an acknowledgment it was for now and not forever. Devin gave Ace one more long look and then turned back to his work, already shouting for the other workers. One by one I talked to the guys who were working where I could get to them, but I didn’t have time to go out to the far fields. Devin would have to tell them, and they would just have to accept it.

  And they would. Devin was a good man and a hard worker. All of the hands respected him.

  Letting out a long breath, I turned back to the house. Ace was still in the doorframe, although he moved back to give me space as I entered. His eyes were warm, cautious, concerned, like he was more attuned to my emotions than anything else. The shaking that had calmed down when I was out talking to Devin started up again, and I was surrounded by memories. “I’ll go pack,” I said stiffly, surprised my voice didn’t tremble.

  Ace studied me for a long moment, then nodded, moving back into the kitchen.

  I took the steps upstairs and into my bedroom, although after sleeping in Ace’s room, it didn’t feel as comforting as it used to. I pulled out a suitcase and set it on the bed, starting to pick things from my dresser. Or attempt to, anyway.

  My mind was a kaleidoscope of images. The two men sneaking into my house. The gun. The two who had tried to kidnap me, dragging me to the van. Darkness, fear, pain. The room wasn’t safe, it never had been. They could get to me.

  “Beau?” Ace’s voice snapped me out of it, or at least took the edge off. “Breathe, love. Breathe.”

  Fear swirled around me, like vultures circling their prey. Then Ace had me in his arms, his warm, strong body protecting me. “I know you’re scared,” Ace murmured, his voice low but soothing. “No matter what, I’ll keep you safe. No matter what,” he repeated, emphasis on the words.

  Feeling oddly vulnerable, I looked at him, the shaking starting to ease in my extremities but still making me feel cold. Ace leaned forward, slow enough that I could stop him, before capturing my lips in a kiss. It started closed-mouth, sweet, then his tongue swiped my bottom lip, begging for entrance. With a moan, I gave it to him.

  My knees threatened to buckle, so I clutched onto him for dear life as he took my tongue into his mouth and sucked on it, sending electricity sparking down my body and to my groin. I loved what he did, from the way he nibbled on my bottom lip to the way his tongue played with mine, to the way he held me when he was done kissing and spent time staring at me like I was the only important thing in his world.

  When he pulled back, both of us had kiss-swollen lips and my breathing was too fast. Ace’s face was as serious as I had ever seen him. “I mean it,” Ace said softly. “I’d die before I would let anything happen to my mate. I promise things will be okay.”

  My stomach erupted into a swarm of butterflies, and for once, the frenetic tingling of panic had a warm afterglow to it. I still wasn’t entirely certain what the word meant, what the whole ‘mate’ thing entailed, but with the way Ace held me, looked at me, it felt right, deep in my bones.

  “Okay,” I said finally, holding onto him like he was my life raft. There was a lot in that word, a lot in the way I let him hold me and murmur sweet words that covered me like a warm blanket. I was taking a chance, a leap of faith, trusting that Ace meant what he said and that my welfare was his top priority.

  The butterflies danced more, a mixture of fear and affection that made me vaguely nauseous, but I breathed through it. Everything would be okay.

  Ace had promised.



  “I’ve never been on a plane before.” Beau’s voice was low, his attention out the window as our plane taxied to its gate.

  I squeezed his hand, trying to project calmness as much as I could. Beau’s nerves had settled some on the drive to the airport, then just got worse from there. I wished I could do more to soothe him, make things better, but right now all I could do was just be with him.

  “I haven’t left Georgia before, either,” Beau added as an afterthought. He turned to look at me, dark eyes still too wide. It was better than him shutting down, but not by much.

  “Bishop will be waiting for us,” I said quietly, lifting our combined hands so I could kiss the back of his.

  “Will Evan be there?” Beau stumbled on the name, like he wasn’t entirely certain, but he finished strong.

  “I’m not sure.” The plane was slowly rolling to a stop. “Bishop may have left him at home.”

  “He’s safe there?” Beau looked doubtful. I could see the thoughts rolling through his mind. If Evan was a divine omega like him, why was he safe and Beau wasn’t?

  I sighed, wishing things were different, that I could make things better for him and give him back everything he’d lost. But we weren’t that lucky. Claiming was a big decision, fated mates or not. I didn’t think Beau trusted me enough. Not yet. “Unclaimed omegas, divine or not, aren’t safe,” I said.

  “Unclaimed?” Beau’s brows furrowed together.

  I opened my mouth and then closed it, trying to figure out how the hell to explain that. “Claiming makes the bond with your mate official. Until then…” I was struggling to find words.

  “Until then, anyone can claim me?” Beau swallowed thickly, panic flitting across his face. “Is that why we’re not safe?”

  “We’ll keep you safe,” I said firmly, leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. He didn’t pull back, but he didn’t kiss me in return, either. Instead, he just gave me a short nod, his attention drifting back to the outside. Nerves ran through me, unsettling my stomach. For once, I was grateful I hadn’t eaten that much, or had too much coffee. Until Beau was safely ensconced in a house with the right security measures, I wasn’t going to relax.

  I kept Beau right next to me as the seatbelt light went off, as we disembarked and got our bags, headed into the terminal and out to the other side. While Beau had shot our clasped hands a few cautious looks, he didn’t pull away, so I swung them between us as we walked, trying to lighten the situation a little bit.

  It wasn’t the same ache as not having him nearby, but the fact that Beau was so stressed was keeping my body hyper alert, desperate to do anything and everything to make it better for him. I was barely aware of Ten following not far behind us, silent in a way that didn’
t add to the tension.

  Beau came to a stop, which stopped me, even though I almost dragged him forward. Bishop was waiting at one of the doors, throwing us a casual salute when he caught my gaze. His eyes flickered to our hands, then back to my face, although nothing he was thinking showed on his face. He was too good for that.

  Bishop nodded at me, then turned to Beau. “You okay?” His voice was gruff, but there was a thread of warmth under there that had appeared after he bonded with Evan and they’d had their baby girl. Bishop had always cared, but he showed it more now. Slightly.

  Beau took a half-step back, moving just enough that I was between him and Bishop, but he nodded where he could be seen. “Thanks.” The word was short and clipped.

  Bishop frowned, looking quickly at me before gesturing to the door. “Carlisle is expecting us,” he said, leading us out and toward his Jeep. The bright yellow monstrosity was difficult to miss, but it was Bishop’s favorite. While Bishop and Ten got in up front, I helped Beau into the back seat and sat next to him.

  “I packed the folder in my carry-on.” I patted it, not missing Beau’s flinch at the movement. My heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong with my mate and I couldn’t tell what it was. Was he disappointed he hadn’t brought the papers, since they were his, after all? Or was it something else? I’d volunteered so Beau could pack more clothes, since we were close to my apartment and I didn’t need much.

  “How are you liking West Virginia?” Bishop tried, his low, rolling voice almost adjacent to friendly.

  Beau just shrugged, his carry-on on his lap, his gaze out the window, even as Bishop pulled away from the curb and started the drive.

  I met Bishop’s eyes in the rearview mirror, his concern mirroring mine. Even though Beau wasn’t speaking, he still hadn’t let go of my hand.

  “Bishop?” I kept my voice steady, like I wasn’t changing plans or delaying things. “Drop us off at my apartment.”

  Bishop’s usual scowl flashed across his face, but it eased the moment he seemed to get an eye on Beau. A short nod was his answer, and we drove in silence. It wasn’t difficult with Bishop or Ten, because I’d worked with them on several jobs that required that. But Beau? Beau was different. The silence wasn’t comfortable with him, not because of the silence itself, but because of whatever uneasiness was lurking underneath his skin that made him clam up and pull away.

  When Bishop pulled up next to my apartment, Beau finally pried his hand out of mine, his face eerily still. He got out of the car at the same time Bishop did, both of them moving around to my side before I had turned to face them. Beau was clutching his bag, his tired eyes not entirely there, and Bishop had worry lines on his brow. Ten was already at the door, unlocking it to make it easier.

  “I’ll take care of him,” I murmured to Bishop, not sure if Beau was up to listening or not.

  “Just don’t take too long,” Bishop replied, although I could tell he didn’t entirely mean that we had to hurry. Besides, if it meant that Beau would relax and feel better, there was a lot I would do. Bishop nodded and got back in his car, not looking back before he drove off. I had a car parked at my apartment, so we would be able to make our way to Carlisle’s on our own once Beau was ready.

  “I’ll head out now,” Ten said quietly, speaking for the first time in a long time. His voice made me jump, since I hadn’t heard him come back. “Call if you need me.”

  “Thanks, brother.” I reached to give him a quick hug, then moved back toward my mate, some instinct making me flutter around him like a bee around a flower.

  I itched to touch Beau as I carefully guided him up the walkway and to my apartment door. I wanted to smooth my hands over all of his skin, down his shoulders, his sides, across his groin, down his thighs. His gorgeous body. It was the only way I would be satisfied that he was okay, and my dragon wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  Worry knotted itself in my stomach as I set our bags down, giving my apartment a quick look-over. I shared it with Ten, but it was more of a crash pad than anything else, so I wasn’t certain how the dishes had been in the sink, for example. When I gently steered Beau toward the couch, he let me move him, dazed and like a marionette.

  Shit. Crap. I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to make it better, but I had no idea how to accomplish that. I slid an arm around Beau’s shoulders and pulled him against me, knowing that even if it didn’t soothe him, it would help me ease the tension that was shredding me up inside.

  To my surprise, Beau exhaled slowly and then relaxed into my grip, his arms tightening around me, his hands shaking where they were clutching onto my jacket. I cupped his face, wincing at his cold skin, then let go.

  Beau let out a soft, almost involuntary whimper, then stopped himself like he wanted to reach for me but wasn’t going to.

  “I’ll be right back,” I promised, leaning in to give him a kiss. A quick kiss that easily turned into a longer one, Beau tentatively accepting it before parting his lips and finally, finally kissing me back. I had to drag myself away from him, heading into the master bathroom and turning on the water to fill up the tub.

  It wasn’t something I indulged in often, but I knew a bath could do a lot for sore muscles or tired hearts, and I was desperate to help him in some way. I wanted some of his vibrance back, some of his quiet sassiness, the way he was never overly impressed with what I did. I wanted him.

  Leaving the tub running now that the water was hot enough, I went back out to the living room, where Beau hadn’t moved. Hiding my worry the best I could, I took Beau’s hand and gently tugged him to follow me into the bathroom.

  “I’m running you a bath,” I explained, trying not to sound awkward. Taking care of others had never really been on my agenda, beyond some field first aid.

  Almost unconsciously, my hand tapped the outside of my thigh, the same thigh I’d almost bled out of. I fought a shiver. If I’d died, I never would have met Beau, and I didn’t think I could deal with that.

  “I’m going to undress you, okay?” I spoke slowly, carefully, like I was talking to a startled creature. “I’m going to take care of you.”

  Beau just looked at me with those wide doe eyes, then closed them before nodding once.

  Tamping down the giddiness that rose in me at the sign of his trust, I reached and turned the water off now that the bath was the right height and then started with his shirt. Normally I would have taken my time, enjoyed the show, but worry was my driving force, and all it wanted was to get Beau in the hot water and hopefully feeling better.

  His zipper sounded loud in the quiet bathroom now that the splashing was gone, and carefully I eased his pants and boxers off, my hands clinical and efficient. It wasn’t time to stare at him, to see how hot his body really was under all those clothes. While we’d had time together in his bedroom, the light had been off, and this was a completely different ambiance.

  “Here.” I supported his body with mine, helping him into the bath with a quiet sigh and without any protest. “Is that okay? Too hot? Not hot enough?” I was starting to ramble. I never rambled. If Ten had been there, he would’ve been laughing his ass off.

  When Beau just blinked at me, I stood, hesitant. “I’ll leave you—”

  His eyes widened in alarm, a hand shooting out to grip my forearm. He couldn’t have shouted ‘no’ louder if he had said it out loud.

  “I’ll stay,” I said immediately, soothing. Stripping off my clothes, I climbed in behind him, urging him forward just enough that I could fit in around him. Beau settled in the vee of my legs; it wasn’t the sexiest position, but for once, sex was the last thing on my mind.

  Sort of.

  I wrapped my arms around his torso, taking advantage of the height difference to hold him to me, pressing my lips against his hair, trying to reassure him. The water was pleasantly hot around us, sloshing every time we moved. Beau relaxed into my grip, his head tucking against my neck, his arms on mine.

  “I’m scared,�
� Beau said quietly, his voice hoarse from not speaking the past several hours. “I’m worried about my dad, too. Is he okay? Is he still alive? What about my mother?”

  I kissed the side of his head, wishing more than anything I could make everything better for him. “I know you’re worried. I am, too,” I murmured, tilting his head just enough that I could kiss him on the cheek. “But you’re my first priority, Beau. I have to make sure you’re safe.”

  Beau tensed in my arms, shock seeming to catch him off guard, before he shifted, turning to face me. He looked more like my Beau now, calmer and less frantic, a hint of his usual guards up even though he didn’t need them with me. “We have to find out if he’s safe,” Beau insisted. He was almost straddling me, face solemn but insistent.

  I adjusted my arms so I was still holding him close, even with him facing me now. My dick was starting to get interested in the conversation, which was inconvenient, but I knew I wasn’t the only one. Now that he was practically in my lap, I felt the silky-hot skin of his cock brush mine, but I shoved it out of my mind. Later.

  “We’ll figure everything out,” I promised. “No matter what.” I meant it, too. No matter what it took, I would give him everything he wanted.

  Beau stared at me for a long moment, then pressed his body as close to mine as he could, his lips latching onto mine like I was the only thing giving him oxygen. My lips parted under his without a second thought, although my mind was taking a few moments to catch up. It was the first time Beau had kissed me, instead of the other way around.

  There was a desperation to his kiss, a neediness that resonated with me. My dragon was stirring inside me, making me harder, urging me to hold him close, protect him, take him. My mate needed me, and I had to help him.

  “Ace,” Beau whimpered against my lips. “Please.”

  I kissed him for moments longer, sliding my tongue into the hot cavern of his mouth, arousal making me dizzy. While I had always loved sex, even kissing Beau was up near the top of my list. My cock twitched at the thought of having sex with Beau, how good it would be. “Please what?” I hummed into his mouth, my eyes locked on his. His pupils were dilated, his hands clenching desperately at me.


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