The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach; Or, Proving Their Mettle Under Southern Skies

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The Automobile Girls at Palm Beach; Or, Proving Their Mettle Under Southern Skies Page 16

by Laura Dent Crane



  The sun was just sinking when Mr. Stuart's weary cavalcade stopped infront of a great iron gate. The gate was covered with rust and hungloose on its hinges. It opened into a splendid avenue of cypress trees.As far as the eye could see on each side of the road, ran overgrownhedges of the Rose of Sharon. The bushes were in full bloom and themasses of white blossoms gleamed in the gathering shadows like lines ofnew fallen snow.

  "How beautiful!" exclaimed the four "Automobile Girls" in chorus.

  Mr. Stuart looked anxiously up the lonely avenue as his party stumbledalong the rough road and peered cautiously into the hedge first on oneside then on the other. It would have been easy for an army to hideitself in the cover of the thicket, which hemmed them in on all sides inan impenetrable wall of green.

  "I feel extremely uneasy, Robert," declared Miss Sallie, her face paleunder the stress of the day's experiences.

  Old Madame de Villiers smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I have nofear for myself," she said. "My husband is a soldier. I have followedhim through two great wars. What comes must come. It is all in the day'sbusiness. But the countess, she is different. She is in my charge;nothing must happen to her. I assure you, Mr. Stuart, it is of theutmost importance that the Countess Sophia be protected."

  Miss Sallie held her head very high. Madame de Villiers was their guest,so Miss Stuart would say nothing. But why should Madame de Villiersthink the safety of the Countess Sophia of more importance than that ofthe four "Automobile Girls?" Miss Sarah Stuart had other ideas. She wasequally determined that no harm should overtake any one of her charges.

  The narrow avenue finally broadened into a lawn overgrown with flowersand vines. Back of it stood an old house that had once been a finecolonial mansion. The house seemed to frown on the intruders, who hadcome to destroy its sacred quiet.

  "I should think anybody might be 'teched' in the head, who lived alonein a queer place like this," whispered Ruth to Bab, as the two girlsstood with their arms about each other, staring ahead of them.

  "Will you see Miss Thorne first, Jim, and explain our plight to her?"Mr. Stuart asked the old colored man. "Or do you think it would bebetter to have me make matters clear?"

  "I'll do the 'splainin', Massa," returned old Jim. "My missis will alluslisten to me. I done tole you she wasn't jes' like other folks."

  "Is your mistress insane, Jim?" inquired Miss Sallie anxiously.

  "No-o, ma'am," returned the old man. "Miss Thorne she ain't crazy. She'spuffectly quiet, suh, and she's all right on every subject 'cept one. Ihates to tell you what that thing is."

  "Out with it, Jim. What is the lady's peculiarity?"

  "She imagines, suh, that her fambly is still with her, her own ma andpa, and young massa, and her sister Missy Lucy. Missy Rose ain't neverbeen married."

  "Where is her family, Jim?" Ruth asked.

  "They lies yonder in the buryin' ground, Missy," replied the old darkey,pointing toward a clearing some distance from the house, where a fewwhite stones gleamed in the twilight.

  Miss Sallie shuddered. Grace and Mollie huddled close to her, while Ruthand Bab gave each other's hands re-assuring pressures.

  "Do you look after this Miss Thorne?" Mr. Stuart inquired further.

  "Yes, suh; me and my wife Chloe looks after her. Chloe cooks and I worksabout the place when I'se not down to the beach with my boat. But mymissus ain't so poor. She's got enough to git along with. I jest likesto earn a little extra."

  By this time Jim had climbed down from his shaky old wagon. He nowopened the front door.

  "Walk right in," he said hospitably, making a low bow. "I'll go findMiss Rose."

  Mr. Stuart's party entered a wide hall that seemed shrouded inimpenetrable gloom. On the walls hung rows of family portraits. Theplace was inexpressibly dismal. The "Automobile Girls" kept close to Mr.Stuart. In silence they waited for the appearance of the mistress of thehouse.

  Two candles flickered in the dark hallway. Out of the gloom emerged anold lady, followed by her two servants, who were bearing the lights. Shewas small and very fragile. She wore a gray silk gown of an oldfashioned cut. Her dress was ornamented with a bertha and cuffs ofDuchess lace.

  The old lady advanced and held out her small hand. "I am pleased tooffer you shelter," she declared to Mr. Stuart. "Jim has explained yourpredicament to me. We shall be only too happy to have you stay with usfor the night."

  At the word "we," the "Automobile Girls" exchanged frightened glances.Their hostess was alone. But that one word "we" explained the situation.Did she mean that all the ghosts of her past still waited in the houseto welcome unexpected visitors?

  "It has been many years since we have had guests in our home," continuedMiss Thorne. "But I think we have rooms enough to accommodate you."

  Chloe conducted Miss Sallie, Madame de Villiers, the Countess Sophia andthe four "Automobile Girls" into a great parlor. The room was furnishedwith old fashioned elegance. Candles burned on the high mantel shelves.But the dim lights could not dispel the shadow of desolation thatpervaded the great room.

  A few minutes later Miss Thorne entered the room. "You must tell me yournames," she inquired sociably. "I wish to run upstairs and tell Mamaabout you. Poor Mama is an invalid or she would come down to see you."

  Then calling Chloe to her, she said in a loud whisper:

  "Notify Miss Lucy and Master Tom at once. Papa can wait. He is busy inthe library."

  An uncanny silence followed Miss Thorne's speech. Every one of the sevenwomen looked unhappy and Mr. Stuart tried vainly to conceal a sense ofuneasiness. But Chloe quietly beckoned the party from the room.

  "I'll jes' show the ladies upstairs," she explained gently and hermistress made no objection.

  Miss Sallie would on no account sleep alone in such a dismal house. Sheshared a large chamber with Ruth and Bab. The countess asked to spendthe night with Mollie and Grace, and Madame de Villiers, who was afraidof nothing, had a room to herself. Mr. Stuart went up to the thirdfloor.

  "Let us talk and laugh and try to be cheerful, girls," proposed thecountess. "This poor old soul is quite harmless, I believe, and sheseems very sad. Perhaps we may be able to cheer her a little."

  "All right, my lovely countess," replied Mollie. "Ghosts or no ghosts,we will do our best. But don't count on me for much merriment. I'm adreadful coward." Mollie looked over her shoulder with a shudder.

  The countess and Grace laughed, but quickly their laugh died.

  The sound of weird music floated up through the dark hall. Theirhostess, Miss Thorne, was playing the tall harp that stood in theparlor.

  "Goodness!" cried Miss Sallie, "what will that poor soul do next? Ishould not be in the least surprised if the entire departed family weregiven places at supper to-night." Which was exactly what happened. Fourempty chairs were left at the table.

  "Miss Thorne," said Mr. Stuart, when they were all seated, "could younot be persuaded to visit the outer world? It would give my sister andme much pleasure if you would spend a few days with us at Palm Beach."

  A spark of pleasure lit up the hostess's faded eyes for an instant. Thenshe shook her head sadly.

  "You are most kind, sir, but I am much needed at home. Lucy, my sister,is quite delicate, you see. And Mama is an invalid."

  Miss Sallie touched her brother's foot under the table, as a signal tokeep away from dangerous topics. But what topic was not dangerous?

  "How charmingly you play the harp, Miss Thorne," ventured the countess,when they had somewhat recovered themselves.

  "Ah," exclaimed the poor woman, smiling archly, "you must praise theright person, my dear. It was my sister Lucy who was playing."

  Miss Sallie dropped her fork with a loud clatter, while Mollie slippedher hand into the countess's and the other three girls linked their feetunder the table, girl fashion.

  Jim, who, in an old black coat, was waiting on the table, smiled grimlyand mumbled to himself.

p; "But, young ladies," cried Miss Thorne, "you are not eating."

  As a matter of fact the supper was delicious; biscuits as light as snowflakes, broiled sea trout, potatoes roasted in their jackets andpreserves in delicate cut glass bowls. But who could enjoy a banquetunder such conditions? The two candles seemed to accentuate theblackness of the shadows which gathered at the edges of the room. Theguests tried to laugh and talk, but gradually gloomy silence settledupon them. Miss Thorne appeared to have forgotten where she was and Mr.Stuart observing the uneasiness of the whole party remarked that as theyhad had a long day it would be well to retire early.

  As they were about to rise from the table a sudden exclamation from thecountess who sat at the lower end of the table caused all eyes to turntoward her in startled inquiry. She was staring at the open window infascinated terror, unable for the moment to do anything save point tothe opening which was swathed in shadows.

  "A horrible old man!" she at last managed to articulate. "I saw himlooking in at us!"

  "What old man?" demanded Mr. Stuart.

  "He was white haired and looked like a great ape," she gasped.

  "Why that's the man whom I drove out of your room the other night,Countess," exclaimed Bab. "What can his object be in following you?"

  "Come, my man," commanded Mr. Stuart, turning to the engineer who satbeside him, "and you too, Jim, we'll search the grounds. I believe thatthis formidable old man can tell us something about the wrecking of theengine. Let's get after him at once!"

  Old Jim lost no time in procuring lanterns, and a thorough search of thegrounds was made. The women meantime remained in the dining room, butnow that the first effects of their fright had worn off, they preparedto give their fearsome intruder a warm reception should he again showhimself. Madame de Villiers moved her chair to one side of the openwindow, her heavy cane in both hands, ready for instant use. WhileBarbara took up her station at the other side grasping firmly the heavysilver teapot that had been in the Thorne family for generations. Ruthguarded the door at one end, brandishing ferociously a heavy carvingknife she had appropriated from a set on the old fashioned side-board,while Mollie, bravely, held the fort, at the other door with the fork.The countess half laughing, half shuddering, clung to a heavy cut glasswater bottle, while Miss Sallie had prepared to meet the enemy with ahuge bottle of cayenne pepper, which she had taken from theold-fashioned silver castor.

  The Countess Pointed Toward the Open Window.]

  "There is nothing like being prepared," said Ruth with a hystericallaugh, after ten minutes had passed, and the enemy had not shownhimself. "I'm going to get a chair and be comfortable." Mollie followedsuit, and the watchers sat valiantly alert, as the minutes dragged by.

  Miss Thorne chattered voluably to and about her family, paying verylittle attention to her strangely-behaved guests, while Chloe, the oldservant, huddled in one corner, her eyes rolling with fright at everysound she heard.

  At last the welcome sound of men's voices was heard and Mr. Stuart,followed by the engineer and old Jim, entered at Mollie's door.

  "What kind of desperado organization is this?" he exclaimed, laughing inspite of himself at the ludicrous appearance this feminine vigilantcommittee made.

  "It's war to the knife," cried Ruth.

  "And the fork, too, I should say," laughed her father, "also the teapot,and--what on earth are you cherishing so fondly, Sallie?"

  "Cayenne pepper," responded Miss Sallie, "and I consider myself wellarmed, at that."

  "I should rather think so," agreed her brother. "However you are allsafe in laying down your arms, for we have searched diligently, and canfind no trace of the intruder. He evidently heard the countess and madea quick get away. You must pardon us, Madam, for stirring up your quiethome in this manner," he said, bowing to Miss Thorne. "I trust we shallmeet with no further disagreeable adventures."

  "You have not disturbed either Lucy or me in the least," declared thedemented old woman graciously. "As for Papa and Mama they dearly love tohave visitors." She smiled sweetly and at once began a one-sidedconversation with her departed parents.

  "Do take us away from her," whispered Ruth to her father. "She has beenaddressing the shades of her family ever since you left us, and it'sgetting on our nerves."

  "With your kind permission, Miss Thorne, we shall retire," said Mr.Stuart, and the seven tired women gladly followed him through theshadowy hall and up the wide stairs, to their respective sleeping rooms.


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