Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 14

by Albany Walker

  Griffin fists my hair and roughly jerks my head to the side, pulling me away from Evan. “You had a taste, it’s my turn,” he growls before kissing me softly with my hair still clasped in his fist. I sink even further into him, though I still work one handed to get Evan’s button free. Evan’s thick fingers brush against mine, and he takes over the task, lowering his zipper and letting his pants fall just enough that I’m able to wrap my fingers around his length.

  Even though I just climaxed, heat blossoms in my lower belly. Knowing both of them want me, that I’m the reason Evan is so hot and hard in my palm and Griffin keeps lifting his hips to get closer to me, has a way of making a girl feel pretty damn special.

  Evan steps even closer, so I slide my hand all the way down to his base before twisting my wrist a little and pulling back up with my grip tightened around his flesh. I open my eyes to watch him, even while Griffin is still kissing me, and I’m rewarded with the sight of Evan standing over me. His head is tilted back, but his eyes are slitted open so he can see me and the way my hand is working over him.

  Griffin nips my lip, and I know it was enough to draw blood. I can taste the slightly sweet metallic flavor in my mouth. His tongue laps over the slight sting, and I shiver. The pain is gone immediately, but in its wake is a desire so strong, I want to rip his clothes off and rub all over him before demanding he sink his teeth into me. I’m addicted to him, filters through my mind, but the thought is swallowed up quickly when Evan caresses the side of my jaw.

  Griffin slows our kiss. I pull back a little and gaze into his eyes. His pupils are pinpricks, leaving a wide ring of turquoise staring straight at me. He licks his lips, then flicks his eyes down as if he’s ashamed. I don’t like the heavy feeling that settles in my chest.

  “Why did you stop?” I ask in a whisper. Evan is still moving his hips, keeping up with the rhythm of my hand.

  “I don’t want you bite drunk. I want you to want this, us,” he confesses, peering up at me. A slow grin tugs at the corners of my mouth.

  “Griffin, I would have to be insane not to want this.” I try to make it sound light, but he bounces his gaze over my face as if he’s making sure I’m serious.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Griffin’s hand shift, but before I can look to see what he’s doing, Evan turns my face and steals my attention. With deliberate movements, he reaches back, grabs his shirt, and pulls it over his head, ducking out of the fabric and letting it fall to the floor.

  My eyes eat up all the freshly revealed skin, and I wrap my fist around him a little harder since my attention slacked a bit. Evan’s chest is wide, covered in fine blond hair. I reach for him and run my fingers down his torso, feeling his strength as his muscles flex under my touch.

  Griffin adjusts behind me, and I lean up a bit so I’m not crushing him beneath me. It gives me a good reason to lean forward and take Evan between my lips.

  I meet his eyes as I curl my tongue around him, using the moisture from my mouth as lube to move my other hand up and down his dick. Evan’s expression doesn’t disappoint. His top teeth are biting into his bottom lip, and his gaze is locked on me as if I’m his sole purpose for being.

  Griffin shifts again, this time to tug me backwards, and when my thighs hit his, I realize his pants are gone. I can feel his skin beneath mine. When I sink lower, his hardness is under me, thick and ready to fill me. He stills my hips when I wiggle a little.

  Holy hell, we’re about to do this, I’m about to have a threesome. My heart skips a few beats and pounds hard to make up for the stutter. Griffin guides himself to my opening, and I hear him take a deep, rough breath. “I’m going to fuck you slowly until you make him come, then I’m going to take everything.” His words are a dark promise, and I know exactly what he means—he’s going to bite me while he’s still inside me. I shiver, and my insides clench at the thought. “Get to work.” Griffin smacks the side of my ass, and I jolt in surprise.

  Evan hisses, “Knock it off, vampire.” At odds with his rough words, Evan cradles my cheek, sliding his fingers into my hair to gently encourage me to continue. The swat to my bottom stung, but it excited me too. All my sexual experiences have been fairly vanilla, and what’s happening now, even before the little crack, is exceeding everything I’ve done with my other boyfriends and dipping into the fantasy realm.

  Griffin grips one of my hips and pulls me back while guiding himself inside me with his other hand. I moan around Evan’s dick as I sink onto Griffin. Evan pushes his hips forward and slides deeper into my mouth when it goes slack from Griffin’s invasion.

  When I peek up at Evan, his jaw is taut, and his eyes are lidded. Noticing my gaze, he licks his bottom lip and strokes my face softly. My stomach does a little summersault, and it has nothing to do with lust, no, it’s his affection. I watch him for a few seconds longer then let my eyes fall closed. I’m not ready to deal with everything that’s happening right now and all of my emotions on top of it.

  Griffin is deep inside me, but not moving at all. My legs are on the outside of his knees, so I can’t do much but roll my hips while I have my mouth and hands on Evan. I clench my inner muscles, trying to tempt Griffin into moving. He makes a satisfying hiss, and his grip on my hip tightens, but that’s all. I put more effort into working my mouth over Evan. My jaw is starting to ache a little, but the need between my legs is urging me on.

  Evan’s head falls back, and he lets out a long groan. His mouth is open, but his shoulders and neck are almost rigid as he starts to push even deeper into my mouth. I slide my tongue along the underside of his dick, and he lets out an honest-to-God growl before he starts coming. I choke a little, completely unprepared. While I’ve given head many times, I don’t usually swallow. I even had a guy break up with me for it, but it wasn’t really a loss. I never even thought to tell Evan to warn me before he came. I don’t examine the whys right now, I just swallow quickly. The taste isn’t bad, not nearly as awful as my friends described. It’s a little salty, sure, but for me, it’s the texture. I can’t think about that much more, or I know I’ll embarrass myself and gag.

  Evan bends down and kisses me roughly, sliding his tongue right into my mouth, surprising me again. His lips are hungry on mine, and if I didn’t know he just came, I would say he was ready again.

  Griffin tugs at my shoulder, pulling me away from Evan and back against him. I shiver with pleasure. The shift allows him to go deeper, and this new angle, paired with his hand sliding down to my breast and the way Evan can’t take his eyes off me, almost has me panting.

  “This is going to be quick,” Griffin warns. “As much as I want to spend days between your legs and at your vein, I want to do it at home, in our bed.” He nips me roughly on the side of my neck as if it’s my fault we’re here. I turn my head, ready to tell him I’m sure Evan can do the job if he’s not up for it, but my thoughts must register on my face, because Griffin gives me a full watt smile, then bands his arm over my chest as if he’s stopping me from getting up. In the next second, he pumps his hips up forcefully, and my protests die a quick death.

  Griffin keeps his promise. After only a few hard thrusts, my insides are quaking and I’m on the edge of coming. I wouldn’t have thought he would be able to move much being in a chair with me on top of him, but hell if he doesn’t make it work.

  I tip my head back, and it falls against his shoulder. His lips start to nuzzle me gently, even as he tightens his grip over my chest, making it so I have to work for every breath. My orgasm hits me hard and fast, and I grit my teeth to keep my moans low. The second my inner muscles spasm, Griffin strikes, sinking his teeth into me in the same place he already bit me. Before my first orgasm can end, it peaks again, and this time, I can’t hold my cry in.

  I’m aware of everything and nothing. Every brush of his fingertips, every pull from my vein. Another hand, this one rougher with calloused skin, sweetly strokes trails down my chest, and I know it’s Evan, but nothing else matters in this moment. I open my eyes and r
ealize at some point I want to be over Evan while Griffin is behind me. A flush rises in my cheeks at the thought, but the imagery is already in my head, planting seeds and blooming.

  With tenderness, Griffin lifts his mouth and starts licking over the spot he just bit. He takes his time. I’m putty in his hands. My eyes fall closed, and I wish for the bed he was demanding. “Next time, sweetness,” Griffin mutters softly, and I realize I must have said it out loud.

  All too soon, Griffin is sitting forward and propping me up also. Evan is picking up our clothes from the floor, my ruined bra dangling from his fingers. I click my tongue. “You owe me a new one, those aren’t cheap.” I point at his hand. I usually only splurge on the nice stuff when my mother gives me gift cards for Christmas and birthdays, and I have a feeling I won’t be seeing those any time soon.

  Evan looks unrepentant as he walks over with my pants and shirt in his hand. “I’ll just hand over my card,” he tells me with a little grin.

  I tut again and snatch my clothes from him. Before I can stand on my own two feet, Griffin tightens his arm around my waist and rises, taking me with him. My legs are actually a little wobbly when my feet finally touch the ground.

  When I’m sliding my leg into my panties, the embarrassment hits. I can’t believe we just did that here. I keep my eyes low and focus on dressing quickly. Evan lifts his head and spins to look at me abruptly as if he knows about my sudden shift in emotions.

  In a single stride, he’s standing in front of me. “What just happened?” His dark eyes search my face.

  “What do you mean?” I hedge.

  Evan tilts his head, giving me a disappointed glare. It should be intimidating, but it’s not. However, I do find myself wanting to erase that expression from his face. I slide my shirt over my head, sans bra, to gather my thoughts for just a moment. “I’m not usually like that.” I point behind me as if the gesture can indicate what just took place. “I like sex as much as the next girl, but…never at work and…” I cross my fingers, pointing at both men, leaving the rest of the sentence unsaid. Evan brushes his knuckles against the side of his face, and his stubble makes a scratching sound.

  “What bothers you more?” Griffin queries, getting right to the point. His slacks are already done up, and he looks completely unruffled, while I’m sure I look like I’ve been well and truly sated.

  I know the answer, but I’m afraid if I say it, they may think less of me, which is rather stupid considering they are the ones who approached me about being with both of them. I straighten my spine and meet their gazes. “We’re supposed to be working.”

  Griffin pushes his hands into his pockets and raises his eyebrow. “Are we? Says who?”

  I glance at Evan, expecting him to help, but he seems to be waiting for my answer too. “Well, no one said…”

  “Right. Evan is working. I could even say I’m working, but you are just here.”

  My brows pinch in a heavy frown, and I cross my arms over my chest at Griffin’s words.

  Evan turns to stare at Griffin with wary deliberation. “Did you really just say that out loud? Don’t answer, I know what you just fucking said. How are you so fucking stupid?” Evan turns away from Griffin like he’s not expecting an answer and looks at me. “He did not mean that how it sounded, I promise.” He shoots a glare in Griffin’s direction.

  “I was trying to make her feel better. I don’t care if I fuck on the job, but she obviously does.” Griffin’s words are quiet, disgruntled.

  The word he uses to describe what just happened between us—though accurate—hurts a little to hear. I might be overly emotional, but there’s a lot going on in my life at the moment, and a girl can only handle so much with grace. The hurt swirling in my chest turns to something a little darker, and the first spike of anger I’ve felt toward Griffin in a while rears its head.

  “I never thought I was on the clock, but thanks for the reminder, because this isn’t something I would ever say to my boss. You’re an as—j-jerk.” I rein in my words at the last second, because calling someone names isn’t usually my style and it feels petty. Even calling him a jerk feels wrong.

  Griffin rocks back on his heels a little, seeming completely unfazed, that is until I see the wicked gleam in his eyes. I swear he gets off on me being angry at him. I look away, because he’s hard to be mad at, especially when he’s staring at me like he wants a repeat of what just happened.

  I reach for the door handle and jerk it open. The cool, clean air from the hall makes me realize just how much the room smells like sex. My face goes beet red, but I tip my chin up and walk out of the door. “Since I was just here, now I’m not.”

  Evan sends a quick jab into Griffin’s arm before I turn my attention down the hallway. Jon pokes his head out from another room. What is it with this guy and his prairie dog imitation? “Do you need something?” he inquires.

  “No, but they asked for you.” I throw him at the guys as a distraction. Jon hustles to get up, and he’s halfway to the door when I open the door to the lobby.

  “Ms. Shaw.” Griffin’s voice curls around my name. My back straightens and I freeze, but I don’t turn to look at him.

  “You wanted me?” Jon asks eagerly.

  I hear a growl from Griffin, then scurried footsteps. “May I ask where you are going?” His tone is more inquisitive than demanding, and that is the only reason I answer.

  “I’ll be in the cafeteria or the lounge.” I almost add, I’m not dumb enough to go wandering around by myself if that’s what you’re worried about, but I don’t.

  “Would you allow Evan to escort you?” he requests even softer.

  “I need a minute,” is my retort before I open the door and leave the security office behind.

  Chapter 13


  “I want to feel sorry for you, but I don’t think you deserve my sympathy. What the hell were you thinking?” Evan shoves my shoulder roughly, and I let him. “Jon!” he bellows.

  The worst part is I didn’t even think what I said was wrong until I saw Quinn’s face. Her usually open expression shuttered almost immediately, and she shut me out like she did on the jet after the tea incident. Back then, the fire that burned inside her lashed out, and I half expected her to get in my face and tell me off this time, but all she did was stutter out, “j-jerk.”

  “Right here.” The man clambers to get to the open door.

  “I want eyes on Quinn Shaw every minute until you see my face, got it?” he demands.

  “Got it,” Jon replies quickly.

  “Anything happens to her, and it’s your neck,” I mutter darkly, even though it would ultimately be my fault. I would still kill him though. The main office door slams as the man rushes to catch up with Quinn. At least I know he’s taking me seriously.

  “Goddammit, Griff.” Evan chucks something he picked up from the desk against the wall. “The moon knows I’m not perfect, but are you trying to sabotage this?”

  I want to hit something, but I’m just mad at myself, and I can’t beat my own ass, so I settle on keeping my mouth shut. Debris crunches under Evan’s feet as he makes his way over to the bank of computer monitors. “Help me find her,” he growls.

  I scan the monitors quickly, but I don’t need them. Her blood is coursing through my veins, and I know right where she is. “Main floor lobby heading toward the cafeteria.”

  Evan does some shit with a computer mouse, and four of the screens in the corner form one picture. When the doors push open, Quinn ducks her head in. She looks around quickly and sees it’s mostly empty. There are only a few people at the tables and some members of the staff milling about. Seeming satisfied, she lowers her gaze, makes her way over to one of the many empty tables in the corner, and takes a seat. The minute she lowers herself into the chair, she plants her elbows on the table and grabs hold of the sides of her head.

  I can’t see her face anymore, but I don’t need to. I know what it would look like. Evan punches me in the arm again.
“Fucking idiot,” he mumbles and starts shaking the mouse around again. The shot of the cafeteria remains on four of the screens so we can see Quinn, but the others flicker as he adjusts the times and camera angles on display.

  Jon slips into the cafeteria and takes a seat on the opposite side of the room from Quinn. She doesn’t notice him coming in behind her or even lift her head from her hands with his arrival. She’s way too trusting. Hell, I knew that the first night she came to Havenfall and let me into her room. Anyone who got within a hundred feet of her would scent Evan and me all over her. Usually, I would think that would be a deterrent for anyone to mess with Quinn, fearing our wrath, but I’m not taking anything for granted right now. I’m having a hard time not focusing on just her. If I would have kept my mouth shut, she would still be right here next to me.

  Like Evan knows exactly what I’m thinking, or maybe he knows since I have my eyes trained on her, he grouses, “Watch the feed so we can get this over with.” I slide my gaze to the right, but every other second, I make sure Quinn hasn’t moved. Evan leans back and crosses his arms over his chest while watching the screens. There are several rolling at sped up rates, but my eyes have no problem tracking them. “There,” I blurt, but Evan is already reaching for the mouse. The time stamp in the corner slows to a normal speed, and I see all seven unblooded vampires heading out of the main building through a back door. They’re all sporting grins and acting like this is something they do every day. Little shits. Caleb—the boy too familiar with Quinn—has his arm around one of the girls, and she’s looking up at him with coy glances.

  The feed switches to an outside camera, and we follow them until they head down a wide set of stairs and disappear once they reach the bottom. “Do you have another angle?”

  “No,” Evan grumbles. “It’s just an alcove, it doesn’t lead anywhere.” He pushes a few more buttons and the cameras bounce to other shots, but none show what’s happening under the stairs. No wonder they were never spotted.


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