Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 24

by Albany Walker

  Millie: On my way.

  I don’t have to wait long before I hear her rushed footfalls on the carpet in the hallway. Her heart rate is erratic. “Headmaster?” she calls once she makes it through the locked front door. I don’t bother to answer her, she’s already on her way to me.

  Millie knocks politely on my door and waits for a response before entering. “Come in.”

  I assess her and note her casual attire. It’s not her usual style, however it is Sunday and I only texted her ten minutes ago.

  “Headmaster,” she addresses me again, as if I didn’t hear her the first time.

  “Have a seat,” I instruct. Normally, I would just confront her about the blood and fire her immediately, but Millie is a dedicated employee. She’s also been at Havenfall since she was young. I’m not sure how young, I never really cared to look into that, but she was recommended by her teachers and quiet, which I valued. More importantly, I know she will answer any questions I have.

  She lowers herself into one of the chairs in front of my desk, barely perching on the seat with her back ramrod straight. I let her sit for a moment and stew. I’ve never invited her to sit in my office, so I’m sure she knows something is amiss.

  “How long have you been blooded, Millie?” I don’t go right for her heart. She probably has Quinn to thank for that.

  I watch her swallow. “Seven months, nearly eight.”

  “Working with me, you’re privy to certain information, like when I donate my blood to ease transitions.” She jerks her chin and begins to wring her hands in her lap.

  “I’m sure you’re also aware that I only provide for those who are in the throes of a transition. It was never meant to be part of the daily supply for feedings.”

  Another nod, this one stiffer.

  “Can you explain to me then why you would still be consuming my blood, and how you went about procuring it?” I don’t mask the cold indifference I feel. She winces, either from my tone or the direct question.

  “I arrange your deliveries. When I would order yours, I’d slip my order in too. No one questioned me about it for a long time.”

  I sit back in my chair, surprised at the ease of her explanation and how neat and tidy it is. “But at some point, someone did raise the issue with you?”

  “Tammy,” Millie admits. “I knew I was bending the rules, but…” I wait patiently for her to continue. “But it didn’t seem to bother anyone, and it’s not like I was taking it from someone who needed it,” she explains, easily excusing her behavior.

  “Neither did you,” I remind her. Millie looks down at the floor briefly, then lifts her head but doesn’t make eye contact with me. “You set up the arrangement with Tammy? She works at the blood bank, correct?”

  “Yes. She mentioned she was running low and insinuated I should ask you to donate more since I was the one always taking it.”

  “So you decided to bribe her into giving it to you?” She doesn’t answer me quickly enough, so I add, “I need to know who approached who, Millie. It won’t affect where you stand. I just need details. Either they come from you or her. It makes no difference to me.”

  “I said I would pay for it. I was kind of joking, but not really, and she said okay.” Millie lowers her eyes.

  I pull my phone off my desk and shoot Evan a quick text, asking him to send someone to her room to confiscate any blood she still has now that I know she’s not there to put up a fuss. “Don’t worry about a resignation. If you need a few days to pack, let the security office know.” I place my phone back on the desk and look up.

  Millie looks shocked, like she never saw this as a possible outcome. I don’t know if it’s denial or sheer positive thinking that has her dumbfounded. “You’re firing me, making me leave?” Her voice is low, as if she’s afraid to say the words out loud.

  I stand up and straighten my coat. Now that this is over, I can meet up with Quinn and Evan.

  “Headmaster Stone?”

  I look over at her. “Was that really a question?”

  “I’ve been here for ten years, worked for you for six of those, and you’re firing me, kicking me out of my home because of my blood preferences?”

  I raise a single brow at the fact that she’s comparing this to being partial to O negative. “I’m doing you a favor, considering I’m just firing you.” If I followed the council’s laws, I would be completely within my rights to kill her for the slight, and she should know that.

  “Is it really that easy for you just to let me go?” Millie is standing now too, her hands balled together under her breasts.

  Of course it’s that easy. When I don’t respond, she takes a step backwards as if the physical distance can spare her from reality. “Why are you so cruel?” she whines.

  It’s clear she’s delusional. “I’m not being cruel,” I state evenly. “Being cruel would imply I cared enough about you or any of this to elicit an actual emotion. I don’t.”

  Millie stands rooted in place, staring at me as if I’ve shocked her. I don’t see how any of this is a surprise, but then again, it’s obvious to me now that she’s slightly deranged. Let’s hope her obsession fades when she no longer has access to my blood.

  “I’ve had security clean out any blood in your room. I would suggest you avail yourself of the clinic or find a live donor while you’re looking for a new residence.” The quickly is implied. My words get her moving. She storms past me with her head down as if she can’t bear the sight of me. I’ll take that as a good sign.

  “Millie,” I call just as she’s about to rush out of the main office. She turns around to face me, her eyes wide with hope and a sheen of tears. “Leave your keys on the desk.”

  She lets out an unstifled sob while tugging a small set of keys from her pocket. Working frantically to remove a key from the ring, she tosses the remaining ones toward the desk. They hit the floor. I don’t expect she’ll pick them up.

  I send a text to Tasha and tell her I will need her to cover any shifts this week that should have been Millie’s. Her reply is swift and unintrusive, a simple, “I understand.” I wonder just how many people knew about Millie and her fixation.


  The kids have all been released from the containment rooms and are loosely huddled near the desk. It seems none of them want to be too closely associated with the others at this point, or maybe the few days in isolation worked better than I’d imagined and they’re trying to distance themselves from the people they got in trouble with.

  “This is your one and only free pass. You fuck up again and you’ll be expelled, no questions asked. I’ll pack your shit and drop you at the gate myself.”

  Quinn twitches at my harsh language, but I’m still too pissed at them to censor my words.

  “Since all of you seem to have too much time on your hands, you will each be assigned extra chores, and you’ve also lost all privileges. Eat, sleep, work, and school until I deem you worthy of the luxuries you squandered. Am I clear?” I look at the group. They all seem remorseful, but that could stem from being caught and the fact they have to deal with the consequences.

  “Head straight to your dorms. The floor leaders will give you instructions from there. You’re dismissed.”

  The kids don’t waste time getting out of my sight. That leaves just Quinn and me in the lower level. I asked Wes to go take care of Millie’s room when I got the text from Griff, knowing I was going to spring the kids anyway and he would no longer be needed to babysit.

  “Want to grab some lunch?”

  “That was a quick change.” Quinn chuckles.

  I reach for her and drag her closer, she doesn’t resist. “You want me to growl it?” I tease, knowing she’s referencing how harsh I was to the children.

  “No way. If you would have yelled at me like that when I was a kid, I probably would have peed my pants.”

  “Says the woman who gets up in the face of one of the most powerful vampires in existence.”

  “That’s diff
erent, he has a way of getting under my skin.” She pauses for a moment. “And I had no idea he was one of the most powerful vampires.” Her brows are pulled down as if she’s rethinking her behavior.

  “Well, don’t start treating him like it now. He would probably try to kick my ass if he knew it was my fault you lost your defiant streak.” I tuck some of her hair behind her ear, enjoying the feeling of her in my arms.

  Quinn purses her lips and scrunches up her nose. She looks adorable. “I probably couldn’t anyway, he really ticks me off sometimes.”

  “Don’t tell him I told you, but I think he fell in love with you the first time you yelled at him.” I grin down at her perplexed expression.

  “He’s weird. Didn’t you mention lunch?” She changes the subject. I can tell by the flush on her cheeks I’ve embarrassed her, so I don’t mention I realized I was in love with her when she grabbed my hand after we left the bar while she was already holding Griff’s. She would probably just convince herself I was being silly and think it was too soon for those feelings, but I know she has them for us too, whether she’s ready to admit it or not.

  “I did bring up food. What would you like? Your pick.”

  “You mean at home or the cafeteria?”

  “Unless you have something else in mind, we could go out if you want.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her to walk beside me as I head for the stairs.

  “Running off with my woman, bear?” Griff’s voice comes from the stairs. I already knew he was coming, but Quinn startles a little, her eyes wide.

  Leaning close, I whisper, “Don’t worry, he didn’t hear,” in her ear, suspecting she was worried about how much of our conversation he overheard. Quinn shivers. I like knowing I caused it.

  “And keeping secrets, I see. I don’t think you’re a good influence, definitely need supervision.” Griff is waiting a few steps up from the bottom, his lips curled in what can only be described as a teasing grin. It would be downright terrifying if I didn’t know it’s only there because of Quinn.

  “I already promised lady’s choice, so you’ll have to ask her if you can come along.”

  Quinn leans into my side and pretends to assess Griff. Her eyes skate over him from head to toe, and she gives a lazy shrug of indifference. “I guess.” She tries to keep her face impassive but ends up cracking a smile when Griff’s grin morphs into a frown.

  His eyes narrow quickly, promising payback, and I know I’m going to be the one on the receiving end, not Quinn. Griff takes the few steps down to meet us. He picks up Quinn’s hand and brings it to his lips before kissing her knuckles. “That wasn’t very nice.”

  “I was teasing. Of course you can come.” She rolls her eyes. “I always want you to come.” Quinn flushes bright red after realizing what she said, then she backpedals quickly. “Not come like that. I mean yes. I want you to come like that. But that’s not what I meant by come.” She looks between the two of us, her eyes wide in horror, and then she slaps her hand over her mouth. “How many times am I going to say come?” Her words are muffled behind her fingers.

  Griff chuckles, then shakes his head. “As often as you like, in any way you like,” he growls, tugging her hand down and holding it in his. “So where to?”

  Quinn takes a few moments to recover then says, “I wouldn’t mind getting away for a little while. Are you sure though? It seems like there’s been a lot going on recently. I don’t want to pull you guys away if you’re needed here.”

  “They can manage for a few hours without us,” Griff tells her, then releases her hand, urging her up the stairs in front of us.

  “Why am I going first?” Quinn looks over her shoulder.

  “Haven’t you ever heard of ladies first? Plus the view is nice,” I tease, which earns me a glare from Quinn.

  She moves to the side until her back hits the left wall and lifts her arm in an invitation. “Haven’t you heard chivalry is dead?” Griffin and I look at each other, then head up the stairs, indulging her. “Wow, you’re right—the view is great,” she mutters. I can hear the smile on her lips. The minx.

  Chapter 23


  Evan pulls the car into the municipal parking lot in Bakersville. I’m not sure where we’re heading for lunch, but I’m happy to be out of Havenfall for a little while. We exit the SUV and gather on the sidewalk. It’s a nice day, and it looks like many others are taking advantage of the weather. It’s fairly busy for a Sunday afternoon in a smallish town.

  “What’s your pleasure? There’s Mexican, a Chinese place, a few diners, and a pizza joint. Anything else, and we’ll have to go a little farther out.”

  “What about the bar we had drinks at? I could go for a good bar burger and a beer.”

  Evan gets a wide grin on his face. “And just when I thought you couldn’t be any more perfect.”

  “Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you?” Griffin deadpans.

  “Just stating the truth, vampire. It’s this way, come on.” Evan points down the sidewalk, past a few shops and restaurants.

  Griffin takes my hand and follows Evan’s direction down the block until we reach the front entrance of the same bar we had drinks at a few weeks ago. The guy at the door gives Griffin a nod when he pulls the door open and holds it for me to enter. “Hey, Evan,” he says to the big man behind me.

  “How’s it going, Gus?”

  “Good, good, you?”

  “Hungry as usual,” Evan tells him. I slow my steps in case he wants to chat more, but he places his palm on my back, ushering me forward. “Inside or out?” He looks down to me.

  “Out, if it’s okay with you guys.”

  “Perfect.” Evan leads me through the bar to the picnic tables out back on the patio. The stage sits empty, but there are several other people seated at the tables.

  Last time when we came here, I sat on a bench on my own while they sat opposite me, but this time when I lift my leg to place it under the table to sit, they both stay on either side of me. “Guys, we can’t all sit on this side, we’ll flip the table.”

  Griffin moves lightning fast and is seated next to me before I even have a chance to settle. Evan grumbles but walks around to the other side. “Next time, vampire,” he warns with no heat.

  “Not if you’re too slow, bear.”

  I grab the paper menu folded between the napkin holder and ketchup, enjoying their banter. “Alice mentioned something the other day.” I keep my eyes on the menu but continue speaking. “She said you guys have fought before.” I don’t tell them she also said it was spank bank material, since I think that would be a little much, even for them.

  “We spar,” Evan replies.

  “You said you guys didn’t fight.” I give Griffin a curious glance.

  “We don’t, not in the way you were asking about. That’s to let off steam and stay sharp.” Griffin has no problem meeting my gaze as he tells me this.

  “You asked about that?” Evan raises a brow in question.

  “She thought we broke the mirror fighting. I told her we didn’t and to ask you how it got broken.”

  “Oh yeah, how did that happen?” I lower the menu to give Evan my full attention.

  Evan makes a point of glaring at Griffin before answering me. “I had a momentary lapse of judgment.”

  “That’s not an answer.” I snort. “That’s an avoidance tactic. If you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.” I shrug. “It just means the visual Alice gave me really could have happened.” I keep my voice light and teasing.

  “She doesn’t know anything,” Evan scoffs, then quickly adds, “What did she say?”

  I smile wide, he fell right into my trap. “She thought you both broke it, she just didn’t think it happened when you were fighting.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

  “How exactly did she think it happened?” Griffin looks slightly perplexed.

  I’m saved from answering by the prompt service of the waitstaff. “Hey, are you guys ready to order?”
  I scoop up my menu. “Go ahead, Evan, I need a second.”

  “I’ll have a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, and cheese sticks with a basket of wings, hot,” he recites quickly as if it’s his usual, which leaves me scrambling to pick something.

  “She’s not ready, come back later,” Griffin tells the girl.

  Before I can object, she leaves the table fast enough that I realize she’s a vampire.

  I make sure not to put my menu down until I’m actually ready to order this time. The girl hustles over with a forced smile on her face. “All set?”

  “I’ll have the rodeo burger, no tomato, with fries, and may I also have a side of ranch?”

  “Absolutely. Anything to drink?” Her eyes jump quickly over Griffin and linger on Evan and me for a second or two longer.

  “I’ll take a beer, Bud Light in a bottle, and a water please.”

  “Just bring us a bucket,” Evan tells her, and she nods before rushing away from the table.

  “Geez, she’s kind of jumpy,” I comment once she’s gone from sight. Griffin may be a little taciturn, but people react to him as if he’s about to bite their heads off.

  “Blame Griff and all his charm.” Evan grabs a peanut from a bucket on the table and crunches the shell in his hand before popping it in his mouth.

  “Oh, come on. I waitressed in college. He may have been a little brisk, but he wasn’t rude,” I defend.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s the same whether I speak or not,” Griffin says, appearing completely unaffected, and it doesn’t seem like a show. I really don’t think he cares what anyone thinks about him.

  The bucket of beer arrives quickly. It’s larger than I’m used to, more like a trough that’s filled with ice and a twelve pack. Evan pops off the top of one and hands it over to me before grabbing his own.

  “Don’t think I forgot about you taunting me. What did Alice say?” Griffin badgers.

  I take a long pull from my beer, then decide to tell him. I don’t think either of them will be mad at her for thinking it. “She thought you guys were…you know, getting wild.”


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