Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set Page 38

by Karice Bolton

  By the time I got to the end of the counter, I felt another buzz.

  Looking forward to seeing you I might come early.

  Oh, shoot!

  I wouldn’t do that. You’d be very lonely since I’m not home. I’m meeting with some class members to form a study group.

  The reply was almost immediate.

  Well that sounds fun :/

  I laughed and texted back.

  Law school is known for being a blast. You should stop by and see how the other half lives.

  He didn’t waste a second.

  Don’t tempt me. Maybe I’ll swing by. Which coffee shop?

  My heart started pounding at the thought of him making an appearance, and I had absolutely no idea why.

  Fifth and Pine

  I shoved my phone in my bag, grabbed my latte and started walking toward the table of strangers. They seemed pleasant enough. Teresa waved me over and pointed to the seat next to her. I smiled and wandered through the packed coffee house, landing my books on the chair with a thud.

  “With the sound of those books, you’re definitely in the right place,” a guy at the end of the table said. He stood up and reached over to shake my hand. He had wavy brown hair and hazel eyes, which were a little hard to see behind the glasses. He was dressed conservatively in a pair of khakis and a button-down pink and white shirt with a yellow sweater draped around his shoulders. Just like the movies, I thought to myself, trying not to laugh. I’m sure to some he’d be attractive, but he looked like he took this new world he was attempting to enter a tad too seriously.

  “I’m Jeff,” he said, giving me a limp shake.


  Greetings from around the table circulated as I shoved my bag to the floor and took a seat. I felt Jeff’s eyes on me for most of my chitchat with the others, but didn’t want to think about it.

  “Can you believe how many books we have?” Teresa asked.

  I shook my head. “I knew I had to get a head start.”

  “Me too.”

  The group was naturally forming into smaller groups as the discussion turned away from law school and toward summer vacations and interests.

  “What is your focus?” Jeff’s voice boomed over the group. I glanced up and realized he was staring directly at me even though Teresa and I were in a conversation of our own.

  “Civil Advocacy and Family and Juvenile Law,” I said, turning my attention back to Teresa.

  “You’re one of those,” he continued.

  “One of what?” I asked. Teresa snapped her head in Jeff’s direction as well.

  “A fancy do-gooder who’s too self-righteous to make a penny.”

  This guy was a complete prick. I felt my pulse quicken and glanced around at the now silent table as they waited for my reaction. This wasn’t how I wanted to start off the introductions. Growing up with Mason and Ayden allowed me to voice my opinions articulately and perfect how to channel my temper, especially around males. But I didn’t really want to go down that path. Not today.

  Instead, I smiled at him, but I knew my expression was full of pity, which only infuriated people like him, men like him.

  “Exactly what I thought,” he scoffed.

  I took a sip and looked around the table at the shocked faces. They were just as confused as I was about this guy.

  “Do I look like someone you dated back in high school who dumped you or something? I’m really not sure what set you off.”

  He leaned back in his chair and stretched, smiling.

  This was really creepy. I actually did hope that Aaron showed up.

  “Hey, man, chill out,” a guy sitting across from me said. I think he said his name was Dan. He looked about thirty and completely unimpressed with Jeff’s attitude.

  “I’m just pointing out the obvious. Mark my words. She’s going to be a real pain in the ass.”

  My blood was burning, but I didn’t want him to think he had that kind of power over me. As if on cue, my phone buzzed and I grabbed it out of my purse.

  “Oh, Jeff. The eighties called and they want their shirt back,” I said, smiling as I glanced over Aaron’s text. He was only a couple blocks away.

  The group busted into skittish laughter, but I caught a glimpse of something behind Jeff’s eyes that burned of hollowness and something much deeper. He grabbed his cup of coffee and continued staring at me as he drank.

  “You going to be okay?” Teresa whispered, as she turned her head in my direction.

  “Yeah. I think so. But it certainly doesn’t give me a warm and fuzzy feeling for when classes start up.”

  “Judging by the sounds of it, you won’t have to worry about any of your classes crossing over.”

  “Hope not.”

  A shiver ran up my spine as I felt Jeff’s eyes still on me. There had to be something more here. And then the thought of the random texts and voicemails entered my mind, but that was completely ridiculous. I had no idea who this person was, and he would have no idea how to get my home and work address. We’d only just met. I was sure of it.

  “So I was thinking that with a couple of our core classes each quarter, we could have a Sunday night meet-up for those who wanted to discuss our readings and assignments. Would anyone be interested?” I asked, avoiding Jeff’s gaze.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, doll,” Jeff laughed.

  I turned to him, my blood pounding in my ears. “Listen, jerk. I don’t know what your problem is, but I can guarantee that you don’t want to mess with me.”

  “Why? Will your two big, bad brothers come and hurt me?”

  My blood curdled when the words fell out of his mouth. In an instant I jumped up and darted toward him. Before I knew it, I was fisting his sweater and pulling him out of his chair. He reeked of alcohol so badly my eyes burned.

  I felt others congregating behind me as I stared into Jeff’s cold eyes.

  “I suggest you take your things, go home, and sober up. And when you run into me at school, I don’t want a word said to me and not even a glance. You got it?”

  “What’s going on?” Aaron’s voice thundered through the crowd.

  My hand unclasped Jeff’s sweater just as Aaron pushed his way through the group.

  “This guy’s got some sort of problem with Brandy, and none of us can figure it out,” Dan said, from across the table.

  My hands were trembling, and I was forcing the tears away that suddenly wanted to overtake me. My heart still pounding, I turned toward Aaron whose eyes were blazing as he stared at Jeff.

  “She’s got it coming to her,” Jeff mumbled, as the alcohol continued to settle into his bloodstream.

  “What did you say?” Aaron’s voice was deep and determined as he took a step forward.

  “She’s got it coming,” his voice trailed off.

  Aaron grabbed Jeff’s sweater and twisted it in between his knuckles, yanking Jeff toward him. Jeff’s body was only inches away from Aaron’s, almost hanging like a ragdoll, when Aaron punched him right in the stomach. Jeff let out a wheeze, and the group quieted as Aaron tossed him back in the chair. The wooden chair skidded backward a foot but stopped with Jeff still eyeing us.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Aaron whispered, grabbing my hand.

  I nodded quickly, completely shaken, and grabbed my bag. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the other guys in the group attempting to pick up Jeff and haul him out of the coffee shop. I hoped they would dump him on the street like the trash that he was.

  “Do you know him?” Aaron asked, taking my bag from me.

  “Not for the life of me that I can remember,” I said, my voice on the verge of hiccupping. “He just went off on me, and I don’t know why.”

  “A lot of help your classmates are,” Aaron’s voice was gruff.

  “They’re all wannabe attorneys so any kind of criminal blemish that could result in—”

  “That’s not comforting,” he interrupted. “You having to defend yourself with a group of peop
le only watching…”

  “I could have taken him,” I teased, glancing at Aaron. His expression softened, and he pulled me into him as we walked down the sidewalk toward my condo.

  “I’m so sorry you had to get involved,” I said.

  “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.” The harshness reappeared in his voice.

  We arrived at my building and I glanced at the pizza place across the street.

  “I don’t feel much like cooking anymore. Would pizza be okay?” I asked.

  Aaron looked down at me and nodded. “Are you all right?”

  I drew in a breath as everything settled and shook my head. We walked into my building, but a lingering feeling of being watched stayed with me. I looked up at Aaron as we stood in the elevator and wondered what all I should tell him, if anything. This night wasn’t turning out anything like I’d imagined.

  The elevator stopped on my floor and we walked to the door, but my hands were now trembling.

  “Why do I get the feeling you aren’t telling me everything?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

  I opened the door and threw my keys onto the table.

  “You know when I asked you if you sent me flowers?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, I still don’t know who did, and then I came home to a box of chocolates outside our door.”

  “Could those be from any ex-boyfriends?” he asked.

  “You might be pleased to know that I don’t have that many, but no. I’ve also been getting weird text messages and voicemails.”

  “Can I see them?” he asked.

  “I’ve deleted quite a few of the texts because in the beginning I thought it was just a mistake.”

  “We can get them back if we need to,” Aaron replied. His demeanor had completely changed.

  I handed him my phone and he went through the texts before listening to what few voicemails I kept. He handed me the phone and we walked toward the family room. I followed behind, my heart pounding but not for the reason I had hoped.

  “Those aren’t random messages.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “They’re code.”

  “What do you mean code? Like for software?”

  He nodded and sat down on the couch, quietly thinking as his gaze was fastened to the floor. “It looks like source code. Jason knows more about that than I do, but I think that’s what it is.”


  He nodded. “Are you sure you don’t know who that guy was?”

  I sat next to Aaron and shook my head. “I honestly can’t remember him. Not from college…high school. I just really don’t. But he mentioned my two brothers, and I don’t know how he would know about them. Our class profiles are listed on the law school blog, but I didn’t list my brothers on there.”

  Fear began to spread as I thought about just how much this guy might know and how he found out the information or how he found me.

  “I’ll have you copy everything over for me, and I’ll see what Jason or I can come up with.”

  I nodded and grabbed the remote for the fire, suddenly chilled with the new information.

  “This wasn’t how I wanted tonight to go.”

  His eyes connected with mine. “What did you have planned?”

  The familiar smirk replaced concern as he scooted closer. He was still wearing his jacket and I motioned for him to take it off. I flipped on the television, wanting background noise to make me forget about the run in at the coffee shop.

  “I was hoping to pick up where we left off on Friday or Saturday,” I said, smiling.

  “Purely platonic, of course.” His brows rose as the smug expression settled on his features.

  “Obviously,” I said, running my hand over his chest. “I’ve got a surprise for you, but I can’t tell you until I’m all done.”

  His brows shot up and he laughed. “And when will you be done?”

  “In a couple weeks.” I curled into him on the couch and placed my head on his shoulder.

  I felt his warm breath ruffling the hairs on top of my head, and I imagined how wonderful it would be staying like this all night, curled in his arms.

  “I could get used to this,” I murmured, feeling the stress of the earlier events begin to dissipate.

  “I try to take good care of my friends,” he mumbled, as his hand slid down my arm.

  “You don’t let Jason curl up like this, do you?”

  Aaron started laughing, and I couldn’t shake the image of the two snuggled together on the couch.

  “Only when it’s cold outside.”

  “That’s something I’d like to see.”

  “Is that so?”

  I started laughing uncontrollably and felt him pull me onto his lap.

  “You know, I never really thanked you for helping me to get over one of my fears.”

  “The Jet Ski?”

  I nodded. “I didn’t actually think about how many things I don’t like doing because I’m scared. I just manage my life so that I don’t encounter them.”

  “I have to thank you for something as well.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, looking into his eyes.

  “Busting my balls.”

  “When did I do that?”

  “That morning I wanted to talk to you about Gabby, you told me to grow a pair.”

  “I totally forgot about that,” I chuckled and shook my head. “No one messes with my Gabby.”

  “I gathered that.” He grinned. “But that was something I needed to hear.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  Now kiss me please!

  “So what is it about this surprise or—”

  “Nice try. I’m not saying a word, but it has to do with the whole fear thing.”

  “I thought you weren’t saying a word?”

  “I don’t keep secrets well. They eat me alive.”

  His lips were so close to mine, and when his gaze fell to my mouth I closed my eyes, expecting to feel the softness of his lips. But I didn’t. Instead, I opened my eyes only to have him smiling at me, studying me.

  “You’re a hard one to figure out.”

  “I don’t mean to be.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I just think you’re wired that way.”

  “Possibly.” I shrugged and a thought occurred to me.

  “My parents are celebrating their anniversary by going to Ireland, but my brothers and I are throwing them a surprise party before they leave.”

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Would you maybe want to go with me and just hang out?” I asked, suddenly uncertain why in the world I brought that up to him. We weren’t dating yet, and that was probably the equivalent of dragging him to a wedding.

  “I’d love to come with you and meet the two people who could spawn such an odd creature.”


  He nodded.

  “You don’t even know when it is.”

  “I’ll make sure to be available.” He picked up my hand and kissed it gently. The feeling of his warm, wet lips against my skin sent my world spinning, and I secretly begged him to be kissed elsewhere. Instead, my prayers were answered by a text.

  My cell buzzed, nearly jolting me out of my own skin, and Aaron picked it up and handed it to me. I looked down hoping it wasn’t anything that would add to the night’s drama.

  “Oh my god. Gabby’s on her way up. She doesn’t have her keys, but she left her medicine here and needs it. You’ve got to hide,” I said, hopping up.

  Aaron started laughing and grabbed his coat.

  “If we’re just friends, what does it matter?” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “My room,” I said, quickly pushing him toward the bedroom.

  “Wait. Would it be so bad if…” His eyes sparkled as I managed to wrestle him in there.

  “Go to the closet,” I said. “There should be plenty of room. You’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow, and she can read me like nobody’s
business. She’d know if I was lying to her.”

  The knock on the front door rattled me even though I was expecting it. I glanced around the family room and down the hall, making sure there weren’t any clues left around.

  “Hurry up. Jason’s waiting downstairs and we don’t want to miss the ferry,” she said, through the door.

  “Okay. Okay.” I opened the door and laughed as I saw her flushed cheeks and huge smile. She was in a pair of jeans and a tight black shirt. “You’re just lucky I’m home from the study group.”

  “My lifesaver, yet again,” she said, pushing her way past me as she headed to her room. “How was the study group?”

  “Not what I expected,” I said, not wanting to slow her down. “But I’m sure it will come in handy. I’ll fill you in when you have more time.”

  She reappeared with her little baggy of pill bottles that rattled as she shook them at me. “Got ‘em. I’ve got some pretty big news. I can’t wait to tell you,” she gushed.

  “Thanks for leaving me hanging,” I teased.

  Gabby gave me a quick hug and walked out the door. I was left with an uncomfortable feeling as I realized what all I was hiding from my best friend. After locking the door, I leaned up against it for a few seconds to calm my nerves and heard Aaron walking down the hall.

  “All clear?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.

  I nodded slowly as the guilt flooded through me. He stood in front of me, pulling my body into his as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you so quiet?” he asked.

  “I don’t think we should do this,” I said quietly. “It’s not fair to Gabby.”

  The playful expression fell from Aaron’s face, and his arms unlocked from my waist.

  “Do what, exactly?” His eyes focusing on mine.

  “This.” I motioned to us both. “I can’t just be friends with you, and I don’t want to sneak around.”


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