A Gallant Grenadier: A Tale of the Crimean War

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A Gallant Grenadier: A Tale of the Crimean War Page 19

by F. S. Brereton



  "We are properly bottled this time," exclaimed Phil, with some concern,closely examining the cell into which they had been thrust. "Look atthese walls, all of thick stone, and pierced by two tiny windows withgrilles. It is a regular cage, and after a first look at it I shouldimagine escape will be impossible."

  "We was in a worse hole before," cried Tony encouragingly. "And yermust remember there's lots of ways of getting out besides digging holesin the wall. For instance, we might collar that surly-faced jailer andmake a bolt for it. But it wants a bit of thinking out."

  "Consider now, monsieur," chimed in Pierre in a plaintive voice. "Tomake ze escape from this--ah--I do not know 'is name, mais--maison--oui,maison--comprenez-vous, monsieur? To make ze escape will bring ze deathto us, ze bang and ze bullet. Alas, it will be for ze no good!"

  "Nonsense!" said Phil shortly. "If we want to get out we must chancethat."

  "Mais, monsieur, we are so happy. Why should we make ze escape? See,ze wall is strong, and ze cannon will not reach us," Pierre answered,with a shrug of his shoulders.

  "Bah! thought you was for getting out?" cried Tony in disgust. "Lookhere, little 'un, if we tries the game you're welcome to this here cellto yourself."

  Pierre subsided into silence, and commenced to make beds of theblankets, while Phil and Tony made a thorough inspection of the cell.

  "Not a loophole for escape," growled Tony. "I suppose we'll have to digour way out, for get away from here I will."

  "And I too, Tony," Phil answered quietly. "There must be a way. Whatis this?" and he pointed to an open grate, upon the hearthstone of whichwere the long-cold embers of a fire. He put his head into it and lookedup the chimney, but all was black as night. Suddenly a familiar voice,sounding a long way off, reached his ear.

  "What can it be?" he cried, withdrawing his head. "I can hear thatbrute Stackanoff distinctly. Hush! I will get higher up into thechimney. Pierre, if you hear footsteps warn me in good time." Philcrawled beneath the overhanging lip of the grate, and stood up in thechimney. Then, finding a rest for his feet, he gradually ascended.Suddenly his head struck against some brickwork, and by stretching outhis hands he found that the chimney bent upward at an easy slope.Surmounting the corner he crept up with some difficulty. The voice nowsounded much nearer, so he lay still and listened.

  "Know, then, that I have set hands on your comrades, beggarlyEnglishman!" he heard Stackanoff cry in a cruel voice. "They have beentaken as spies, and I hope will be shot. I promise you that you shallsee the fun."

  "Wretch!" a weak voice replied, in tones which sounded like LieutenantMcNeil's, "have you not already ill-treated me sufficiently, and mustyou now persecute my poor countrymen? Were it not for this wound, whichlames me, I would spring upon you and crush the life from your miserablecarcass. Leave me, you coward!"

  A derisive laugh was the only answer, and, having waited in vain to hearmore, Phil slipped back into the cell, looking more like a sweep than aBritish officer. He was greatly excited, and that, together with thefact that he was partially choked by soot, made it difficult to answerTony's eager question.

  "What luck!" he cried at last. "This cell must communicate in some waywith the next one, and in that is Lieutenant McNeil. Listen, and I willtell you what happened."

  Sitting on his blankets he rapidly communicated the words he hadoverheard.

  "I'm going up there again," he said, when some ten minutes had elapsed."If this chimney allows us to reach the other cell, it will allow us,perhaps, to escape. Evidently our pleasant Stackanoff knows nothingabout it. At any rate, if I can get into McNeil's prison, and can findsome way out for both of us, he comes with me. Poor chap! See how longhe has been shut up."

  "What, another!" exclaimed Tony aghast. "Ain't it bad enough to havethis here Froggy? ain't that hard enough? And now yer wants to take onanother pal?"

  Phil glared at him.

  "Very well," he said curtly, "we'll not make the attempt. I am sorry,for I did not know you were a coward."

  "Call me a coward, me a funk!" cried the gallant Tony, springing fromhis blanket-bed and striking himself on the chest. "Me, yer old paltoo!" He looked half-sorrowfully and half-angrily at Phil. Then hisface suddenly flushed.

  "So I am," he cried hoarsely. "Ain't the poor young officer indistress, and me wanting to desert him? Phil, old friend, here's myhand. I won't say another word against it."

  "That's right," said Phil, with a smile of relief. "I knew I had onlyto call you names to make you give way. Now I'll go up again. Come andgive me a lift."

  Climbing into the chimney he worked his way up laboriously. Soon hishand caught upon a sharp ridge of brick, and happening to look up atthat moment, he saw a square patch of light with somewhat ruggedmargins.

  "By George," he muttered, "that must be the broken chimney."

  He turned over so as to be able to inspect it the better, and, with anexclamation of annoyance, noticed that several bars crossed the chimneysome eight feet up.

  "That will be our greatest difficulty," he thought. "Still, they areonly built into brick, and we ought to be able to loosen them. Now forthe other cell."

  He felt the brickwork with his hands, and was delighted to find that itdescended suddenly at an angle, showing that it corresponded to the partin which he was lying, and that two fireplaces were evidently arrangedto pour their smoke through one common chimney. The flue down which hewas looking then must communicate with the other cell.

  "McNeil!" he cried softly. "McNeil!"

  "Hallo! Who's that?" came a muffled answer.

  Phil repeated his name again more loudly.

  "Come to the chimney!" he cried. "I am up here."

  A minute passed, and then the small patch of light which he could justdiscern beneath was suddenly obscured.

  "Who are you? Whatever is happening?" McNeil asked in an eagerwhisper. "Hush! Speak low. The jailer lives close outside my cell."

  "Do you remember Corporal Western and his friend? The two who helpedyou with the flag?" asked Phil, making a funnel of his hands.

  "Yes, of course I do. But who are you?"

  "I am Corporal Western, or rather I was," said Phil. "I am now alieutenant in the 30th. But I will explain later. My friend and I,together with a Frenchman, were wrecked and blown ashore this morning.That brute Stackanoff recognised us, and has put us in the cell next toyours, with the accusation that we are spies."

  "Stackanoff! That man must die, Western," the stern answer came. "Hehas treated me with the foulest brutality. I am half-starved, andaltogether lame, for the second wound I received while trying to escapehas festered, and I am racked with fever. For God's sake get me out ofthis, old chap!"

  "I mean to," Phil cried cheerfully. "We have no idea how we shall getout yet, but we gave the Russians the slip once before, and will do sonow. Be ready at any moment. But I will try to warn you in good time.Now I will slip back, but to-morrow I will come right down into yourprison."

  Carefully lowering himself, it was not long before he was back in hisown cell, and telling Tony all that had happened and what chances therewere of escape.

  "Speak low, mate," said Tony cautiously. "Tell yer what it is. This'ere Froggy"--and he nodded contemptuously at Pierre--"ain't worth a bagof salt. My advice is, don't tell him what we're up to. You can see heain't got the pluck to get out of this, and he's bound to know he'llcatch it if we get away and leave him. So he'll round on us if we'renot careful."

  "Impossible!" exclaimed Phil.

  "Look at the fellow then, and perhaps you'll change your mind," repliedTony in a whisper.

  Pierre was lying disconsolately in his corner, and when Phil glanced athim the Frenchman's eyes were shifty. He looked ill at ease, and wasevidently deeply curious as to his fellow-prisoners' movements.

  "What for does monsieur mount ze chimney?" he asked peevishly. "Eef zedoor open, what happen?
Vraiment, ze bang;" and he shuddered at thethought that all would be shot.

  "Look here," said Phil sternly, and with hardly repressed anger andcontempt, "that man Stackanoff has got us in his clutches, and if we areto live we must escape. I went up the chimney for that purpose, butcould see no way out in that direction. If we find a loophole, you mustdecide whether to accompany us; but mind me, do not attempt to betrayus, or we will break your neck!"

  "Betray monsieur! Ah, non!" the little man cried, lifting his hands inexpostulation. "Surely I will come with you. I will brave ze death."

  "Mind yer do then," grunted Tony, looking searchingly at him.

  But the incident, small as it was, was sufficient to put Phil and hisfriend on their guard, and after that they kept their counsels tothemselves.

  At dusk, the sour-faced jailer brought in some bread and a jug of water,and without answering Phil's remarks that the cell was not fitted forofficer or men, banged the door and locked it. Before he did so, Tonycaught sight of six Russian soldiers standing in the doorway.

  "No chance of rushing that when the jailer comes in," he said shortly."Never mind, the chimney's good enough for me."

  The bread was now divided up, and they fell to hungrily. Then, when hiswound had been dressed, Phil and his friends lay down. Fortunately forthe former, the bayonet had made a clean thrust through the muscles, andthough he suffered some pain, and was stiff, the wound was too slight toincommode him greatly.

  The following morning, just as dawn was breaking, Phil slipped off hiscoat, climbed up the chimney, and slid down into the other cell, wherehe found McNeil sleeping soundly. He was shocked at the poor fellow'sappearance. He was greatly emaciated and intensely pallid. Phil wokehim gently.

  "Hush, keep quiet!" he said. "Here I am, come to have a chat with you."

  McNeil sat up with difficulty.

  "Ah, Western!" he cried, grasping Phil by both hands, while his lipsquivered, "yours is the first friendly grasp I have felt since I wastaken prisoner. So you are now a subaltern, and have been takenprisoner for the second time? How did you escape? I sent a letter tosay how gallantly you and your friend fought by my side for the flag."

  "Yes, and it reached the camp safely," said Phil, "and I was promoted tosergeant, and my friend to corporal. But I will tell you all about itlater. Now let me know about this brute Stackanoff."

  "Ah, he is a brute! See here, Western! He has refused me the help andadvice of a doctor, and my wound daily gets worse and cripples me."

  Phil looked at it, and going to a basin in the corner of the cell,filled it with water and returned.

  "I'll set you right in a minute," he said. "I was for a little while inthe cholera hospital, and know a little about wounds too."

  Some linen lay at hand, and with this he cleaned the wound and dressedit carefully.

  "Thank you, Western!" said McNeil gratefully. "You are my goodSamaritan. Now what about this escape? I can just limp along, andshall be ready at any moment."

  "The door is out of the question," Phil replied thoughtfully. "It istoo strong to break, and a guard accompanies the jailer. Then thewindows are too small and too high up, while the floor is impossible.The only way is up the chimney."

  "Good heavens! up the chimney?"

  "Yes; listen! Our cells communicate by slanting flues, and above thejunction rises a brick chimney, which is amply wide enough for ourbodies. At present it has bars across it, but my friend--who, by theway, is now my servant--will help me to remove them. Fortunately, ashot has cut the chimney off short, and I noticed before coming in thatthe drop from the top to the roof is not very great."

  "And what do you intend doing once you get out?" asked the woundedofficer. "Remember you are in the fortifications, and the Russians areas thick as peas all round."

  "We must make for the harbour, if possible, and in any case we mustchance it. I have been thinking it over this morning; and that is theonly way out that I can see. Of course if we cannot get down to theshore and secure a boat, we must creep out between the forts and boltfor our lives. That would be a desperate undertaking."

  Both were thoughtful and silent for a moment.

  "Now I think I had better return," said Phil. "Be prepared at any time,for the sooner we are away the better. Our lives are never safe whileStackanoff has us in his power."

  He grasped McNeil's hand and crept into the chimney.

  That night, when all was quiet in the cells, and only the distantbooming of the English mortars, and the louder crash of their explodingshells, broke the silence, Phil and Tony crept into the chimney, leavingPierre breathing heavily on his bed.

  Phil climbed to the angle and helped Tony to reach his side. Then,taking it in turn, they stood on one another's shoulders, and wrenchedat the bars.

  They were more solidly-wedged than had at first seemed likely, but theshell which had struck the stack had cracked the brickwork below, andthis lessened the difficulty of their task. It was terribly hot work,however, and by the time two heavy bars had been wrenched free they wereexhausted.

  "We'll jam the loose bars here," said Phil in a whisper. "Who knowswhen we shall want weapons with which to defend ourselves!"

  Tony chuckled. "You're a cool hand," he laughed. "Who'd have thoughtof all this if it hadn't been for you. Now all's plain sailing, and Iprophesies complete success. Ah, if only that chap Stackanoff would getin my way I'd smash him into a jelly!"

  Cautioning him to keep quiet, for both were by now still more doubtfulof the cringing Pierre, they slipped down to the cell, and were soonsunk in deep sleep, as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

  On the following afternoon the cell door was thrown open, and Stackanoffstalked in with his guard. He glared at his prisoners in a manner thatshowed his temper had not improved since they saw him last.

  "Ah!" he said at last, glancing at the trembling Pierre,--who thoughthis last hour had come,--and gloating over his terror, "the whole plotis discovered. You are all spies."

  With a sob the little Frenchman fell on his knees, and with claspedhands cried, "Mercy, Monsieur ze Russian, je suis innocent!"

  "Get up, you little funk," said Phil bitterly, while Tony clasped him bythe collar and jerked him to his feet.

  "Yes," continued Stackanoff, "you are all spies. The tale that you werewashed ashore is exploded. Confess now, and I will promise to dealleniently with you."

  "Confess!" shouted Phil, roused to anger. "You know well that we are nospies. And let me tell you, you are merely an inspector, and have noright to punish us. Is this fit treatment for a British officer?Wait," and he shook his finger at the Russian, "I will yet communicatewith the gentleman who dismissed you, and probably he will be lesspleased with your conduct than before."

  "You will! then I will give you little time, you Englishman," snarledStackanoff, beside himself with rage at the mention of his disgrace."To-morrow I will have you brought before the military court, and Imyself will swear that you are spies who escaped me once before. Thenyou will be shot. After all, it is an easy death," he laughedsardonically.

  Phil felt inclined to fly at him, but he kept his temper.

  "After all," he answered quietly, "it is more easy than death by thebayonet, and that perhaps is why so many of your comrades chose death bythe bullet in the fight at Inkermann."

  "Ha, you would remind me of our disgrace!" hissed the Russian. "Listen,you stubborn English pig. Once you disgraced me and pulled me,Stackanoff, leader of a regiment of Cossacks, to the ground. I did notforget, and I will repay in full measure. You shall come before themilitary tribunal, as I told you, and that officer for whom you did thatfoolish deed shall be evidence against you. You will be condemned, andat early dawn, when the cold fog still lies on the ground, you shall beled out to your doom. I shall be there. Do you hear? I, Stackanoff,who hate you worse than any, shall be there, and I myself will shootyou. You shall hear the word, my brave Englishman; you shall see themusket rai
sed, and you shall wait. Ah, yes! you shall have time tothink over and regret your folly. Then, when your knees give way likethose of this cur of a Frenchman, I will shoot you, and your body shallbe flung into the sea. Thus you will learn that it is ill to bringdisgrace on the head of a Stackanoff."

  Phil laughed in the man's face and looked at him with steady gaze,before which the fiery Russian's eyes lowered.

  "You call this man a cur," said Phil with a smile, nodding his head atPierre. "Believe me, you Russian dog, he is a brave man compared withyou, for he would not murder his fellow-being. If that time comes ofwhich you have spoken, I will do my best to bear it; and should yourtime to face death come first, I trust you may set me an example. Idoubt it though. Bullies, such as you, are ever cowards, and vengeance,when followed too far, is apt to bring disaster to the avenger. My onlywish is that I could reach your comrades. They have proved themselvesbrave and honourable men, and would spit on you."

  The Russian's face was an ugly picture. Flushed with hate and rage, helooked as though he would repeat his former assault. But, standingupright and sturdy as he did, his head proudly held in air, Phil did notlook a young man to be trifled with, even by one with weapons in hishands. Moreover, Tony was close alongside, his eyes fixed upon theRussian's face, and clearly showing that at the slightest attempt hewould treat him less gently than before.

  "You defy me and laugh at me," said Stackanoff wrathfully. "Very well,I will leave you now and visit your friend. But you shall see me againvery soon."

  With a snarl of rage he turned on his heel and left the cell.

  "What's it all about?" asked Tony eagerly. "This lingo's too much forme, and how you ever picked it up beats me altogether. Get up, yousniveller;" and with an angry growl he hoisted Pierre to his feet oncemore, for the Frenchman had given way to his fears.

  "He's off to McNeil's cell, Tony," Phil answered hurriedly. "I'll tellyou all that passed in good time, but give me a lift into the chimney.I must hear all that happens."

  He sprang to the grate, and, helped by Tony, was soon at the angle.Breathless with his exertions, he climbed still higher, leaning his bodywell over the sharp edge of brickwork, and listened eagerly. Suddenlythere was a clash, the dull hollow echo of which came rushing up thechimney, followed by Stackanoff's voice.

  "I shall be with this prisoner some time," he said, evidently addressingthe jailer. "You and the guards can withdraw. I will hammer on thewoodwork when I require you to let me out. Now close the door anddismiss the guard."

  "Now, sir," he continued, harshly addressing McNeil, when the door hadbanged. "I have a proposition to make to you, and consider well beforeyou answer it. Liberty is dear to every man, and more so to you, whoare sick and wounded. You can buy yours at the price of that man's lifewho dragged me from my saddle. Swear that he was a spy then, and thatthat is his regular employment, and I will set you free. I will myselfhand you over to the English sentries."

  An inarticulate cry of rage burst from McNeil's throat. What followedPhil did not hear, for, suddenly overbalancing in his eagerness, he losthis hold and slipped headlong into the opposite cell, arriving with acrash into the open grate and rolling on to the floor before theastonished eyes of the prisoner and his Russian tempter.


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