Daisy and the Dead (Book 3): Daisy and the Lost Souls

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Daisy and the Dead (Book 3): Daisy and the Lost Souls Page 3

by Bale, Sarah

  I’d wondered the same thing.

  Kat replied, “Maybe he was out on a job. Seems like that’s how this place runs.”

  Maybe. But unlikely.

  Daisy said, “I’m going to look for him.”

  She tried to door, but found it locked.

  Grey said, “So we’re to stay here, but not as trusted guests. Figures.”

  “This will work in our favor. Gives us time to watch,” I said, pointing at the window.

  There wasn’t much going on outside. But about an hour later the rest of the people in our group came from the main house with Theo. He took them to another bunk house and even shook one of their hands.

  Grey grunted. “Guess that means they passed her test.”

  Kat said, “Look at the bright side. At least we have a roof over our head, food to eat, and don’t have to worry about the biters.”

  Daisy frowned. “For now.”



  I listened to the others talk in low tones all afternoon. They were right. We needed to get out of here as soon as possible. But how could I leave when I didn’t know where my dad was? And my mother - god, the thought of her made me want to cry. Was she a prisoner in her own home? I needed to talk to her.

  The thing that weighed most heavily on my mind was Lilly. She had been gasping for air, dying, the last time I’d seen her. Now she was fucking running things? My head ached and I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes. I knew how my cousin worked.

  I’d seen what she was capable in the very beginning of the apocalypse. Lying. Cheating. And doing whatever it took to get her way. There was not telling what she could do now.

  The door opened and Theo came to get us. He gave Elijah wide berth, which was probably smart, and came to my side.

  “I’m glad she’s letting you stay.”

  “I don’t know if I feel the same way. Why won’t she just let us leave?”

  He frowned. “You don’t know what it’s been like here. We’ve been through a lot to protect the ranch. I think she’s scared that if you leave you’ll tell someone and they’ll come after us.”

  “Has that happened before?”

  “Once. But we took care of the situation.” He changed gears. “It’s time for dinner. I’ll introduce you to Cooper, whom you’ll be working with. It will give your friends a chance to meet the guys they’ll be working with, too.”

  We went to the main house, which was packed full with men. I caught Grey and Elijah counting heads. But I was looking for one in particular.

  Lilly entered the living room, three bears shadowing her, and everyone grew silent.

  “We have some new additions to our group. They’re here on trial basis. Elijah and Grey, please step forward.” They did as they were told. “I want them to help with inner ground patrol. So they can learn the layout of the ranch.”

  A look of surprise flash across Elijah’s face.

  Lilly went on, “Where’s the redhead?”

  Kat moved so she could be seen and said, “My name is Kat.”

  “Kat will be on mending duty. Aunt Rose will show you what to do in the morning.” Lilly smiled at me. “And, as I said before, Daisy will be on kitchen duty with Cooper.”

  Some of the men snickered and I wasn’t sure why.

  Kat asked, “Why can’t I be on patrol? I’m a good shot.”

  “Because women don’t do jobs like that here and I’m not about to give you a gun.”

  Elijah had similar rules back in Oklahoma about the roles women could play. But his had been for different reasons. Lilly’s motives felt strategic. And, as I looked around, I realized there weren’t any other women here.

  “Let’s eat. Tomorrow will be here before you know it.”

  The men pushed past me and went into the dining room. Elijah tried to get to me, but Theo intercepted, introducing him to someone. Soon it was just Kat and me in the living room.

  “Why do I get the feeling this is the type of joint that expects women to serve the men and eat last?”

  I replied, “It certainly feels that way.”

  My mom came in, smiling. “There you are. I was wondering why you didn’t come to the kitchen.”

  “Is that where we’re supposed to eat?”

  Mom said, “You can eat wherever you want. It’s just easier to slip in and grab your own food. Poor Cooper gets overwhelmed making sure everyone has food on their plates.”

  My mom motioned us forward.

  Kat said, “I’m going to head to the dining room. These punks need to see that I’m not going to be pushed around.”

  I shrugged and followed my mom to the kitchen. Cooper was filling up plates. He had a towel thrown over his shoulder reminding me of Juan. My eyes filled with tears and I blinked them away.

  “Do you need any help?”

  He glanced at me. “Not your job.” And then he rushed to the dining room.

  “Don’t pay any attention to him. He gets moody when he’s behind schedule.” Mom went to the stove and lifted the lid. “He made liver and onions.”

  It smelled great. Mom fixed us each a plate and we went to the back porch. There were several men off in the distance with guns strapped to their backs. Guards? One came closer when he saw us on the porch. Mom waved at him and settled into a chair. I sat next to her and took a bite. The air was cool and I closed my eyes, letting the breeze caress my face.

  “Daisy, I’m worried about you.”

  I looked at my mom. “Why?”

  Did she know something I didn’t?

  “You’re too skinny.”

  I laughed, feeling relief. “Things were pretty bad on the road. It’s getting harder to find resources out there.”

  “Thank god we don’t have that problem. Lilly makes sure we’re taken care of.” She smiled. “I’m not sure where she finds all those workers, but they are godsends, helping out around the ranch.”

  I asked, “What does Daddy think about it?”

  She ignored me. “Those boys are so loyal to Lilly. I keep asking when she’s going to marry one of them. I’d love to plan a wedding in the fall.”

  She rattled on for a bit. The more she talked the more my appetite vanished. It was almost like she had no idea what was happening outside the gates. She shivered and stood.

  “I’m going in. Don’t stay out here too long or you’ll get sick.”

  She passed Elijah as she went inside. He sat next to me, taking my hand into his.

  “Everything okay? You look pale.”

  I replied. “I’m worried about my mom. She seems confused by things.”

  He didn’t reply, but squeezed my hand. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Grey and Kat came out.

  Grey said, “We’ve been talking some things over. This place just isn’t a good fit for us.”

  Elijah became alert. “What happened?”

  Grey said to me, “That cousin of yours is hiding something big. Everyone fears her and there’s a reason for it.”

  He was only saying what I’d thought myself. I just couldn’t figure out what Lilly had done to get this much power over everyone.

  He went on, “Elijah might have been a dick, but his people weren’t scared of him unless they’d done something wrong. Think about it – no one here smiles. And when they do, someone else reminds them that it’s against the rules.”

  Elijah snorted. “Thanks. I think.”

  Kat added, “We know she’s your family, Daisy, but are you sure this is where you want to be?”

  I took in a deep breath through my nose, trying to calm myself. “I’m not sure about anything.”

  The door opened again and Theo came out. “We wondered where you all had snuck off to. Come in. Lilly wants to talk to you.”

  He motioned for everyone to follow. I glanced at Elijah, wishing we had one more moment alone. He didn’t notice I was trying to catch his gaze and walked into the house first. My mom wasn’t in the room this time.

  Lilly smiled a
t me, which still made me uneasy. I wondered if she went anywhere without the three men.

  “Theo, thank you for finding them.”

  I asked, “Why were you looking for us?”

  “I think we should talk now that you know how things work.”

  I replied, “But we haven’t seen everything. Only the gate, the bunks, the jail, and this house.”

  She gave me a look. “There’s not much more here, Daisy. You know that.”

  Everything I’d been wondering spilled out.

  “Where does everyone else live? Theo? Cooper? And why aren’t there any other women here? And who are those men behind you?”

  She laughed her fake little laugh. “My, aren’t we full of questions. Theo, would you like to tell Daisy where you live?”

  He said, “I stay here most of the time. I have a room at one of the add-ons, but it’s not the same as this house.”

  Lilly nodded. “And please tell everyone where the women are.”

  “The women are with their husbands, in their homes on the property. Most of the single men stay here to keep out of everyone’s way.”

  “And the single women?”

  Theo glanced at Lilly, who nodded again.

  “There aren’t any single women here.”

  It was Elijah’s turn to make a sound. “Why not?”

  Lilly said, “Because women are weak. I think you, above anyone else, would know about that.”

  Was she making at dig at me? My face flamed.

  He must have picked up on the same vibe because he said, “I disagree. I would be dead if it weren’t for Daisy. And there were others who were invaluable to me.”

  I knew he was talking about Bertha, who’d died back in Oklahoma.

  She sniffed. “Oh yes, men can always find a good use for women. But that still doesn’t mean they aren’t weak. And can be broken easily. When you think about it, they are more trouble than they’re worth.”

  Grey said, “I hate to be the one to point this out, but you’re a woman. In case you forgot.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, thank you very much.” She touched the scar on her neck. “I’m reminded of it every day.”

  She got that scar on the day I thought she’d died. The day that man had done the unthinkable to her.

  “Lilly, I-”

  “Don’t fucking say anything about the past, Daisy. It’s done with. There’s no changing it. And there’s no sense in talking about it. I made a mistake. It hasn’t happened since then.”

  For some reason I believed her.

  Elijah asked, “What did you want to talk to us about?”

  “Right. As I said, I’m willing to let you stay here. I have faith that you all are good workers.” Her gaze landed on Grey. “For the most part.”

  He said, “My old lady and I were talking about the same thing just now. We thank you for your offer, but we’re going to pass.”

  “Pass? Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Her mood swings were giving me a headache.

  Grey nodded. “Yup. Pass. We’ll be out of your hair in the morning.”

  Lilly turned to me. “Are you planning on leaving as well?”

  “We hadn’t talked about it,” I lied.

  “I see. Well, let me make one thing very clear. Once you leave, you don’t get to come back. So, when you get out there and realize how shitty it is, don’t think you’re going to be able to waltz back in here.” She held up her hands, as if stopping us. “In fact, let me make the choice easy for you all. I’ve decided you can stay. Which means you can’t leave.”

  Grey said, “Like hell we can’t. Who do you think you are?”

  “Me? I’m the boss around here.”

  Her word choice caused goosebumps to pop up on my arms. It was a common term…

  Elijah tensed next to me. Anger rolled off him in waves.

  “What did you say?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I said I am the boss. In fact, maybe you should call me that. From what I hear, you’re used to hearing it. But this time you’ll be the one saying it.”

  “Who in the fuck told you that?”

  I’d seen him angry before, but this was a different type of anger. One of the men behind her stepped forward, putting himself between Lilly and Elijah.

  Lilly shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. All that matter is this – I’m in charge. And there’s not a god damn thing you can do about it.”


  Elijah was fuming mad. “Like hell we can’t. Come on. We’re getting out of here.”

  Lilly moved so fast that I didn’t see her pulling the gun until it was too late. She had it cocked and pressed against my temple. And everyone began yelling at once.

  “Daisy!” The anguish in Elijah’s voice would haunt me for the rest of my life, though I wasn’t sure how long that would be.

  “Lilly!” Theo cried out. “What the fuck?”

  “Everyone shut up!” Lilly screamed, “Now!”

  The room grew silent. Grey stood in front of Kat, using his body to protect her. I couldn’t blame him. If my cousin could pull a gun on me, her own family, there was no telling what she would do to them. Elijah’s body trembled as he gave me a pleading look.

  I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself.

  Lilly said, “I think you people forget who is in charge here. It’s me. Not anyone else. And what I say goes.”

  I cleared my throat. “Li- Lilly, we know that. No one is saying anything else. All they are saying is that they want to leave.”

  “And I said no.” Her lips lifted into a smile that terrified me. “But I do have something to show you. Come.”

  I didn’t want to follow her, but I knew better than to object. She put the gun back in her waistband and led us to the kitchen. Elijah grabbed my hand as we walked and gave it a squeeze.

  Lilly went to the doors of my father’s study and unlocked them.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Your dad is here. I thought you’d want to see him before make rash decisions.”

  My heart leapt in my chest. Dad!

  Lilly opened the double doors and stepped out of the way. “Go on.”

  I started to take a step, but something stopped me. This wasn’t right. From the moment we’d got there Lilly hadn’t let us do anything unless she was in complete control of the situation. So why was she letting us walk into this room, alone?

  I glanced over my shoulder. She was watching me, a smile playing at her lips.


  “Why aren’t you coming in here?”

  “Because you deserve some alone time with Uncle Brad. Aunt Rose is on her way as we speak.”

  “Why are you letting my friends come with me?”

  This made her snort. “So many questions. If you don’t want to see your father, then that’s fine.”

  I looked at Elijah, begging him to help me. Was this a trap? Would she hurt my dad if I didn’t go into the room?


  Daisy was pale as she looked up at me. I rubbed the small of her back, trying to soothe her.

  “I’ll go in first.”

  Lilly sighed. “Took you long enough,” Under her breath she added, “Boss.”

  That was something that I’d want answers to later. But now wasn’t the time.

  I walked into the study, letting my eyes adjust to the dimly lit room. Where other rooms in the house had candles, this one relied on the natural light coming in from the windows. It reminded me of a scene for a horror movie right before the boogeyman jumped out.

  Daisy peeked around my arm and whispered, “I don’t see him.”

  The chair at the desk was turned, facing the wall. For a moment, a wave a panic took over. This was so similar to Wyatt’s office. Which meant nothing good would come from this.

  Grey echoed my thoughts. “This ain’t right.”

  Lilly called from the other side of the room. “Enjoy.”

  The doors closed and the lock turned.

  Kat ran over and
tried the handle. “Why did she lock us in here?”

  “Because she wants us to see whatever is in that chair,” Daisy said, her voice trembling. “And I seriously doubt it’s my dad.”

  I wanted to tell her she was wrong, but, fuck, who was I trying to kid? I walked over to the old leather chair and spun it around slowly. Daisy cried out and I jumped back. On the leather cushion was the head of a biter.

  It was propped up, so its dead eyes stared back at us, blinking. It sniffed the air and then its mouth opened and closed.

  Kat put her hand over her mouth. “Oh god. Is that your dad, Daisy?”

  I knew it was. Though reanimated, it still looked like the man I’d seen in the photos Daisy carried with her.

  “Should we… you know?” Grey made a stabbing gesture toward his temple with his hand.

  The door opened and Rose came into the room. Like she’d been waiting on us. In her hand she held a box of some sorts. My stomach churned.

  “Don’t touch him! Get away from him!”

  She crossed the room and gently lifted the head, putting it in the velvet-lined box.


  Rose wouldn’t meet Daisy’s gaze. She brushed the hair from the forehead of… well, I guess of Brad’s head.

  She murmured, “I know, my love. We’ll get you settled soon.”

  She walked to the door and tried the knob. But it was locked again.

  “Lilly, please let us out. They’ve seen him. Please-”

  Lilly laughed from the other side of the door. “No.”

  Daisy’s mother begged Lilly to let her out until her voice was hoarse. But the door never opened. I pulled a trembling Daisy into my arms and held her close.

  “What was the point of this?”

  Her body shook as tears wracked her body. I wish I had answers for her. But I didn’t. This made no sense. Unless… unless it was to show us what Lilly could do. I got Grey’s attention.

  Grey walked over to Rose and asked, “Who did this to your husband?”

  She shook her head and held the box closer to her chest. I was worried it might bite her. But how in the fuck did a zombie’s bite work when it was just the head? Would Rose turn? I had never seen something like this so I had no idea. I didn’t want to find out, either.


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