Hollywood: SEAL Team Alpha

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Hollywood: SEAL Team Alpha Page 12

by Dawson, Zoe

  Willow pulled off her shirt, reaching for him, pushing his open shirt off his broad shoulders, swiping her hands over all that fabulous granite-like muscle. They reached for the fastening of each other’s pants then stopped, looked up at each other and laughed softly. God, she hadn’t ever had so much fun with a man in her life.

  He was quick, so darn quick in getting her fastenings undone. Nudging her hands away from his, he made fast work of his too. When he pulled down his zipper, revealing the thick bulge beneath that fly, she groaned. She pulled the waistband of his boxers away from his waist. The tip of his dick was thick. In fact, he was thick all the way around.

  She slid her hand over him, and he stiffened and leaned his head back, his breathing ragged as he exhaled with a soft, deep rumble in his chest. She was getting wetter by the minute.

  Willow pushed him back, and he slipped off the bed, shucking his shoes, socks, underwear and jeans, then pulled hers off in one quick jerk.

  “Fuck me,” he said softly as he zeroed in on the apex of her thighs.

  Her eyes went over his amazing body, and she couldn’t seem to breathe as her words came out strangled.

  “Yes, please,” she whispered, and his eyes came back to her.

  Hollywood slipped his hand under her butt, gripping her bottom tight, and dragged her to the edge of the bed, forcing her legs to widen against the breath of his shoulders as he knelt.

  His strong hands, slightly rough and callused, pushed her legs wider apart. His dark stubble added a sensual scrape against her skin as he lowered his head, the silky touch of his tongue both a relief and pure torment, wringing a husky moan from her.

  He laved her in hot, sleek strokes, and she gasped when he slid one long finger, then two deep inside her then gradually withdrew them, only to sink back into her in a slow, languid thrust.

  On the verge of spiraling apart, her body quaked with need, her inner muscles contracting. She whimpered, and without thinking, she grabbed handfuls of his hair, arched into his skillful, decadent mouth and begged him to end the fierce, burning ache he’d stoked within her.

  He was a good listener and closed his mouth over the knot of nerves while her fingers twisted in his hair as she came in a shuddering, mind-bending orgasm that seemed to go on and on and on. The pleasure shot through her sharp and riveting, leaving her breathless, but oh, God she wanted more.

  It was clear he did too, his patience gone and nothing but a warrior sex god in his place. He moved over her, the slide of his warm, hard frame along the length of hers making her pulse leap higher and faster, as did the way he fitted his lean hips between her still trembling thighs, forcing her legs high around his waist. She was pinned beneath all that power and command, his weight balanced on his forearms, with just enough on her to feel so damn good.

  His chest crushed her breasts, his lean hips and muscled thighs shoving her legs wider as he fit himself there. His erection, so hot and thick and eager, furrowed along her sensitive flesh and unerringly found the soft, slick entrance to her body. Before she could recover from the aftershocks of her dizzying climax, he drove into her, high and hard and thoroughly plumbing to the very depths of her.

  She sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation of being stretched and filled so completely, in a way no man had ever filled her before. Her fingers curled around his biceps, her back arched, and her nails bit into his straining muscles.

  A low, ragged sound wrenched from him, pausing to give her a moment to adjust to his size and length. He looked down into her face, his chest expanding, as he met her gaze and brushed back strands of her hair lying against her cheek with a touch so gentle and tender her chest tightened with a startling connection that seemed to transcend their physical joining.

  “Okay?” he asked, concern in his blue eyes.

  The fact that he was more worried about her made her heart roll over hard. She was caught so thoroughly that her expectations that this night was going to be one-night only and all about sex and pleasure, nothing more had been blown out of the water. She had forgotten to tell him that she didn’t want to get involved with a Navy SEAL. But Hollywood was doing things to her that she couldn’t fight.

  “You feel amazing,” she said.

  He smiled and withdrew, surging forward slowly. Her body clenched tight around him, and he groaned, the sexy, masculine sound reverberating against her chest and belly.

  “You do too,” he rasped.

  Smoothing her hands down the hard-packed muscle along his spine, she cupped his impossibly rock-hard butt, feeling it flex as he pulled out of her then glided into her again, over and over until she was mindless from the pleasure.

  With a primitive hunger lighting his blue eyes, he increased his tempo until their flesh slapped against each other. He rode her hard with a fierce aggression. Capturing her lips with his, he kissed her, his mouth and tongue just as demanding and as insistent as the way his body claimed her.

  His thrusts grew stronger, deeper, harder, his hips moving fast and furious with a powerful, arousing possession until she felt something she’d never felt before while any man was inside her. Waves of pleasure stabbed deep inside of her, centering in her core with such ecstasy she could hardly breathe.

  Was she climaxing? Was this what it felt to come when a man was inside her? Then there were no more thoughts. He was moving uncontrollably now, his body so big and forceful, she reveled in being a woman because he was such a fucking amazing man.

  There was no room for gentleness or patience. There was only room for this urgency and a fever of need—and greed, a driving, desperate, frantic greed that consumed her, drove them both to the edge of an emotional precipice. Her orgasm crested in a liquid rush of gratification. The pleasure was so intense, so all-consuming, she wrenched her mouth from his and cried out, giving herself over to this…this…SEAL orgasm and him, totally.

  He was right there with her, tossing his head back with a low, feral growl, his hips grinding against hers as his own climax thundered through him. After one last, shuddering thrust, he slumped against her and buried his face in the crook of her neck, seemingly trying to gather his equilibrium. She didn’t even try, just lay beneath him absorbing every sensation, every beat of his heart, his out-of-control breathing, crying out softly when she moved her hips, reveling in the feel of his hot, throbbing cock deep inside her.

  She hugged him fiercely, her hand on the back of his head. Hollywood inhaled unevenly then lifted up and looked down at her, kissing her on the curve of her neck.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.

  Willow nodded. “It was fantastic. Are you?”

  Drawing one arm from underneath her, he braced his weight on it and looked down at her. With the dark stubble shadowing his strong jaw, his heavy-lidded eyes and his tousled hair, he looked dark and dangerous and very male. He gave her a slow, soft smile, a trace of amusement in his eyes. “You drive me crazy.”

  Hollywood leaned down and kissed her, his mouth warm, moist and open against hers. She slid her hand up his neck and kissed him back, feeling guilty that she wasn’t giving him all the emotional honesty he had given her. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, but she’d been hurt in the past by men making promises they didn’t keep. This whole affair would probably be over once she took his picture and he had no reason to see her. She wasn’t being pessimistic—she just knew that she was forgettable.

  Except Hollywood hadn’t acted that way. Her confusion increased. She wasn’t sure how to feel about him, almost afraid that he’d disappear like her dad did, get deployed and leave her to fend for herself alone.

  Her throat tightened because she was getting very involved with this man and it was folly. Sliding her hand over his chest, she kissed him back.

  Holding her still, he eased away then sighed and raised his head, his eyes dark and sated as he gazed down at her.

  Willow tried to ease the guilt and fear in her chest. “I’m glad you’re here, Jude.”

  He shifted his gaze as he drew his thumb across her mouth, and the muscles in his jaw bunched as he looked at her again. There was a directness in his taut gaze that made her throat contract some more. “You won’t hear me complaining,” he murmured. He leaned down and kissed her again then carefully withdrew from her. Using his arm as leverage, he lifted himself off her then stretched out on his back and reached for her. “Come here,” he said gruffly. “Holding is part of the package.”

  Willow complied, leaning over him and turning off the light. They tucked in under the covers, and she snuggled into the curve of his body, her head on his shoulder, her knee slipping between his, the weight of his arm across her back holding her securely against him. She stared into the dark room, her hand rubbing his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

  Hollywood sighed in pure contentment and covered her hand with his, and Willow shifted her head a fraction and said, her voice quiet, “What’s up?”

  He sighed again and shook his head. “Saving the world stuff.”


  He chuckled. “I’m more like The Bat.”

  “Hmm, right. Darker with an edge. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “And ruin your night? No. It’s classified stuff anyway, Willow. Don’t worry. We’re on it, and it’s going to all turn out all right.”

  Her mouth tightened. Of course, he couldn’t talk about it. There was a world separating them when it came to what he did for a living. Sharing with him was important to her, but when only one of them could tell the other about how the day went, that was limiting. Just another reason not to get involved with a Navy SEAL.

  “No borrowing my gray tights. That’s non-negotiable unless you’re toting some Baskin Robbins Chocolate Chip ice cream. Then I expect you not to hang them over the shower rod.”

  “That’s where your bras and panties go?”

  “Damn straight. You are a superhero. Oh, and no hogging the covers, or I’ll kick your butt out of bed and none of your gadgets are going to get you back in.”

  His laugh was low and sexy. “Is that so? I might have one gadget you can’t resist.”

  He turned toward her, and the thickness of his hot erection poked her in the hip.

  “Oh, God. That was fast.”

  “That’s the best part about us superheroes. We recover quick.” He covered her mouth, and there was no more breath to talk.


  The first thing Hollywood had to deal with when he woke up was his raging boner. It was stiff and throbbing, jutting from his body in serious need of respite. Willow stirred next to him, and his morning wood just got harder as her silky thigh brushed up against his leg, her knee close to his dick. Nothing a boner and his two sidekicks, Dexter and Lefty, enjoyed more than easy access to the amazing female body, two sets of slick lips, hot, satiny skin, smart hands and mouth. Oh, yeah, his boner and the twins were big fans.

  He turned his head and opened his eyes to the full view of a disheveled, well-loved woman, which led him to his second thought of the day. He knew exactly what to do with Dick and the boys. Her blond hair was everywhere, on the pillow, draped on his chest, under her shoulder, and across part of her sweet, relaxed face. He came up on his side and gazed down at her. She was beautiful, and even with all the activity last night, his need for her, not just sexual he realized, hadn’t abated one whit. If anything, it only compounded on his experience with her. Between her selflessness, her dedication to her ailing dad, her sexy, witty brain, her smart-ass mouth and the fact that she wasn’t intimidated by him or saw him as a slab of beef, he had no interest in getting dressed and getting out of her bedroom before she got the notion he wanted to stay.

  He wanted to stay.

  That was as alarming as his declaration that he wanted to break his own rules last night. This all led him to the third thought that morning.

  He was royally boned when it came to Willow.

  Hollywood reached out, his breath trapped in his chest, and touched her warm cheek with the backs of his knuckles, smoothed her disheveled hair away from her face. The tenderness hit him out of nowhere as he tried to dismiss the thoughts sifting into his mind. But they were persistent, hence the boned part.

  Her deep, even breathing paused, and she let out a soft sigh, shifting on the mattress and rolling to her back, exposing the teasing view of her pink nipples at the edge of the cover. He reached down and bunched the cotton in his hand and drew it down her body and off her, revealing all of her to his avid gaze—her generous breasts, curvy waist, long slender legs, her belly-button ring that winked at him with the small gold eagle clutching a trident. He smiled at the Navy SEAL symbol. Her breathing shifted again, her nipples tightening in the cool air and her sensitivity to the sensual caress of the sheet, turning him on even more. She made a sultry sound that went right to his cock, and he closed his eyes at the primitive need to control, to dominate, to possess her completely, without inhibition, holding nothing back.

  The need in him driving his actions, he bent his head to her breast and latched on to a nipple, biting her softly. She arched her back with a sound that fueled him on, low and deep. He suckled her, hard and strong, the feel of her in his mouth creating a tugging, rippling sensation that spiraled down to his groin. He caressed his palm up her quivering thigh, and she opened for him.

  “Jude,” she whispered softly.

  No one woman, save Ashley, ever knew his first name. He’d always told them Hollywood. But the sound of it on her lips made him raw, and everything in his body surged. He lifted his head and captured her mouth, the kiss carnal and fierce, his fingers finding her core, pushing inside, catching the gasp she made against his lips. As he plundered her mouth with demanding strokes of his tongue, she melted into him, setting off a liquid heat that washed through him, his dick aching in a way it had never ached before. He strummed her core with his thumb in a circular motion, building up the tension in a delicate touch he’d perfected over the years, stoked he could use it on Willow and make her come hard and deep. She frantically pushed her hands through his hair and twisted her fingers into the strands just as wild abandon sang through his body.

  Willow was caught against his fingers and what he was doing to her, wanting to conquer her. She was participating as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It fed his hunger, doubling it instead of satiating him. He wanted more, and she did too. She panted for air, her breath hot and damp against his mouth.

  She arched her back, the sounds of her approaching orgasm sweet music to his ears. He could tell instinctively when she was getting close. He wanted to absorb her cry into him like sweet nectar. As if his thought set her off, she let out a muffled cry and arched sinuously against his mouth as she came, her whole body shaking.

  Fire pulsed along his shaft, mixed with an undeniable need to possess her in every way imaginable. Without giving her a chance to fully recover from her orgasm, he moved up over her, the slide of his body against hers making his dick pulse, ravishing her his one thought. She reached down to touch him, and when her fingers fluttered over the broad head of his shaft, he sucked in a hissing breath, the pleasure mind-bending and electric. Grasping both of her wrists, he pulled her arms up and pinned them above her head, giving him complete control of her.

  He settled more firmly on top of her, his thighs forcing hers farther apart with a growl, and he was pressing his dick intimately against her, nudging his way in, stretching her.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered, setting his body on fire. He looked down into her face, tight with her desire open and bright in her gray eyes, so intense it burned straight to his soul, and he knew in that moment that he’d never be the same again. He groaned, deep and feral, needing her like he’d never needed a woman.

  He whispered, “I’m going to fuck you until you scream my name,” before he crushed his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply, passionately. He shoved into her, into her slick heat, possessing her completely. “So tight, so wet. Fuck, Willow.�

  Their moans mingled, and once he began to move, there was no way to stop, even if he could fathom why he’d do such an idiotic thing. Willow was like pure adrenaline, making him crazy until there was nothing but bringing them pleasure left in his head and her taking over his heart like a stormtrooper.

  “Jude, Oh, God, Jude,” she murmured, her tone utterly devastated. “Please…”

  He pulsed with each slide, the unbearable pleasure of each thrust increasing the sensual tension in his dick until he was mindless with his strong, seductive rhythm.

  “Jude,” she cried. “Oh, my God.”

  He plunged into her with each driving, impaling thrust until the tight pleasure released in a surge of hot, aching rapture. He came in a blinding climax of gripping, mind-blowing gratification. Arching into her high and hard, she cried out again, as his release reached its peak. Then he pumped uncontrollably until he was spent.

  Hollywood stared down at her in the aftermath, both of them breathing hard, panting. Her gray eyes as vibrant as sun-kissed fog were wide and dilated, her expression stunned and full of emotion…for him.

  She wrapped her arms around him, desperately holding him in a fierce embrace as if she wasn’t ever going to let him go.

  It felt so goddamned fantastic.

  In a rush of tenderness and need, he captured her mouth with his. Her lips parted as she responded as passionately as he was kissing her, shoving his fingers into her hair and holding her head in his hands, as he delivered a demanding, open-mouthed, tongue-tangling kiss.

  He withdrew from her warm, soft body, rolled to his back beside her, pulling her against him. His lungs felt tight, his breathing still choppy, his heart racing like hell. Never had a woman affected him on such a primitive, I-can’t-get-enough-of-you level. But Willow had that effect on him ever since he locked eyes with her in the bar. He turned toward her, dragging her closer. She looked as wiped out as he felt. Her eyes were closed, but she snuggled his face then opened her eyes.


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