Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze) Page 28

by Sable Hunter

  Jewel kissed his face, damp with perspiration. She stroked his hair, rubbing his shoulders, loving how he trembled in her arms. “Put me down, love.”

  When he placed Jewel on her feet, she put her arms around him, gladly giving Easy her support. After all, he was weak kneed because of her – of her! “We never made it to the bedroom.”

  Easy laid his head on her shoulder, a laugh slipping through his lips. “The night’s young, treasure. Give us time.”

  “The night isn’t young.” Jewel melted against him.

  “We can sleep in tomorrow.”

  “True. Have you eaten? Are you hungry?”

  As if in answer, his stomach growled. “Just a little, I could eat more. A late supper sounds perfect. Just don’t go to a lot of trouble on my account.”

  “No problem.” Kissing his shoulder, she bent to pick up their clothes. “I’ll warm up some food, then I’ll shower. I should’ve done that first; I spent the day in the swamp. I hope I don’t smell like it.”

  “You smell like a flower to me.” He gazed at her with absolute adoration as he slipped on his jeans, sans underwear.

  “Yea, some stinkweeds have flowers.” Jewel pulled her shirt on. Since the bottom of it came to mid-thigh, she didn’t put on anything else. “Leftovers okay?”

  “If it’s something you cooked, I’m sure it’ll be fantastic.” Easy laid his shirt over the back of a chair, stuffed his socks into his boots, then placed them next to the wall. “So, your spending the day in the swamp, did it have anything to do with the Lawsons?”

  On her way to the kitchen, Jewel stopped, shocked. “Now who’s the psychic? How did you know?”

  “Tonight, at the bar, I overheard Sheriff Hill and his brother talking about it.”

  “Everett?” Jewel felt goosebumps rise on her body.

  “Yea.” Again, he chose not to tell her of the fight. No need for her to worry tonight. “You helped find someone?”

  “I did.” Jewel turned away and headed to the kitchen. She didn’t want him to see how nervous the mention of Everett’s name made her. “Truman Lawson’s mother wandered off from her husband at the senior citizen’s hall. She climbed into a stranger’s car and went to sleep in the backseat. Her husband was frantic.” Opening the fridge, she took out food she’d made early this morning. “Stuffed pork chops, maque choux, and rice. How does that sound?” she asked as she made two plates and slipped one into the microwave oven.

  “Sounds incredible.” Coming up behind her, Easy soothed his palms over her shoulders and down her arms. Clasping her hands, he linked their fingers. “You’re the nearest thing to a superhero I know.” Hell, he didn’t know how to explain it. Her aura, her presence was bigger than she was – overwhelming, intoxicating. Easy felt completely enveloped by her energy. He wanted to immerse himself – drown in it.

  “Me? Not even close.” Jewel leaned against him as he kissed her neck. “I’m not the one who wrestled an alligator and shows up like Superman every time danger is near.”

  “You inspire me. I want to be your hero.” Lifting the waterfall of her dark hair from her neck, he inhaled her sweet scent as it rippled through his fingers. “You’re so special. Special to me.”

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Jewel confessed to Easy as he brought her to sit at the table while the food warmed. “I…uh, guess we should talk.”

  Not wanting to hear her voice any doubts, he sought to reassure her. “Let’s just plan on having a good time. I want to spend the entire weekend with you. So, think of some things we can do together.”

  “Oh, okay.” Putting anything else into words would probably not be wise. Regardless, there were a few things she needed to say. First off, an apology. “I’m sorry we argued last night. Especially after you risked your life to save me.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I don’t blame you. It’s not like you were judging a book by its cover, you were reading what was written inside.” He took her hand in his and began to trace the lines on her palm. “I’m just saying things are different with you.”

  Jewel believed him; she just didn’t know what this really meant for the two of them. “I think we should just take things one day at a time and enjoy one another’s company.”

  Easy searched her face, wishing he had some of her ability. He would certainly love to know what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers. “All right. That’s fair.” He gave her a tender smile. “I look forward to every moment with you.”

  His hopeful, positive attitude was contagious. “Me too.”

  Wanting to make her feel comfortable, he changed the subject as he rose to switch out the plates in the microwave. “You’ll never guess what my roommate did.”

  “Cotton? What did he do?” she asked, taking a moment to appreciate her circumstances. She, Jewel Baptiste, was sitting at her kitchen table with the sexiest man she’d ever seen in her life – bar none. And the way he was looking at her! Like she was beautiful. Jewel couldn’t help but wonder if the effects of her carnelian spell were still lingering in the air.

  Easy looked a bit sheepish. “Well, I was upset when I left you earlier. When I went next door, I was sort of lost. I took it out on the chess game, upsetting the board, and knocking all the pieces on the floor.”

  “You did?” Jewel hadn’t realized he’d been so hurt. She linked her fingers with his.

  “Yea, just before I stormed out.” He grimaced a bit, chewing on his bottom lip. “When I came back, the board was set back up, the pieces in the same place they were in before I turned it upside down.”

  Even though she regretted their argument, the antics of the spirit amused her. “He must really be into this game you’re playing.”

  “Right?” He winked at her. “I even checked the camera to see how it happened.” Easy gave her a sidewise glance. “I thought maybe you came over and put it back up.”

  “I wouldn’t have known the positions.”

  “I know.” He nodded, his eyes holding hers. “When I checked the camera, most of the recordings were static and white fuzz. Apparently, Cotton doesn’t like to be photographed.”

  She shrugged and wrinkled her nose. “I’m sure if we were in his position, we’d feel the same way.”

  Her comment seemed to take him aback. “Maybe so. I’ve never thought about the afterlife a great deal.” Narrowing his eyes, he studied her face. “I don’t suppose I’d like to be spied on either.”

  A ding from the microwave told them the food was warm. “Water or sweet tea?”

  “Water’s fine.” He rose to help her. “So, what do you want to do this weekend?”

  The prospect of spending time with him was heady. As they reclaimed their seats and began to eat, she gave it some thought. “Well, how about a couple of short road trips. We could see a few sights, eat some good food.”

  “Perfect.” He took a bite, almost swooning. “My God, woman, you are a magician with food.”

  “Thanks.” His praise made her heart swell. “I’ll have fun cooking for you. Gumbo. Jambalaya. Muffulettas. Etouffee.”

  Easy licked his lips. “Sounds like I’ll be fat and happy.”

  Jewel laughed, her heart light as a feather. “How much traveling have you done in Louisiana?”

  “Not much. Been to New Orleans a few times. Driven through the northern part of the state on my way to Arkansas, that’s about it.” He thought a moment. “There’s one event I’d love to attend, but it might not be your thing.”

  “What’s that? We just missed Mardi Gras, that was a couple of weeks ago.”

  “True, this is a little different. I’d like to go the prison rodeo at Angola.” He took a bite, watching her carefully as he gauged her reaction.

  “Sure.” She brightened. “I’ve never been. Sounds like fun. We’ll be just north of Saint Francisville, maybe we could stop by there going or coming. I know of some really neat things to see and do around there.”

  “Great.” He grinned at her. “It’s a date.”

  They finished their meal, put the dishes in the washer, then Easy looked at her expectantly with his hands on his hips. “Do you have an extra toothbrush or should I run home and get one?”

  “Uh, I keep a couple of new ones on hand.” She gave him an assessing look. “And you don’t sleep in anything, do you?”

  He snagged her close and kissed her soundly on the cheek. “I plan on sleeping in your arms, how’s that?”

  “Sounds good to me.” She led him down the hall. “I think I need a quick shower. Want to join me?”

  “Now, you’re talking.”

  His obvious good mood made Jewel happy. “Wow, I didn’t realize this room was so small.” Her bathroom was adequate, nothing fancy. No tub, just a shower. A sink and a toilet.

  “It’s not small, treasure. I’m just big.” He turned on the fixture for them, taking Jewel in his arms for a kiss while the water came to temperature. “We don’t need much room, anyway,” he muttered his breath caressing the shell of her ear. “I plan on staying plenty close.”

  I plan on staying plenty close.

  The man wasn’t kidding.

  A little while later, they lay entwined in the bed, her lying on his broad chest with her head on his shoulder. “I will never be able to step in that shower again without thinking of what you did to me in there.” Jewel felt her body grow warm with the memory of the way he went to his knees at her feet, the way he propped her leg over his shoulder – the way he kissed, licked, sucked between her thighs – bringing her to ecstasy over and over again.

  Easy cuddled her close. “I’m glad. I could say the same thing about this bed, you made me cum so hard, I thought the top of my head was going to blow off. The only difference is – I plan on making so many memories with you in this bed, they’re all going to run together into one incredibly erotic montage.”

  As sleepy as Jewel was, she managed to smile, rubbing her hand leisurely over the firm muscles of his pecs. “Sounds like a movie I’d like to see.”

  “True.” He tightened his arm around her. “But I really look forward to playing a starring role with you as my leading lady.”

  Jewel playfully dug her fingers into his side. “Costars, Blackhawk. I don’t play second fiddle to any man.”

  With one powerful move, Easy rolled her over until he was on top – not crushing, enveloping. “Equal billing. Always. And you’re right, nobody puts my baby in the corner.”

  Even though she giggled a little, this man thrilled her. He was so intense. Bigger than life. “Ah, Johnny, I…” She played along with his movie reference for a second, then went completely serious, “I feel things with you I never expected to feel with anyone, Easy.”

  Easy held himself over her, dipping his head for a kiss. “You’re not only making me feel new things, treasure, you’re opening my eyes to a whole new world.”

  * * *

  “This is going to be fun.” Jewel hugged herself, giving her arm a little pinch. Yes, she was wide awake. So far, the day was just about perfect. They’d slept late, made love, made breakfast, and now they were on an adventure.

  “I think so.” He’d gone online and bought tickets for the rodeo first thing. “We have a few hours to kill before we need to be at Angola. What’s going to be our first stop?”

  “Saint Francisville, unless you get hungry.”

  “Not going to happen anytime soon.” Easy rubbed his stomach. “That bananas foster French toast you prepared for us was epic.”

  Jewel beamed at his praise. “I’m glad you liked it.” She pointed ahead of the truck down the highway. “Just stay on Highway 1 until we reach Highway 61, then take that into Saint Francisville.”

  Checking the upcoming road sign, he saw they were a few miles outside of White Castle. “Is this town named after the hamburger chain?”

  “No.” Jewel gathered the information from her brain, doing her best to ignore Easy’s thoughts. Impossible. She chewed on her lower lip as the images of her naked, her breasts rosy from his kisses rose like a movie being projected on her mind’s eye. Wow. “Uh, the town is called White Castle because it was carved from an old plantation of the same name.” Another image from Easy’s head bombarded Jewel – her lying on the bed with legs wide open, her back arched, a look of absolute rapture on her face. “In…this wide bend section of the river, history runs deep. A steamboat named The Princess exploded in 1859, killing hundreds. The bodies of the dead and dying were carried to a plantation by the name of The Cottage, which later served as a hospital for yellow fever patients.”

  “Talk about ghosts, huh? I bet this area is full of them.”

  Now, the image of her kneeling at his feet, his cock in her mouth, her looking up at him with a look of abject enjoyment. Did she look like that? Wow! She coughed. “I’ve heard stories. I’ve never ventured there.” For that very reason. “Just across the river from here is a town called Carville. You’ve probably heard of the Democratic pundit, James Carville, who worked on the Clinton campaign.”

  “Oh, yea.” Easy nodded. “He’s always appearing on news shows, sometimes going up against his wife. She’s a staunch Republican pundit. What’s her name?”

  “Right. Her name is Mary Matalin. Anyway, the town is named for James’ grandfather, who was postmaster there. What most people don’t know is from 1894 until 1999, Carville was home to the only leper colony in the United States. People were taken there in handcuffs, stripped of their identity, and forced to live in that facility for the rest of their lives. Their voting rights were stripped, their children taken away, even their right to fall in love and have a family was forfeited.”

  “Crap. I never heard any of that before.”

  He looked surprised, but Jewel also picked up an impression of her reflection in a mirror, him taking her from behind, his hands cupping her breasts, his body bucking and pumping as he impaled her again and again. Merciful Heavens. A rush of wet heat hit her right between her legs. Still, this whole thing struck her as funny. “While I’m talking about leprosy, you’re thinking about sex. Are you even listening to me?”

  “You read my mind!” Easy threw his head back and laughed heartily. “Of course, I’m listening to you. I’m also thinking about having sex with you.”

  “At the same time?”

  He chuckled again. “Hey, I’m talented.”

  Yes, God help her, the man was multi-talented. “But you’re thinking about it all the time,” she said half in jest, half in awed disbelief.

  “Hey, I’m a man.” He shrugged. “With a huge sexual appetite. I tend to think about sex a lot. Especially now that I have you in my life.”

  Jewel couldn’t help it, she fanned herself. “Me? But you’ve…”

  Easy didn’t let her finish. “It’s different with you, Jewel.”

  She wanted to ask how was it different. She wanted to ask why it was different. Instead, she muttered, “I’m surprised you can carry on a conversation with those types of thoughts running through your head.”

  Easy shrugged. “I think it’s a guy thing.” He watched traffic for a moment, then cut his eyes toward her. “Do you always sense my thoughts so easily?”

  Boom! What a good question! Her mouth fell open. “No, I don’t.” So, why now? Jewel asked herself. The only explanation she could come up with was their closeness. “The connection between us seems to be growing in relation to the…”

  “Number of times we have sex?” he asked with a grin.

  Jewel blushed. “I was going to say the amount of time we spend together.”

  “Hmmm.” Easy seemed to give that idea some thought. “Soon, I suppose, you’ll know what I’m going to say before I say it.”

  “I don’t know. This is new for me.”

  Easy glanced out at the high levees right next to the road. On the other side of those earthen berms lay the mighty Mississippi. “This is new for me too, treasure. I’ve never felt this close to anyone before.”

  Jewel wanted to hold on to that idea. She didn’t want t
o know what the future held; she wouldn’t purposefully pull back the curtain of time to peer into the future. For the simple reason – she was afraid to look. “So, we’re friends as well as lovers.”

  “Yea.” He smiled, seeming to like the idea. “We are. I like that we’re friends. Don’t you?”

  “I do.” She’d read a dozen articles in magazines that relationship last longer when they weren’t just built on sex. “I haven’t had too many close friends over the years.”

  “Me either,” Easy confessed. “I hang out with guys, Friday night buddies. We share a beer, but nothing more. I guess my brother Sam is my best friend.” He rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “I’m close to all my brothers, but Sam and I speak the same language.”

  “What language is that?”

  Easy exhaled, keeping his eyes on the road. “Oh, I don’t know. We could always talk about things.” He smiled at Jewel and shrugged one massive shoulder. “Sam and I aren’t quite as perfect as our brothers. Lately…”

  “Lately, what?” She took a moment to note her thoughts were her own now.

  Easy held her eyes for a few seconds before turning his attention to his driving. “Before I left, he changed somehow. Pulled away.” He tightened his hand on the steering wheel until his knuckles appeared white. “I guess that was one of the reasons I decided it was time to leave.”

  Jewel reached out to touch his arm. “When’s the last time you talked to your brothers?”

  “Just a couple of days ago. I called the day we found that woman’s body, just in case they saw it on the news and wondered.”

  “Why don’t you call and talk to Sam soon?” Jewel suggested softly. “I bet he would love to hear from you. He might even want to talk about what’s bothering him.”

  “I could try.” Easy let out a long breath. “I just hope it’s nothing serious. We went through that cancer scare with Daniel; I’d hate to think something like that was up with Sam.”


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