U.S. claim to, 380
U.S. violation of Colombian sovereignty, 330, 333
weekly newspaper in, 536–37
women in, 560–63
Canal Zone Pilot (guidebook), 561
Cannon, Joseph “Uncle Joe,” 274, 291
Captain Macklin (Davis), 354
Carmack, Edward, 382
Carnegie, Andrew, 120
Carnot, Sadi, 57, 129, 212
Carroll, Charles, 450
Carroll, James, 414
Carson, J. P., 42
Cartagena, 175–76, 358
Cartagena, S.S., 364, 367, 372, 373
Carter, Henry Rose, 413–14, 416, 424–25
Carter, Laura, 425
Casa Dingler, 100 illus., 154, 160, 163, 447
Cascade Tunnel, 461
Castilla del Oro, 27, 112
Castro, Francisco, 369, 370
Central America, 38, 249, 256, 282, 322, 327
search for canal site in, 19–44, 59, 77, 261, 263
yellow fever in, 141
Central Hotel, 178, 374
Century magazine, 263
Cervera, Demaso, 110, 114
Céspedes, J. A., 104
Chagre, Indian chief, 109
Chagres River, 90 illus., 107–11, 132, 158, 159, 283, 406, 441, 453
American plans for, 307, 483–89
damming of, 107, 117, 155, 165, 184, 307, 484–89, 548, 590, 613
Dingier plan, 155, 165
Eiffel plan, 194
exploratory trips on, 31, 33, 34, 63, 116, 130, 136, 139
Lépinay plan, 80–81, 307, 484–85
Lesseps plan, 104, 188
in Menocal plan, 76
Roosevelt visit to, 493
in Technical Commission plan, 117
in Wyse plan, 75–76, 78, 82
Champagne, S.S., 281
Chanute, Octave, 120
Chauncey, Henry, 35, 105
Chesnaye, La, 50, 51, 53, 226–27, 234
Chicago, 122, 284, 294, 324
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, 462, 470
Chicago News, 51
Chicago Times-Herald, 293
Childs, Orville, 39, 40, 75
Chimborazo, Mount, 29
China, 27, 71, 72, 475
China-U.S. treaty, 27
Chinese labor, 37, 72, 110, 474–75
Chiriqui Lagoon, 399
cholera, 34, 37–38, 49, 68, 134, 500
Choral Societies Echo, 232
Christiansen, Christian, 83
Christophe-Colomb, 133, 175, 178, 186
see also Cristobal
Chrysler Building, 591fn.
Chucunaque River, 22
Cincinnati, 281–83, 294, 324
Cincinnati Commercial Club, 282
Cincinnati Enquirer, 450
Cipriano de Mosquera, Tomas, 32
Cirque d’Hiver, Paris, 127
City of Washington, S.S., 388, 395, 396
Clark, Charles, 609
Clark, Thomas, 448
Clarke, W. H., 41
Clayton, H. B., 579
Clayton, John, 38
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 38, 256
Clemenceau, Georges, 98 illus., 191, 213, 215, 219, 233
duel with Boulangist, 220–21
witness at trial, 229, 231
Cleveland, Grover, 192, 377
Cleveland, Ohio, 284
Clinton, De Witt, 31
Coast Survey, 20, 22
Cocarde, La (newspaper), 209
Coco Grove, 561, 568fn., 569
Collier’s, 570
Collins, Ensign, 42
Collins, Father, 571
Coloma, Calif., 33
Colombia, 11, 22, 71
contract with Wyse, Türr, 61–67, 103, 276, 390
Prestan Uprising, 175–79
secession of Panama, 360–97 passim
transit treaty with U.S., 32–33, 136, 318, 340–41, 351, 377
U.S. canal-building treaty, 268–69, 329–60 passim, 377
Colón, 21, 175, 178, 452, 453, 469, 557, 559–63
Canal operations at, 117, 131–34, 148, 155–57, 161, 164, 463, 545
Lesseps’ visits, 104–6, 112–13, 186
earthquake, 149
Front Street, 90 illus., 104–6, 133, 147, 149, 453
hospital at, 37, 134, 148, 159fn., 267, 448, 580
housing, 444, 577
hurricane (1885), 184
“immorality” at, 146–47
Prestan Uprising, 175–79
rainfall at, 132
revolutionary activities in, 345, 353, 355, 357–82 passim
sanitation, 112, 175, 392, 405–6, 465–67
slum conditions in, 405, 423, 477, 577
in U.S.-Colombia treaty, 332
in U.S.-Panama agreement, 345, 353ff., 392
water supply in, 112, 175, 392, 445, 471
Colon, S.S., 106, 118, 176
Colorado River, 24
Columbian Exposition (1893), 442
Columbia University, 340, 570
Columbus, Christopher, 12
statue of, 105
Comité Americain, 122, 127–28, 289
Comité Technique International, 275, 313
Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, 262, 282, 283, 288–94, 306, 415, 441, 442, 610
beginning of, 240, 288–89
Bohio dam project, 307
and Comite Technique, 275
contract with Colombia, 331–33, 337–38, 346, 385, 393
Cromwell’s services, 273, 324
and Isthmian Canal Commission, 274
U.S. purchase of, 265–66, 273, 291–94, 337–38, 385, 393, 400–402, 506
Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique, 91 illus., 102, 122, 127, 151, 170, 183–85, 204–41 passim
bribery of press and parliament, 125–26, 209, 211, 217–18, 227, 229–33, 238
collapse of, 202–6
court trials, 222–34
official investigations, 206–9, 211–213, 216–21
stock issues, 124–28, 185, 189, 194–202
stock-and-lottery project, 185, 189–91, 194, 208–9, 218, 224, 229–30
ultimate financial settlement, 288–289, 400–401
Companyo, Louis, 134
Concha, José Vicente, 329–31
Concord, U.S.S., 379
Congrès International d’Etudes du Canal Interoceanique, 58–59, 70–86, 117–18, 183, 189, 195, 237, 239, 262, 283, 325
Congressional Record, 263, 397
Connor, William, 176, 177
Conrad, Joseph, 380, 385
Cooley, Lyman E., 314
Cooper, Edward, 120
Cooper, Peter, 120
Coquelin, 284
Corea, Luis, 318
Coseguina (volcano), 283, 317
Cosmos Club, 245, 246, 253
Cotard, M., 82
Cottu, Henri, 98–99 illus., 209, 210, 222, 223, 226, 234
Court of Appeal, 98–99 illus., 226, 234
Court of Assizes, 227, 234
Cousin, Charles, 60
Couvreux, Abel, 72
Couvreux, Abel, fils, 103
Couvreux, Hersent et Compagnie, 72, 103, 130–31, 148, 150–51, 154
Crawford, Emily, 117, 188, 191, 200–201, 215, 228, 233, 238
Crédit Foncier, 126
Crédit Lyonnais, 197, 293
Crédit Maritime (periodical), 102
Cristobal (Christophe-Colomb), 133, 175, 178, 186, 440, 467, 471, 494, 533, 580
Cristobal, S.S., 594, 609
Cromwell, William Nelson, 299 illus., 310, 329, 456–58, 460
appearance, character, 271, 272
biographical sketch, 272–76
and Bunau-Varilla, 286, 290–91, 294, 320–21
and French canal company, 324, 325, 330, 337, 400, 401
influence with McKinley, 274
Panama-canal lobbyist, 273–76, 280, 286, 290–92, 310, 320–25
and Panama independen
ce, 339–353, 384, 389, 399–401, 446
and Republican Party, 460, 506
and Roosevelt, 336–37
and treaty with Colombia, 330–31, 334, 336–46, 348–50, 352–53
Crowell, Nathan, 157
Cruces Trail, 34
Crystal Palace, London, 25, 46
Cuba, 254, 256, 406, 417
Cucaracha slide, 526–27 illus., 550–552, 554, 604, 607
Culebra (Summit Station), 36, 76, 80, 111, 367, 513 illus., 516 illus., 552, 556, 560
housing at, 571
Lesseps visit, 186
Prestan Uprising, 178
Stevens headquarters, 489, 532
water supply, 467
Culebra Cut, 420, 436–37 illus., 469, 521 illus., 526 illus., 528 illus., 529–54, 563, 566, 575
accidents, 546
Bunau-Varilla at, 162, 185, 193
Canal opening, 605–6, 614
contracts, 148, 170, 185, 191
dimensions, 119, 539
equipment, 159, 464, 470
excavation, 148, 159, 170, 276, 307, 314, 440–42, 464–65, 503, 604–5, 611
excavation techniques, 168–69, 193, 445–47, 480, 506, 548–49
Roosevelt visit, 495–99
slides at, 165–69, 283, 521, 531, 550–554, 573, 604–5, 613
statistics, 159, 530, 545, 547, 611
Cullen, Edward, 22, 23, 40, 42, 43
Cullom, Shelby M., 260, 324, 339, 361, 396, 397
Cunard Line, 321
Cupica Bay, 29
Curtis, William, 273
Cushing, Harvey, 574
Cutbill, de Longo, Watson and Van Hattum (Anglo-Dutch Company), 170
Cyane, U.S.S., 22, 24
Czolgosz, Leon, 247
Daniels, Josephus, 506
Darien, Isthmus of, 19–23, 39, 40, 43, 62, 64, 74, 379
Darling, Charles, 367, 379
Data for the History of the Independence (Arango), 343
Daubrée, Gabriel Auguste, 71, 83, 137
Dauchy, W. E., 469
Dauzats, M., 83
Davenport, Homer, 304 illus.
Davis, Charles H., 21, 23, 28
Davis, George W., 407, 408, 421–23, 447, 449, 482–83
Davis, John L., 565
Davis, Richard Harding, 240–41, 354, 392
Davout, Claude, 60
Dawes, Charles G., 287
Decker, Howell & Company, 272
Deeks, W.E., 571, 574
Deering, James, 284
Delahaye, Jules, 208, 210–12, 217, 232
Delamalle, Madame, 50
de Lesseps, see Lesseps
Delmonico’s, 119, 239
dengue fever, 141
Depew, Chauncey, 120, 247
Dernière Bataille, La (Drumont), 206
Déroulède, Paul, 220–21
Desjardins, Judge Pilet, 230
Detroit, 607
Devol, Carrol A., 542
Dew, Harvey G., 565
Dewey, George, 257
Dingier, Jules, 154–55, 160–65, 168, 178, 195
appearance, background, 153–54
his casa, 154, 160, 163, 447
collapse and defeat, 179–80
family, 160, 171, 180, 447
his spending, 163, 182, 206
Dingier, Madame, 153, 160, 171
Dirks, Jacob, 71, 103, 115, 116, 137, 185
Dixie, U.S.S., 316, 360, 367, 375, 376, 379
Douglas, Crawford, 157
Drexel, Morgan & Company, 122
Dreyfus, Alfred, 277, 281, 289, 351
Drumont, Edouard, 198, 205–11, 213, 217–18, 221, 235
Du Bois, James T., 336, 386
Dulles, John Foster, 272
Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway, 461
Dunne, Finley Peter, 608
Duque, J. Gabriel, 345, 346, 363, 369
Dziembowski, 138
Eads, James B., 120–21
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, 148–50, 285–87, 299 illus., 315–317, 319, 323, 324, 606
East Culebra, 551
Eastwick, Philip G., 448
Eaton, Ensign, 42
École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 129, 171
École des Ponts et Chausees, 128–129, 153, 161–63
École Polytechnique, 49, 128–29, 153, 162, 541
Économiste Français (periodical), 183, 196
Économiste Pratique, V, 209
Edison, Thomas A., 215
Egypt, 48, 50–55, 57, 151, 186
Ehrman, Felix, 363, 369, 376, 378, 380, 388
Ehrman Bank, 373
Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave, 129, 208, 211, 218, 598
at Congrès International, 71, 82, 83
contract with canal company, 194–96, 217, 598
locks designed by, 195, 598
pro Nicaraguan canal, 82, 325
shareholder in Compagnie, 289, 293, 400
trial and verdicts, 98–99 illus., 224, 226, 233–34
Eiffel Tower, 195, 204, 207–8, 598
Empire (Emperador), C.Z., 111, 133, 147, 467, 547, 548, 551, 556, 562, 578
Empire State Building, 591fn.
encephalitis, 409
Endicott, Mordecai T., 449fn.
Enfantin, Prosper, 48–50
engineers, 53, 92 illus., 128–31, 314, 322, 325
Ephrussi family, 206
Erie Canal, 31
Ernst, Oswald, 280, 449fn.
Espinosa, Manuel, 300 illus., 397
Espriella, F.V. de la, 396, 397
Eugénie, Empress, 51, 54, 55, 105
Evans, Doctor, 55
Evarts, William, 67, 89 illus., 122, 377
Everybody’s magazine, 440
Ewing, Winifred, 564
Falcon, S.S., 33
Farnham, Roger, 273, 334
Feuillet, Octave, 60
Fieberger, Gustav, 510
Field, Cyrus, 122
Field, David Dudley, 120
Field, Marshall, 284
Figaro, Le, 126, 202, 219
Finlay, Carlos, 144, 409, 413, 414
Fish, Hamilton, 377
Fitzgerald, Corporal Jack, 568
Flachat, Jules, 71, 84
Floquet, Charles, 211, 217, 227, 229, 231–33
Flying Dutchman, 141
Foch, Ferdinand, 129
Fontane, Marius, 98–99 illus., 191, 210, 222, 223, 226, 227, 234
Ford Motor Company, 598
Ford’s Theater, 143
Fort Brown, Texas, 412
Fowler, Robert G., 563
Fox, John, Jr., 562
Frachen, Louis, 171
France, 11
anti-Semitism in, 205–7, 223, 235, 236
Chamber of Deputies, 185, 190, 196–97, 202, 208–21, 224, 228–31, 279
Franco-Prussian War, 55, 56, 206
Ministry of Justice, 210
press, 125–26, 171, 183–84, 230–32, 238
and U.S., 67, 122–23, 266
France Juive, La (Drumont), 205
Franck, Harry, 558–60, 567, 568, 570, 571, 575, 576, 582
Franco-American Trading Company, 148
Franco-Egyptian Bank, 125
Frank, C. A., 399
Franz Josef, Emperor, 54
fraternal and secret orders, 564
French, Daniel Chester, 602
French engineers, 40, 53, 92 illus., 128–31, 314, 322, 325
Freud, Sigmund, 563
Freycinet, Charles de, 191, 215, 217, 227, 229, 231, 233
Frick, Henry Clay, 450, 492
Fritz, John, 130
Front Street, see under Colón
Froude, James Anthony, 146
Frye, William P., 325
“Funeral Train” (Gilbert), 453
Gaillard, David D., 432–33 illus., 513 illus., 532, 550, 553, 566
on Canal Commission, 510–11, 568
at Culebra Cut, 520 illus., 541
and Goethals, 571, 573
nervous break
down, 573–74
Gaillard, Mrs. David D., 510, 511, 513 illus.
Gaillard, Pierre, 571, 574
Gaillard Cut, 613
Galena, U.S.S., 176, 359
Galérie des Machines, 128
Gallinger, Jacob H., 324
Gambetta, Leon, 55, 56
Gamboa, 138, 147, 155, 159, 165, 548, 606, 613
Garay, Francisco de, 71, 77
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 50, 537
Gates, John “Bet-a-Million,” 272
Gatun, town of, 80, 90 illus., 133, 488, 489, 587
Lesseps’ visit, 107–8
vice, crime at, 146
Gatun (tug), 528 illus., 605
Gatun Dam, 505, 556, 604, 606
Lépinay proposal, 80, 484–85
construction of, 488, 489, 507, 540, 549, 550, 589–90
Gatun Lake, 484, 489, 558, 581, 595, 604, 606, 607
extent of inundation, 587
Gatun Locks, 484, 489, 507, 525 illus., 528 illus., 550, 613
construction of, 540, 590, 592–96
control board, 602, 603
finishing of, 604, 605
Gatun River, 80, 107–8
Gauguin, Paul, 174
Gaulois, Le (newspaper), 209, 212, 232
General Electric Company, 599–602
geography, study of, 58
Germain, Henri, 197, 293
Germany, 56; see also Franco-Prus-sian War
Goethals’ trip to, 570
Gerster, Bela, 67
Gilbert, James Stanley, 438
Girardin, Emile de, 126, 191, 230
Girerd, Doctor, 144
Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 129
Glass, Henry, 353, 379
Goethals, Efrie Rodman, 534, 536, 571
Goethals, George, 534, 535, 571, 605
Goethals, George W., 432–33 illus., 530–43, 545, 546, 549, 550, 554, 557, 565, 604–17 passim
background, 508, 509
Canal opening, 609
Canal Record, 536, 537
character, personality, 534, 535, 554, 572–73
chief of Canal, Commission, Zone, 504–5, 510–11, 530–43, 570, 580, 610–11, 616
close associates, 571
and Congress, 538–39
death of, 616
Gaillard, 574
and Gorgas, 572–73
Governor of Panama Canal, 608, 616
Panamanians, 587–88
personnel policies, 536–38, 540, 541, 581, 604
reorganization of work, 539–43
Roosevelt and, 510–12, 546
sea-level canal, 488
and Stevens, 478, 505–7, 532–33
Sunday court, 537–38
and Taft, 470, 504, 510, 511
vacations, trip to Germany, 570
Goethals, Thomas, 534, 574
gold and silver wages, 472
Gold Hill, 170, 547, 550, 580
Goldmark, Henry, 594–95, 597, 610
gold rush, 33, 35, 38, 50
Gorgas, Amelia Gayle, 142, 412
Gorgas, Josiah, 408, 412
Gorgas, Marie Doughty, 412, 416, 423–25, 535, 571–73
Gorgas, William C, 134, 144, 145, 159, 172, 235, 432–33 illus., 454, 566, 582, 585
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