Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3)

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Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3) Page 70

by Suzanne Halliday

  Pretending to swat her fine ass through the heavy velvet, he told her to close her eyes and clasp her hands behind her back.

  The depth of her trust humbled him when she complied without any evident qualms.

  He took a jewelry box from his inside pocket, opened it, and lifted the heavy diamond necklace out.

  Goddammit. His fingers picked the wrong time to turn clumsy. He fumbled, and muttered, “Shit,” when he almost dropped the damn thing into her cleavage. Fishing tens of thousands of dollars worth of diamonds from between her boobs sounded like fun but wasn’t quite the romantic gesture he envisioned.

  Summer’s giddy excitement slammed into him like charging buffalo. She had to be aware of his all-thumbs struggle. Even with her eyes closed, it was hard to miss. When her lips quivered, and he looked closer, it hit him how hard she was trying to keep from laughing.

  The clasp of the necklace must have been fashioned by someone with a dark sense of humor. It looked fastened, but he wasn’t sure. Visions of the magnificent bling sliding off his lady’s neck in mid-conversation brought him once again to the diamonds-in-cleavage predicament.

  Moving to her front, he plucked a chandelier earring from the box. How did he know what chandelier style was? He didn’t, but his grandfather had a salesman side. When the old guy handed over the case, Granddad filled him in with the specs and fancy words.

  Threading the earrings through her ears was also fun times. Maybe if he wasn’t nervously shaking, it would have been easy but no such luck. He bent his knees to get a closer look at what he was doing. With his face next to hers, he inhaled her perfume. The scent was soft and dreamy like her.

  When he managed the second earring and stepped back for a look, he raised his fists to mimic the win, and mouthed the words, “Mission accomplished.”

  He touched the glittering diamonds where they laid against her skin. The daring neckline spotlighted her bodacious ta-tas in all their double-D glory. Smiling, he dropped a kiss on each mound and surveyed his handiwork.


  He put his hands on her shoulders and carefully turned her to face a wall mirror. From behind, he whispered into her ear, “You can drop your hands now and open your eyes.”

  She quivered and let out a long sigh. When her eyes slowly opened, he had a front row seat as surprise and joy filled her expression.

  “Oh my god, Arnie. What did you do?”

  Recognizing one of this evening’s most important moments when it stared him in the face, he kissed her neck and smiled at her reflection.

  “I didn’t do anything,” he drawled. “These are for you from my mother.”

  “Shut up.” She gasped as her hand reached up and gingerly touched the magnificent necklace. “These are Lianne’s?”

  “They were. Now they’re yours. Do you like?”

  “Like?” He saw her eyes tear and her mouth wobble.

  She turned and melted into his arms. “Kiss me before I start crying and mess up my makeup.”

  “My pleasure,” he murmured before tasting her lips with gentle kisses.

  “My lippy looks good on you,” she teased when they separated and smiled at each other.

  Reaching for the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket, she found a handkerchief and pulled it out. Shaking it out, she gathered a corner and used it to swipe her lipstick off his mouth.

  She repeated the procedure on her mouth and then turned back to the mirror. When she dug in her cleavage and produced a lipstick case, he nearly dropped to the floor in hysterics.

  “Hush.” She laughed.

  “Dottie says every woman comes equipped with a Puerto Rican purse. I once watched her pull a Walther PPK, James Bond’s preferred pistol, out of her bra.”

  Summer’s eyes widened. “Did she shoot?”

  “Of course she did.” He laughed. “You’ve met her, right?”

  She applied the lipstick, made a noise with her lips, and arched a brow at him in the mirror. “I can’t tell when you’re joking or serious.”

  Well aware of his grin’s ability to turn up the sexual heat on even the most mundane of moments, he gave her the Wanamaker smirk, grinned bigger when her eyes flared, and drawled, “Just trying to keep the romance alive.”

  She slid out of his grasp and stood in the middle of the study, twirling in her gown. “How do I look?”

  The words “very fuckable” almost fell out of his stupid mouth. Applying the brakes, he put it in reverse, backed it up a little, and came back with something less rude and hopefully more in keeping with the evening he had planned.

  “You look like a fairy-tale heroine on her way to a magical ball.”

  Groaning, “Aww, how sweet,” she was on him in a flash, plastering her sexy body against his. “No kissing. Makeup, remember?” She clutched his lapels and made love to him with her eyes.

  Drawing back before he embarrassed himself by coming in his pants, he kissed the tip of her nose and gestured at the closed door.

  “Your admirers await, milady. Shall we?”

  He held out his elbow. She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm and took a deep breath.

  “Just family, right? No surprises?”

  “You are correct. Just family.” He grinned, knowing what surprise awaited her.

  They left the study and started down the long hallway. She matched her steps to his and clung to his arm. Her adoring glances made him feel like a god.

  Laughter rang out as they neared the formal living room. Stan’s voice was loudest as he said, “Dad! Catch!”

  As they came around the corner and stepped into the room, he heard Summer choke out a sound as their baby daughter sailed through the air while being tossed between his brother and father.

  Dottie was taking cell phone pics, and his grandfather was choreographing the whole thing.

  Ari, for her part, was giggling up a storm.

  “Shit,” he murmured so only Summer would hear. “Your daughter is going to be a daredevil, isn’t she?”

  “Says the ninja acrobat,” she replied.

  Clearing his throat loudly for dramatic effect, he paused them in the archway until everyone looked their way, and he had their full attention.

  “Look who I found wandering about,” he said in an announcer’s voice.

  Dottie took it from there. “Summer!” she exclaimed. “You look like a princess! I love the coordinating outfits!” She pointed at the baby. “Brava!”

  Everyone rushed forward at once, each gushing profusely about his sunshine lady’s beauty and charm. He was pretty sure at some point pride and pleasure made him puff up like rising dough.

  Not only were diamonds a girl’s best friend but they were also a surprisingly potent aphrodisiac. Something about the cool stones on her skin gave her shivers and sent arrows of lust into her core. The pleased with himself Adonis glued to her side didn’t know it yet, but she was going to screw his brains out later wearing nothing but her sexy diamonds and the Jimmy Choos.

  She’d never been a guest at a fancy dinner, so everything delighted her. When a waiter-waitress duo appeared to handle appetizer tray service, she pinched herself. Never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned her life taking such a luxurious turn.

  The doorbell rang, and she noticed Arnie stand at attention. Wondering what made him react so, she followed the direction of his gaze. At first, she saw nothing unusual. Then Mrs. Estrada appeared in the archway.

  “Captain Reed Warren,” the housekeeper announced a half a second before her brother strode into the room in his impressive Army dress blue inform. He removed his hat, slung it under his arm, and searched those gathered until he found her. His smile stretched from ear to ear.

  “You clean up pretty good, twerp,” he laughingly greeted her and came to her side. He kissed her cheek, whispered, “Is the bling real?” and then gave Arnie a thumbs-up gesture.

  “Reed, what the …?” She stammered. “How did you get here?”

  The question was stupid, bu
t she was too shocked for reason.

  “Well, let’s see.” He tapped his chin and pretended to think. “Your baby daddy’s dad’s daddy called me with an invitation.”

  She squinted and deciphered his word salad. Baby daddy was Arnie. Arnie’s dad was Ned, and Ned’s daddy was Pops. Looking straight into Darnell Senior’s happy gaze, she made a heart with her hands, and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Senior smiled and made a sweeping pointing gesture to Arnie, letting her know it was his grandson’s idea.

  She looked into her man’s beautiful eyes. He was watching her with an intensity she felt in her bones.

  Everyone crowded around them, Ari was passed from person to person, pictures were taken, alcohol consumed—just not by her—and appetizers devoured. When Mrs. Estrada gave them a ten-minute heads-up before dinner was served in the formal dining room, their happy family gathering was firing on all cylinders, and Summer couldn’t imagine a more wonderful night.

  They took their seats around the dining table. Instead of one large flower display, there were small, square crystal containers lined up in the middle of the table. Each had a different arrangement of wildflowers, greens, and in a few, mini sunflowers. Flickering pillar candles set inside antique-looking crystal vases were interspersed with the flowers and gave off a warm glow. The attention to detail was amazing. By lowering the floral arrangements and removing the heavy candelabras, the result was intimate and homey. Conversation flowed easily, and everyone seemed totally at ease.

  “Are you happy, sunshine girl?”

  She met Arnie’s warm gaze and smiled. “Never happier,” she answered.

  Her hand moved under the table, hidden from view beneath the tablecloth. She found his knee and squeezed before slowly moving her fingers up his thigh.

  He sat back and dared her to continue with his twinkling blue eyes.

  “So I did good?” He chortled.

  She rolled her eyes, much to his grinning delight. “I’m going to have to let you off the hook now,” she murmured. “Was that your intent?”

  He mimicked a hook in his mouth pulling him closer to her and chuckled. “Nah, I like the hook.”

  Everyone else was busy talking, and some were still eating while lively conversations took place. No one was interested in them at the moment. Even Ari was napping nearby with Mrs. Estrada hovering close.

  Leaning forward, she casually rested her free arm on the table and fiddled with an earring as she gave Arnie her undivided attention.

  Beneath the tablecloth, she danced her fingers on his inner thigh, and at times, feathered them briefly in the area of an impressive bulge.

  Lowering her voice, she murmured flirtatiously. “I’ve been giving a bit of thought to your suggestion.”

  His grin doubled before he too, sat forward, boxing her in with his overwhelming physicality. “Which of my brilliant suggestions are you referring to?”

  Good god, he was too cheeky for words and hot as hell to boot.

  “Oh, you know,” she purred.

  Wetting her lips and then briefly tugging her bottom lip with her teeth, Summer delivered what she hoped was a scenario he wouldn’t be able to get out of his head.

  “The daddy thing.” She boldly played her fingers on his erection and felt a thrill when he inhaled sharply.

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  She giggled and lowered her eyes the way a proper baby girl should. The flirty maneuver worked. The heat level between them rose quickly.

  “I googled it,” she quipped.

  He chortled and stared at her boobs. “Daddies can be very demanding.” His words were spoken softly, but they had the same effect on her libido as a shot of erotically supercharged sex fuel.

  Either he noted her reaction from the look in her eyes or he sensed it with his supernatural voodoo skills.

  They needed to come up with an expression to describe an alpha male, a cocky, supremely arrogant, well-hung alpha and the primitive growl-smirk that went along with his overconfident swagger. The second she saw it on his face, she was a goner.

  “Do I sense a quivering pussy?” he breathed into her ear.

  She didn’t answer. Couldn’t—not when her body reacted with carnal interest. The sort of interest she mustn’t act on—not when people were around.

  He chuckled at her obvious discomfiture and sat back. The rest of the dinner went by without much notice from her. She was too deep inside a particularly filthy fantasy starring a demanding daddy. Spooning ice cream into her mouth, she imagined him teasing her by withholding his cock until she put on an award-winning pout performance. Her body reacted to the sexy daydream. She could feel him stroking in and out. Pressing her knees together to stop the pulsing ache didn’t help.

  After dinner, they all went onto the terrace for brandy and coffee.

  She loved the terrace. So did Pops. He had several different clusters of seating, an outdoor fireplace, and several classy outdoor heaters to ward off the January chill.

  There was also an ice bucket holding a ginormous bottle. On a table nearby was a tray of champagne flutes.

  Oh, my god. Was this what she thought it was?

  With Arnie’s family and her brother watching, her Adonis sank to his knee and waved her closer. The expression on his face brought happy tears to her eyes.

  “Wait,” she said with her hand up. He appeared startled, and his brows bumped together in confusion.

  “Is this what I think it is?” she asked.

  “Uh, probably?” he answered with an amused question.

  Snapping her fingers and clapping her hands, she issued orders to their stunned witnesses.

  “Reed. Get Arianne. She needs to see this too.”

  Dottie laughed. She waved her cell phone. “Do you want me to play photographer?”

  “Yes! And do you have a mirror?”

  “Oh, for god’s sake,” Arnie muttered. He spread his arms wide, and squawked, “I’m on my knees here, woman, and you want a mirror?”

  “Oh, hush.” She laughed. “After what you put me through, I suggest you zip it and learn patience.”

  Dottie cackled with glee. “Hang on. Let me get my purse.”

  Stan—dear, sweet, wounded Stan—sang the Jeopardy thinking music. Arnie flipped him off and Ned? Ned was beaming with joy.

  Dottie came toward her with a mirror. Summer fished out her lipstick and swiped it on. She looked at Arnie’s second mom, and asked, “Do I look okay?”

  “Honey, you look like someone holding the winning ticket to a life few people live but many dream of.” She leaned in and whispered, “Well done, Summer. Well done.”

  When Dottie pulled back, she gazed down at Arnie and chuckled. “This is a good look. On your knees.”

  Arnie said, “Seriously, Quickie?”

  She patted his cheek twice. The second pat was more like a slap. “I’m writing this up for the newsletter.”

  Looking handsomely resplendent in his dress blues, Reed returned to the terrace with Ari in his arms. In a weird nod to the only family she knew until this moment, she, her brother, and her daughter were all wearing dark blue.

  The baby smiled at her. Summer watched her little eyes search and stop when she found Daddy. Her smile, swear to god, got bigger.

  Reed kissed Ari’s cheek, and then looked at Arnie, and drawled, “Okay, you’re up, baby daddy. Better make this good. I’m only giving my blessing this once, so don’t mess up.”

  Arnie looked at her. “Yep, before you ask, I got the bastard’s okay for this.”

  She glanced around, making eye contact and pausing at every person. When she arrived at Darnell Senior, he was wiping his nose with a handkerchief. It touched her heart to see him so visibly overcome by his grandson’s happiness.

  Dottie insinuated herself at the perfect spot to get the best angle of shots. “Fairy-tale endings, take one,” she boomed.

  Chuckling, Ned clapped his hands to mimic a movie clapperboard. “And scene,
” he called out merrily.

  Summer smoothed her hands down her gown and stood straighter. She stroked the side of her beloved’s face and smiled.

  “This is your big moment. Are you ready?”

  He sniggered and shook like a dog covered in water. “Sorry, what? I fell asleep.”

  Clearing his throat and taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and gave her a wink.

  Even though she knew what was coming, Summer wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact of how things went down.

  He asked for her hand. She gave it. Holding it in both of his, he brought his version of a remarkably romantic Prince Charming to the occasion.

  “Summer, I started falling when a pretty, smart-mouthed waitress challenged my worldview with a frank appraisal of some questionable footwear.”

  She smiled big.

  “The fall was completed when she nearly ripped my throat out for over tipping.”

  Stan grimaced, and groaned, “Ooh, bro. Really?”

  “I know, right? A hundred-dollar tip for a twenty-six-dollar dinner check. Sheesh,” she croaked.

  “Arnie! Shame on you,” Dottie barked.

  “Son, what were you thinking?” Ned chided with a shaking head.

  Reed tsk’ed. “Bad form, dude.”

  Ari thought her daddy’s humiliation was funny and added some baby bubbles to the conversation.

  Darnell Senior, however, slapped his knee and honked with laughter. “Showed her what an idiot you were right out of the gate.”

  Summer laughed, and with her free hand held up, she said, “High five, Pops.”

  “Are you all finished?” Arnie asked.

  There was another round of sniggering catcalls and a few hissing boos before the rabble died down, and he could continue.

  “As I was saying,” he snarled with a glare for every individual witness. “Well, damn. Now I don’t remember what I was saying.”

  Good grief. They were never going to get there if she didn’t step in.


  He sighed and looked at her.


  “Right, right. Focus.” He squeezed her hand and started again. “I wish I could stop time, roll it back, and have this moment play out a year ago. I’ve spent a lot of time regretting things I couldn’t change, didn’t know about, and had no power over, but it occurred to me about a minute ago that things happened the way they did for a reason. Maybe lots of reasons.”


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