Single Dad’s New Nanny: A Secret Baby Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 3)

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Single Dad’s New Nanny: A Secret Baby Romance (Tall, Dark and Handsome Billionaires Book 3) Page 4

by J. P. Comeau

  I plucked it off the floor and slid it into the breast pocket of my suit as Eva scooped up my daughter.

  “Here, let’s get you some water. See how that goes down, okay?” she asked.

  Asia gripped Eva’s pant leg. “Will you stay here?”

  Eva crouched down beside her. “Of course. I’ll be right here.”

  I watched my daughter gulp down some ice water, and not once did she cough. She didn’t wheeze or begin to panic, or hiccup or cough. The attack was completely gone, and I was shellshocked.

  “Are you a CNA as well?” I asked.

  Eva peeked over at me. “I’m not, no. But, my brother had asthma growing up. So, I kind of know what it looks like. I helped him out a lot when we were growing up, so it’s just kind of natural, I guess.”

  I didn’t hesitate with the offer because I knew I’d never find anyone else who bonded with my daughter tonight like she just had.

  “Six nights a week with Sundays off. I’d pay you a grand a week. And during the week, if the nights are late, you can pick out your own guest bedroom and bathroom to store your stuff and occupy. Plus, use of my driver, Lucas, to get you to work if you’re too tired to drive.”

  She nodded. “I accept your offer, Mr. Lincoln.”

  I grabbed my wine glass. “A toast, then, to your new job.”

  She stood with my daughter holding onto her pant leg still and reached for her goblet. “To my new job and a new adventure.”

  And as we clinked our glasses together, I hoped I was making the right choice with Eva. I saw the way she stared at me, the way her eyes lingered a bit longer than usual. I saw her lean body beneath her clothes and thought about what it might feel like to have every inch of her long, luscious legs wrapped around me. I hoped she wasn’t the wrong decision, though, and not just for my daughter’s sake but for my sake, as well.

  Because a woman with a kind smile and a great set of legs always made me come undone.



  “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  I held my pillow to my face and squealed into it as I kicked my legs. I felt my shoes go flying off before they hit the wall, and it only punctuated my sincere excitement. I couldn’t believe it. I had just scored the nannying job of a lifetime! Four grand a month? I had never gotten paid that much at the peak of my waitressing career.

  “Oh, my God. I did it,” I whispered.

  I fell back onto my bed and reached for my cell phone. I needed to call Ginger and Margo. I knew they were waiting for my call, and I couldn’t contain my happiness any longer. I propped my pillow beneath my head and dialed Ginger’s number. I merged the call with Margo’s line ringing on the other end.

  And when the two of them picked up, I yelped. “I did it!”

  Ginger gasped. “No. You got the job?”

  Margo sighed. “Sorry, my ear’s ringing. What was that?”

  I clicked my tongue. “I got the job, Margo. You know, that nannying gig with the Gavin Lincoln?”

  Margo paused. “Holy shit, he offered it to you on the spot?”

  I giggled profusely. “Right? Yeah, he did. Four grand a month to help out Monday through Saturday. Sundays off. I’m going to be able to pay my student loans, you guys. And on time. Hell, with that kind of money, I could probably snowball it and get it paid off in half the time!”

  Ginger hissed. “Yes! This is perfect. This is exactly what you needed right now.”

  Margo giggled. “I’m happy for you. Really.”

  I sighed with relief. “I appreciate it.”

  The sound of Ginger flopping down onto her beanbag came through on the other end of the line. “Oh, no, no, no, no. You’re going to tell us all about this interview. Rumor has it the two of you went out to dinner.”

  Margo snickered. “A job interview over dinner? Where did you go?”

  I stared up at my ceiling. “Well, Asia wanted to get dressed up and go out, so that’s why the dinner happened.”

  “Yet, you still haven’t answered Margo’s question. Where did you guys eat?”

  I paused for a while before I finally answered. “Radcliffe’s.”

  The two girls gasped practically on cue, and I rolled my eyes. I knew what they would think, especially Ginger.

  Except, it was Margo who went their first. “Oh, he wants more than just a nanny.”

  I blinked. “Really? You of all people?”

  Ginger scoffed. “Hey, she’s got a point. He’s paying you essentially a full-time salary for a not-full-time job, and he took you to one of the best restaurants in the area.”

  “Nope,” Margo said as she popped the P, “he took her to the best restaurant in the area. That place is hard to get in to and even harder to return to. They’re very stingy about their customer base.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Really? Because I didn’t get that impression. I mean, people were dressed up, sure. But I didn’t get the whole ‘I’m better than you, so suck it up’ vibe. Also, he took his daughter out for dinner. It was convenient for me to come interview because that’s where they were, they had the free time, and it gave Gavin a chance to see me in action with his daughter.”

  “What do you mean, ‘in action?’” Ginger asked.

  “Something happened, didn’t it?” Margo inquired.

  I wasn’t sure how much I should share, considering that I wouldn’t be able to talk too much about their lives after signing whatever non-disclosure agreement Gavin handed me. But I hadn’t signed it yet, right? “I don’t want to go into too much detail, but his daughter almost had an asthmatic attack at dinner.”

  Ginger giggled. “And you came to the rescue.”

  I shrugged. “My brother had asthma growing up. I recognized what was happening and did what I could to help. That’s all.”

  I heard Margo’s smile in her tone. “Good for you. I’m glad you’re finally getting a little bit of what you deserve.”

  “I have one more question, though,” Ginger said.

  I sighed. “Hit me with whatever ridiculousness you’ve got going on in your head.”

  She clicked her tongue. “Really? That’s how you’re gonna do me?”

  Margo barked with laughter. “Oh, shut up and ask the question. Because trust me, I’m kind of wondering it, too.”

  I sat up. “Wondering what?”

  The girls fell silent before they both spoke in unison. “Since when are you and Gavin on a first-name basis?”

  They fell apart in laughter, and I simply groaned. Maybe the two of them were texting back and forth with one another on the phone call, or perhaps they really were that in sync. I didn’t care, though. I was in this for the money and the job opportunity, not to get laid or gawk at some Hollywood actor. Though, it would be hard not to stare at him from time to time.

  “So, give us the details,” Margo said as her laughter calmed down. “Will you be going back and forth between his place and yours? Staying on the weekends?”

  Ginger hopped right back in. “We know he gave Guadalupe’s niece the ability to stay overnight if she needed to for anything. But, you know, a married woman and all. She’ll never take him up on it.”

  “Did he give you that option?”

  I hesitated to answer, but I did. “Yes, he did. For practical purposes only.”

  Ginger’s excitement grew behind her words. “And will you take him up on it…?”

  I felt Margo hanging on to every word as I sighed. “Yes, sometimes. But, only because it’ll be more realistic for my sleeping schedule and getting to work at the spa in the morning.”

  Then, Ginger started in on her bullshit. “Gavin and Eva sittin’ in a tree.”

  “F-U-C-K-I-N-G!” Margo yelled.

  “I hate you both,” I murmured.

  “Hey,” Ginger said through her laughter, “just don’t let your legs slip and fall open. Rumor has it that’s how his ex got pregnant.”

  I blinked. “Do you know every shred of gossip there is to know in this entire country? Or, d
o you just make this shit up on the fly and hope it sticks?”

  “I mean, I don’t know where you think babies come from, but that sounds pretty accurate to me,” Margo murmured.

  I rolled my eyes. “And plus, some Hollywood bigwig won’t want anything to do with someone like me. So, can we just stop with the jokes?”

  Ginger grew serious really quickly. “Look, I get it. You’ve never had an ego, and you’ve never seen how beautiful you really are. But you need to cut that shit out. You’re hot as hell, and any man would be lucky if you chose him to sleep with.”

  “She’s right,” Margo said, “you’re down yourself a lot these days. It breaks my heart when you do it.”

  I rolled over onto my stomach. “I just pride myself on other things rather than how I look. I’m intelligent. I have common sense. I know how to keep a conversation going. I’m a hard worker. I cook a damn good casserole. I know how to make fresh bread.”

  “You can bake up a storm,” Ginger said.

  “And you decorate like a fiend for the holidays. I love that shit,” Margo added.

  “See?” I asked as I rolled back over. “I’ve got other things I love about myself. I don’t need to start tooting my own horn on how I look, too.”

  “Well, just know you’re gorgeous,” Margo said.

  “Uh-huh. And Gavin would be lucky as hell to have you if that’s what you wanted,” Ginger said.

  The screen of my phone lit up and caught my eye, so I pulled it away from my face. I put the girls on speakerphone while they chatted back and forth about coming over and helping me pack “go bags” for staying over at Gavin’s. I resisted the urge to laugh at them as I navigated to the text that lit up my home screen, but it was from a number I didn’t recognize.

  “You there, Eva?” Margo asked.

  “Got a text, hold on,” I said mindlessly.

  And to my shock, it was from Gavin.

  Gavin: Since tomorrow’s Saturday, and you mentioned you don’t work weekends at the spa, would you care to get together with Asia and me tomorrow for lunch? It’ll give you more time to help the two of you get comfortable.

  A smile tore across my face as I quickly responded, letting him know that I’d be more than happy to accompany them to lunch. I asked him for the time and place, then turned my attention back to my two best friends chatting up a storm without me.

  And I was glad, too, that they weren’t attempting to add me into the current conversation. I was too busy wrangling the excitement bubbling through my veins.

  The last thing I needed to do was get attached like this. Gavin was hot, but he wasn’t anything more than that. In fact, he was about to be my boss. So, any issues or lingering lust I had for him had to be tossed out the window come Monday morning. Thankfully, I had the weekend to prepare and clear my head as best as possible. Though, I wasn’t sure how much good that would do me.

  “Girl, you good?” Ginger asked.

  Her voice ripped me out of my trance. “What time is it? I suddenly feel exhausted.”

  I heard them both shuffling around before Margo cursed. “Fucking hell, it’s almost one in the morning.”

  My eyes widened. “Wait. What?”

  Ginger blew a raspberry into the phone. “I needed to be in bed a couple of hours ago. Why do you guys always keep me up with your nonsense?”

  Margo and I responded in unison. “Our nonsense?”

  Ginger barked with laughter. “Okay, I get how weird that is now.”

  Margo groaned. “Well, it’s time for this old broad to head to bed. And you should enjoy your last weekend of freedom before you start working your life away, Eva.”

  I decided to keep the weekend plans to myself. “You got that right. I’m heading to bed. I love you guys.”

  “Love you, too,” Ginger said.

  “Kiss, kiss,” Margo said.

  Then, we all hung up the phone, and I lay there, staring at my ceiling, trying my best to fight the excitement crawling through my veins.



  The second I saw Eva walk through the doors of Radcliffe’s once again for lunch, a smile spread across my cheeks. She probably thought I was damn-near addicted to this place, and I was, but that was beside the point. The owner of Radcliffe’s and I had a silent sort of agreement: I talked up his restaurants and brought new people here as often as I could, and he kept his lips quiet on an ironclad NDA we both had to sign for one another that kept everything in our private lives private.

  And while I didn’t agree with some of the things he did in his life, so long as he kept up his end of the bargain, we wouldn’t have any issues.

  “Camila! Hey!” she exclaimed.

  The woman I had hired to work with me during the daytime smiled as she got up. I watched the two women embrace in a hug, and it was apparent they knew one another well. I was glad that all of us could sit down in a private room and have a meal together, especially with my daughter here. Asia’s comfort was of utmost importance.

  I stood. “Eva, thank you so much for coming.”

  She came over and offered her hand for me to shake, and it caught me off-guard for a split second. I mean, Camila and I had shaken hands, no problem. But, something within me wanted to hug Eva—to pull her close and bury my nose in her beautiful chestnut hair.

  “It’s not a problem at all. I’m using this weekend to prepare, so I’m glad I get to have a bit more time with Miss Asia before we all jump headfirst into this,” Eva said.

  I shook her hand a bit longer than necessary, so I dropped it quickly and sat back down. I felt Asia settle on top of my feet as she sat beneath the table, allowing the white tablecloth to shroud her away from the rest of the world. My daughter had forever been shy, which wasn’t a good thing when both of her parents were continually in the limelight. Still, I always made sure to carve out safe spaces for her to be herself. Radcliffe’s was definitely one of those zones.

  It was a safe zone for me, too. Especially in this private room. Why? Well, for one, there were only two entry points: one for guests being escorted by staff and one straight from the kitchen. So, it made the room feel protected. And secondly, there were no windows. That usually made people feel cramped, but for me, it gave me a sense of security. The last thing I needed was paparazzi attempting to climb the roof of this place and snap pictures of me in here, especially with two women at the same time, enjoying lunch with me.

  What a morning headline that would be.


  Eva’s voice pulled me from the depths of my mind. “Yes?”

  Her brow furrowed with genuine worry. “Are you okay? We can do this another time if there’s something else that needs you.”

  I smiled softly at her kindness. “I’ve always got things on my mind, Eva. But, I promise everything is all right.”

  Camila dipped beneath the tablecloth. “Oh, that’s a pretty picture, Asia.”

  My daughter giggled. “It’s pink, see?”

  “It’s a glittery pink, too! Where did you get such a pretty color?”

  “Eva gave me a pen. She had it in her purse. It’s really pretty, and she let me keep it.”

  I smiled at her from across the table. “I didn’t know you let her keep it.”

  Eva shrugged. “If she can get more use out of it than me, she can have as many as she wants.”

  Asia gasped as she poked her head out from beyond the tablecloth. “Really? You mean it?”

  Eva giggled. “Of course. I’ll make sure to come Monday afternoon with all the gel pens I currently have. How’s that sound?”

  Camila slid back into her chair. “Sounds like I’m the one bringing the water coloring, then.”

  Asia climbed back up into her chair, joining the crowd. “Yay! I love watercolors and gel pens! Daddy! This is gonna be awesome!”

  My head fell back with laughter. “I’m glad you think so, princess. Because I think these two are gonna be a big help.”

  I felt Camila’s smile, but
I saw the cool sincerity behind Eva’s eyes. Dammit, she had striking eyes. They were the color of a crisp summer day spent running through the woods that were lush with blooms. Her smile reminded me of carefree days lounging around on the beach before my life had taken off into this endless, spiraling abyss of fame and filming schedules.

  Her smile made me feel almost… normal again.

  “So, I have some questions,” Asia said.

  I tore my eyes away from Eva’s beauty. “Oh? You do?”

  My daughter nodded. “Yep. I do. First, Camila. You ready?”

  The woman smirked. “Hit me with it.”

  Asia drew in a deep breath. “Do you like nap times?”

  Camila nodded fervently. “Love them. Sleeping is one of my favorite pastimes. And the best naps are taken on a hammock, in my opinion.”

  My daughter looked up at me. “Daddy, we need a hammock so I can try.”

  I chuckled. “I can make that happen.”

  “Eva? You like naps?” she asked.

  Eva nodded. “I do, though they make me feel kind of groggy. I’d rather stay up and battle the tiredness before going to bed early and sleeping really late in the morning. Then, I have the excuse to order breakfast in bed!”

  My daughter looked up at me and whispered, “They have good answers.”

  I winked down at her. “It’s why I hired them.”

  She nodded. “All right, next question: cows or bees? And you have to choose their color, too.”

  Eva blew a raspberry with her lips. “That’s simple. Pink bumblebees. They pollinate, so you can grow pretty flowers; they don’t sting, so there’s no risk there; and who doesn’t love pink?”

  Asia’s eyes darted over to Camila. “What about you?”

  Camila playfully considered the question as she thought hard on it, even going so far as to scrunch up her face.

  Which made my daughter giggle.

  “Brown cows, definitely,” Camila said.


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