Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado)

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Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado) Page 9

by Elle Boon

  “Impressive,” Liam remarked.

  “We are not discussing money at our baby girl’s first showing, Liam. Do you have plans this evening, Keifer?” Natalia batted her lashes up at him while clearly having her husband in her delicate palm at the same time.

  “Mother,” Nova groaned.

  “Actually, Mrs. Langston, we don’t.” Keifer grinned at Nova then turned his smile toward Natalia. He didn’t care that he was using any excuse to spend time with Nova. Again, he wasn’t a fool who didn’t take advantage of an opportunity when it was given to him.

  “Liam, call the restaurant and tell them to add two more to our party.” Natalia pulled Nova over next to him, placing her between them. “It’s settled then. Can you call your daughter and see when she’s coming back?”

  “Dad, I got to meet Zayn, and he’s even more gorgeous in person. Oops, sorry, Gigi,” Delilah gasped.

  “It’s okay, I know he’s amazing.” Gigi patted Delilah’s arm.

  “Thank you for taking her to meet him. You of course look amazing as always. Please tell your parents I said hi and tell your father he still owes me. He’ll know what I’m referring to.” He winked toward the model.

  Gigi rolled her eyes. “You two and your bets. I’ll see you later. Miss Langston. Thank you for choosing me to be in your collection.”

  “Oh, hun, it’s I who should thank you. You wore the pieces spectacularly. Thank you so much. I’ll be in touch with your agent.”

  Chapter Eight

  Keifer watched Nova charm Gigi and the others who came over to express their thanks for letting them be in her show. The entire time, she smiled and appeared shocked at the adoration she received. Flowers were heaped upon her, yet she didn’t once ask anyone to take them. She was seriously the most down-to-earth billionaire’s daughter he’d ever encountered, and he’d met a lot of them. Shit, he’d actually made love to Liam Langston’s daughter and then ran out on her like an idiot. Technically she ran out, but did he really give her any other choice?

  A short time later, he found himself sitting in the Langston’s limo next to his daughter and Nova, his heart was pounding like a boy with his first crush. He didn’t mind the sensation in the least when it came to Nova. For the last few weeks, he had wished for a second chance with her, and now he had it.

  “You didn’t have to come, you know,” Nova whispered near his ear.

  “I’m aware, sweetheart. I wanted to.” He wanted to do so much more than go to a restaurant with her. He didn’t think she’d appreciate him saying exactly what he’d like to do to her in a car filled with her family, so he kept quiet, which was a hard thing for him to do.

  She made a tiny sound that reminded him of a little growl. It was sexy as fuck.

  “Don’t call me sweetheart,” she muttered.

  Keifer dipped his head so that his lips were by her ear. “You and I need to talk.”

  “So, Delilah, I heard my daughter did your hair. My mother refuses to retire, saying the good people of her town wouldn’t know what to do if she wasn’t there to do their hair. It was a stroke of luck Nova was there that day instead of my mama. While I love you dearly, mama—” she laughed at Nell before continuing—“she’d probably have given you a perm and talked your ear off instead of such a trendy style as you have now. So, tell me, Keifer, what is it that you do?” Natalia asked.

  “I am right here, Natalia. And perms never go out of style, dear.” Nell crossed her arms over her chest, a smile on her lips.

  “Mother, please, can we keep the inquisition on hold until after we’ve eaten. I haven’t had anything since yesterday.” Nova put her hand over her stomach.

  Keifer reached for her other hand. “Stress tends to make it hard on the constitution.”

  “Don’t tell me you still get an upset stomach before a big meeting?” Nova looked up at him from beneath inky lashes.

  He snorted, wondering when the last time he’d been worried about sealing a deal, then remembered the way he’d felt when he’d found his bed empty after she’d left. Yeah, his stomach had been twisted for days, weeks if he really thought about it.

  “We’re here. We probably could’ve walked but it’s proven to be a cold Valentine’s. I’m surprised you didn’t have a hot date, Keifer. Not that I know you well enough to presume, but a man who looks like you and of your position surely isn’t hurting for female companionship,” Liam fished.

  “I find that dating for the sake of a companion isn’t that appealing, sir.” The truth felt good to express. After his wife’s death he’d had plenty of women throw themselves at him, and he had taken plenty up on their offers. He was ashamed to admit that many had expected him to take things further, but he’d always been upfront in regard to the fact he wasn’t looking for the next Mrs. Sparks. Hell, he didn’t think he’d ever want to get married again. That was until he saw a woman, who made him want things he swore he’d never want, standing in a salon in Colorado. A woman who was probably too young, too good, and dammit he wanted her. He had nothing to offer her except himself, which wasn’t shit on the grand scale of things. What could he offer a woman? Well, except a man in his late thirties with a teen daughter, and an attitude that most of his friends said needed work. He had money, lots of it and things. He had homes all across the world, but did he have what it took to make a woman happy? Keifer couldn’t say yes for sure, yet he wanted to find out.

  The restaurant they went to was one that was in his portfolio. He hadn’t asked where they were going, so when they got out, he touched Liam’s arm. “I’m one of the owners here. Do you mind if I have them seat us in one of the reserved rooms?”

  Liam grinned. “Only if you’re paying, son.”

  He nodded and walked in first, with his daughter keeping Nova occupied so that it wasn’t obvious what he was doing. Not that he minded Nova knowing his wealth. Shit, she might have more money than him. However, he didn’t want her to think he was flexing or whatever the kids called it these days. The maître d came to attention at his entrance, hurrying over while looking around him. Keifer knew he and Delilah’s bodyguards were near, but he paid good money to ensure they blended in instead of being obtrusive. Just as the Langston’s guards were doing as well.

  “Sir, I wasn’t aware you were coming in. How many are in your party?”

  Keifer told him to move the Langston party to his private area that was reserved for the owners and special guests. They had a couple of small rooms that were for just such occasions.

  A couple hours later, Keifer hated the thought of the evening ending, and with it, his chance to talk with Nova.

  “Dad, why don’t you and Nova go out and get the car for us while I see if the Langston’s are going to be in town long?” Delilah asked.

  “That sounds like a great idea. Nova, go with Keifer there while I find out more about this young lady. She reminds me of you when you were young.” Liam stood up, pulling Nova’s chair out for her.

  Keifer got to his feet, smiling down at his daughter then across at Liam. The two of them were definitely matchmaking.

  “Mother, you need to have a talk with your husband.” Nova shook her finger at her dad.

  “Why is it he’s my husband at times when he’s on your naughty list, but you have no problem claiming him when he’s done something amazing?”

  Nova shrugged, her eyes twinkling in the lighting from the chandelier. “Probably because I’m smart just like my mother. Claim the good, fob off the bad.”

  “Take notes, Delilah.” Liam sat back down as he spoke.

  Keifer would’ve told his daughter to not listen to a word they were saying, but he was getting a moment alone with Nova and didn’t want to miss a second of it. He put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the door and out into the restaurant area. There wouldn’t be any check he would need to worry about since the maître d would’ve already applied it to his account.

  “So, you own this establishment, huh?” Nova asked at the entryway.r />
  “Yes. And you’re a fashion designer as well as a hair stylist, or are you a hair stylist at all?” Hell, did it even matter?

  She laughed. “Are you worried you let a non-licensed professional handle your child’s gorgeous hair? Rest assured I am very much a professional with the credentials to do hair here in New York as well as Colorado. As a matter of fact, I can do hair in any state I want, since a lot of my clients travel and need me to fly to them if they are on shoots.”

  He didn’t want to have a conversation outside where it was cold, and they’d be overheard. Luckily, when they’d been spotted exiting the room with their coats, the limo had been summoned. Keifer steered her toward the back door that was held open by the same man who had driven them there after getting a nod of approval from his head of security. “Let’s talk in here where its warm and less open.”

  Nova looked around the sidewalk where several people were staring at the both of them. “Do they think we’re celebrities or something?”

  He grinned, loving how unaffected she appeared to be of her looks and her wealth. His wife, god rest her soul, had loved to shout from the roof, or cars, that she was a rich woman. She expected everyone to cater to her at all times.

  “I think they know there is something up with the security teams and the two of us, yes.”

  NOVA WASN’T SURE WHAT to say to Keifer or how she felt about being in such close quarters with the man who had taken up so much of her thoughts. For weeks on end, when she wasn’t working on her show, she’d done nothing but think of the man, and yes, she’d wished for a chance to see him again.

  “It’s supposed to warm up in a week I’m told,” she said, scooting across the seat as soon as she got inside.

  “I don’t want to talk about the weather, Nova.”

  “What do you want to talk about then, Keifer?” She wiped her damp palms down the front of the leather pants, keeping her eyes downcast in case he said something that was along the lines of the two of them hooking up. Although it was the best sex of her life, she wasn’t cut out for those types of...entanglements.

  “Look at me, Nova.” He reached over, lifting her face up with his finger under her chin. “I want to talk about that night.”

  She shook her head, her eyes stinging with the threat of tears. Sucking in a breath, she fought for composure. “What’s there to talk about? You made it perfectly clear by your actions that you were—finished. I left. End of discussion. Why the moratorium?” God, it hurt saying it out loud.

  “I was far from finished with you, dammit. I was an asshole, and I fucked up. But finished was the last thing that I was or am,” he growled.

  “You hurt me that night, Keifer. Watching you jump up and slam the bathroom door then hearing you shower like you couldn’t stand to have my scent on you. If the floor could’ve opened up and swallowed me whole, I’d have jumped in headfirst,” she said, sniffing.

  “Don’t say that. God, baby, don’t. That night with you was the most sublime night of my life. I’ve replayed it in my mind over and over again. I wake up wanting you. Go to bed needing you. Hell, I’ve done nothing but think of you. My need has grown to epic proportions. I was going to send out an all points bulletin in another twenty-four hours. Hell, I think Delilah was getting ready to leave me for parts unknown.”

  She didn’t point out that only the police could send out the all points thing. Heck, he was rich, so he could probably do it. “I’m pretty sure your daughter wouldn’t do that.”

  “You haven’t heard me snarling all day.” His face scrunched up comically, making her laugh.

  “I actually can see you doing that.” She sobered, tangling her fingers in the silk ruffles of her top.

  Keifer reached over, taking both of her hands in between his. “I want to start over. I know you have no reason to trust me or think I’m not an asshole. Hell, I’m probably too old for you with way too much baggage...”

  Nova put her lips over his, silencing his words. It felt too good to hear him apologize for his actions. Yes, she could be a bitch and make him grovel or even not accept his apology, but that would serve no purpose except to hurt them both.

  “Damn, you undo me.” He gripped her ponytail. “I really like this,” he said, giving a tug.

  “Thank you. I was really shocked to see you and Delilah sitting there. I...I’ve thought about you a lot.” She didn’t look away from him at the admission, letting him see the hurt and need that had filled her.

  “When your name was announced, I didn’t think anything of it until you walked out. I thought for sure it had to be my mind playing tricks on me as you sauntered down the catwalk. You outshined every other woman who came before you. Delilah actually gasped and had to put her hand on my arm to keep me in my seat. I didn’t realize until then that I’d started to get up. If we hadn’t secured tickets to go backstage, I’m pretty sure I’d have been arrested when I snuck back there.” He lifted her onto his lap as if she weighed nothing before continuing. “Am I too old for you or did I fuck up too badly for you to give me a chance?”

  She cupped his cheeks in her hands, marveling at the absolute beauty of this man. Yes, he’d hurt her, but was it enough for her to throw away any chance they could have? The answer is no, not for her. “You’re not old, silly man. I like this little bit of silver at your temples.”

  He turned his head and nipped her palm. “I don’t have any silver or gray. Besides if I do I happen to know a really good hairdresser. Or rather, I think I do. Shit, you’re a big deal, sweetheart. Maybe I’m the one who can retire and let my woman take care of me from now on.”

  Nova pressed her lips to his, laughter bubbling out of her at his words. They broke apart at the sound of someone tapping on the window. “Oh, I think we forgot some people.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to move off his lap.

  “I like you right where you are,” he growled, stretching his arm out to knock on the window.

  “But they’ll see, on your lap,” she gasped.

  “Trust me, I don’t think they’ll be that surprised. Besides, if things go the way I want them to, I’ll have you in places that are a lot more intimate than my lap. And no, I don’t mean just my bed.”

  She didn’t get a chance to respond before the door was opened and Delilah’s face filled the doorway.

  “Dad, really? Oh, it’s like that, huh? It’s about time you found someone I like.” Delilah moved into the car.

  Nova looked from Keifer to his daughter, feeling as though she’d fallen down the rabbit hole. Her mom came in next, followed by her father and then Nana and Harold, filling the limo. They all wore amused expressions but didn’t appear shocked.

  “Well, Sparks, I see you move quickly. I’m assuming you and my daughter had a little more than just a quick meeting back in Sweetheart?” Her father raised one brow; a little hardness entered his eyes.

  “Liam, leave my granddaughter and this nice young man be. I don’t want to remind you about your little Vegas escapade,” Nana Nell said.

  “Now, Nell, don’t go getting yourself upset,” Harold murmured.

  “It’s okay, I assure you my son-in-law is all bark and no bite.”

  Nova wasn’t so sure about that, but no matter how wealthy Keifer might be, her father wouldn’t just approve of him if he didn’t think the man in question was good for her.

  “It took me a little to get my head out of my ass, but I assure you, sir, I’ve learned from my mistakes.” Keifer allowed her to move next to him.

  “Well, I certainly hope so. However, I will tell you upfront if you hurt my baby girl, I won’t be happy.”

  “Daddy,” Nova said as she covered her face.

  Keifer didn’t seem offended or worried by word or action as he chuckled. “No worries on that front. I feel the same way when it comes to Delilah.”

  “That’s good. I instructed our driver to take us back to our hotel. We also invited Delilah to accompany us this evening in place of Nova to see
a play. I assume the two of you might have things to discuss?” her father asked.

  Chapter Nine

  “Delilah, would you like to go with the Langston’s or home with us?” Keifer didn’t let it show, but he was really hoping she chose the former.

  “I’ve been dying to see that play, and since they have an extra seat and all,” she teased, winking at him with eyes that sparkled.

  Lord, he was blessed to have a daughter who was smart and easy to raise, even though he hadn’t always been the best father. “If you’re sure?”

  “Absolutely sure. Especially if it makes you happy, gets you to stop stomping around the house, and puts a smile back on your face. I’ve missed your happy, dad.”

  His heart constricted. They’d always referred to their joy as their ‘Happy’. When she’d been young, and would cry, he’d ask her where her happy had gone. They’d search the house high and low until he’d do something to make her laugh, usually making a fool of himself or pretending to injure himself did the trick. As she got older, it was a little harder, yet the both of them always knew when the other was in a bad place and tried to cheer one another up.

  “This is my happy,” he nodded toward Nova.

  Nova looked from one to the other. “I sure hope that’s a good thing.”

  The drive from the restaurant to the Langston’s hotel was filled with a lot of chatter and laughter. He imagined life with the Langston’s in it would always have a little bit of each as they melded together. Since his own family lived across the country, he hoped like all get out they could accept him and his daughter because he had no doubt he wanted to be with Nova, for as long as she’d have him.


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