Bad Moon: Bad Duology Book Two

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Bad Moon: Bad Duology Book Two Page 23

by Colt, Shyla

  Shifting her weight, restlessly, her muscles tensed as she waited. Everything hinged on the outcome tonight. The ground shook. Flashes of green lit up in the distance. The vampires took to the air. Her jaw dropped as she watched them float up into the air like superheroes. They followed just behind on foot. Chaos greeted them. The perimeter line was broken as guards swathed in green fire dropped to the ground, and ran. Chartreuse flames licked the ground. Witches surrounded the flares-ups, combating them with rain and spell work as they rushed forward through the weakened shields and spread out.

  The five witches surrounding Isiah chanted faster. He hung from the pole limply. Their connection flickered. We’re losing him. Dodging the two bear shifters locked in combat, she continued forward. Bodies dropped to the ground as vampires slashed throats. Blood sprayed over her black shirt when a vampire sank her teeth into the carotid artery of her enemy. Her wicked fangs gleamed in the moonlight. She shot toward Joss, who countered with equal speed.

  Her red eyes narrowed. “Freak.” She gurgled. A hand burst through her chest, holding her heart.

  “Mate,” Kazimir growled, pulling free. The woman’s body slumped to the ground. Tackled from the side, Kaz hit the ground.

  “You were the last person I expected to betray us,” the stout man with dark hair and eyes snarled, snapping his teeth.

  Kaz head-butted the man and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying. “Piotr. This has been coming for a long time. I’m not surprised to see you on the wrong side.”

  “Why should we continue to hide when we’re at the top of the food chain? Humans have had their time. It’s ours now.” Piotr climbed to his feet and crouched. He sped forward, and they came together, bodies unyielding and hard. The thunder-like crack made her flinch.

  “Go, little sun. I’ll handle this.” Kaz delivered a bone-crunching kick to Piotr’s face. Piotr’s body spun as he hit the ground. Recovering quickly, he lunged at Kaz, nails lengthened.

  Going against her instincts, she pressed forward. Everywhere she looked, beings were locked in combat. Jumping over a bloody frame, she kept Isiah in her sight. A scaly, tan and brown lizard man with a distended snout jumped in her path. Sharp claws slashed at the air where she’d been standing milli-seconds before. His tail whipped out and caught her leg. She brought the heel off her opposite leg down sharply on his thick tail. He hissed, showing rows of sharp teeth as he released her. She’d heard of Komodo dragon shifters, but this was her first time seeing one.

  Rolling away into a crouch, she extended a leg, balancing herself as she waited for his move. His tongue flicked out, tasting the air. Shifting into her form, she stood on her hind legs and swiped with her paw. The Komodo man returned the favor, slashing at her shoulder pad. The fur and skin split. She sank her teeth into his arm, and shook her head, jerking his arm from the socket. His tail caught her with a heavy thud. Pain exploded in her side. Backing up, she shook harder, bringing him onto the ground. She pounced, landing on his back and crushing his throat with her jaws. He bucked, throwing her off. Red blood flowed from his throat. Holding a hand to the wound, he backed away, retreating.

  Once she lost him to the mayhem, she bounded forward. Her spirit guide appeared at her side, joining her as she made her way across the battlefield. A sharp, stabbing pain sliced through her head. She stumbled sideways. The crushing pressure in her head increased. Vision blurring, she tripped over her own paws, feeling drunk. Whimpering, she lowered her heavy head. She struggled against the stranglehold placed on her mind, as she tried to find the source. A pale blonde with icy blue eyes that glowed with power and sharp features stood in the middle of the ground untouched as she chanted. The witch is doing it. Her fists balled, showing off slender fingers in her fingerless black gloves. Bright red nails stood out against the flickering blue flames.

  Stomach rolling, she arched her back and dug her paws into the ground, resisting. The witch stumbled, and the pain paused. Her spirit guardian lunged from the right, breaking her focus. The witch threw a blue sphere of power. Her spirit guardian disappeared and reappeared behind the witch. Taking advantage of the distraction, she sprinted forward toward the dilapidated, old church where an orangish-red glow emanated. The broken-down walls allowed her to see Isiah. A cauldron boiled over the fire. White energy flowed from Isiah into the metal container. Deep purple bruises stood out against his ashen gray skin and under his sunken in eyes. Emaciated, his collarbones and ribs stood out in his chest.

  They leyline thrummed, hungry and eager to be directed. The electrified atmosphere made her fur stand on end. The witches’ voices rose higher. Isiah cried out, tugging against his chains. A chasm formed in the earth, black smoke began to seep up, thick and disturbing. Her gut protested in response to the wrongness it gave off. It crept on the ground, like a monster on a quest. It wound around its first victim, tightening like a boa constrictor, crushing the life from them as they screamed and their eyes bulged.

  “It’s time for the sacrifice, sisters,” the lead witch called. Shifting her form, she landed outside of the church, desperately seeking a way to stop the spell. Imig swooped down over the witches’ heads, breaking their concentration. They threw out a bright green bolt of power, which Imig dodged. Circling, the dragon came down and opened his mouth. Yellow flames shot out of his nostrils. A second witch joined the fight, helping shield from the magical flames being rained down on their heads. Placing a hand over the pocket of her vest, Joss remembered the vial of Kishi’s venom. Powerful spells were complicated. One wrong chant or ingredient could ruin everything. She spotted Rainer creeping up from behind the building. Their eyes locked. She nodded her head.

  Removing the vial, she jumped into the remains of the building and pitched the glass case into the cauldron. Bolts of power hit her in the chest, throwing her out of the building. Fire raced through her veins, and she convulsed. Kaz knelt beside her, and he placed his wrist to her mouth.

  “Drink, little sun.”

  Opening her mouth, she swallowed. The blood soothed the burning and restored her strength. Licking her lips, she sat up. The cauldron rattled angrily, hopping around like a tantrum-throwing toddler, before the contents exploded. Inky darkness burst forth and flowed into the chasm that grew wider.

  “It’s been promised a meal, and it plans to collect. You can’t stop what’s been started here,” one of the witches inside cackled. A tentacle-like tendril of darkness wrapped around her and yanked her toward the opening. Tilting her head up, she went to her earthbound grave, with her head held high. Her body disappeared inside of the crack, and the wind began to howl.

  “Joss.” Rainer’s desperate cry drew her attention to her brother. His chest rose and fell slowly as he fought to breathe.

  Standing, she flashed herself to his side. As she knelt over him, she met his gaze.

  “The Alpha’s dead, Isiah. You can’t leave me here to rule alone.”

  His lips quirked up. “Good,” he rasped.

  “This is going to hurt,” she warned him. Placing her hands on his chest, she forced the power of the pack into his body. He grunted, arching off the stone ground he’d slid to as he received it. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, he shook violently as the wolf took over. Fur sprouted, bones popped and shifted, as he changed. He stood on shaky legs, a bigger, heartier wolf. Shock colored his expression at his new Dire Wolf form. The final puzzle clicked into place with his recovery. The pack magic hummed happily.

  “Look,” Kaz cried.

  She turned to watch as the members of her pack shifted, taking on their new forms one by one.

  “Looks like we leveled up.” Isiah’s mental voice lacked its usual strength, but he was there.

  “Just in time.” The fight was nowhere near done, and the slithering thing from the chasm continued to capture and devour at will.

  “We need Nakeeta,” Kaz said.

  “Where is she?” Joss scanned the area and found the witch surrounded by her loyal band of vampires and witches a
s she cast spells.

  “It’s time. She needs us,” Rainer said.

  “Time for what?” Joss asked.

  “To do what we were chosen to do,” Rainer replied cryptically.

  “Help us get to Nakeeta.” Joss sent the command to her pack.

  They advanced, with the help of the pack and Kaz. Joss worked with Isiah, keeping the waif Seer between them.

  Cyprian and Cian moved to allow them to enter.

  “You got him.” Nakeeta panted. Sweat dotted her brow, and her shoulders drooped.

  “We did. What are we going to do about the Loch Ness Monster coming out of the ground?” Joss gestured toward the terrifying darkness creeping closer.

  “We have to seal the vortex. They ripped it open, and something nasty is trying to come through,” Nakeeta answered.

  “And how do we do that?” Kazimir asked.

  “I’m still working on that,” Nakeeta said..

  “It’s a wound. It must be healed,” Rainer explained. “When we were chosen, we were given that power. It’s in our blood.”

  “That’s a massive wound, Rain,” Joss said skeptically.

  “But we’re harnessing the power of the comet tonight,” Nakeeta whispered excitedly. Her eyes glowed. She dug a black-handled, silver knife out of a holster she wore on her hip. “This is a ceremonial blade. We’re going to call on nature to heal this blight. It’s unnatural, and the universe wants to regain its balance.” Nakeeta slashed her right hand. “We’ll do the spell palm to palm.” She handed the dagger to Rainer who cut a line on both palms and handed the blade to Joss.

  “The spell chant will be ‘Spirits of nature, we are one, heal this wound, and make there none.’ Do you have it?” Nakeeta asked.

  “Yes,” Rainer and Joss replied.

  They stood in the center of chaos, palm to palm, arms held high.

  “Spirits of nature, we are one, heal this wound, and make there none,” they chanted, scanning the area for signs of change.

  “Don’t stop,” Kaz cried.

  “God’s bones. Look up,” Crewe said in a hushed tone.

  Above them, a whirlpool of light had begun to form in the sky.

  “Spirits of nature, we are one, heal this wound and make there none.” They put more power behind their words as their blood continued to flow, mingle, and drip onto the ground below them. The whirlpool began to churn violently. Thunder rumbled, and the air grew charged. Her body tingled while energy flowed from the soles of her feet through the crown of her head. She squinted as Rainer and Nakeeta began to have a luminous glow. Light burst from the vortex above them. She blinked, blinded momentarily.

  Her jaw dropped, and she faltered in her chant as she spotted the beings floating down. Made of pure light that pulsed, they stood tall and slender. She stuttered. “S-Spirts,” resuming her recitation.

  The beings worked together, flying down to the chasm in pairs. The creature of darkness fled from them, quickly slithering away from the light and back down into its hole. The glowing beings sealed the earth, like surgeons repairing a tear. Joss’s heart pounded in her chest. What are they?

  “For centuries the Above People have watched you destroy the land and one another. Today, you cry out for healing and come to us as a united force. We’ve heard you, and choose to honor your request as you usher in a great time of change.” They pulsed, growing too bright to look upon.

  She closed her eyes and felt the heat and light through her lids. A hot gust of air blew over her. The light dimmed, and she opened her eyes. Scorched spots of earth were all that remained of their enemies. The power the beings wielded frightened her.

  “We have begun the process, but it is up to you to complete it.” Their voices were sexless and pleasant to the ear. But there was no mistaking the raw power behind them. The Blackfoot pack bowed their heads, and Joss followed their example.

  “You honor us today, Above People. We thank you.” Nakeeta’s voice shook. They lowered their hands and watched as the mysterious beings returned to the sky in a final flash of brilliant white light.


  Joss walked beside Nakeeta as the private jet the vampire council sent for Crewe was loaded with their bags. Rebuilding and negotiating had been a painfully slow process, but they’d managed to form an interspecies council. The trust and communication between them remained a work in progress.

  “Where will you go?” Joss asked, already missing her.

  “Back to my store. I’ve missed it, and Crewe has been granted permission to live and operate from my city.” Nakeeta gave her a shy smile.

  “Yeah, being the savior of life as we know it will give you some serious pull,” Joss replied sarcastically.

  “You’d know all about that wouldn’t you, co-Alpha?” Nakeeta nudged her side with her elbow.

  Joss smiled. “Maybe a little.” It would’ve been inconceivable to have a vampire live among them just a few months ago, but now everything had changed. Joss placed a hand over her gently rounding belly. The impossible has become almost normal these days.

  “When they said they expected us to usher in healing, I hadn’t expected this side effect,” Joss admitted dryly.

  “But what a lovely miracle,” Kazimir drawled.

  “You’re next.” Joss gestured from Nakeeta to Crewe who smiled.

  “I think you mean to say Rainer will be next,” Crewe said.

  “Wait. Are you?” Joss asked.

  Nakeeta nodded happily, and Joss squealed and hugged her. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. Apparently, the Above People wasted no time.”

  “They are showing us we’re more compatible than we ever believed,” Rainer said calmly. Isiah stood beside her, a different man. The time being tortured, freedom from his father, and the discovery of his mate changed him. She’d begun to see glimpses of the boy she’d once been close to.

  Running the pack together had been the most viable answer, but they were still working through their personal issues. Forgiving didn’t mean forgetting. Little by little, they were overcoming hurdles, and airing out the septic wounds, so they could function as a healthy pack. Each of them bore wounds. She’d brought in counselors and opened a voting system up to the others as they tried to piece together a new way of life and rules everyone could get behind. It wouldn’t happen in a season, or even two, but she felt confident eventually they’d get there. Releasing her friend, she watched as Kazimir gave Crew a manly hug before he came to stand beside her, placing a hand over her belly. Leaning against his side, she watched their friends board.

  It had taken twenty-five years, but her life had finally begun, and it was worth every hurdle she’d had to overcome to find happiness and true freedom. Together they would build a legacy to be proud of.


  About the Author

  Shyla Colt is the sassy USA Today Bestselling author of the popular series Kings of Chaos and Dueling Devils M.C. This genre-hoppers stories feature three of her favorite things: strong females, pop culture, and alternate routes to happy ever after. Listening to her Romani soul, she pens from the heart, allowing the dynamic characters, eccentric interests, and travels as a former flight attendant to take her down untraveled roads.

  Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, this mid-west girl is proud of her roots. She used her hometown and the surrounding areas as a backdrop for a number of books. So, if you're a Buckeye, keep an eye out for familiar places.

  As a full-time writer, stay at home mother, and wife, there's never a dull moment in her household.

  She weaves her tales in spare moments and the evenings with a cup of coffee or tea at her side and the characters in her head for company.

  You can interact with Shyla Colt online via her website

  Also by Shyla Colt

  Bad Duology Series

  Bad Blood

  Witch For Hire Series

  Witch For Hire

  Hail to the Queen




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