Released by Desire (City of Sin, #2)

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Released by Desire (City of Sin, #2) Page 7

by Melissa Stevens

  “I have something I need to ask you,” Jericho said to her brother as they sat in Neo’s office on the same floor as Teya’s.

  “What do you need?” Neo glanced up from the stack of order forms in front of him to watch Jericho with interest.

  “I need you to teach me whatever I will need to know for Teyacapan’s birthday gathering.” Jericho resisted the urge to lower his eyes. It was humbling having to ask someone to teach him how to behave, but it would be worse to embarrass Teya and potentially cost them her clan’s approval. Neo’s eyes narrowed a fraction.

  “What do you mean?” He tilted his head to one side as he watched Jericho.

  “I have been trapped between for longer than I want to say.” Jericho glanced away then back to Neo. “Nothing is the same as the last time I was a part of society. I do not want to do anything that could cause her any hardship or embarrassment. Will you teach me all I need to know to be a worthy partner to her?”

  Neo was quiet for a few moments, watching Jericho, then he put down the pen he’d been using, leaned back, and folded his hands across his stomach. “You want to be a worthy partner to her? Just for the party or more permanently?”

  “Ideally, for the rest of time. However, I am not naive enough to believe I can learn all that I will need for a lifetime in just a few days. I can, however, learn what will be needed to get through an evening in that time. My question is whether you will help me.” Jericho successfully managed to keep from looking away from the other man while he answered the question. It was a fair question, and he had to give Neo credit for asking. Teya was his older sister, and yet, he still looked out for her. Jericho hoped Neo would agree. As much as Jericho hated admitting he needed help, he would hate to humiliate Teya more.

  “I will help you,” Neo said after a moment. “I can’t guarantee I’ll think of everything, but I will teach you as much as I can between now and then.” He leaned forward and picked up his pen again. “Just give me ten minutes or so to finish this and we’ll get started.”


  The days until the birthday party had flown by, and now Teya was standing in her bathroom finishing up her makeup for the party. She really didn’t know exactly when her birthday was, only that she’d been born in late winter more than three thousand years earlier. In more recent times, when people began celebrating such things, her parents had chosen a date that was the right season and that had become her official birthday. Now that she had taken over the operation of the Fraction, it seemed to have become a holiday, or close, for her people. It wasn’t her favorite one, that was for sure. But it made the people under her happy, so she went along with it.

  Teya put the finishing touches on her mascara and lipstick then stepped out of the bathroom to check on Jericho. She’d laid out a shirt and a pair of slacks for Jericho after he’d asked what he should wear. He was concentrating on getting his shirt buttoned. Coming up in front of him, she covered his hands with hers.

  “We don’t have a lot of time, but you are yummy.” She stretched up and kissed him then finished buttoning his shirt for him.

  His gaze ran down her body then back up again before his arm wrapped around her and pulled her against him in a deep, engrossing kiss. After a couple minutes, she pulled away and gazed up at him.

  “I love you so much.” She had no doubt her heart was in her eyes.

  “What if your Fraction, your clan, doesn’t accept me?” He looked worried.

  “Right now, I don’t care. All I want is you.” She gazed up at him. “I’ll step down if I have to. You are mine, and I don’t think I can walk away, even if it’s what’s best for the Fraction.”

  He stared down at her. His eyes had turned soft. She couldn’t explain the changes, but they were plain to her. She loved him. How did she deal with that? How was she to do what was best for the Fraction if they refused to accept him? Could she make herself step away from him if they didn’t? She didn’t think so.

  Taking his hand in hers, she checked his cuff. Buttoning it then the other, she looked him over once more before fixing his collar.

  “There.” She smoothed the front of his shirt and resisted the urge to strip his clothing off and forget about the party. “We’re almost ready.” She let her gaze drift down his body until she came to his feet. He was barefooted. She wasn’t much different, as she was wearing her stockings but no shoes. Fighting the desire to stay as close to him as she could, she stepped away and went for her shoes while he went for his.

  Teya watched as Jericho tugged at his cuffs and adjusted his shoulders so his shirt and collar felt better.

  “Perfect.” She glanced around, making sure they weren’t forgetting anything. There was no reason for her to carry a bag if she was inside the resort, so that wasn’t something to worry about. “You ready?” She looked at Jericho again. He smiled and held out his arm.

  “I am ready when you are.” She couldn’t resist smiling back as she took his arm and stretched up to place a soft kiss on his cheek, grateful that she’d found a lipstick that didn’t transfer. Together they went to the door, which he opened and held for her. The hallway was empty, but Teya had expected that. Rachel and Neo were probably already there, and the rest of the rooms on this floor were currently empty.

  Waiting for the elevator, Teya turned to watch Jericho, wondering what was going through his mind. He looked calm and comfortable, more so than he had been just a few days earlier when they’d met Rachel and Neo for breakfast. Something had happened, but she’d been so busy with clan business and other things that needed her attention she didn’t know what it was. The elevator arrived with a ding. When the door slid open, she and Jericho stepped inside and he hit the button for the second level below the casino floor where the clan use conference and ballroom were. The first subterranean level was laundry and casino facilities, and the second level below the main floor was the first level reserved for clan use. Where had he found out that was where the party would be held?

  When the elevator reached the right floor, all they had to do was follow the sound of people. Stepping through the doorway of the room for the party, Teya found Rachel had gone all out this year. There was a huge banner along one wall that said Happy Birthday and star covered balloons anchored to tables scattered around the edge of the room. A band sat in one corner, though not yet playing, with an open dance floor in front of them. There was a line of tables on one side of the room set up for a buffet, but the food wasn’t there yet.

  “There you are!” Rachel came up and threw her arms around Teya, as if she hadn’t seen her just a couple hours before. “I was wondering if you’d show up at all tonight.” She glanced at Jericho and gave him a wink. A glance at his face told Teya he had no clue what Rachel was hinting at. Teya did, though, and she’d been tempted.

  “Here we are. What do you want us to do first?” Teya glanced around, wondering what the plan was for the evening.

  “Do? You’re the guest of honor. You do nothing but visit, eat, and enjoy the evening. I’ve got everything handled.” Rachel waved one hand in a dismissive motion then moved to stand in front of Jericho. “You look wonderful tonight. I hope you enjoy the evening.” She glanced around then headed toward the buffet table where some restaurant staff was working.

  A few steps into the room, Neo came up and gave her a hug.

  “Happy birthday, sis.” Neo knew she didn’t like the big deal that the clan made every year, but like most siblings, he liked to pick at her. He nodded at Jericho and clapped him on the shoulder before turning back to Teya. “Another year older, huh?” She knew from his tone and the smirk on his face he was teasing her, and she resisted the urge to flip him off. “I sometimes wonder how it feels being so old. Then I realize I can just ask you. Because no matter how old I get, you’ll always be older.” His smirk had grown into a grin.

  The age thing didn’t bother her. She’d always known she was older than him, and that they would be extremely long lived. It was the party and celebration in
her name she didn’t care for. But then, her father had felt the same way when he had been in her position. Teya’s mother had started the tradition as a way to bring the clan closer and try to end the more loner ways of dragons, and it had worked. But now, Teya had to continue the tradition, and she wasn’t quite as happy about it.

  Ignoring Neo, she turned to Jericho. “Let’s mingle, shall we?” Her hand was still tucked under his arm so as she moved. He went with her, leaving her brother behind. There were about fifty people in the room so far, not including the staff working on setting out food or serving. Teya scanned the room for someone—anyone—she had something to say to. Spotting a friend going through a rough patch, she headed in that direction.

  “Johanna,” Teya said as they approached. The tall, dark-haired woman turned and gave her a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “How are you doing?” Teya laid one hand on the other woman’s arm.

  “As good as can be expected, I guess. But I don’t want to think about that tonight. I came to have some fun.” She gave Teya a short hug. “Happy birthday.” She turned her gaze on Jericho. “I heard you had found someone new.”

  “I did.” Teya glanced up at him. “I think I may keep him a while, too.” She gave the other woman a friendly smile as she introduced her. “I’ve known Johanna since before Las Vegas was here.” She squeezed the other woman’s hand. “I understand if you don’t want to talk tonight, but come by some time and we’ll see what we can do.”

  “I can’t do that.” Johanna shook her head. “You’re way too busy to bother you with my troubles.”

  “I’m never too busy for my friends.” Teya met her stare and let her know she meant what she was saying.

  “All right.” Johanna dropped her gaze then looked up after a moment. “Give me a few days to get my shit together then I’ll come by.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Johanna excused herself as someone spoke from behind Teya.

  “Happy birthday, my liege,” the male voice said. Releasing Jericho’s arm, she spun in place to face the man, Jericho doing the same.

  “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” Teya rolled her eyes.

  “At least one more, my liege.” He sunk into a deep bow as she faced him.

  “Jericho, meet Christopher Keenan. Christopher, this is Jericho.” She tucked her hand back onto Jericho’s arm. Christopher’s gaze followed her movement, and she knew the gesture wasn’t lost on him. She was telling him that she was with Jericho and to leave her alone. Christopher had been trying off and on to get her to go out with him for years. She knew they would never be mates, and worse, that dating him would only cause problems within the clan. Christopher was the type to pull rank because he had once dated the head of the clan. It was trouble she didn’t need.

  “Thank you for the birthday wishes, Christopher. I hope you have a good evening.” She was careful to not ask him anything that might get him to follow her or try to keep her here longer. She’d learned to do this long ago. “Jericho—” she turned toward him “—there’s Ashley over there. I should talk to her.”

  “Very well.” Jericho covered her hand on his arm with his own and started for the woman she’d mentioned. She was grateful Christopher didn’t follow. As they spoke with Ashley, as well as a few others, the crowd in the room grew significantly before Rachel picked up one of the microphones for the band and got everyone’s attention.

  “Hello, everyone! I want to thank you all for coming out tonight to wish our illustrious leader a happy birthday!” She paused as the crowd clapped. “I hope you are all enjoying your evening so far, and we’ve got much more to come, but for now, dinner is served. We all know how this works. Teya, you go first. The rest of us will follow.”

  “We can wait if you’d like.” Jericho kept his voice low as he spoke beside her. “You don’t have to be first.”

  “No, I do. If I wait, they all will, and then dinner will be cold.” With the fingers of one hand woven between his, she pulled him to the table where the food was set up and made their way down the line. Rachel had outdone herself in the planning. All Teya’s favorite foods were there. She was going to have to spend half the night dancing if she had even a small portion of all the things she loved.

  Once they were finished on the buffet line, Teya led Jericho to a table. She sat her plate down and prepared to pull her chair out, but he pulled it out before she had a chance.

  “Thank you.” She took her seat. Glancing around the room, she saw people taking seats at several tables, but everyone was watching her, waiting for her to eat before they would. Shaking her head, she took the first bite. “Mmm...” Teya closed her eyes as the flavor burst in her mouth. Chicken mole wasn’t something she ate often, but it was an old recipe she had loved for a very long time. The flavors brought forth a string of memories, parties, special times with her family, her parents, and even her husband so long ago. Now, she would also have the memory of sharing it with Jericho. Reaching over, she covered his hand and squeezed it for a moment before looking up at him.

  “What?” He looked concerned.

  “Nothing, I was just remembering. And adding this to my memories.” She gave him a small smile. He frowned as if he wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about but squeezed her hand in return before he picked up his fork and started eating.


  After dinner, once most of the food and dishes had been cleared away, leaving only a table filled with assorted desserts and another with several kinds of drinks, the band started playing. They began with some soft, quiet music, which had a few people getting up to dance. Teya was content to sit at the table with Jericho and people watch for a while. Neo and Rachel had joined them, as had a few others. When the third song started, a slow country song that was popular about ten years ago, Jericho stood. Teya turned to see what he was doing and found him standing beside her chair with one hand extended.

  “Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” He bent in a slight bow. She stared at him a moment, surprised by his request. Dancing now would be nothing like dancing in his time, surely watching those on the floor now told him that. Either way, she wanted to be in his arms, so she put her hand in his.

  “Of course.” She stood and let him lead her out on the dance floor. He turned and pulled her into his arms, and together they swayed to the music like the other couples. “I like this.” She gazed up at him for a moment then laid her head against his chest as they continued to move in time with the music.

  “I do, too.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head.

  When the song ended, he walked her back to their table, her hand in his.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked as she took her seat. Something deep inside her warmed and she smiled up at him.

  “Yes, please. Water would be great.”

  “I will return shortly.” She watched him go, wondering where all this had come from. Not that she was complaining. It was beyond wonderful, but it was also beyond Jericho’s previous social knowledge.

  “How are things going with you two?” Rachel’s voice drew her away from her mental musings. She turned back to the table and those that sat around it.

  “Great. He’s still learning how things work now, and not just the technical advances, but he’s learning fast.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Rachel’s smile held something more mysterious in it. “I meant how are things going between the two of you?”

  “That’s my cue to leave for a little while.” Neo pushed his chair back as he stood. “I’m sure I’ll see you later.” He nodded to everyone at the table then wandered off to ask some girl to dance. Teya watched as he stopped beside a table and asked Johanna. She took his hand and followed him out on the floor. Turning her attention back to Rachel and her question, Teya hesitated.

  “Things are great.” She couldn’t help the satisfied smile that crept across her face. “That’s all I’m going to say about it.”

  “No fair,” Gina said from across the table. “The least you can do is give those of us not getting any a little vicarious thrill.” Gina leaned back and rubbed the hard mound of her large belly.

  “You look like you’ve been getting plenty.” Rachel gave Gina’s pregnant belly a pointed look.

  “Yeah, but not recently.” Gina pouted. “Mario’s been out of town entirely too much, and when he is home, he’s afraid he’ll hurt me.”

  “When will he be back?” Teya was glad to have the center of conversation off her and Jericho’s sex life.

  “Day after tomorrow.” Gina shifted in her seat.

  “That’s good,” Rachel put in.

  “He’s not scheduled to leave again soon, is he?” Teya looked at Rachel for the answer instead of Gina.

  “Not that I know of, but I’ll double check in the morning and reschedule if he is.” She turned to Gina. “You’re due in what? Three weeks?”

  “Three and a half, but who’s counting?” Gina laughed. She squirmed in her chair, obviously uncomfortable. Teya glanced around for a more comfortable place for her to sit. There was nothing but the barely padded, dining style chairs they were all using. Jericho arrived beside her, setting a bottle of water on the table in front of her.

  “Here you are.”

  Can I get you to do me a big favor without saying anything out loud? She used their mental channel for a reason.

  Of course. His mental voice was strong and filled with affection.

  Will you go out into the hallway between here and the elevator and bring in one of those padded chairs? These are too hard and Gina is uncomfortable.

  No problem. “Excuse me a moment, ladies,” he said aloud then turned and left.


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