Not My Solution

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Not My Solution Page 20

by T. E. Killian

  Roger smiled at her then looked over at Nick. “Since the rent is so cheap to you, you won’t mind if I give Gina a little raise to cover the extra work. Do you?”

  “No way. I can tell just by talking to her that she’ll be able to do everything I need.”

  With that settled, Roger assumed Nicole and Nick would go back to her house. But Nicole wheeled her chair into Roger’s office and Nick sat down in one of the visitor chairs by the outer door. Now what? That sure seemed prearranged.

  When Roger followed Nicole into his office, she turned around. “Would you close the door please Roger? I need to talk to you.”

  Roger was suddenly thrilled and worried at the same time. He was thrilled to spend some unexpected time with Nicole, one on one. But the look on her face told him that something big was bothering her. So, he pulled one of his visitors chairs out, so it faced her and waited for her to start.

  She sighed and looked him in the eye. “One of the other teachers told me she overheard René and Linda talking about Gary Andrews.”

  The implication of that statement hit him hard. “What did they say about him?”

  She shook her head. “She didn’t hear much more than that, just that they were wondering if he was the one who stabbed Darla.”

  Roger sat back and thought about that for a moment. His thoughts were interrupted when she spoke again.

  “They also wondered if Vance Robertson might have been the one who stabbed Darla. Isn’t he the one who is running for mayor against you?”

  “Yes, he’s the one and I’ve had that same thought a time or two myself. He strikes me as a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

  He thought for a moment. “And he seems to want to be mayor mighty bad. He’s already tried to buy me out of the election.”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, from what I’ve been told about him, that fits.”

  “Have you told Floyd all of this yet?”

  She shook her head. “No but I need to give him my report soon. I thought I’d call him as soon as I get home.”

  There was a knock at the door then and Floyd stuck his head in. “Can I join you three? That is unless you’re talking about something other than the stabbing case.”

  Roger waved his brother on into the room and Floyd pulled up a chair next to Roger.

  Over the next five minutes, Nicole gave Floyd her report which didn’t contain much that she hadn’t already told Roger.

  When she finished, Floyd slapped his cowboy had on his knee. “I sure would like to get something on that snake Robertson. I just know he’s nothing but trouble and will be especially if he’s elected mayor.”

  Soon after that, Roger walked Nicole, Nick and Floyd out the outer door and turned to Gina, knowing she couldn’t wait to tell him something. He was already getting to know her well enough to read that much.

  “Oh Roger, I just can never thank you enough for this opportunity you’ve given me. I promise neither you nor Nick will ever be sorry that I’m working for you.”

  He smiled down at her. “Well, with that, I think I’ll go home. Oscar has been bugging me for a long walk and I think I could sure use one myself. See you in the morning.”

  * * *

  The next day went by fast for Nicole. She spent as much time as she could in the lounge and the cafeteria but all she observed from René and Linda was insults thrown at her. So, by the end of the day, she was both mentally and physically exhausted. That made the extra hundred feet from her new classroom to the office and on to the exit just about enough to do her in.

  She finally made it to the office to find Shelly leaning on the counter talking to two students who were just leaving. Nicole went around the counter to Shelly’s desk to wait on her.

  Shelly followed her there then sat down and waited for Nicole to talk.

  “Could you tell Floyd that I don’t have anything new to report to him today, please?”

  “Sure Nicole. Why don’t you go home and soak in a hot bath for a while? You look like you’re really bushed.”

  “I am. And that’s exactly what I think I’ll do.”

  “Oh, wait Nicole. The hospital just called and said Darla is still in a medically induced coma.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Apparently she hit her head on the corner of your desk when she fell. She has a severe concussion and they don’t want her moving around yet.”


  She left the office with all that on her mind and wasn’t paying enough attention to her surroundings.

  When she was wheeling down the sidewalk toward the faculty parking lot, a man was suddenly standing in front of her. She instinctively reached into her pouch and pulled her M9 out of its holster but kept it hidden in the bag.

  One look at his buzz-cut, the tilt of his chin and the way he stood, she knew who he was. He had Marine stamped all over him. It had to be Gary Andrews.

  She thought she’d shock him a little. “What do you want Gary?”

  He was shocked all right. “How do you know who I am?”

  She smiled up at him. “Remember, I was an MP. I could pick a Jarhead out of a huge crowd.”

  “Okay. Now that you know who I am. I want you to tell me exactly what happened to Tony.”

  He was wearing a t-shirt tucked into tight-fitting jeans with low-cut running shoes on his feet.

  “Turn around slowly.”


  “I have a Beretta M9 in my right hand. I said turn around slowly.”

  Recognition came into his eyes then. “I’m not armed.”

  But he slowly turned around in a circle and she could see he was telling the truth.

  “Okay. Do you have a car nearby?”

  He tilted his head in the direction of her van. “Over there behind your van.”

  “Okay. Never mind that. Come sit in my van with me for a few minutes but walk ahead of me.”

  He laughed. “You really were a cop.”

  But he still did as she said.

  When they were next to her van, she punched the remote to bring her lift out.

  “You stand by the passenger door until I open it for you.”

  He did as she said, and soon they were both sitting in the front of her van.

  She glared at him. “I know you were a sniper. Did you shoot at my house twice and then Roger McCracken’s Jeep?”

  “What?” He shook his head and grinned. “Marine snipers don’t shoot at something, they shoot it.”

  She waited and then he frowned when he realized she was serious.

  “No. I never shot at anyone but now that you mentioned it, I have a pretty good idea who could have.”

  She waited him out keeping her eyes on his eyes.

  “I met this guy in a bar here and he told me all kinds of things about you I’m not sure are true. At least they’re not anything like the official Army version of what happened over there in Afghanistan.”

  They were both quiet for a long moment then he spoke again.

  “If you’ll tell me all the details about how you and Tony got hit, I’ll tell you who that guy is.”

  She looked into his eyes again for a long moment. “Okay. I would say that is a fair enough trade even though I’m pretty sure I already know who you’re going to name.”

  She shifted more to face him so she could see his reactions better.

  “We were in a Humvee with Tony driving and we were the point in a convoy of ten vehicles. We apparently hit an IED with our front left tire that exploded once the tire was off of it. Tony and the guy sitting behind him were hit the hardest by the blast. I was thrown out of the vehicle and when I landed, it broke my back. The blast itself busted my eardrums causing me to lose my hearing completely.”

  He sat there staring off through the windshield for a full five minutes before he finally turned back to her.

  “Thank you.”

  He opened the door and once he was outside, leaned back in. “Vance Robertson.”

nbsp; With that, he closed the door and walked about thirty yards to a rental car and drove off.

  Nicole sat there for another five minutes staring down the street long after Andrews’ car had disappeared.

  Now what? She had already been thinking Robertson was behind everything including the shootings and the stabbing of Darla. Now, how could they prove it?

  Darla! Surely, when she woke up, she’d tell Floyd who stabbed her.

  Then an icy chill went down her back. What if Darla lied and said Nicole did it? She knew Floyd believed in her but what about the county attorney? He didn’t know her. He’d have to go with the witness account.

  She suddenly realized that she needed to get out of the parking lot. She was a sitting duck there.

  As soon as Nicole got home, she told Nick about her encounter with Gary Andrews.

  “Man! Laine, that guy could have hurt you.”

  She shook her head with a smile. “I don’t think so.” She pulled out her M9. “I had this in my hand the whole time.”

  Nick laughed then sobered up again quickly. “You need to let Roger and Floyd know.

  “Yes. I’ll call Roger right now.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Roger was so tired he could hardly focus on the form on his computer. That was enough! No, that was too much.

  He turned off his laptop and shoved it and some folders into his briefcase then went through the door to Gina’s desk.

  “I think I’m going to head home. Why don’t you too?”

  She looked up at him from typing on her computer then looked at the clock. “Oh, I think I will as soon as I finish this brief.”

  They exchanged good nights, and he headed for the parking lot.

  He was surprised that it was almost dark. Of course, it was just a couple of days until November and the days were much shorter and much colder.

  He punched his remote and was about to get in his Jeep when he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. As he turned to see who was there, his hand automatically went under his coat to his back to grip his Glock.

  “McCracken. We need to talk.”


  He eased the weapon out of its holster but kept it at his side under his coat.

  “What do you want to talk about that you have to catch me in a dark parking lot to do it?”

  The guy made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a snort. “I don’t want anybody seeing us and jumping to the wrong conclusion about what’s going on here.”

  Roger was getting tired of this run around.

  “Okay Robertson. Say what you came to say and get out of here.”

  This time the guy did laugh, loudly. Then he caught himself and spoke softly this time. “I want you to drop out of the mayor race.”

  “Now why would I want to do that? I just got in it at the last minute and the election is next Tuesday.”

  “That’s exactly why you should drop out. You’re only in this race because your big brother doesn’t want me to win and establish a Crowleyville Police Department.”

  “No. That’s where you’re wrong. Well, you got part of it right. I am in the race to keep you from winning and creating a PD. But it’s because I don’t think we need a PD not just because Floyd doesn’t.”

  Robertson took one step closer and Roger brought his hand out of his coat and the guy looked down at the gun in his hand.

  “Oh, so it’s going to be like that, is it? Well, gun or not, if you stay in the race, you’ll be sorry.”

  Robertson turned to go but as he was walking away, he said something else and Roger couldn’t be sure what it was, but it sounded like, “You’ve got a big family.”

  He almost chased after the guy. But common sense prevailed. That was probably exactly what Robertson wanted him to do so he could file assault charges against Roger.

  As soon as Roger got in his car and locked the doors, he pulled out his cell phone and called Floyd. And as he could have predicted, Floyd became extremely angry and was yelling on the phone.

  After he disconnected the call, he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

  He was half-way home when his cell phone rang again. He figured it was Floyd, so he pulled to the side of the street to take the call. He was surprised and a little worried when he saw Nicole’s name on the screen.

  “Roger! I need to see you. Can you come over soon? Don’t worry about dinner, I have plenty for you to join us.”

  He didn’t hesitate because she had been on his mind all day and he if he was honest with himself, he really wanted to be with her.

  “Sure. I’m half-way to my house but you’re not far. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “That’s good. I’ll see you then.”

  He disconnected this time with a frown on his face. She sounded different. He didn’t think she sounded frightened or even nervous. If anything, she almost sounded … excited?

  He pulled back onto the street and had to force himself to drive the speed limit to her house.

  Soon, he was ringing her doorbell and wasn’t surprised when Nick opened the door and let him in.

  Roger followed Nick into the living room where Nicole was sitting in her recliner with her big white cat in her lap. They looked so natural together. But he couldn’t help thinking how Oscar would react to seeing that cat. He loved to chase them, but Roger didn’t think he’d ever hurt one. It was just in a Beagle to run and chase things.

  As soon as he sat down, Nicole looked straight at him. “As I was going from the school building to my van this afternoon, Gary Andrews was suddenly standing in front of me.”

  “Did you have your M9?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I did but as it turned out, I didn’t need it.”

  Roger wanted to yell. He wanted to hit something. Nicole had been in danger and he hadn’t been there to help her in spite of the fact that he knew she could take care of herself even from a wheelchair.

  “He just wanted to talk to me.”

  She took a sip of what looked like iced tea from a glass on the table next to her. Roger looked up then to see Nick handing him a glass too.

  “He said he had nothing to do with the shootings.” She chuckled. “In fact, as only a Marine could do, he said he never shot at anything, he always shot it.”

  Roger agreed. “Yeah, that was what had me wondering too.”

  She waved a hand in the air. “By the way, I had my hand on my M9 the whole time we talked.”

  He laughed. “Good for you.”

  She stopped smiling. “All he wanted was for me to tell him what actually happened in Afghanistan when his brother was killed. He said the official Army report left out a lot.”

  “Oh, and he also said he had a good idea who did the shooting.”

  She took another sip of tea, so Roger did too.

  “He initially said he’d trade that information for me telling him what really happened to his brother.”

  Roger was waiting for her to tell him who did the shooting.

  “He said Robertson came up to him in a bar and told him all kinds of what he was sure were lies about me. He thinks Robertson did the shooting.”

  Roger slapped his thigh with his free hand. “That’s what I think too. Wait until I tell you about him accosting me in my parking lot just a little while ago.”

  After he told them about Robertson’s threats, they were all talking at once.

  * * *

  Nicole had been feeling good about her meeting with Gary Andrews until Roger told her about Robertson threatening him just a little while ago.

  “But Roger. What do you think Robertson will do? That sounded to me like a threat against members of your family.”

  He frowned. “Yeah. That’s what it sounded like to me too. And Floyd just about came unglued. He hurt my ear on the phone with his yelling.”

  Nicole almost smiled at the image of the big redheaded man turning red in the face and shouting. She’d seen him do it a few times.

  She did
laugh a little. “I’d like to see Floyd get a hold of Robertson, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I sure would.” He chuckled. “For that matter, I’d like to get a hold of him myself.”

  She believed him and she would like to see it too. Then she thought maybe that wasn’t a Christian thought for her to be having.

  They were all three quiet for a few minutes. Both men seemed to be deep in thought. She knew she was.

  Finally, Roger gave Nick a look that Nicole couldn’t figure out and Nick stood. “I think I’ll go check on dinner.”

  When he left the room, she turned to see Roger staring at her with a different look on his face than she’d ever seen on it.

  “What …?”

  He held up a hand, and she stopped. Then he slid to the edge of the sofa and leaned as far as he could toward her.

  “Nicole, I met with Pastor Gil yesterday afternoon.”

  When he paused, she wanted to speak out and ask him what happened, but his serious expression stopped her, so she waited.

  “He answered all my questions.”

  She was learning that Roger always talked that way. It had to be a habit he’d picked up in the courtroom. One of making a witness wonder what was coming next. She could wait.

  “Now, I’m ready.”

  This time, she knew he expected her to say something, so she did. “That’s great Roger. So, what’s next?”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The reason I didn’t pray with Pastor Gil was that I wanted to be with you when I do.”

  He was looking into her eyes so intently she could feel the power of his thoughts.

  “Do you know what to say?”

  “Yes, I just want you to be with me when I do.”

  Nicole was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. This great man was looking at her like she was the most beautiful creature on earth. And it suddenly hit her that she loved Roger McCracken. Oh my!

  She couldn’t speak, so she just nodded encouragement to him hoping he’d get the message.

  He did. He bowed his head and so did she. He then prayed a prayer of salvation and when he was finished, she reached out to grasp his arm to pull him toward her.


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