Be My Wife: A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 6)

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Be My Wife: A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 6) Page 7

by Nia Arthurs

  She’s a kid.

  She shouldn’t be having glimpses of something sweet.

  She should be stuffing her face with sweetness.

  With joy.


  Friendship with kids her own age.

  Promises of tomorrow.

  Not medicine.


  And a promise of death.

  I inhale deeply. Force a smile. “I have to thank Nurse Ina for taking such good care of you.”

  “She says she can take good care of all of us because Lucas takes such good care of her. She says love has a habit of spreading around. Did you know that? Do you love like that?”

  “I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “But I know I love you.”

  “And Aunt Lana?”

  I hesitate. “Aunt Lana too. But in a different way.”

  “Not the way Nurse Ina loves Lucas?”

  “No, Pumpkin.”

  She nods. “Then you should go to Make It Marriage and find someone to love like that. They give out love over there. I’m sure they can find some for you.”

  “Wait, you know about Make It Marriage?”

  She bobs her head. “I know all about the match-mingers.”

  “You mean matchmakers?”

  “Right.” She smiles broadly, revealing a missing tooth. “I know Kayla. She’s the Boss Lady. She’s very serious but very kind too. And she’s always looking out for everybody.”


  “I know Venus. She’s a lot of fun, but Nurse Ina says she tells too many adult jokes.” Steph makes a face. “Can you tell me an adult joke sometime, Uncle Brogan?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  She shrugs and keeps on going. “I know the third match-minger.”


  “Her name’s Amina. She’s a very strong woman. She believes that black girls have magic.” Steph gasps. “Did you know that?”

  “I did.” I chuckle.

  “There’s another one too. Nellie.”

  “Hm…” I remember Nellie. The day I moved back to the city, Lucas called me, frantic, asking for help getting her out of jail. By the time I got there, the problem was already solved.

  “Nellie’s new. She isn’t sure what she wants to be yet. Nurse Ina says she’s figuring herself out.”

  “Nurse Ina is very… thorough.”

  “Oh yeah, she’s awesome.”

  “So I gather.”

  “She’s the only nurse who listens and talks to me like I won’t break if you stare at me too hard.”

  “Steph…” My heart pangs.

  “I’m ten years old. I’m not a baby. I feel very grown up. Nurse Ina said I’m mature for my age.”

  “She did, huh?”

  “Nurse Ina says I have an old soul. Do you think so?”

  “I think,” I take her into her hospital room and heft her on the bed, “that you need to be a kid for a little longer. I’m not ready for you to grow up yet.”

  She slaps her palm. “Uncle Brogan, get with the times. Ten year olds are changing the world nowadays. There’s no age limit on making a difference.”

  I smile.

  Lean over.

  Kiss her forehead.

  She sighs happily. “I really missed you.”

  “Missed you too, Pumpkin. I have to go talk to your doctor and then I have a meeting…”

  Her face crumples.

  “I have to go.”

  Her smile is brave but I can still see the loneliness in her eyes. “No problem. They need me in the library anyway. I’m reading the story today. Trevor Hicks has such a boring voice. The kids practically begged me to take over.”

  “They have great taste.”

  She casts me a worried look. “You’ll come see me tomorrow, right?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”


  I hug her once more and then straighten. Leaving Steph in her room, I plod outside, dragging my heart behind me like a petulant child refusing to leave the playground.

  Every inch of me, every nerve of my heart, yearns to rescue her from this place.

  And I’m going to.

  I walk determinedly to the doctor who’s surrounded by nurses in the middle of a hallway.

  He spins. Brown eyes fall on me and brighten. “Brogan!”

  I don’t bother with greetings.

  Stopping in front of him, I blurt, “Seven days. Can you keep her alive for a few more days?”

  He looks shocked. “Well…”

  “Can she survive that long without the surgery?”

  “There are other alternatives. We can give them a try, but—”

  “Do it. Do everything you can to keep her alive until then.”

  His sober gaze finds mine.

  “Okay?” I press.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Thank you.”

  He glances at me and then at the floor. ”Actually, Brogan…”

  I arch an eyebrow.

  “Lana didn’t want to tell you, but she’s struggling with the bills. I—”

  “Already taken care of.” I used what was left of my savings and got an advance from Levy.

  Gran’s pay-check to herself was generous.

  At least I can thank her greed for something.

  He slaps my shoulder. “Steph’s going to be alright, Brogan. She’s a fighter.”

  “I know.”

  “Good.” He thumps my back once more.

  I swallow hard. Turn. Leave through the exits.

  The countdown starts today.

  The marriage. The job at Gran’s company. It’s all for this moment.

  I glance at my watch.

  Speaking of Elizabeth…

  I hurry to my car.

  Put my game face on.

  In exchange for Steph’s life, I get to play the part of a doting fiancé. With all that’s on the line, I’ve no choice but to do a damn good job.

  I hope Elizabeth doesn’t think that moment outside the office today was an indication of how I’m going to perform in front of her family. She just caught me off-guard.

  Now that my focus is back—

  Now that I’m ready—

  I’m going to show her exactly how I repay my debts.



  “Looks like your Mystery Man isn’t coming,” Novah says with thinly veiled mockery hiding beneath her concerned tone. “Shouldn’t you try calling him? If he exists, of course.”

  “Babe.” Oren, Novah’s fiancé, gives her a stern look.

  Novah plays with her hoop earring, not looking the least bit bothered.

  Geez. My cousin’s got to be out of control if the man who’s hopelessly in love with her is calling her out.

  “Let’s give him a little more time.”

  “How much? I’m not waiting around for some non-existent boyfriend forever.”


  “I’m just saying,” she snaps defensively. “We’re all family here. We should be comfortable enough to tell the truth.”

  I lift my chin. “He’ll be here.”

  “I’ll believe that when I see it,” Novah mumbles.

  I huff.

  Fold my arms over my chest.

  Pretend to be offended that Novah doesn’t believe my lie.

  Which is in fact… a lie.

  This anger? It’s all false bravado.

  Born of irritation and fear.

  I’m starting to wonder if I got played.

  There’s that voice in the back of my head telling me that Brogan’s gone.

  Into the wind.


  And I can’t even be mad at him.

  I mean, if he did all this to save a little girl’s life, the humiliation is worth it.


  I fold my fingers under my chin.

  My ring catches the glow of the sun’s orange rays. Fragments of light spill on the cream-colored walls. The calm, abstract
paintings. The cake tiers set up all over the room.

  Novah gasps. “It’s so pretty.”


  She takes my hand. Studies the rock. “You really shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble, Liz.” Novah glances through the glass window at Gerard who’s waiting in the car. In a low voice, she says, “Won’t it just be cheaper to come clean?”

  Oren frowns. “Novah…”

  “She already spent so much on a ring. Now she hired some weird driver guy just to keep the ruse going. It’s too much. Someone should tell her when she’s overdoing it.”

  I open my mouth, but before I can tell her off, Brogan appears outside the window.

  Time slows.

  I watch his determined stride.

  His broad shoulders.

  The square jaw.

  His red beard.

  He’s still wearing the suit that he had on this morning.

  The black jacket hugs his broad frame.

  Encases his long legs.

  Makes him look more powerful.

  More official.

  More commanding.

  But, to be honest, I would have loved to see him in his regular ripped jeans and T-shirt.

  I’m just happy to see him.

  He’s here.

  Thank God.

  “There he is!”

  Novah wrinkles her eyebrows.

  Oren sits up straight.

  We all watch as Brogan walks up to the store.

  Opens the door.

  Steps in.

  His blue eyes zip around the room.

  Then they land on me.

  A buzz climbs my skin as his gaze turns intense.

  My heart gallops wildly.

  Why is he looking at me like that?

  Still keeping me locked in his sight, Brogan storms across the room.

  I lift my fingers.

  Start to say ‘hi’.

  Before I can, Brogan plants one big hand on the table and the other on the back of my chair. Swooping in, he plants a forceful kiss on my lips that’s powerful enough to thrust—not only my head but my entire body and the chair back. If not for his tight grip holding the chair down, I would have toppled.

  My lips slacken in shock.

  He sucks on them good and hard.

  Enough to draw a muffled moan from me.

  Then he pulls back.

  Glances at me with a worried frown. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  Too shocked to speak, I can only shake my head.

  My body is throbbing.



  Parts of me that haven’t gotten excited in a long, long time.

  I squeeze my thighs together.

  Grab the glass of water next to me.

  Chug it down.

  While I try to rehydrate and figure out what the hell got into him to kiss me like that, Brogan turns his attention to the couple sitting across from us.

  “Hi.” He extends his hand to Novah. “You must be the favorite cousin.”

  There’s no response.

  Novah’s mouth is currently hovering inches off the floor. I’m pretty sure her old, curly wig is about to fly straight off her head.

  “Hey,” Oren takes the hand Novah can’t seem to move herself to accept. “I’m Oren. The groom.”

  “Oren, nice to meet you.” Brogan shakes his hand firmly.

  Oren gestures to our cake-less table. “We didn’t want to start without you.”

  “I appreciate that.” Brogan pulls his chair up close to me. His broad shoulders bump into mine. He leans slightly into my space as he murmurs, “Again, I’m sorry for the hold up.”

  “It’s fine. Right, Novah?”

  She smiles sweetly. “No problem.”

  “Should we get started?” I ask in soft, high-pitched voice that hardly sounds like my own. “I have to get back to work.”

  “Sure.” Oren gestures to someone.

  A moment later, a cheerful woman lumbers out to us. She clasps her hands together and beams at Brogan. “I see the final party has arrived.”

  He dips his chin.

  “Alright. Why don’t we get started with the first cake?” She dishes out four slices in delicate, gold-rimmed plates.

  I eagerly accept mine. Cut off a piece. Groan when the chocolate hits my tongue. “Oh, that’s so good.”

  “You like it?” Brogan smiles.



  With teeth and everything.

  Did he just get hotter?

  Or is that my shock talking?

  I choke on my chocolate cake.

  He springs into action and hands me my glass of water. “Here, babe. Drink this.”


  I’m Babe?

  It’s way more unfamiliar than being Mrs. Harrington.

  My chest rises and falls as I desperately try to breathe.

  Who the hell is this man?

  It can’t be Brogan.

  The same one who stormed away from me yesterday.

  The one who hung up on me without saying goodbye this morning.

  The one who got pissed off when I kissed his cheek a few hours ago.


  It’s an imposter.

  Maybe the real Brogan got abducted by aliens.

  Or maybe he got brainwashed by the government.

  Or what if this is his twin?

  “Babe?” Brogan’s blue eyes come into focus. “Are you okay?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I choke out.

  He smirks. Takes his thumb. Runs it over my bottom lip.

  I seize up.

  He puts his thumb into his mouth. “Mmm.”

  My heart is about to burst from shock.

  I can’t do this.

  It’s too much.

  Novah clears her throat. “So… Brogan, was it?”

  “Yeah.” Brogan answers her, but he doesn’t take his eyes off me for a second.

  I squirm.

  “How long have you known Liz?”

  “Long enough to recognize what a beautiful, classy, intelligent and kind woman she is.”

  My cheeks burn.

  Brogan’s much, much better at this than I’d given him credit for. That’s an answer I probably wouldn’t have been able to feed him if I could.

  He tears his gaze away from me to cast a smirk at Oren. “I’m sure you can understand.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Oren slides his hands over Novah’s shoulders. It’s clear he’s already bought it—hook, line and sinker.

  Novah’s not as easily swayed. “Why haven’t I heard about you before?”

  “We wanted to keep it to ourselves.” I try to morph into my love-sick character. “You know how our family can get.”

  “I do.” Novah narrows her eyes.

  I turn to Brogan and lift my fork.

  He leans forward and nibbles the cake off the spines.

  I smile brightly as he groans in pleasure.


  That sound he makes deep in his chest should not make my toes curl in my shoes like they are right now.

  “Still, it’s weird that you didn’t mention him at all.”

  Brogan runs a hand down my face. “Did I mention how beautiful you look today?”


  He leans in. “You do.”

  My eyes flutter closed.

  He kisses me softly.

  His big fingers cradle my chin.

  His thumb swipes back and forth on my cheek.

  My heart sighs.

  Stupid heart.

  This isn’t real.

  None of this is real.

  Still I kiss him back.

  Enjoy learning his motions.

  The patterns of his strokes.

  The taste of his lips with just a hint of chocolate.

  When I pull back, I’m dazed and very, very worried.

  My fake-husband is way too good at kissing and the stirring in my belly feels way too real.

bsp; Brogan glances at Novah. “I’m sorry, did you ask a question?”

  “No,” Novah grouses. Turning, she hollers at the workers, “Can we get another cake!”

  I smile softly at Brogan.

  He slips his hand beneath the table and rubs my thigh.

  My heart bucks violently.

  The buzzing in my skin gets more intense.

  It’s not real, Liz.

  I play that mantra around and around in my head.

  It’s not real. It’s not real.

  I need to carve it into my soul.

  Tattoo it over my throbbing core.

  Thrust it into my very being.

  Forgetting that truth, even for a second, would be a huge and terrible mistake.



  “I think she bought it,” I say to Elizabeth on the drive back to work.



  “Oh. Yeah. Probably.”

  She goes quiet again. Looks out the window. Folds her hands together and slides them between her thighs.

  “For a minute there, I wasn’t sure if this would work.”


  “It looks like we’re more convincing than we thought.”


  I give her another surveying sweep.

  There’s a worried crease in the middle of her forehead.

  Glossy pink lips are captured between her teeth.

  Her shoulders are slumped.

  I thought she’d be celebrating.

  So why does she look like her dog died?



  I shake my head. Ease back. “Nothing.”

  She flings one pink-clad leg over another and presses herself even closer to the opposite door.

  I frown at her. At the giant space between us. The moment we left Novah and her fiancé, Elizabeth withdrew into herself like a turtle ducking her head into a shell.

  It reminded me of the way she acted in the taxi after our marriage ceremony.

  That time, I got her out of her funk by buying her a ring.

  This time…

  “Should we go get my ring now?” I ask hopefully.



  “I have work,” she says firmly.

  “Well, you have a connection with the boss so—”

  Her head swings my way. Angry brown eyes take me in.

  I clear my throat. “Fine. We’ll just go to work.”

  Silence falls again.

  I glance up front and find Gerard observing us through his dark shades. He doesn’t say anything, but I can feel his censure through his tightened lips.


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