Navy Boys Behind the Big Guns; Or, Sinking the German U-Boats

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Navy Boys Behind the Big Guns; Or, Sinking the German U-Boats Page 22

by Halsey Davidson



  The revenue cutter was a speedy craft, and by midforenoon she was faroutside the string of islands near which the crew of the _Kennebunk's_steamer under Ensign MacMasters had experienced so many adventures.

  The wireless operator picked up the superdreadnaught at last. She wastwo hundred miles away, and when she gave her course to the cutter theboys noticed that it occasioned a deal of excitement upon thequarterdeck.

  Unless the message is spread on the notice-board by the door of thewireless room, the members of the crew of any vessel are not likely toknow what is going on in the air. The operator, like the usual telegraphoperator, is bound to secrecy.

  "There's something up besides the blue peter, just as sure as you're afoot high, Whistler," Al Torrance declared eagerly. "I'd give a punchednickel to know just what it is."

  Having nothing to occupy their time on the cutter, the four Navy boysnaturally gave their attention to rumor and gossip. They believed the_Kennebunk_ was no longer headed up the coast; but where she was goingwas a question.

  "Crickey!" groaned Al, "if she gets into any muss without our beingaboard, I'll be a sore one."

  "They wouldn't be so mean," wailed Ikey, "as to have a fight without usbeing in it. Oi, oi! Oi, oi!"

  "Nothing but subs to fight over here, kid, if any," the older boy said."Stop your keening."

  "Say, how do we know where the big fight will be pulled off?" demandedFrenchy excitedly.

  "What big fight?" queried Whistler, unpuckering his lips.

  "The one they've been talking about for months. You know, everybody'ssaid the Huns would come out some time. They're bound to give us achance at their Navy."

  "Aw, they won't! Will they, Whistler?" asked Ikey.

  "I don't really believe so myself," Torry said, shaking his head. "Nosuch luck."

  "I believe the _Kennebunk_ has got new orders," Whistler rejoinedthoughtfully. "Whether or not they are for her to sail for the otherside, I don't know. I heard a hint about it when we came aboard thecutter."

  "Crickey! Let 'em hit it up, then," urged Torry. "If this little oldtub doesn't go fast enough I'll jump overboard and swim!"

  "Oi, oi! Not me!" objected Ikey Rosenmeyer. "I've soaked in enough saltwater. I don't feel as though I should really need a bath again beforeI get to be twenty-one yet."

  "Tough on your messmates, Ikey," observed Whistler. "Do think better ofsuch a rash decision."

  The four boys from Seacove were not alone in being anxious regarding the_Kennebunk_ and their chance of overtaking her. Every man of the crew ofthe wrecked auxiliary steamer desired to get aboard the superdreadnaughtif there was to be any fresh excitement.

  Whistler's chums urged him to waylay Ensign MacMasters for information.

  "G'wan, Whistler!" begged Frenchy. "You and him's just like brothers.Ask him if the old _Kennebunk_ is running away from us, or if it's allbunk?" and he grinned at his pun.

  "Of course she's not running away," Whistler returned.

  "Just the same this cutter is sprinting like all get out," put in Torry."Be a good fellow, Whistler. Ask Mr. MacMasters what it means."

  His chum did not feel that he could do this. There is, after all, a gulfbetween the quarterdeck and the forecastle. But Whistler put himself inthe ensign's way and, saluting smartly, asked a question:

  "Beg pardon, sir! Did you find anybody aboard who could translate thattorn letter I picked up in the old witch's cabin?"

  "That letter addressed to Franz Linder? No, Morgan; there is nobodyaboard the cutter who is familiar with German. But the moment we reachthe _Kennebunk_ I will put it into Captain Trevor's hands--never fear."

  "Shall we really catch the battleship, sir?" asked Whistler eagerly.

  "We've got to, Morgan;" declared Mr. MacMasters. "As you boys say,'there is something doing' and we must be in it."

  "But the battleship has changed her course, has she not, sir?"

  "She has received new orders; but we will meet her on this course,I have no doubt. Cheer up, my boy," and the ensign laughed. "You mayyet help work the big guns in a real battle."

  So it was actually a race. The cutter must reach a certain point in theopen ocean to meet the superdreadnaught; if they missed her, in allprobability the party from the _Kennebunk_ would have to be returned toport and be assigned to some other duty for the time being.

  "Oi, oi!" groaned Ikey when he heard Whistler's report. "I never didhave any luck. If they had delicatessen shops on board ships, I'd bemade to police the pickle barrels yet."

  The day did not pass without some additional excitement. The cutterpassed and signaled several Government vessels; but toward evening thelookout picked up the smoke of a small destroyer ahead which, within thenext half hour, acted very strangely, indeed.

  She seemed to be steaming in circles, and as the cutter raced nearerthose circles narrowed. Then her guns began to pop.

  The cutter's crew and their guests became much excited. Surely the guncrews of the destroyer were not at target practice. Yet they seemed tohave found a target in the middle of that circle the destroyer wasfurrowing through the sea.

  At last they saw an answering shot fired from the midst of the circle.The destroyer was traveling at top speed and her own guns continued tokeep up a wicked cannonading of the central object.

  "A Hun submarine!" shouted somebody. "They're circling it, and they aregoing to get it, too!"

  "If it is a submarine why doesn't she sink?" demanded Torry thesceptical.

  "I see why," Whistler said. "If the U-boat goes down the destroyer willdart in and drag depth bombs. Then--good-_night_!"

  "Wow, wow!" cried Frenchy. "She's so fast she can cut circles around theU-boat, eh?"

  "Sure as you live!" said Torry. "My! that's a pretty fight. If thatdestroyer was the old _Colodia_, and we were only aboard of her! Whatfun!"

  The destroyer was narrowing her circles; the U-boat was in a pocket, andunless the Hun put a lucky shell into the destroyer's engines, sheseemed doomed to capture or destruction.

  The cutter raced nearer. Her course would take her directly into thecircle of battle unless her helm was changed.


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