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Ryder Page 9

by Blair Grey

  But now, the nervousness I had felt was gone. Now, I knew what I wanted, and I knew he could give it to me. We looked at each other, the same hunger in our eyes as we pulled off our clothes. We let each piece fall to the floor, our feet standing in a pile of clothes as we continued to kiss, running our hands over each other, unable to get enough of each other.

  Ryder lifted me once more, this time walking me over to the counter. I shoved the pile of mail I had set by the fridge out of the way, sitting down on the counter and wrapping my legs around him. We were so caught up in the heat of the moment, I hardly felt the cold of the countertop beneath my bare bottom.

  All I could think about was Ryder and how much I desperately needed him. He was the only one on the planet who was able to make me feel this way. He was the one who stirred up these feelings inside me. He brought a new need out of me, something I kept pushing down, but something that I couldn’t ignore.

  I had to have him. I wanted to be with him. I knew I could keep running, but in the moment, he was the only thing in the world that could make this better. I had to have him inside me, and I felt the same urgency in his own body. He kissed my neck, down the front of my torso, pausing at my tits. Sucking and flicking my nipples with his tongue before kissing his way back up.

  He stepped forward, pulling me toward the edge of the counter and toward his thick, hard cock.

  I spread my legs, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer to me, wanting all of him. Wanting to give myself to him. Though I’d slept with him before, I felt the thrill of the first time rushing through me, the curiosity of what it would be like to be with him once more. The lust of needing to have him inside me all over again.

  He pushed into me, his cock spreading me wide open, a jolt running through the core of my being as I took him as deep as possible. I was on the edge of the counter, using him for support as he held me close. A moan escaped my lips as he pushed deep, and I smiled, pulling back only far enough to find his mouth once more.

  Neither of us spoke. There was no need for words. All I wanted was this moment. And, this moment was all we had. There wasn’t anything to say, only to feel. I wrapped my body around him as much as I could, sliding to the very edge of the counter and trusting him not to let me fall.

  I closed my eyes, pulling him close as he started to thrust in and out of me, his cock sending new waves of pleasure through the core of my being. There weren’t words to describe how incredible he felt – or how he made my body thrum.

  When we were together like this, suddenly nothing else mattered. This was the only thing in the world. Nothing could touch us in our happiness. No one could come between us.

  It was him and me. And that’s all we needed. That’s all I needed. It was moments like this that let me feel like things were going to be alright for once. It was this that made me feel alive.

  I never wanted it to end.

  Chapter 16


  I thrust my cock in and out of Taylor’s tight pussy, all the memories of the first time I’d slept with her rushing through my mind. She had been a virgin then, but now, she still felt just as tight. It was as though it was the first time for her all over again, and the excitement that rushed through me as I made love to her was enough for me to feel like it could be my first time, too.

  She took me to places I’d never gone to with any other woman. Even the women I’d hooked up with when we weren’t together were nothing like Taylor. In her inexperience, she had managed to make me feel on top of the world. She had been the one I had waited for for so long, it was hard to know it was just the one time.

  Now that we were older, it was hard to believe we were sleeping together again. I couldn’t have been happier with the chance to show her once more what I could do. But, more than that, to prove to her that I wanted to protect her.

  With each thrust into her, I felt a wave of pleasure run through me. It was something unlike anything I experienced with anyone else. I didn’t even know if it was possible to feel such a sensation with anyone else. She was the one person who could do this to me, and I wanted to make her feel like everything would be okay.

  Taylor moaned. She was on the edge of the counter, but I held her firmly as I pushed into her then drew myself out again. She sank her teeth into my shoulder as she let out a gasp, then a moan that ran through the very core of her being.

  She nearly melted in my arms, and I knew she was cumming – and hard. I held her into me, closer than before, pushing my cock into her as deep as I could as the waves of pleasure began to course through my own body.

  Cumming inside Taylor was the best feeling in the world. I had dreamt of it often in the time we were apart, and I wanted nothing more than for the chance to do it again. There was a time when I didn’t think I would get that chance, but here we were.

  She did things to me I didn’t even know were possible, and I made it my mission to do the same to her. I wanted her to know just how amazing she was, and nothing was better to me than feeling her melt against me, enjoying every second of the time we had together.

  As the waves of pleasure subsided, Taylor looked up at me. Neither of us spoke for a moment. There wasn’t anything to say. Were we going to talk about what we just did? No. There wasn’t any reason to bring it up. I knew we had both wanted it, and I could see in her face she didn’t regret a thing.

  But, she had made it clear to me she didn’t want to be together, and I wasn’t going to ruin the moment by asking her about it now. No, it would be best to let it go, to move on with the mission and focus on what we were facing next.

  “Are you sure you want to go through with this?” I asked her. “We could get a hold of Jett and tell him you changed your mind. I think that could be the best idea, considering the danger you’re going to face.”

  “Since when are you the kind of guy to shy away from danger?” Taylor gave me a smirk, but I brushed it off.

  “I can take care of myself, but it’s you I’m worried about. How the Hell are you going to ward off your father and all his men?” I asked. “You think this is going to be a walk in the park, but you’ve not had anything to do with him for ten years. You’re walking right into the lion’s den, and you’re not going to have anything to protect yourself with.”

  “I’ve got the Steel Wings, remember?” she asked with a flick of her hair. She was getting dressed, and I was doing the same, but it was hard for me not to keep bringing up the mission – and trying to convince her it would be a good idea to change her mind.

  “You have us, but the only way we’ll be able to do you any good is if we are there if something were to go down. How the Hell do you think we’re going to be able to protect you if we’re not there and something happens?”

  “You worry too much. Who would have thought the day would come when I would say that?” she teased. I gave her a look, and she laughed. But then she followed it with a shrug. “I’m serious. What are we going to do about this? I don’t have any control over it, and neither do you, really.”

  “You can back out while you still have the chance,” I told her.

  “I have to do this for my mother,” she said as she crossed her arms. “You said you’re going to protect me, and that’s all I need you to do.”

  “I’m protecting you by telling you this is a bad idea,” I told her. But, she shook her head.

  “The Steel Wings were in agreement. And, last I checked, you did everything they wanted to do. So, you should be more than happy to go along with this little plan, right?”

  I knew she meant it as a dig, and I was pissed off that it worked. I remembered the night when she broke up with me for good. The night when she asked if I would turn my back on the MC and run away with her. I had made it clear to her that night the MC was my life, and I would do anything they asked.

  And now, as much as I hated to admit it, she was right. The MC had decided she was going to go through with her little plan, and it didn’t matter what I felt about the situat
ion. She was going to go through with it whether I liked it or not. I couldn’t go against the plan of the MC any more than I could go against anything else they did.

  I just had to bite my tongue and do my part in the mission. And, that now was to protect her.

  With a defeated sigh, I changed the subject.

  “Well, you better be smart about this. You aren’t part of the club, so you’re going to have to forget what you think the rules of life are and go with what you’re told,” I said. “I’m not going to hear you whining about what you think is right and wrong.”

  “Who said anything about right and wrong?” she asked. She sat down on the couch, but I knew she was putting on a show. She was scared. I could see it in her eyes. And, she clearly was letting her guard down some. After all, we’d just had sex, and she wouldn’t have done that if she wasn’t feeling attached to me.

  As much as she wanted to pretend like she was tough and had everything under control, I knew there was a much different story underneath. She was doing this for her mother, and I would respect that, but I was still going to give her rules and tips along the way.

  It was my job to protect her, after all, and what better way to do that than to tell her how to make it through this without getting herself in trouble in the process? I thought. I had been in tight situations before, and if there was anyone who could get back out of them, it was me.

  Taylor was tougher than she realized, and I wanted her to know it. She just had to be smart with her choices, and we had to be there for her when we could.

  “Well, I’m going to get going,” I said. “I’ll have one of the prospects come by and see you in the morning. I don’t want you to go too long without one of us coming to see how you’re doing. And, if you have any updates, be sure to pass it along to any of them. They can be trusted; they’ll bring back the information to one of us, and we can decide what to do about it.”

  “You’re not coming yourself?” Taylor asked in surprise.

  A jolt ran through me, and I fought the smile that threatened to creep onto my face. Of course, she would want me to come, I thought. She now had a reason to be nice to me, even if she didn’t want to act as though she were interested.

  She might be in denial, but I continued to see the truth. She wanted me a lot more than she wanted to let me see, and I would go along with it. I knew she was in denial, but that didn’t change a thing. I would have her, and I wasn’t afraid to make her work for it, either.

  “I don’t want to come around too often,” I told her. “The Death’s Door MC knows me, and if they see me coming in and out of here too much, they’re going to put two and two together. Especially, after you infiltrate the club. We have to be smart.”

  “So, the prospects will be better?” she didn’t seem convinced, but I continued with a nod.

  “Yes, they’ll be a lot better. They aren’t wearing any patches. Even if the other MC thinks there might be something going on, they can’t pin the prospects on us as easily as they would be able with someone they know, okay?” I asked. “So you talk to them, and don’t act like anything’s going on.”

  “I know how to go undercover, thanks,” she said with an exasperated tone. I knew an argument was in the works, but I didn’t want to stick around and have it out with her. We were both stubborn, and I didn’t want to end on a bad note after what we’d just done in her kitchen.

  Besides, if we were going to work through this together, we were going to have to be civil to each other along the way, no matter how difficult it could be to get along with her at times.

  “Then you might do a good job, after all,” I cut her off. “I’ll be looking forward to an update on this.”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but I turned, heading for the door. I didn’t want to have any more conversation. I wanted this to get going so we could get it over with. The sooner she found her mother, the sooner we could be done with all this, and the sooner things could go back to how they should be.

  But, just as I reached the door, I paused.

  “Oh, and one more thing,” I said over my shoulder. Taylor was on the couch, and she looked up at me with expectation etched into her features. She clearly thought I was going to say something sarcastic, but my tone took a serious turn.

  “Be careful.”

  Her mouth fell open, and once more I knew she wanted to say something, but I didn’t give her the chance. I turned, walking out the door and pulling it closed behind me before the conversation could continue.

  I’d said what I needed to say, and I’d done what I needed to do for the night. The ball was now in her court, and it was up to her to take the next step. Whether I liked it or not, we were going through with this, there was no taking any of that back now.

  I just hoped it wasn’t a mistake. I hoped she knew what she was doing.

  And damn, did I hope this all worked out in the end.

  Chapter 17


  It was a strange feeling, walking toward the bar where I knew my father would be hanging out with his MC. Like the Steel Wings, Death’s Door had its favorite bar in town, and that was the place to go if I wanted to see him.

  For so long, it had been the bar I avoided like the plague. I didn’t want to even chance running into my father, regardless of whether he wanted anything to do with me or not. When my mother left, it was as though he had lost all interest in me, but I didn’t think that would last for long.

  After I turned eighteen, he seemed to take something of an interest in me again, but that was brief. It was only long enough for him to learn that I didn’t want anything to do with him, and I would fight him every step of the way if he tried anything.

  I didn’t want to even associate with his name, and at the time, I made it clear to him I would deny I had any connection to him or anything that had to do with the MC. I didn’t care what I had to do to make that happen, I wasn’t going to live my life attached to that in any way.

  The conversation still hovered in the back of my mind. I remembered my father telling me I was making a mistake. I remembered him telling me the day would come when I would realize what I had thrown away. I remembered him being convinced I was going to regret my decision not to have anything to do with him, and the day would come when I would want him back in my life.

  I had told him not to hold his breath. I told him I was leaving, and as soon as I had the money, I would go and never look back. I didn’t leave any room for conversation or negotiation with what I was doing. I had made my decision, and that was the end of that.

  Now, it felt strange walking into the bar. I felt both out of place and right at home mixed into one. Sure, there were plenty of times when I was younger when I would come to the bar along with my father. I was too young to drink at the time, but he knew my mother hated it when I was around such things, and he enjoyed making her feel uncomfortable.

  But, I had to push all that out of my mind now and put on a good show. I had to make it appear as though I really was the daughter who wanted nothing more than to return home. My father might not offer much as far as that was concerned, but I could make it seem to him like I wanted to be there.

  The bar was crowded. As with any biker bar, there were plenty of vests and leather jackets to be seen, and several of the men turned to look at me as I walked through the door. I wasn’t sure if they would know who I was, but I didn’t care to find out, either.

  I was on a mission, and I was nervous. I wasn’t going to get sidetracked with anyone I had to put up with for the next month or so. Well, hopefully not even that long. No, I just had to focus and get through getting back in my father’s good graces and hoping for the best along the way.

  I didn’t know what to expect, so I had to be ready for just about anything. I tried not to think about Ryder or anything he’d said as I walked straight up to the counter. I recognized the back of my father’s head, and my stomach tied itself into a knot.

  It had been way too long since I’d last seen h
im, and I really wasn’t sure how he was going to react when he saw me. I hoped for the best, but like Ryder said, I would have to be ready for the worst. This could go either way in a heartbeat, and I didn’t want to think about what would happen if it took a massive turn for the worse.

  But, it was too late to turn back now. Several of the other members in the MC had seen me, and I wasn’t going to turn and run back out. If they did know who I was, word would reach my father that I was in there, and the last thing I wanted to deal with was him coming after me to find out what I was doing there if it wasn’t to talk to him.

  No, I told myself. I had to be smart about this. I had to push through.

  I walked right up to the bar and set my clutch down on the counter. I pulled out the barstool next to his

  +and slid into place, looking over toward my father with the same nonchalant attitude I’d been practicing all morning.

  He looked over at me with slightly raised eyebrows. There was a questioning look in his eyes, but he said nothing at first. He was clearly giving me the chance to say what I wanted to say before he added anything, and I knew I had to keep my nerve.

  “Hey, Dad,” I said.

  “What’re you doing here?”

  “I needed to talk to you.” I threw my hair over my shoulder and looked at him with a slight smile. “And, I knew this was where to find you.”

  “You’re right about that,” he shrugged and turned back to the counter. “What do you want?”

  “I want back in,” I said.

  He turned now, faster than before, the surprise etched blatantly across his face. “You what?” he gasped.

  “You heard me,” I said with a forced smile. “I want back in. I know I can’t ever be patched into the club, but I miss you. I was stupid when I said I didn’t want anything to do with you, and you might say that I’ve come to my senses. I want back.”

  “You know what that means, right?” My father looked at me hard, and I felt he could nearly read my mind. I tried not to visibly swallow in front of him. Yes, I knew what it meant. It meant he was going to have expectations of me. He wanted me to obey all the rules that went along with the club, just like anyone else.


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