Touched by Flame (Dragonborn Daughters Book 2)

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Touched by Flame (Dragonborn Daughters Book 2) Page 12

by Kimber White

  Viktor roared. His fangs dropped and his claws came out.

  “No one,” he growled. “No one will ever touch you without your consent. Not even me.”

  An Alpha’s promise. My mate. I wanted it to matter.

  A door shut far above us. Footsteps moved across the floor.

  “What now?” I said, wiping my tears away. “What’s your plan, Viktor? Do you even have one?”

  He got a hold of himself once more. His back straightened. “I just need you to sit tight. I’ll figure it out. They aren’t going to lay a hand on you.”

  I shook my head. “They won’t lay a hand on me because they expect you to do it first. Do they get to watch?”

  “Stop,” he said.

  “They’ve been playing you since the beginning, Viktor. Just like you’ve been playing me.”

  I had one thing to be grateful for. Olen and the others never went down into the caves at Mammoth Forest. Something or someone had tipped our allies off. It might be years before we could use that place to hide, but there was still a chance it hadn’t been compromised.

  “I’m going to get you out of this,” he said.

  “Another promise?” I smiled.

  “And I’ve kept everyone I’ve made you so far.”

  “What about the one you made to Luka? To Gregor?” I asked, hating myself for it. I knew my words cut him to the bone.

  “Luka knows how to take care of himself for now.”

  “Oh, Viktor,” I said, fighting back more tears.

  “What do I have to do to make you believe me?” he asked.

  Silence fell between us. At the center of it, our hearts still beat in time.

  “You could have told me the truth. You could have told me who you really are,” I whispered.

  He swallowed hard. “And you could stop pretending you didn’t already know.”

  His words sent a shockwave through me. They carried the echo of a truth I didn’t want to admit.

  Viktor. I should have turned away the moment I saw him. I should have fought. But I didn’t. I stayed. I took him as much as he took me.


  “I love you,” he whispered. “I’ll die proving it if that’s what it takes.”

  The footsteps drew closer. My heart twisted in knots. I thought of my grandfather. My mother. My father. Too many secrets. Too many lives at stake.

  “I love you,” he whispered again.

  I pulled away. Light shone through the bars in the door. They were here. I sensed more fae. Humans too. Worst of all, I sensed other shifters. Wolves. Bears.

  Viktor’s fangs dropped again. So did mine. That secret had already been revealed.

  “It’s not enough,” I said, touching Viktor’s cheek. It wasn’t. God help us both.

  The door opened wide and Olen came in. “Sorry to break this up,” he said. “But your pack is waiting, Viktor. You’ve got promises to keep.”

  Viktor caught my eyes. His face hardened. I wanted to trust him. To believe him. His eyes echoed the words he’d just spoken. But when he turned and followed the others out, my breath left me. When the door clanged shut, I had to let it close on my heart.

  Chapter 20


  Fae magic made my head buzz. I’d never been around it in such abundance my whole life. I thought Denall had been strong. Olen positively reeked of it. I followed him up from the cellar and into the main conference room.

  When the world was normal, twenty years ago, this place had been just a run-of-the-mill office building. Situated in a Chicago suburb, it was prime real estate in Ring-occupied territories. Centrally located near one of the largest shifter Oasis lands, it also shared a long border with the Neutral Zone. When Denall and I met, it was usually here.

  Today, Olen took his place. Seated at a long table were Denall’s two companions, Riall and Jonall. Jonall held a length of Dragonsteel. He gave me a threatening smile as I took my place beside him.

  “There’s no need for that,” I said, eyeing the chains.

  “You tried to kill us,” Riall said.

  “Then you’re not very strong,” I said.

  “He killed Denall,” Jonall chimed in.

  “I did you a favor,” I muttered. “Even I know it shouldn’t be that easy to kill a fae. He was weak. I just did your dirty work for you. Like always.”

  “There’s truth to that,” Olen said, smiling. “I have no idea why, but my brother had a soft spot for you. I don’t.”

  “Soft spot,” I shouted. “Your brother was short-sighted. You’re not. That’s why I’m here. That’s why we’re all here. But you overplayed your hand. The girl was about to give me the keys to her kingdom. You wanted to know where the rest of the Kalenkovs have been hiding out. If you’d given me another day or two, you could have had it all.”

  “The Ring is tired of waiting,” Olen said. “It’s a full moon. We’re not willing to wait another month or so until the next one. Time for you to fulfill your part of the bargain. You’re marking that girl tonight. Now. And you’re doing it in front of witnesses.”

  Adrenaline coursed through me. Far below me, I could sense Mia’s fear and anger. I didn’t know if she’d ever be able to forgive me. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to forgive myself.

  “That’s not how this is done,” I said. “Fae don’t get to watch.”

  “Yes,” Olen hissed. “Tonight we do. I need proof that the girl has been marked and by you.”

  “What?” I shouted.

  “Either you put your mark on her, or I do,” Olen’s voice boomed.

  I had no idea what he even meant. What the hell would happen to someone like Mia if she were fae-touched? My wolf raged inside of me. My claws came out.

  “Good,” Olen smiled. “You’re properly motivated. Now, it’s time for you to perform. We’ve an hour until the moon’s at its peak.”

  A scream cut through my senses. Mia’s. Someone had grabbed her. Someone was touching her. I flew across the table and closed my hands around Olen’s throat. His skin shimmered with light. Maybe I couldn’t hurt him. But maybe I could draw blood.

  “Relax,” he said. “We’re just putting her in position for you. This will be the easy part.”


  I let go of Olen. He gestured with his chin to the large window overlooking the wooded courtyard. The sun began to set. The trees rustled. Mia was close.

  I don’t remember leaving the room. The next thing I knew, I tore out a side door, leaving the others behind.

  Olen appeared at my side, bursting through a point of light. It was a warning. He could be anywhere in an instant.

  Two other shifters shoved Mia forward. She stumbled, then righted herself. The Dragonsteel chains tangled around her ankles.

  They took her to a small garden in the clearing. She was forced to her knees and chained over a stone bench, her arms spread wide.

  “This is not the way!” I shouted. “I never agreed to any of this.”

  “The Ring is done caring what you agreed to,” Olen said. More movement in the trees. My heart lurched as Luka came through. He had terror in his eyes until he saw me, then relief flooded them.

  “We’ll take him first,” Olen said. “After you mark the girl. We’ve got a special assignment already lined up for him. You can give him his orders after you subjugate him.”

  “Dammit!” I shouted. “You don’t get to dictate how I do this. I had an understanding with Denall. The Ring wants stronger pack bonds.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have killed Denall!” Olen shouted. “You’re dealing with me now. I told you, my brother coddled you in a way I’ve never understood. He doesn’t know shifters like I do. You did me a favor taking care of him, though. It’s the only reason I’m still giving you a chance. Now, get over there and do your duty. Mark your little wolf whore.”

  With that, Olen blasted Mia with another shock of light. For an instant, her wolf came out. Her agony tore through me. My vision clouded red.

/>   “Viktor!” Luka shouted. I knew what he was afraid of. Giving in to bloodlust was dangerous. It was the first step in turning into someone I didn’t want to be. The thing the Ring wanted of me. They wanted to make me into one of the most powerful Tyrannous Alphas they’d ever done business with.

  I focused on breathing. I focused on Mia.

  She got control of her wolf. Her shirt tore and barely covered her now. Sweat poured down her neck.

  The craving nearly overpowered me. Her blood. Her taste. Mine.

  “Get on with it,” Olen said. “There’s your moon.”

  Sure enough, the moon rose high above the tree line, full and round and tinged with blood. A Hunter’s moon. God. The Ring had timed it all so perfectly.

  Instinct drove me. Even now, I could feel Mia’s desire rising. But it was all wrong. Twisted.

  Could I do it? I’d have rather died than hurt Mia. But if I let Olen kill me, she’d have no protection at all.

  I went to her. Kneeling beside her, I smoothed the hair away from the back of her neck. She pressed her cheek to the stone bench.

  “Trust me,” I whispered.

  “Viktor…” She pleaded with me. My heart shredded.

  “Take these off of her,” I said. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “Forget it,” Olen said. “I’ll need her to stay put afterward.”

  I shot to my feet. “You idiot. You know what she is. She needs to be able to shift. The Dragonsteel will prevent that. And it affects me, too. You want this marking to take, we both need our powers.”

  “He’s not going anywhere either,” Luka shouted. “Viktor is my Alpha. He’s sworn to protect me too.”

  I swallowed past a lump in my throat. Even now, Luka was willing to sacrifice himself for me. I hoped I would forever earn his loyalty. I hoped Gregor’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain.

  “She may be a shifter,” I said, caressing the back of Mia’s neck for show. “But she’s female. I’m her Alpha and she knows it. There’s no need for the chains. Her body craves this tonight. See?”

  I pulled back her hair so Olen could see the small patch of skin at the base of her neck. It was raised and red, throbbing beneath my touch.

  Mia squeezed her eyes shut. I hated doing this to her. Her fear was real. So was mine. “Fine,” Olen said. “Take them off. But if you so much as blink funny, you’re going right back in. Your mate is giving you a chance to do this the easy way. You won’t like it hard.”

  “Go to hell,” Mia whispered.

  “Shh.” I got close to her ear. “It’ll be over in a second.”

  Riall stepped in to carry out Olen’s orders. He released Mia from her chains. She slumped over the stone bench but stayed on her knees. Something was wrong. The chains hadn’t hurt her. Her skin should have been burned beneath them.

  “You’re going to want to give us some room,” I said. “It would be better if you just waited inside…”

  “Not happening,” Olen said. “Get this over with. I find this whole thing distasteful.”

  “Then leave!” I shouted. “This is shifter business.”

  “There is no shifter business that isn’t the Ring’s business anymore,” Olen said. “Now claim your mate. While I’m still in the mood to allow it. There are others lining up for her, you know.”

  “No one touches her but me,” I growled.

  “Get on with it,” Olen said. He stepped back. I shielded Mia with my body.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I whispered so low I knew only she could hear. “I’m going to count to three.”

  “You can’t do this,” she said. “Not like this. I won’t let you. So help me, Viktor...”

  “I told you I’d take care of you,” I said. I licked a trail up her spine. God, she tasted so good. Her desire nearly overpowered her. Goosebumps raised all over her flesh.

  “What are you…” she started.

  “Trust me,” I said, nipping her ear. I just prayed she’d be as strong and fast as she needed to be. I prayed that I was too.

  I kissed her neck. Taking my time, I grazed her skin with my teeth.

  “Scream,” I whispered.

  “What?” she said. Then, she let out a blood-curdling scream that tore through me.

  I grunted and growled. Buried beneath Mia’s hair, I bit my own hand so Olen and the others could hear. I let the blood run down Mia’s back.

  She let out a keening howl, playing along.

  “My God,” Olen shouted. “You don’t actually have to eat her alive, do you?”

  I wrapped an arm around Mia’s waist. I pulled her against me and kissed her. “I love you,” I whispered. “Now run!”

  I pushed her away from me, toppling the stone bench over. It shattered in half.

  Turning, I shifted. My fangs dropped, still dripping with my own blood. Growling, I lunged for Riall, who was closest to me. He wasn’t expecting the attack, and I got my teeth into his arm, ripping it off in one quick motion. I threw it with all my might straight at Olen.

  Behind me, Mia sprang into action. She turned as if to square off beside me. I let out a howl that told her something different.


  Still bound by Dragonsteel, Luka stood helplessly to the side. Mia’s wolf leaped over Riall’s body. With one quick swipe of her paw, Luka’s chains fell off his wrists.

  I don’t know how she did it. It happened so fast. That was pure Dragonsteel. But Luka sprang into his wolf and came to join the fight.

  I gave one more howling command as Olen tried to close the gap and blast Mia’s wolf with an arc of light. I launched myself in front of her and took the full force of it.

  Our eyes met as I crumpled to the ground. Then, she did as I commanded her and ran, disappearing as a streak of white fur into the woods.

  Chapter 21



  Viktor’s words echoed through me, thrumming in my blood.


  A blast of light hit the tree directly in front of me, sending white sparks raining down. I dodged them.

  Behind me, Viktor’s fearsome growl cut through me. His battle cry. Luka’s growl joined him. In my mind’s eye, I could see the fae closing in.


  Viktor had not marked me. Though my skin prickled where I craved his bite, we were not joined.

  He could have. I felt the urge boiling through him. The same as it did me. In spite of everything, the Ring, the fae, the name of his pack, I needed him.

  My Alpha. My mate. My fate.

  The air shimmered before me. I heard a crackling sound. Then Riall materialized in front of me.

  “Stop running, little wolf,” he said, raising his hands, palms out. “There’s nowhere left for you to go.”

  I stood my ground. I felt his energy rising. I knew in my soul the legends were true. Tens of thousands of years ago, shifters were born of this very magic. Dragonsteel could not affect me. But fae light could.

  I skidded to a halt and bared my teeth. He was still flesh and blood. If I could tear into Riall before he disappeared again, I knew I could hurt him. Kill him.

  He produced a gun and pointed it straight at me. I leaped through the air as he cracked off a shot. The Dragonsteel bullet grazed my arm but harmlessly bounced away.

  Riall’s eyes widened. He looked down at the gun. Stunned. Confused. I took the opening.

  I barreled straight into his chest, knocking him backward. It looked as though lightning ran through his veins. He tried to draw his magic into him.

  I sank my teeth into his neck. Light flowed into me along with the blood.

  Riall screamed. He clawed the ground. He faded and came back into view. He was trying to escape into whatever portal he had the power to open. He couldn’t find the strength.

  “What are you?” he whispered. I hadn’t noticed at first, but he clawed at me too. His body shimmered between his fae form and a silver wolf.

  Fae could shift. I knew this too. But it was merely an illusion. A mirag
e. As he died at the hands of a wolf, I knew it was an involuntary defense mechanism. And it was far, far too late.

  “What are you?” he said again as I let go. Blood poured out of the wound I made in his neck.

  “Something you can never steal,” I said as I shifted back.

  A slow smile crept across his face. “Incredible. I can feel it. So much fire. You glow.”

  The illusion shifted once more. Riall took on the image of a dragon. He looked just like my father.

  “No!” I shouted. I let my wolf come out again and delivered a killing blow. The light went out of Riall’s eyes for good. My family’s secret would die with him.

  A howl of pain ripped through the air. Luka. Jonall had hit him with a bolt of light, crippling him. I could see him through Viktor’s eyes. Again, the command rang clear and strong, hitting me right in the heart.


  He would die for me. He would suffer the wrath of the Ring to let me go.

  I left Riall where he lay. His body changed again; his youthful face melted away, leaving an old, withered man in its place. A moment later, he turned to ash. A breeze picked up and scattered his dust into the trees.


  I tried to get my bearings. I didn’t know how far we’d come back across the Illinois border. It was close, though. I could feel it. I looked skyward. Part of me expected to see my father or uncles flying cloaked overhead. Could they sense the danger I was in?

  I prayed they couldn’t. Olen had powerful connections. He might soon see the value in leaving the fight with Viktor to send for reinforcements.


  I let out a howl. I felt a phantom cut across my back. Viktor’s knees buckled. Pain. Blood drained from him.

  Luka’s whimper reached me. He would die. They would both die. And if I didn’t do as Viktor commanded, the fae would find me next.

  I bounded through the trees and followed a trail up the tallest hill I could find. I reached a clearing at the top. In the valley below, I saw spurts of lightning as Viktor waged his war against the fae.

  Ahead of me, I saw a familiar mountain range and knew where I was. Shawnee Forest was due west. Maybe twenty miles. Though it wasn’t safe there, I knew another checkpoint lay just ten miles to the north.


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