Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle

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Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle Page 11

by Tania Joyce

  Time seemed to stop.

  “That’s Conner,” Jessica managed to say as her stomach twisted into knots.

  “Conner drives an Audi?” Troy said.

  “Yes. I bought it for him for his eighteenth birthday. Why?”

  “Do you remember the piece of scrap metal I used to drive in high school when I was seventeen?”

  “Yes, I do. How could I ever forget?” She closed her eyes recalling all the sex they’d had in that car. “Audi is one of my clients. I can get a good deal on one if you’re interested.”

  Troy shook his head. “I’ll keep that in mind, but they don’t make work trucks, now, do they?”

  “No. Definitely not.” Jessica drew her attention back to the driveway to where Conner was parking. She stood up and stuffed her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. Her heart rate escalated and she felt sick to her stomach. “Well, here goes nothing.”

  As she looked back at Troy, his face was ashen. “I’m panicking. What if he doesn’t like me?”

  She laughed. “He’s one up on you there. He hasn’t liked you for twenty years. Come on, come and meet our son.”

  “Will do. Just give me a sec.” Troy remained seated. Jessica could see him wringing his hands together and that his legs were shaking.

  She took a gut-filling breath, turned and slowly made her way over to the car, the gravel crunching beneath her boots.

  As Conner stepped from the vehicle, his blond hair danced in the breeze. While he had Jessica’s olive skin and her mouth, everything else about Conner was clearly from Troy’s gene pool.

  “Hey, Mom.” Conner kissed her cheek as always, and Becky came around and hugged her too.

  As she turned her attention back to Conner she could see his striking eyes were full of anxiety. “You okay?”

  He nodded, but she knew better. This was really hard for him.

  “You ready?”

  Jessica glanced back towards the cabin and saw Troy finally approaching.

  This was one of the most surreal moments of her life. Her stomach felt like it had tied itself into one massive ball of knots. Her heartbeat pulsed in her ears and she felt like her knees might give way at any moment.

  Conner flicked his head back, brushing away the hair from is eyes and took a sharp breath, trying to keep his cool as Troy came to stand in front of them.

  “Conner, Becky,” Jessica said. “This is Troy.”

  She could tell Troy was trying to be strong, fighting to contain tears that were evident in his eyes. He held out his hand to shake Conner’s, but swept him into a full embrace instead. He lost the battle with his emotions as he held his son in his arms for the first time.

  Watching them together was overwhelming and Jessica found herself having to swipe away a few tears of her own with trembling hands. Maybe not knowing or having his biological father affected Conner more than he ever let on.

  Conner tried to step back, but Troy placed his hand behind his neck and drew their foreheads together. “I am so sorry. I never knew.”

  Conner sniffled as he pulled away and brushed away his own tears. “S’okay.”

  Jessica heart was thumping in her chest. It was both beautiful and agonizing to witness. She hated seeing Conner in pain and fighting to be strong. Seeing Troy so overcome was bewildering; his very presence still blew her mind.

  Both men stood looking at each other in disbelief, she knew that this was their moment and that she needed to give them some time alone.

  “Becky, let’s take a walk and I’ll show you around,” Jessica suggested. “Let’s let the boys catch up.”

  She touched Conner and Troy on their forearms for some subtle reassurance before walking off with Becky toward the winery sheds.

  * * *

  After an hour wandering around the vineyard, Jessica made her way back to the cabins with Becky in tow. Troy and Conner were sitting in the alfresco dining area of the restaurant, talking over a couple of beers. Men always managed to bond over beer. Jessica was relieved to see that they were chatting.

  The girls left them be. Becky turned in to her cabin to rest, as did Jessica. She was sitting enjoying a nice glass of Shiraz when a knock came at her door. She opened it to find Troy leaning against the railing on the porch.

  Even in the dim afternoon light, underneath the rim of his Akubra hat, his eyes made her breath catch sharply in her chest. “Hey, how did it go?” she asked.

  Troy smiled sheepishly. “I think well. We’ve agreed to take it slowly and try to get to know each other. Step by step. It’s so much more than I could have expected. You’re right. He’s a great kid. Well … man now, isn’t he?” Troy rubbed his hand across his chin. “Thanks. Thanks for setting this up. It means the world to me and I am really looking forward to getting to know our son. Running into you after all these years has certainly been full of surprises.”

  Chapter 11

  “Why does everything have to go haywire just a few days before a function?” Jessica groaned to herself. She slammed the phone down into its cradle and buried her face into her hands. More budget blowouts for the industry representative event, with the performers canceling due to illness. The night to entertain and impress all the travel agent and flight operator executives and other booking agents was causing her a huge amount of grief.

  Now, where was she going to find new entertainment on such short notice?

  She jumbled figures in her head, brought up the spreadsheet of expenses for Somers Hotels on her laptop, and cringed at the narrowing bottom line. But there was no time to worry about it now. First, she had to call Nate to tell him of the latest development, then get together with Lin and find someone to fill the vacant spot on their agenda as soon as possible.

  * * *

  Jessica said a silent prayer, thanking the gods above as clear skies prevailed on the late August evening. Dressed in a warm coat, black cocktail dress and towering stilettos, she scurried across the loading ramp, boarded the boat and entered into her realm of running events.

  She loved this moment just before a function was about to start. The nerves. The jitters. The excitement. The calm before the storm. She stopped underneath a gas heater and turned to absorb the spectacular view. In front of the vessel, the Somers Hotel and Residential Tower loomed above. It was exciting to know that this amazing construction would open its doors to guests in just over a month. Lasers and floodlights danced around and glimmered off the glass windows of the two dominant structures. Exhilaration inside her started to build. A shiver coursed through her body as the adrenaline kicked in. Her moment of serenity was short-lived as she turned on her heels and entered the cabin.

  Waiters dressed in their Somers Hotel uniforms were gathered in the center of the room getting a final pep talk from William, the food and beverage manager, and readying themselves to tend to the invitees. Jessica weaved through the back of the crowd and found Lin by the podium performing final sound checks.

  The air shifted and Jessica smiled. She didn’t even have to turn around to sense Nate’s presence as he walked up beside her. She knew the scent of his aftershave and her body temperature seemed to rise a degree or two whenever he was near. Her heart did that crazy flutter thing as she greeted him. Damn, he looks good in a suit.Even better naked!

  “You look nervous?” Jessica said, noting the creasing in his brow.

  “I am. Let’s hope my presentation impresses them.”

  “It will. You’ll be great.”

  Clicking into host-mode, Jessica ran through the evening’s agenda one last time with Nate and Lin as the night closed in on them. Guests started to fill the boat and drank sparkling champagne before the proceedings got underway. She barely batted an eyelash when the hired entertainers were half an hour late, and a microphone failed during a speech. It was nothing she hadn’t dealt with before.

  After the formalities, the guests mingled and continued to drink too much alcohol. As she handed out promotional gift bags she blushed knowing Nate’s eyes were
on her. Watching her from wherever he moved about the room. All the industry representatives wanted to occupy his time and attention, but at every opportunity she found him looking at her. She liked that—him watching her work. His gaze made her feel … sexy. Flirtatious. Powerful.

  But she had to keep reminding herself that this was business. It was ensuring her client’s function was a success. It was not about how he felt for her personally. She prayed that his seductive smile and the smoky look in his eyes meant Nate was enjoying the evening and not just trying to undress her with that stare of his.

  After yet another glance his way, she smiled and turned away. Then it hit her. Like a firework going off in her chest. The sensation that washed over her stopped her in her tracks. She was concerned about how Nate felt for her. That warm glow deep inside her was getting stronger every day. The bodice of her dress suddenly felt too tight and made it difficult to breathe. She placed her hand on the table to steady herself. Damn it! This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him. She had to protect her heart at all costs, because he’d be leaving in a few short months.

  She tried to pin down the moment it happened as she had memorized every one of their little get-togethers. Meetings turned into lunches that lingered late into the afternoon. Dinners and functions lasted half the night. Stolen kisses and quickies in his apartment seemed like fun at the time.

  She recalled rolling around on the couch in his apartment, laughing as they listened to music to select for their functions. Nate singing and swooning as the tunes played would be something she’d never forget. His British humor mirrored hers, and his crazy tea superstitions kept her intrigued. Just yesterday, he had told her when he found sugar undissolved in the bottom of his cup that it meant ‘someone had a crush on him’. She joked along and suggested several of his staff members—men and women—but deep down she knew it was her all along.

  Nate had weaved his way into her heart. She should’ve seen this coming and been more cautious. Because falling in love only caused problems. Troy left her, so had Graeme; and Nate was destined to as well.

  Should she walk away from the affair now or face the heartache when he left in a few months’ time? With a shudder Jessica shook off her thoughts and went about attending to the guests. More gift bags, promotional giveaways, and light chitchat about business. Now was not the time to think about it. Everything could be dealt with later.

  The clock struck one in the morning as security helped the last intoxicated guests to disembark from the boat and into waiting taxis. Jessica couldn’t wait to finish packing up, get off her aching feet and get home to bed.

  “That went exceptionally well.” Nate joined Jessica on the deck outside and offered her a steaming cup of tea. “I thought you could do with this after the long night.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him as she took the cup. Why did he have to be so good and thoughtful with even the little things? “I hope you enjoyed the night.”

  Nate leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, his lips lingering on her skin. “The scenery was spectacular.”

  Jessica glanced down, hiding her smile behind her cup of tea. “Well, the night’s not over yet. I’ve still got a fair bit of packing up to do. I better go and find Lin.”

  Nate followed her back into the boat. “I’ll stay and help. I want to make sure you ladies get home safely.”

  After nearly an hour the room was finally cleared and they managed to call it a night. “You right to get home, Lin?” Jessica asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll catch a taxi.”

  “Lin, don’t be silly.” Nate followed them off the boat and onto the boardwalk. “Come up to the Tower and one of the limos can take you wherever it is you need to go.”

  “Really?” Lin looked excited as they all walked through to Nate’s office, boxes of leftover goodies carried in their arms.

  In the hotel driveway, Jessica and Nate saw Lin off; they waved goodbye as the car drove off and disappeared from sight. Jessica finally slumped her shoulders and walked back inside the hotel. It was dimly lit, vacant and peaceful in the early hours of the morning. Another event done and dusted and her staff all off home safely.

  Nate moved in a step closer toward her. “Jess, it’s late. Please stay here with me tonight.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “There’re only a few hours left until daybreak, and for once I want to wake up next to you in my bed.”

  The urge to wrap herself up in his arms was unbearable. Every fiber in her body wanted to entwine itself around him. But no. Not out here. Jessica was so conscious of observing eyes—the staff, the security and any hidden paparazzi that might be loitering outside the hotel.

  The way Nate looked at her, the allure in his eyes, and the thought of finally having him alone all to herself suddenly recharged her batteries. Staying with him and not having to use every ounce of her strength to drag herself away after sex sounded wonderful, but it just couldn’t happen. “I won’t stay. But you look a little disappointed at the moment and I don’t like unhappy clients. So I had better do something about that. I want to make sure you are totallysatisfied with all outcomes this evening.” Jessica turned to walk down the corridor to the residential tower elevator, swaying her hips and looking back over her shoulder with an inviting glance.

  Nate followed without hesitation.

  * * *

  Up in his apartment, Jessica absorbed the peacefulness. She stood in the darkness by the full-length window that looked out over the twinkling nightlights of Sydney. From this height, the harbor waters looked like liquid ink stretching off toward the horizon. She kicked off her shoes, curled her toes into the plush carpet and stretched her neck from side to side.

  The reflection of his apartment in the windows made her notice things differently. The pictures of his daughter on the sideboard. A pile of clothing on the chair that looked like laundry. Dirty dishes left on the bench. It made him more real if that was possible. So much more to like about him.

  She felt Nate walk up behind her. His body brushed against hers. Ice clinked against glass as he handed her a drink from behind. With his free hand, he moved her hair back from her ear, baring her neck. She gasped at the sensation of his ice-cold lips pressing onto her skin. A quivering jolt of fire blazed to life all over her body as his breath blew gently against her ear. His fingers snaked down over her back, found the top of her zipper, and ever so slowly slipped it down. The silky fabric slid from her shoulders and shimmied down her body onto the floor.

  “You are so beautiful.” Nate’s lips pressed softly against the tip of her shoulder.

  Jessica placed her glass on the table. She faced him and laid her hands on his chest. The slow, rhythmic rise and fall of his ribcage and the steady beat of his heart washed a strange calmness over her. Tonight there would be no craziness. No uncontrollable lust. No need to rush. Enraptured by his smoldering eyes, she leaned in and kissed him. The sweetness of his lips and tantalizing taste of his tongue playing with hers quickened her pulse. But tonight she sensed a difference in his kisses. Instead of hungry and wild, they were soft and tender as he touched her mouth or nuzzled and nipped at her neck. It seemed like forever since she had been so loving and sensual with anyone.

  One button at a time, she undid his shirt and slipped it away from his chest. She ran her fingers over his stomach and down to the top of his pants, watching his sculpted torso flex as he registered her featherlight touch.

  The silence that hung between them as their eyes met made Jessica’s heart race. This was too much. Too close. Too good.

  As if she were standing on the edge of the bridge about to bungee jump into the ravine below, Jessica hesitated. Her heart was begging to let love in, but her head was trying to find a way out. There was no time for further doubt as Nate’s lips captured hers, and he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  Every one of her senses was in overdrive as Nate lay her down on the bed and stood before her. Her eyes feasted on
his magnificent physique. Her mouth craved to taste his lips against hers again. She could hear his deep breaths. Her fingers ached in anticipation to touch him.

  Hunger for him built as she watched every one of his taut muscles move as he shimmied out of the rest of his clothes and threw them on the floor. She could never get enough of his ripped abs and sculpted arms. His wandering hands felt warm as they slid over her body and removed her bra and panties. As he lay down beside her, she closed her eyes when he started to kiss his way up her arm, down across her chest and then enclose his mouth over her nipple. Cupping the other, he sensually massaged it and playfully tweaked her hardened peak.

  “You were amazing tonight,” he said as he licked, kissed and tasted each one again before returning to her lips.

  She snaked her hand over the smooth skin of his arm, across the arch of his hip and down to his groin. Eyeing his impressive erection, she fondled his testicles before stroking up along his firm, thick shaft.

  He pushed against her grip and murmured in her ear. “God, that feels so good.”

  “I’m glad you approve.”

  “I won’t be able to last long if you keep doing that,” he said as her drew her hand away from him before nudging her down onto her back.

  His soft hand skimmed up over her thighs and nestled between her legs. He stroked up and down her slit, massaged her clit and fingered her inside. He smiled contently, no doubt at her arousal, before rolling on top of her and nestling between her legs.

  She brushed her hand down over his cheek, drew his lips to hers and let their tongues taste each other. She groaned with delight as he pressed his erection against her opening and slowly entered her.

  Why did it have to feel so right when they were connected together? Running her hands over his shoulders and down across his back, she couldn’t resist the urge and gently dug her fingernails into his flesh. Nate flinched, closed his eyes and gently rocked his hips into hers, penetrating her deeper.

  “Now that … feels good.” She whispered enjoying the full length of his penis.


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