Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle

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Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle Page 42

by Tania Joyce

  All this turmoil rolling around in his head suddenly stopped. It settled out before him, like sediment in the creek.

  It was going to be hard. It was going to take commitment. It scared the hell out of him to take the risk, but he had to be with Kelleigh, regardless of how. But the fear of rejection and the unknown had his feet stuck in the mud. He’d survived through so much in the past and was not keen on the possibility of it happening again, but he had to find out if this crazy feeling he had for Kelleigh was mutual. They had to find a way to make it work if she felt the same.

  “Yes, I’d like to. Are you okay with that?” He didn’t want Kelleigh to interfere with his growing relationship with his son.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Conner said. “Why are you still out here with me and Jimmy? Shouldn’t you be somewhere else?”

  Bracing his heart, Troy ripped off his work gloves, ran toward his Landcruiser and sped back toward his cottage.

  Chapter 28

  Troy’s palms sweated as he gripped the steering wheel tightly on his way back to the cottage. Jumping out of his Landcruiser, he bound up the steps and kicked off his muddy boots at the door. He rushed in through the door to see Kelleigh, but his stomach dropped when he found the place empty. He checked the bedroom, the bathroom and kitchen, but she was nowhere to be found. Ripping his hands through his hair; he didn’t know where else to look. Had she left already without saying goodbye?

  Clenching his fist, he punched at the wall hard, but didn’t leave any trace of a mark on the hardwood wall. He was too late. She’d gone. Gone without saying goodbye.


  Shaking his hand after hurting his knuckles, he pulled out a chair at the kitchen dining table and dropped down onto the seat. Propping his elbows up on the surface of the table he buried his head into his hands.

  He shook his head, trying to make sense of the thoughts pounding through his mind and tugging at his heart.


  He jumped when her voice touched his ears. He had to close his eyes and take a deep breath to calm his heart rate down. Thank goodness, she hadn’t left.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I didn’t hear you come in. Where’ve you been? I thought you might have left.” He remained transfixed on her as she hobbled into the room. Doubt started to shred away his confidence and hinder what he needed to say.

  “No, I went and said goodbye to Maria and Nick,” she said sitting down at the table, knocking her knees against his as she pulled in the chair. “They’re really nice people.” She smiled, but her eyes were full of sadness. Maybe she longed to get a move on so she could head for home.

  “That they are,” he mumbled.

  “Thank you for everything while I’ve been here. I don’t just mean the past few days, I mean since I came to town. You’ve shown me that there are decent men in the world. We had our rough spots but you were always true to yourself, your friends and what you believed in. You saved my life and for that I’ll be forever grateful.”

  “I’m glad I’ve left a lasting impression.” He placed his hand on top of hers, feeling her soft skin.

  “You certainly have,” her voice barely above a whisper.

  A lump lodged itself in his throat. Why was it so hard to tell her what was in his heart?

  “Well!” she said, pulling her hand free and slapping her palms onto her thighs. “No point in delaying the inevitable any longer. I guess it’s time to go.” She stood up and the chair scraped loudly on the wooden floor.

  “Oh. Right.” His heart thudded abnormally in his chest. She stood behind her chair and pushed it neatly under the table. “Let’s go get that Landcruiser of mine and I’ll be off.”

  Panic set in. He couldn’t let her go. Not yet. As she turned to walk out of the kitchen, he leaped from the chair, reached for her arm, spun her toward him and crushed his lips to hers. It may have been stupid, may be even desperate, but he didn’t care as he pushed her back a step or two and smothered her up against the wall. His body ached for hers as her tongue danced with his. Framing her face with his hands, he kissed her. Breathed her in. Savored her touch. Relished her taste. Couldn’t she tell how much she affected him? How much his heart sprang to life when she was near? He didn’t realize how afraid he’d been of loving someone again until she walked into his life.

  As she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, a trembling moan in her throat wrenched at his heart and he felt her tears fall against his fingertips.

  No! His mind screamed. Don’t let this be the last kiss. He didn’t want to upset her. He squeezed his eyes shut, kissed his way along from her lips toward her ear and let the words slip from his mouth. “Stay. Stay with me.”

  His hands grabbed her around the hips to hold her as he felt her knees weaken.

  “What did you say?”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I have to.”

  With those three little words he felt his volatile heart shatter. Of course, she had to. What was he thinking? Stupid love. Damn it! He’d fallen in love with her and for what? Only to lose her. He took a step back, gutted, but nodded in understanding.

  “Why do you want me to stay?” She begged him to answer while she leaned against the wall for support.

  “Does it matter?”

  “I need to know.” She placed her hand on his chest. “Other than my sister, I have nothing waiting for me back in Melbourne. Why on earth would you want me to stay?”

  “I want you to stay because you want to. There’s so much work here, I could offer you a job. A place to stay. Anything you want.”

  Kelleigh shook her head. “For someone in my situation that sounds like a great offer, but it’s not enough. I will find another job. I can crash at my sister’s for a while longer. So why should I stay here? Why do you want me to stay?”

  God, why did women always have to make everything so complicated?

  He clenched and released his fists, trying to sift through emotions that felt like an elastic band about to snap. “Because if you feel for me the way I feel about you, I think you’re crazy to walk away.”

  Her hand dropped away from his chest and another tear slipped from her eye. This was not going to plan. Not that he really had one in the first place.

  “And how do you feel about me?” Her eyes were swollen with tears.

  He curled his hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her lips to his. Shivers ran up his spine as he felt her body melt into his. He was lost in her. This crazy, beautiful woman had broken the lock on his heart. As he took a breath, stared into her gorgeous emerald green eyes and stroked her hair, he couldn’t contain the words anymore. “I love you.” He wiped away a tear droplet that fell from her eye. “Don’t go because I love you and want you to stay with me.”

  Her lips trembled. “You love me? Really?”

  All he could manage was a nod.

  “I love you too.” Kelleigh gushed. “Since the moment you rescued me on the side of the road. I didn’t think it was possible to feel like this in such a short amount of time, but I do.”

  “How are we going to make this work? Will you seriously consider moving or do you want to do the long-distance thing—”

  She placed her index across his lips to halt him from talking. “My life in Melbourne is over. I’d love to move here and be with you. I belong here, or anywhere, as long as it’s with you.”

  Drawing her to him, he kissed her. With each breath, he let her into his heart. With each touch, he let her possess him. With each taste of her mouth, he let her own him. “You know,” she said rubbing her hands across his shoulders, “actions speak louder than words. I really think I’d like you to show me how much you love me.”

  “Your wish is my command.” He scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the hallway to the bedroom. She squealed in delight as he lay her down on the bed, removed her clothes and showed her just much he loved her. Kissing every inch of her body and connecting wit
h her in every way possible.

  He thought he was incapable of loving someone again. How wrong he’d been. Kelleigh may have come to the Hunter Valley with JLR to purchase Larry’s property, but instead she’d acquired his heart. Forevermore, he was hers and hers alone.


  “You ready for this?” Fran said as she handed Kelleigh her bouquet.

  “Never been so ready for anything in my life.” Kelleigh touched the soft petals to her nose and inhaled the sweet perfume.

  “Let’s do it.” Fran fiddled with a flower in her hairdo once more.

  Kelleigh walked over to her father, who was standing at the door waiting for her, and took his arm. Fran trotted out in front of them and led the way out of one of the cabins and down the pathway past the new function room..

  “Stop fidgeting,” her father whispered as they walked around the corner and into the magnificent rose garden Conner had been growing at Gumtrees. When she looked up, Troy stood at the front of the small gathering of friends and family. Suddenly, nothing else mattered when she saw him standing next to the celebrant and Conner. Not the loose strands of hair flying around her face, the alignment of her skirt, or the veil blowing in the breeze. Troy was her world. She let out a long slow breath to calm her nerves and approached the man she loved.

  How life had changed in the course of nearly two years. She didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much. Troy still looked at her every day like he’d done the first night they spent together at Harrigan’s.

  As her father placed her hand in Troy’s, she knew this was where she belonged. Before the celebrant could utter a word, Troy stepped toward her and kissed her tenderly on the mouth.

  The celebrant cleared his throat loudly, making Kelleigh smile.

  “Dude, you’re supposed to marry her first.” Conner said, tugging on Troy’s jacket.

  The crowd before them laughed as Troy whispered, “You look so beautiful, I couldn’t wait that long to kiss you. I love you so much. Now … should we say some vows?”

  “Okay,” Kelleigh nodded and caught her breath.

  With vows said, kisses and rings exchanged and their signature sealing the deal, she was now Mrs. Smith.

  Congratulations and applause filled the air, photographs snapped and much champagne was consumed by the guests as the sun set over the lush green spring growth at Gumtrees. The evening was filled with incredible food, a lot of alcohol and plenty of dancing.

  As the clock approached midnight, Troy led her onto the floor, drew her in close and moved her slowly around in time to the music. “How’s my beautiful wife?”

  “Deliriously happy. It’s been a magical day.”

  “Well, I think you being a mighty fine wedding coordinator may have had something to do with it.”

  “Who would have thought that every weekend I get to help people’s special day come true. And today I hope I made ours a memorable one as well.”

  “It was perfect, and now I finally get to call you my wife.”

  Hearing those words felt strange. He had asked her to marry him not long after she moved to the Hunter four weeks after the floods. She’d started working in the office with Maria and had dived into becoming Gumtrees new wedding and functions coordinator. She’d been adamant about clearing up all her finances before she would tie the knot with Troy. Lawyers and the police had finally tracked down Rodrigo living in Adelaide with his cousin. The courts ordered him to pay back every cent he had stolen from her. He even scored three months in jail. Her past was well and truly behind her.

  Kelleigh wrapped her arms around Troy’s neck and gazed into his sapphire blue eyes. “Yes you do, my handsome husband.”

  “Handsome.” He balked. “Is that all I get? Aren’t I dashing, sexy and no one else will ever compare?”

  She laughed as he twirled her around the dance floor. Her head spun and she had to steady herself from feeling giddy, even though she hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol.

  Nate’s loud cheer filled the air as Nick walked in from the bar with some of his finest vintage shiraz. “Oh no. It’s going to get messy in here once Nick starts raiding the cellar.” Troy glanced over to the rowdy table of guests where Nick filled glasses with wine for Nate, Jessica, Maria and a few other friends. He turned back to her. “It’s getting late, want to get out of here?”

  Oh yes, she was tired and wanted some alone time with her new husband. After a hectic week of family arriving, organizing the final touches for the day and getting ready, she just wanted him all to herself. With gratitude, she nodded.

  Leading her by the hand, they said their goodbyes to everyone, who all desperately tried to convince them to stay.

  After several minutes of farewell hugs and kisses, Troy helped Kelleigh into Conner’s Audi he’d lent them, and headed off on the short drive around to their house. Her heart fluttered. This would be the first night in their new home, up on the hills overlooking what used to be Larry’s farm. It was now an extension of Gumtrees. Conner lived in the old farmhouse and their new place overlooked the Valley.

  Troy parked the car outside the front door rather than in the garage, hoped out and dashed around to help her. “It’s our first night in our new home; I have to do the honors and carry you across the threshold.” His warm fingers entwined around her hand and assisted her out of the car. He swept her into his arms and kissed her as he carried her to the door. He swung it open, stepped inside and flicked on the lights before he placed her gently onto the ground.

  “Wow. Who did this?” he said as he looked about the room.

  She was stunned. Rose petals scattered everywhere and their sweet fragrance filled the room.

  “I didn’t do it. It must’ve been Maria and Conner because Fran’s been with me all day. It looks amazing.”

  With eyes shimmering in the soft light, he shuffled closer to her and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “You’re the one who’s amazing. I love you, Mrs. Smith.”

  “I love you, too. With all my heart.”

  He swooped in to kiss her, but she put her hand on his chest to stop him.

  “Before we get too carried away, I have something for you.” Kelleigh’s heartbeat raced in her chest.

  Troy furrowed his brow. “I thought our rings were our wedding present to each other. I didn’t get you anything.”

  “They are, but this is something for the both of us. I just have to find my handbag that I dropped off here this morning. Wait here one second.” She rushed into the office, scooted around all the boxes of their belongings that they hadn’t unpacked yet and found her bag on the desk. Scrummaging through it, she quickly located what she needed and went back out to Troy. Her blood rushed through her veins and nausea rose in her belly. With trembling hands, she handed him the little long box.

  “What’s this? You bought me a pen?” Troy questioned as he took it from her.

  “Just open it.”

  Troy fumbled with the ribbon, let it drop to the floor, and slid the box open. The breath gushed from his lungs when he saw what lay inside.

  “Is this what I think it is? You’re pregnant?” His eyes glistened with tears.

  “I only found out two days ago and wanted to surprise you.” Her voice jittered with excitement. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “Really? A baby?” His mouth gaped open. “I know we talked about it, but it was your decision. Oh wow, this is the best present. You’ve made me so happy.” He curled his hand around her neck and drew her in close. “You and me, we’re going to do this right. Every step of the way. I’m not going to miss one second of this. I’m not going to miss anything, like I did with Conner. You’ve made all my dreams come true. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  She placed her hand on his cheek and wiped a tear from his cheek. “I love you.” She fell into his embrace and their lips met. Lifting her once again into his arms, he headed down the hallway and into their master bedroom. With her new husband, her new house and new baby on the way, she�
��d finally found her home.

  Other books by Tania Joyce


  I was supposed to be studying but then Cameron walked through the door!

  University student, Wiley Cayton’s world turns upside down when she meets college newcomer Cameron Wilks. With his irresistible good looks, he seems to be nothing but a party-boy and a constant distraction. But is there more to the hottest guy on campus?

  Even when Wiley finds out about Cameron’s troubled past, she’s determined to keep her distance and her previously shattered heart protected. But with him studying the same degree and falling in with her group of friends, she’s drawn to him in unexplainable, illogical ways. How can one’s heart overrule one’s mind? Inevitably she falls for his charismatic charm and her insecurities take hold. Her life spirals out of control and she struggles to find balance between partying, sex and maintaining her scholarship grades.

  With her future at risk, her family battle to keep her and Cameron apart, but that only weaves their relationship tighter together. When a college prank goes horribly wrong – threads snap, and just when she needs him most, Cameron disappears. Is their tumultuous romance meant to be or is it just a temporary distraction?

  Available in eBook and print at:

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