Say You're Mine

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Say You're Mine Page 17

by Alexis Winter

  Maverick chimes in. “I agree. The lowlifes who will be there aren’t to be messed with. These are the kind of men who killed an innocent teenager because her dad fucked them over. It’s too dangerous. You need to stay away.”

  Poor Maverick. The sadness that takes over his face when talking about Abigail is heartbreaking. I hate that he, Kalum, and Jaxson had to go through that so young.

  Tori squeezes me a little harder, trying to be the last voice of reason. “Jaxson needs to keep his head on straight. If he realizes you’re there, you could do more harm than good. If he’s going to do this, he needs to stay focused. And you being there is a surefire way for his head to not be in the game.”

  I nod. I know they’re right.

  But I also know that nothing could stop me from going.



  I was never a superstitious boxer. I had a routine, but I never thought that if I didn’t do something, I would lose a fight.

  But as I stare at my taped-up hands, prepping for a fight I don’t want to be in but have to be part of, I know something is missing. So I grab a Sharpie, rip off the cap with my teeth, then write the initials “A.L.” on the top of my left hand.

  I’m doing this for her. I might have had to hurt her in the process, but this is how I’ll keep her safe. Because if everything goes the way it’s supposed to tonight, I know she’ll be unharmed.

  “You ready?” Stan comes into my office as I’m loosening up.

  Yes, part of the deal I had to make was allowing one more fight at The Pit. We closed early for a “private function.”

  I hate this. I hate everything about it. But I’ve gone over it a hundred times and I don’t see another way out. Because the men Stan owes money to don’t care about my business, or the people I love. They just want their money. And until they have it back, they will make my life a living hell.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I stand up, trying to shake out the tension in my arms.

  “Thanks for doing this, Son. I can’t tell you how much—”

  “Stop,” I cut him off, anger pouring through my words. “Don’t call me son. You have lost the right to call me that. Tonight is the last time you’ll ever see me. I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for you to get the hell out of my life.”

  He drops his head. “I know. I’m sorry I got us in this mess.”

  “No, you aren’t. You’re sorry you didn’t win.”

  He doesn’t reply. He turns to grab my gloves and help me slip them on. Normally, this is something that Kalum would do, but I’ve sent the brothers on a much more important mission. The most important one of the night.

  “Do we need to go over again how this is going to go down?”

  We don’t, but I’m not going to tell him that. He’s fixed the fight, and at least this time he’s letting me in on the secret.


  He rubs his earlobe before explaining, which is all the sign I need to know that what I’m about to do is the right move.

  “The kid you’re fighting hasn’t lost yet, so having you as a challenger has brought in some big bets. But everyone is going with you. I swear, kid, even years later you still bring the big coin.”

  He says it like he’s a proud dad and I just won a medal at the science fair.

  “The betting is all on you knocking him out in the eighth round. But I need you to do it in the sixth.”

  My head snaps up. That’s not how it was supposed to go.

  “Why the sixth? Does Dominic know?”

  Dominic is the kid I’m fighting. I’ve actually met him a few times when he’s come in to spar with a buddy of his. Good fighter. But he’s not exactly the type to take a fall.

  Good thing he won’t be.

  “No, he doesn’t. He thinks it’s on the level. So I’m going to need you to make sure you throw something he doesn’t get up from. But I should let you know, it will be very beneficial for the both of us if you do it in the sixth.”

  Stan finishes taping up my gloves and walks away as Kalum walks in, staring at Stan like he wants to murder him on the spot.

  “You ready?” he asks, making sure my gloves are on tight.

  “As ready as I’m ever going to be.”

  I then ask the most important question of the night.

  “Is Dominic ready?”

  For the first time in a few days, my best friend gives me a smile.

  “Yes, he’s happy to help.”

  The bell sounds to end the fourth round. While I’ve been holding up pretty well, my body definitely knows that it’s been a while since I’ve done this.

  Which makes me even more glad it’s almost over.

  I head back to my corner, where Kalum and Maverick are waiting to tend to me. Dominic got in a few punches that round, which will make this round even more believable.

  This will be the first round, and first fight, I’ll ever lose in my life.

  “You ready to do this?” Maverick asks, wiping some blood away from my eyes.

  “Never been so sure about anything. This ends. Now.”

  Kalum sprays some water in my mouth, which I swish around and spit into the bucket before standing back up. I catch Stan’s eye as he’s leaning against a back wall with a smug smile on his face.

  Fuck him. Fuck him for putting me in this position. He’s about to get everything he deserves.

  I meet Dominic back in the center of the ring, and we touch gloves for the next round to begin. The kid is good, I’ll admit that. I would have loved to have fought him in a straight fight back in my younger days.

  I connect with a few jabs, which purposely leave my midsection open as he gets me with a few punches to the stomach. I keel over a bit—the blows knocking the wind out of me. I stumble back to the ropes and he comes at me again, but I block him, so we’re clinched together, looking like we’re in a bro hug.

  “Now. I need you to do it now,” I say to him.

  He knows what I am asking him to do, though it wasn’t supposed to be this early. But after Stan said he needed me to knock him out in the sixth, I had to call an audible. I just didn’t have time to tell Dominic before the fight started.

  “You sure?” he asks, still trying to land small punches to make this look believable.

  “Yes. Now.”

  It’s all I have to say as I find a second wind and push us off the ropes. I try throwing a series of punches, but only a few land.

  I leave myself open and he comes at me with a left hook that makes me see stars. My legs buckle and I’m down.

  I’ve lost the fight, but I’ve won so much more.

  All I hear are screams and boos from the crowd—degenerates pissed because I lost them a shit-ton of money.

  I peel myself from the canvas and see the guys Stan is in deep with. They nod at me and I nod back. This simple gesture lets me know we’re square—that I just got my gym back.

  That was Maverick’s job before the fight. I knew that Stan had rigged it for me to win, but I needed to make sure that not only did I lose, but that I got free from the guys he was in with. Because they were the ones who posed the real danger.

  Luckily, I realized they only cared about the money. So we found the two guys who so graciously visited me at the gym, and we set up how we were going to flip the rig. With everyone betting on me, the payout for Dominic winning was huge, especially before the eighth round. They put a shitload of money on Dominic.

  They won back the money Stan owed them, plus a few thousand extra. And in turn, for me throwing the fight, they promised to never come near my gym again. And they gave their word that they’d leave me and my loved ones alone.

  While I’m relieved that a part of this is over, another part of me needs to see Stan. I need to see his face.

  I stand up, looking around for the man I will never again call my father. I need to see the look in his eyes as he realizes I just got my gym back, and him out of my life, while fucking him over in the process.
/>   But all I see is a blaze of red hair leaving through the back door. Red hair that I would know anywhere.



  I knew I shouldn’t have gone to the fight. But I couldn’t stay away.

  Seeing Jaxson in that ring was like nothing I could have imagined. I had watched him spar many times. We used to work out together and I’d admire the way his arms and body reacted when he was hitting the heavy bag.

  But seeing him up there tonight, the way he moved around that ring, so focused, was the sexiest thing I had ever witnessed.

  I hightailed it back to the loft as soon as it was over, wanting to make sure no one saw me. I just needed to feel close to him. I put on one of his T-shirts and sat on the couch, thinking of all the nights we sat in this same spot, him holding me while we talked about everything and nothing.

  All I can think about is Jaxson in that ring. I hated seeing him in there, putting himself in that kind of danger because of Stan.

  But I can’t lie; it also totally turned me on.

  I stayed in the back, away from the action, but I could see everything.

  His muscles rippling when he threw punches at his opponent.

  His eyes when they were locked in. I’ve missed those eyes looking at me. So determined. So sexy.

  And I saw his face when he went down. At first I was shocked, and I gasped when he fell to the mat. He didn’t lose. He never lost.

  Then I saw his face when he got up, and I knew.

  He threw the fight.

  I don’t know why, but I have to believe he knew what he was doing. And hopefully, that brings him back to me.

  I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I wake up on the couch to find a blanket over me.

  Except I didn’t have a blanket when I nodded off last night.

  I open my eyes and see Jaxson sitting by my feet, with a hand on my leg and my favorite brown eyes looking at me like he’s never seen me before.

  “When did you come in?” I ask.

  “Probably about 4 a.m. You were asleep. I didn’t want to wake you,” he says quietly, gently caressing my leg.

  “Why did you come to the fight?”

  I sit up, not knowing how this is going to go, and needing to brace myself for anything.

  “I needed to see for myself that you were okay.”

  He sighs before pinching the bridge of his nose. He’s showered since last night, but his eyes look tired. Not just from the night, but probably from the past week finally catching up with him.

  “I’m fine. It’s all over.” He lets out a breath I’m pretty sure he’s been holding since this whole ordeal started.

  “Is your dad gone?”

  If he’s surprised that I ask about Stan, he doesn’t show it. “Yeah. For good this time. I’m so sorry I brought him into our lives. I was so stupid to think—”

  I move closer, tenderly placing a finger to his lips, silencing him.

  “You were not stupid. You were a man with a heart who gave someone a second chance. Stan is the stupid one who ruined his chance of ever knowing how great his son is. I can’t believe he took advantage of you like that. I’m sorry for pushing you to let him in.”

  He takes my finger from his mouth and links his fingers through mine. Just holding his hand like this, feeling his touch, is giving me hope that we’re going to be okay. But until I hear the words, I refuse to get my hopes up too high.

  “It’s not your fault. You’re right. It was his. But he’s gone now. Out of our lives forever. Tonight, during the fight, I took the fall. I hated it. I never wanted to knowingly fix a fight. But it was what I had to do to make sure Stan was gone and the gym would be left alone. And that you . . . that they . . .”

  I put my arms around him as he fights back his emotions. It’s then that I realize how much this was bringing up the past for him—that he was trying to protect me the way he couldn’t protect his sister.

  “I’m fine. Everyone is okay. It’s over, Jaxson. It’s over.”

  We sit like that for I don’t know how long. I’m pretty sure he’s fallen asleep until his words startle me.

  “I’m sorry for everything I said. I needed you to stay away. I needed you safe. And the only way I knew how to do that was for you to be as far away from me as possible. I said words to make you hate me. I’m so sorry, Annabelle. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “I know,” I say as I rub the back of his neck. “I know you thought you were doing the right thing. But Jaxson, I’ve never been so scared as when you left. Not even the night I was attacked. But not knowing where you were, or if you were alive . . . I can never go through that again.”

  He sits up and pulls me into his lap.

  “I’m so sorry. I know it was stupid, but I was in a rage.”

  “You told me you’d never disappear on me like that. That when it got hard, you’d talk to me. Not only did you not tell me where you were, but then when I did find you, the words you said hurt me deeply. I don’t know which way is up right now. Sitting here like this makes me think that we’re going to be okay. But what happens when it gets hard again? I can’t live my life wondering if today’s going to be the day you leave me again.”

  He wipes a tear that’s escaped my eye and gently presses his lips to mine. This kiss is so different from our last one in his office. Where that kiss filled me with dread and finality, this kiss gives me hope.

  “I will apologize to you for what I did for the rest of our lives. And I promise, from now on, I will never keep anything like that from you ever again.”

  He takes a deep breath and brings me closer to him.

  “You are my life, Annabelle. What I fought for tonight wasn’t just the gym, or just to get Stan out of my life. It was for you. For your safety, so I could love you again the way you deserve. I love you so much it hurts. This last week has been torture without you. And I promise, from this day forward, I will always talk to you. You’re my lover. My partner. My best friend. I can’t spend another day without you. And I hope, even though I don’t deserve one, that you will give me another chance to love you.”

  My tears are flowing, but I don’t care. He’s back. My Jaxson is back.

  I cup his face and bring my lips to his, pouring my love, forgiveness, and soul into it. He returns the favor, deepening the kiss. Our tongues find each other and I know that we could kiss like this all night.

  Slowly, we separate our lips and just look at each other. Two people who couldn’t be more different now knowing that we’re nothing if we aren’t together.

  “I love you, Annabelle Locke. Do you forgive me? Will you let me have another chance?”

  I kiss him one more time, simply because I can.

  “I will. Under one condition.”

  He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Anything.”

  “Never throw a fight again. I don’t associate with losers.”

  Before I know it, Jaxson is lifting me up and tossing me over his shoulder as we make our way to the bedroom.

  “You want a winner? I’ll show you how we can both be winners.”

  And he does. Multiple times.



  I remember how I thought I was nervous when Annabelle and I first got together.

  And then when I met her father.

  Or when I thought I had lost her for good.

  But those were all child’s play compared to the nerves I’m feeling today.

  It’s been three months since my final fight, when I almost lost it all only to get back more than I’d ever dreamed of.

  Since then, things have been perfect. Annabelle’s classes are taking off, and they’re so full she has to turn kids away, which she hates. The gym’s membership is at an all-time high and I’ve been approached about holding semi-annual fight nights. The legal kind where amateur fighters can cut their teeth.

  And I couldn’t be happier knowing that every night I get to come home to Annabelle.

one lucky son of a bitch. I hate a lot of parts about my past. I miss my sister every day. But it’s led me here, and for that, I’m grateful.

  “You ready?” Tori asks me from behind the counter at Perks.

  “I am.” I might be nervous, but I’m as sure as ever that I want Annabelle to be with me for the rest of my life.

  When Tori sees her coming around the corner, she signals for me to hide in the back. Luckily, it’s not far from the counter, so I can hear their conversation, and there’s a little window I can look through so I’ll know when it’s time for me to surprise her.

  “Hey girl!” Tori says, probably a little too loudly.

  “Hi! What was the big emergency you needed me down here for? I’m supposed to meet Jaxson at the loft soon.”

  If she knows what’s coming, she doesn’t let on. I tried to act normal this morning before she went to work, and I was hoping I was a better actor than I felt I was.

  “Do I need a reason to see my best friend? That hurts, Annabelle. That hurts deep.”

  Annabelle rolls her eyes. “No, you don’t need an excuse. But you could have asked me over for a girls’ night instead of coming here.”

  “I could have, but I needed to give you back your sweater. I’ll run to the back and get it. Do you want a latte before I grab it?”

  “You know I can’t say no to one. Make it strong and go get me my sweater that I apparently need to have back.”

  I watch Tori from the window, making the latte. She takes the cup, ensuring the correct side is facing Annabelle when she hands it over.

  “Give me a few. I’ll be right back.”

  Tori comes through the door, a smile from ear to ear.

  “You’re up.”

  I take the deepest breath of my life and exit the door, coming around to her side of the counter. Just like I’d hoped, by the time I’m in front of her, she’s already reading what’s written on the cup.


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