Taj's Early Years

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Taj's Early Years Page 14

by Lotta Bangs

Thinking it over, I decided it may be important to have evident feminine company as well. Fermina had always considered the appearance of being chaperoned more important than whether the person doing that duty was actually a deterrent to any shenanigans. Lorna asked her sisters to be there too to act as my chaperones and hand around cups of tea.

  Chapter 21

  Bringing in Emil

  Something felt wrong. The back of my neck crawled through the remainder of dinner.

  “Paul ask your sisters to change quickly into tight workout gear with savate shoes and canes before coming to my room.”

  “You’re expecting a fight?”

  “An assassination attempt, actually, from eighteen amateur assassins. I think this might be fun. We don’t have to be careful not to hurt them.”

  “You actually enjoy fighting?”

  “Of course. It’s what I’ve trained to do, and I’m very good at it. Just don’t any of you get in my way, please.”

  “Spoilsport! That’s so selfish, keeping the whole eighteen for yourself!” We both laughed and the mood lightened.

  Nevertheless, I changed quickly when we returned to the apartment. I stuck the sling in my waistband and placed the pretty polished gemstones in a glass bowl on a small round table with which Maggie had replaced our heavier dining table.

  I opened the computer and left it there too, so she could see and photograph evidence we may need.

  “Maggie, are they armed in any way?”

  ^^Two have wooden handgrips wound with piano wire; four have knives. The rest have various heavy objects, coshes, rolls of coins and such. They are definitely ready to hurt you. They are roughnecks, but none has killed before. Julius doesn’t have any idea.?^^

  “Good. I hoped he’d be innocent.”

  “How does she know all that?” asked Paul.

  “Maggie can read minds and souls. That’s how the doorway defense works. People who are violent, psychotic or dangerous cannot enter a building with Galen doorway protection.”

  “Heavens. I hope she doesn’t tell you what everyone is thinking.”

  “Not unless they are threatening my life. Sadly, we were expecting some such attempt. Three professional killers who signed on for the course were turned away and that gave us warning. They arrived separately and apparently didn’t know each other, so may have been hired by three different sources.

  “These eighteen were borderline and may yet chicken out. But by coming here en masse, they will strengthen each other’s resolve. And remember they know the first twenty-six savate kata and a little karate.”

  The girls arrived. Ron let them in.

  Maggie placed three trays of party nibbles on the table. I began sampling.

  “How can you eat at a time like this?”

  “Excitement makes me hungry. These dumplings are gorgeous. Try one yourself.”

  Paul dipped one before eating it. “Mmm. I’ll get fat soon if I keep eating like this.” He took another.

  “Nah, not the way you work it off.”

  Armando arrived and looked around eagerly.

  Ron opened the door again. This time it was Julius and his party.

  Armando offered a tray of tapas. Julius took one and popped it into his mouth.

  “Taj hasn’t brought it out yet. Looks like she wants another unveiling ceremony,” Armando grumbled.

  “Don’t be impatient, Armando. You’ll see it soon enough.

  “Julius I have the same objections to your companions that you had for me. They don’t look old enough to have ever known Prospero before he was damaged.”

  The guys were all in their twenties. They stood in a group, shuffling uncomfortably. Finally, one stepped forward.

  “I’m Len. You’re right, sensei. We didn’t know him, though we have heard nothing but good about him.

  “We were sent here to try to kill you, but none of us really wants to do that. You’re a terrific teacher. We’ve all learnt more from you in one day than we picked up in two years of karate classes.

  “Anyway, we can see that you were prepared for us and we’re not good enough to beat even two of your people, much less a dozen. We only agreed to come here because none of us could afford the fee and they paid it for us.

  “So we’re just going to go back and tell them that we never found an opportunity when you weren’t well defended.”

  “Oh, that’s a shame. I was looking forward to taking you all on at once. I do enjoy a good fight.”

  Everybody in the room laughed except Paul and I.

  “You probably could have handled us easily too,” said Len. “We have a local rep as being very tough, but it has never been tested.”

  “Okay, now that we’re all friends, could we please see the bust, Taj?” Armando was single-minded as well as impatient.

  I nodded to Paul who fetched it from my room and placed it on the table, moving the bowl of stones to a sideboard. He passed a replenished tray of goodies to Len.

  Lorna brought in a great pot of green tea. Cups in saucers, sweeteners, lemon slices and a pitcher of iced tea, appeared on the sideboard. Lorna placed the pot on a trivet and poured half a dozen cups.

  “Sensei, would you care for a cup?” Len asked.

  “One of those just poured, please. I like mine weak and straight, thanks.”

  Lorna passed him one to give me. Then Len turned back to the sideboard just as Lorna filled another cup, bumping her. The lid flew off the pot and boiling hot tea leapt into the air. Maggie immediately ’froze the tea, the pot and the lid in place, then moved them all a foot higher.

  Everyone quickly moved away from the immediate area.

  “There you are Len. You can now advise your sponsors that, not knowing I was under Galen protection, you tried to brain me with a heavy pot of fresh tea. You almost scalded me instead.

  “Grab the pot handle and I’ll pose in a suitably vulnerable position under the splatter and your mates can photograph me with their phones.

  “Paul, how does this look?”

  “Stupid. You need to be lower and Len should look meaner. Allow me to act the great hero coming to my swooning sensei’s rescue.”

  He stood behind me. I ‘swooned’ back into his arms, my right arm raised protectively under the pot as if to push it away, my knees bent. “How’s that everyone?

  “Fine, but try to look shocked,” said Armando dryly.

  The guys snapped their pics.

  Paul swept me up for a hug, a look of terror still on his face. He dropped a kiss on my forehead and put me back on my feet.

  “Paul, you should be in movies. You acted that well.”

  “Method. I just imagined losing my meal ticket and dearest friend. It wasn’t hard.” He spoke lightly, but there was real emotion there too. Paul loved me.

  * * *

  Armando and Julius were in earnest conversation over the bust. I wandered over and grabbed some more hors d’oevres. I never tired of Galen finger food. The bruschetta with poached quail eggs sprinkled with caviar were new to me.

  “You were right, Taj. Pewter does look more interesting than bronze. It softens yet brings out the shadows better.”

  “Yeah, I also picked up that the shadows looked more interesting, and that was before seeing the bronze. I didn’t realize that you were an art aficionado Armando.”

  “I’m not, there’s only some that I like. You do have a gift for it Taj. Horrie looks so vigorous and intelligent. It’s hard to believe your model was so damaged.”

  Julius sighed. “Yes. He looks just as I remember him before he became a master. You even caught that funny cowlick on his crown. I don’t suppose you would be interested in selling this? I would love to have it.”

  “Sorry, no. Maggie, could you make another copy?”

  Another appeared on the table immediately.

  ^^How’s this? It’s hollow as I left the plaster out. I’ve put another in your room Armando. You appeared to like it too.^^

  Armando bowed to my laptop, speech
less for once.

  Julius reached out a hand to touch the copy. “It feels the same. How much do you want for it?”

  “Maggie made it as a gift. Enjoy it Julius.”

  “Er, thank you, Maggie. This is most generous. I really appreciate it.”

  “So Julius, about those referees?”

  We actually have enough masters doing your course who can referee.”

  “So we can have the match here. Which do you prefer—a boxing ring or bare floor? We could have a padded mat to cushion your old bones so I don’t have to be too careful about tossing you around.” I grinned maliciously.

  “Cheeky brat! Though actually the mat’s not a bad idea. I don’t have the coverage over my joints that I used to have and the hard floor digs in and bruises. But my mates would laugh at me if I did that.”

  ^^Excuse me for butting in, but there’s another solution. I could make the floor in the match area softer with some give to it so it would be more comfortable for you.^^

  “Why, thank you Maggie. That would be wonderful. You are extraordinarily generous and thoughtful. I don’t know what I can do for you in return, but if you ever need a favor, just ask.”

  ^^I might call on you for that later, Julius.^^

  “Okay, I presume you’d want our fight early in the day while you’re feeling fresh? Before or after breakfast?”

  “I’d like a light breakfast to settle my stomach, then a larger one afterwards. Around 6.00 or so?”

  “That will be fine. Maggie will tape the whole match.”

  Armando broke in: “Did she tape your matches with the savate champions too? I really want to see those.”

  ^^Yes I did, from seven different vantage points. You can actually watch the tapes simultaneously on seven screens. Do you want me to set them up, Taj?^^

  “Yes please, Maggie. You didn’t tell me about taping those. I bet Emil would love to see them too.”

  ^^He’s awake. Do you want me to bring him here?^^

  “Let me ring first and invite him. Don’t want his having a heart attack.”

  I made the call.

  “He said to give him a chance to change clothes.”

  Within minutes, Emil was hugging me hard, kissing every inch of my face as I tried to kiss his back.

  “Good to see you again Tabanita. I have news. I think we’ve found a site.”

  “Wonderful. Can you stay a day or two?” I’ll be fighting Julius here in a BJJ challenge match tomorrow morning. He’s a master and I’ll be wearing my gray child’s obi.”

  “Be kind Tabanita. Don’t humiliate an old man. Now let’s grab some food and watch these tapes. I can’t believe you kept them secret so long.”

  “Not me—Maggie. She only told us a few minutes ago that they existed.”

  * * *

  Maggie had set up an array of six giant screens in a wide curve with another showing the top view placed above. We all made ourselves comfortable on floor chairs, Back Jacks, armchairs, bean bags and cushions so everyone could see. Besides the ceiling view, there was one each from directly behind and in front, and four from each corner.

  It was a little disorienting to try to watch so many screens at once. The second and third go-throughs were easier as we each concentrated on one screen and then turned to the one showing the best view of any particular action.

  “There, I nearly got you there.”

  “You’re right Emil. That was the closest you came. You only missed by eight inches,” I giggled.

  Emil turned to Julius. “See what you’re in for. The minx laughs at my best effort. And me, the French champion.”

  Emil then proceeded to tickle me, fairly gently, to keep me laughing.

  Maggie brightened the lights and we had more tea and tasty tidbits.

  “Taj, you were sensational. I’ve seen a lot of savate, but there were moves there I would have thought impossible. Can we see the other two matches now?

  “Sure Armando. Is everybody sufficiently refreshed?”

  The lights dimmed and we sat through the next two bouts three times each. The ten-round matches lasted only a few minutes so it didn’t take long.

  It was actually rather embarrassing to see myself using my newly invented moves against men who didn’t understand how to cope with them, but it had been the only way to attract attention to my innovations.

  * * *

  Coming from the other side of the world, Emil was on morning time as we were all winding down for bed. Lorna and her sisters offered to take shifts playing host to him and make sure he at least took an ‘afternoon nap’ so he’d be able to attend class tomorrow.

  “Actually, Emil, you’d do better to join the night savate classes for beginners. Those have only half-hour breaks, so you’d still have time for a nap before joining ours. We gained over two thousand new ladies today with more coming in all the time. I like to give them a class as soon as possible.

  “You will also have abused women sheltering in the French dojo. I’d like you to see the entire process and witness how rapidly they transform. It’s heart-warming.

  “Also, though a champion, you’ve never had a breakthrough. I don’t want you to feel embarrassed tomorrow when everyone in class will be ahead of you.”

  Emil grumbled a little but agreed. He wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with the Evans girls anyway.

  Chapter 22

  Fighting Julius

  There was an enormous crowd for our match. Over forty-three thousand people, many invited by our students, as well as general public who had heard of it and of course the press and paparazzi. No TV crews though. They were allowed to record a commentary and later fit it to Maggie’s films.

  Maggie handled the multitude by amphitheatering the floor, stepping small cushioned ledges around the arena, which the referees had agreed would be best circular. The steps went up through four empty levels whose floors had somehow been temporarily removed or pulled up. The inner two rings were reserved for the referees, other officials and my staff, including Emil.

  Julius wore his red and black belt with a closer-fitting white suit with fitted wrists and cuffs which made it more difficult to grab hold of him. I had a loose blue suit with a pale gray belt. We bowed to each other. Another master, wearing black with a red and black belt, read out a bunch of rules.

  We bowed again, then I just waited for Julius to approach and allowed him to throw me to the floor where he proceeded to pretzel me as I smiled sweetly at him. I stood free and he did it again, using different locks. I immediately stepped out of those too. Julius was also grinning now, as he demonstrated the futility of all these prized, allegedly excruciatingly painful secret lock systems.

  Next I grabbed and threw Julius high above my head. I pretzeled him as he descended into one of our painless locks, caught him again, then just held him aloft as he shook with laughter.

  In the audience, Emil was out of control, guffawing so hard and vigorously that he almost fell out of his seat onto Lorna who was trying to hold him in place while also cachinnating uncontrollably. On Emil’s other side Paul was doing his best to keep the champion upright while tears of mirth rolled down his face. Armando just rocked back and forth, giving his distinctive huge horselaugh, his face also wet with tears.

  Most of the audience, even the other masters, were convulsed with laughter. There were people on their backs in the aisles, thrashing and kicking in their paroxysms. I guess many other people had resented BJJ’s slow promotion and the elitism in their upper ranks.

  “Sorry Julius, but no matter how hard you laugh, that won’t help you escape this lock. I could put you down and leave you, but none of your fellow masters could undo this one for you. Do you submit?”

  “Yes Taj, I submit. I’d rather celebrate your victory with a good breakfast than stay here all day. I submit. Put me down please.”

  I made a few small adjustments, threw him up higher, caught him and stood him gently on his feet. We bowed to each other. Julius threw his arms around me in a great
hug and lifted my right arm ceilingward to indicate my victory. He took a backward step, removed his obi and offered it to me. I took off mine, and we swapped.

  “Let’s get to breakfast before the rush, shall we?” he whispered, and we walked out still barefoot.

  * * *

  Maggie simply opened four more cafeterias to cope with the breakfast crowd. Paul, Armando and Emil soon joined us at our usual table bringing our retrieved footwear.

  “Congratulations, Tabanita. That was well done. I especially like how you reversed the floor grappling and made it aerial instead. I’ll write it up for Savate. It will be a change from stories of your innovative savate lessons which have crowded the magazine lately.

  “You were right about my needing that beginner’s class. I was consistently among the last to break through in each early kata. It was very frustrating. Violet gave the class a little speech you had used about forgetting our preconceptions. Doing that made a big difference and restored my self-confidence.”

  “I’ve always admired that about you Emil—that you are big enough to admit where you were inadequate and work to fix it. After you’ve done my course we might have a rematch. I have already been defeated once, by Paul with two magnificently deceptive feints he invented on the spot.”

  “Congratulations to both of you. You have to be a brilliant teacher to raise such a new student to where he can defeat you.”

  “I agree,” chipped in Armando. “Taj shares Horrie’s inspirational ability that makes students want to do their best for them.”

  “You’re so right.” Julius patted Armando’s shoulder. I’d forgotten he had that quality. Taj does have it.”

  “Oh, come on. I think you’re both reaching now. Any interested teacher can inspire her students. I have been teaching since very young, so I’ve had plenty of practice.”

  “Those new battered women were amazing too,” said Emil. “It hurt to see their pain and fear at the beginning of the class, but they changed so quickly.

  “I am very proud of you Tabanita, for finding a way to transform so many lives. Are you sure none of their angry husbands can get in here to hurt them again?”

  “Very sure. Galen doorway security won’t allow any violent persons through. Three professional killers have already been turned away. Those eighteen young toughs you saw last night had their fees paid in the hope that they would have a chance to kill me. Fortunately for them, they decided I was more of an asset than their sponsors.”


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