Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right Page 46

by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  party politicians like Gábor Vona of the Hungarian party Jobbik pen the

  foreword for Arktos’s Evola texts.27 And coming out of the watershed year

  2016 with all its political triumphs for the international radical Right,

  Friberg remained convinced that his method remained essential— that

  Western society had not, in fact, passed to a state wherein cultural ac-

  tivism could be replaced wholesale with political initiatives. “Metapolitics

  is always necessary. Always,” he told me. “Some people see Trump as the

  end goal, but I don’t, and we still have a lot to do.”28



  E M E R G E N T T H I N K E R S


  1. Guillaume Faye, Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance

  (London: Arktos Media, 2011), 190.

  2. Tamir Bar- On, Where Have All the Fascists Gone (Abingdon: Ashgate, 2007);

  Bar- On, Rethinking the French New Right: Alternatives to Modernity (Abingdon:

  Routledge, 2013).

  3. Daniel Friberg, personal communication with author, June 6, 2014.

  4. For more on my research practices and methodology, see Benjamin R.

  Teitelbaum, Lions of the North: Sounds of the New Nordic Radical Nationalism

  (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017).

  5. Michael O’Meara’s attempt at an explanation in New Culture, New Right: Anti-

  Liberalism in Postmodern Europe (London: Arktos Media, 2013) can hardly be

  seen as changing that.

  6. Teitelbaum, Lions of the North.

  7. Mathias Wåg, “Nationell kulturkamp— Från vit maktmusik till metapolitik,” in

  Det vita fältet: Samtida forskning om högerextremism, ed. Mats Deland, Fredrik

  Hertzberg, and Thomas Hvitfeldt (Uppsala: University of Uppsala Department

  of History, 2010), 97– 125.

  8. Daniel Friberg, interview with author, November 6, 2017.

  9. “Daniel Friberg— Return of the Real Right: Metapolitics and Rising Opposition.”

  Accessed November 5, 2017, https:// watch?v=xPgO6kb381U


  10. Nordiska förlaget, “Folkbildning och inspiration.”

  11. “Folkets Nyheter.” Accessed July 11, 2012, http:// wiki/ Folkets_


  12. Daniel Friberg, interview with author, June 6, 2014.

  13. Accessed June 2, 2014, http:// web/ 20050308025324/ http:// forbundet.asp.

  14. Daniel Friberg, interview with author, June 6, 2014).

  15. Martin Brandt, “Metapedia,” People’s News, no. 10, 2006, July 25, 2015.

  16. “Behovet av en metapolitisk strategi.” Accessed November 8, 2017, http:// web. web/ 20090513005038/ http:// artikel.


  17. Accessed November 8, 2017, http://

  18. Daniel Friberg, interview with author, June 6, 2014.

  19. Teitelbaum, Lions of the North, 57– 58.

  20. These podcasts built on and replaced an initiative from the previous year on

  Motpol. From 2014 to 2015 Friberg, along with Swedes Patrik Ehn and Eva

  Johansson, produced four Swedish- language shows, uploaded to YouTube.

  21. “Who We Are.” Accessed October 30, 2017, https:// web/

  20160310115756/ https:// who- we- are/ .


  Daniel Friberg and Metapolitics in Action


  22. Friberg, “Låt äventyret börja [Let the Adventure Begin],” Motpol, July 25, 2015.

  https:// danielfriberg/ 2015/ 07/ 25/ lat- aventyret- borja/ .

  23. “The Migrant Invasion: Victory or Valhalla— Speech by Daniel Friberg @

  Identitarian Ideas VII (2015).” Accessed October 31, 2017, https://

  com/ watch?v=PdcMOclSVJM.

  24. Friberg, for his part, was also acting almost unilaterally on behalf of Arktos

  in this merger. Just as the Alt Right corporation was being formed, he broke

  with his Arktos partner John Morgan, replacing Morgan as editor in chief

  with Jason Reza Jorjani. Friberg also joined forces with another collaborator,

  a former Sweden Democrat named Christoffer Dulny, to forge a largely inde-

  pendent, Swedish- language branch of the Alt Right initiative titled the Nordic

  Alt Right.

  25. “#20— The Odyssey of Richard Spencer.” Accessed November 20, 2017, https:// watch?v=zVG8C_ 9qyTc&t=1364s.

  26. Famous fashwave music producers “Xurious,” for example, even wrote tribute

  pieces to Arktos’s publications. See “Xurious— Right Wing Youth.” Accessed

  November 20, 2017, https:// watch?v=1tcEDIFg9Ik.

  27. Evola, Handbook for Right- Wing Youth (London: Arktos Media, 2017).

  28. Daniel Friberg, interview with author, November 6, 2017.




  Select Bibliographies

  gener al works

  Ashbee, Edward. “Politics of Paleoconservatism.” Society 37, no. 3 (March

  2000): 75– 84.

  Bar- On, Tamir. Rethinking the French New Right: Alternatives to Modernity.

  Abingdon: Routledge, 2013.

  Bar- On, Tamir. Where Have All the Fascists Gone? Abingdon: Ashgate, 2007.

  Camus, Jean- Yves, and Nicolas Lebourg. Far Right Politics in Europe. Translated by

  Jane Marie Todd. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017.

  Duranton- Crabol, Anne- Marie. Visages de la Nouvelle droite: le GRECE et son histoire.

  Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 1988.

  Durham, Martin. The Christian Right, the Far Right, and the Boundaries of American

  Conservatism. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000.

  Francis, Samuel T. Revolution from the Middle. Raleigh, NC: Middle American

  Press, 1997.

  Gregor, A. James. The Search for Neofascism: The Use and Abuse of Social Science.

  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

  Hartman, Andrew. A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars.

  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

  Hawley, George. Making Sense of the Alt- Right. New York: Columbia University

  Press, 2017.

  Hawley, George. Right- Wing Critics of American Conservatism. Lawrence: University

  Press of Kansas, 2017.

  Hemmer, Nicole. Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of

  American Politics. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.

  Johnson, Greg. “Homosexuality and White Nationalism.” Counter- Currents, October

  4, 2010. http:// www.counter- 2010/ 10/ homosexuality- and- white-

  nationalism/ .

  Lyons, Matthew N. “ Paleoconservatism for the 21st Century.”

  Three Way Fight (blog), September 10, 2010. http://

  2010/ 09/ alternativerightcom- paleoconservatism.html.



  Select Bibliographies

  Lyons, Matthew N. “Ctrl- Alt- Delete: The Origins and Ideology of the Alternative

  Right.” Political Research Associates, January 20, 2017. http:// www. 2017/ 01/ 20/ ctrl- alt- delete- report- on- the- alternative- right/


  Lyons, Matthew N. Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and

  Empire. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2018.

  Merkel, Peter H., and Leonard Weinber
g, eds. The Revival of Right Wing Extremism in

  the Nineties. London: Frank Cass, 1997.

  Murphy, David T. The Heroic Earth: Geopolitical Thought in Weimar Germany, 1918–

  1933. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1997.

  Murphy, Paul. The Rebuke of History: The Southern Agrarians and American Conservative

  Thought. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.

  Nash, George. The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945.

  Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2006.

  Raimondo, Justin. Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative

  Movement. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2008.

  Sedgwick, Mark. Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual

  History of the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

  Stanley, Timothy. The Crusader: The Life and Tumultuous Times of Pat Buchanan.

  New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2012.

  Teitelbaum, Benjamin R. Lions of the North: Sounds of the New Nordic Radical

  Nationalism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

  Taguieff, Pierre- André. Sur la Nouvelle Droite: Jalons d’une analyse critique.

  Paris: Descartes et Cie, 1994.

  Taguieff, Pierre- André. The Force of Prejudice: On Racism and its Doubles.

  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Originally published as La

  Force du préjugé: Essai sur le racisme et ses doubles. Paris, La Découverte, 1988.

  Zeskind, Leonard. Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist

  Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream. New York: Farrar, Straus and

  Giroux, 2009.

  1. oswald spengler

  By Spengler

  Man and Technics. Translated by Charles Francis Atkinson. New York: Alfred

  A. Knopf, 1932. Originally published as Der Mensch und die Technik. Munich: C.

  H. Beck, 1931.

  Neubau des deutschen Reiches. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1924.

  Politische Pflichten der deutschen Jugend. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1924.

  Politische Schriften. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1932.

  Prussianism and Socialism. Translated by Charles Francis Atkinson. New York: Alfred

  A. Knopf, 1922. Originally published as Preußentum und Sozialismus. Munich: C.

  H. Beck, 1919.



  Select Bibliographies


  The Decline of the West. Outlines of a Morphology of World History. Translated by Charles

  Francis Atkinson. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1927. Originally published as Der

  Untergang des Abendlandes: Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte. Vol.

  1: Vienna: Braumüller, 1918. Rev. ed. Munich, 1923; vol. 2: Munich: C.

  H. Beck, 1922.

  The Hour of Decision. Translated by Charles Francis Atkinson. New York: Alfred

  A. Knopf, 1934. Originally published as Jahre der Entscheidung. Munich: C.

  H. Beck, 1933.

  About Spengler

  De Winde, Arne, S. Fabré, S. Maes, and B. Philipsen, eds. Tektonik der

  Systeme: Neulektüren von Oswald Spengler. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2016.

  Demandt, Alexander. Untergänge des Abendlandes: Studien zu Oswald Spengler.

  Cologne: Böhlau, 2017.

  Demandt, Alexander, and John Farrenkopf, eds. Der Fall Spengler: Eine kritische

  Bilanz. Cologne: Böhlau, 1994.

  Engels, David, Max Otte, and Michael Thöndl, eds. Der lange Schatten Oswald

  Spenglers: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes. Waltrop: Manuscriptum, 2018.

  Fink, Sebastian, and Robert Rollinger, eds. Oswald Spenglers Kulturmorphologie— eine

  multiperspektivische Annäherung. Berlin: Springer, 2018.

  Gasimov, Zaur, and C. A. Lemke Duque, eds. Oswald Spengler als europäisches

  Phänomen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2013.

  Guerri, Maurizio, and Markus Ophälders, eds. Oswald Spengler: Tramonto e

  metamorfosi dell’Occidente. Milan: Mimesis, 2004.

  Koktanek. Anton M., ed. Spengler Studien: Festgabe für M. Schröter zum 85. Geburtstag.

  Munich: C. H. Beck, 1965.

  Ludz, Peter Chr., ed. Spengler heute: Sechs Essays mit einem Vorwort von Hermann

  Lübbe. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1980.

  Merlio, Gilbert, and Daniel Meyer, eds. Spengler ohne Ende. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter

  Lang, 2014.

  2. ernst jünger

  By Jünger

  Eumeswil. Translated by Johannes Neugroschel. New York: Telos Press, 2015.

  Originally published as Eumeswil. Stuttgart: Klett- Cotta, 1977.

  On the Marble Cliffs, Translated by George Stein. New York: Penguin, 1984.

  Originally published as Auf den Marmorklippen. Berlin: Ziegler, 1939. Rev. ed.

  Tübingen: Reichl, 1949.

  Siebzig Verweht 1– 4. Stuttgart: Klett- Cotta, 1998.

  Storm of Steel. Translated by Michael Hofmann. New York: Penguin, 2004. Originally

  published as In Stahlgewittern. NP: NP, 1920.





  Select Bibliographies

  Strahlungen. Stuttgart: Klett- Cotta, 1998.

  The Adventurous Heart: Figures and Capriccios. Translated by Thomas Friese.

  Candor, NY: Telos Press, 2012. Originally published as Das Abenteurliche

  Herz; Aufzeichnungen bei Tag und Nacht. Berlin: Frundsberg, 1929. Rev. ed.,

  Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg, 1938.

  The Forest Passage. Translated by Thomas Friese. New York: Telos Press, 2013.

  Originally published as Der Waldgang. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1951.

  The Worker. Translated by Bogdan Costea and Laurence Paul Hemming. Evanston,

  IL: Northwestern University Press, 2017. Originally published as Der Arbeiter.

  Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlaganstalt, 1932.

  About Jünger

  Amos, Thomas. Ernst Jünger. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2011.

  Bullock, Marcus. The Violent Eye: Ernst Jünger’s Visions and Revisions on the European

  Right. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1992.

  Kiesel, Helmuth. Ernst Jünger: die Biographie. Munich: Siedler, 2007.

  Loose, Gerhard. Ernst Jünger: Gestalt und Werk. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1957.

  Meyer, Martin. Ernst Jünger. Munich: Hanser, 1990.

  Mitchell, Allan. The Devil’s Captain: Ernst Jünger in Nazi Paris, 1941–


  New York: Berghahn, 2011.

  Neaman, Elliot. A Dubious Past: Ernst Jünger and the Politics of Literature after Nazism.

  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

  Nevin, Thomas. Ernst Jünger and Germany: Into the Abyss 1914– 1945. Durham,

  NC: Duke University Press, 1996.

  Noack, Paul. Ernst Jünger: eine Biographie. Berlin: Fest, 1998.

  Schwilk, Heimo. Ernst Jünger: Ein Jahrhundertleben. Munich: Piper, 2007.

  3. carl schmitt

  By Schmitt

  Carl Schmitt/ Ernst Rudolf Huber: Briefwechsel 1926– 1981. Mit ergänzenden Materialien.

  Edited by Ewald Grothe. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2014.

  Constitutional Theory. Translated by Jeffrey Seitzer. Durham, NC: Duke University

  Press, 2007. Originally published as Verfassungslehre. Munich: Duncker &

  Humblot, 1928.

  Frieden oder Pazifismus? Arbeiten zum Völkerrecht und zur internationalen Politik.

  Edited by Günter Maschke. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2005.

  Glossarium: Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren 1947 bis 1958. Edited by Gerd Giesler and

  Martin Tielke. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2015.

  Political Theology: Four Capters on the Concept of Sovereignty. Translated by George
br />   Schwab. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985; Originally published in 1922 as


  Select Bibliographies


  Politische Theologie: Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität. Berlin: Duncker

  & Humblot, 1979.

  Staat, Großraum, Nomos: Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1916– 1969. Edited by Günter

  Maschke. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1995.

  Tagebücher 1930 bis 1934. Edited by Wolfgang Schuller. Berlin: Akademie-

  Verlag, 2010.

  The Concept of the Political. Translated by. George Schwab. Chicago: University of

  Chicago Press, 1996. Originally published in 1932 as Der Begriff des Politischen.

  Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1963.

  The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy. Translated by Ellen Kennedy. Cambridge,

  MA: MIT Press, 1985. Originally published in 1923 as Die geistesgeschichtliche

  Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus. Munich: Duncker & Humblot, 1926.

  The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political

  Symbol. Translated by George Schwab and Erna Hilfstein. Westport: Greenwood

  Press, 1996. Originally published as Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des

  Thomas Hobbes: Sinn und Fehlschlag eines Symbols. Hamburg: Hanseatische

  Verlagsanstalt, 1938.

  The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the “Jus Publicum Europaeum.”

  Translated by. Gary L. Ulmen. New York: Telos Press, 2003. Originally

  published as Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum.

  Cologne: Greven- Verlag, 1950.

  Theory of the Partisan: Immediate Commentary on the Concept of the Political. Translated

  by Gary L. Ulmen. New York: Telos Press, 2007. Originally published as Theorie

  des Partisanen: Zwischenbemerkung zum Begriff des Politischen. Berlin: Duncker &

  Humblot, 1963.

  Verfassungsrechtliche Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1924–

  1954: Materialien zu einer

  Verfassungslehre. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1958.

  About Schmitt

  Balakrishnan, Gopal. The Enemy: An Intellectual Portrait of Carl Schmitt.

  New York: Verso, 2000.

  Bendersky, Joseph H. Carl Schmitt: Theorist for the Reich. Princeton, NJ: Princeton

  University Press, 1983.

  Hofmann, Hasso. Legitimität gegen Legalität: Der Weg der politischen Philosophie Carl

  Schmitts. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2002.

  Krockow, Christian von. Die Entscheidung. Eine Untersuchung über Ernst Jünger, Carl


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