Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right Page 48

by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  Century. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1998.

  About Bat Ye’or

  Aydin, Cemil. The Idea of The Muslim World. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University

  Press, 2017.

  Bangstad, Sindre. Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia. London: Zed Books,


  Griffith, Sydney H. Review of Bat Ye’or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity: From Jihad

  to Dhimmitude: Seventh to Twentieth Century. International Journal of Middle East

  Studies 30, no. 4 (1998): 619– 621.

  Sedgwick, Mark, “The Origins and Growth of the Eurabia Narrative.” Undated and

  incomplete draft manuscript provided to the author.

  Zia- Ebrahimi, Reza. “When The Elders of Zion Relocated in Eurabia: Conspiratorial

  Racialization in Antisemitism and Islamophobia.” Patterns of Prejudice 52, no. 4

  (2018): 314– 337.




  Select Bibliographies


  12. mencius moldbug

  By Moldbug

  “A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations,” Kindle edition, Unqualified

  Reservations, 2015.

  “An Open Letter to Open-

  Minded Progressives,” Kindle edition, Unqualified

  Reservations, 2015.

  “How Dawkins Got Pwned,” Kindle edition, Unqualified Reservations, 2015.

  “Moldbug on Carlyle,” Kindle edition, Unqualified Reservations, 2015.

  Unqualified Reservations (blog). http:// unqualified-

  About Moldbug

  Borsook, Paulina. Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp through the Terribly Libertarian Culture

  of High Tech. New York: PublicAffairs, 2000.

  Nagle, Angela. Kill All Normies: The Online Culture Wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the

  Alt- Right and Trump. Washington: Zero Books, 2017.

  13. greg johnson

  By Johnson

  Confessions of a Reluctant Hater. Revised and expanded. San Francisco:

  Counter- Currents, 2016.

  In Defense of Prejudice. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2017.

  New Right vs. Old Right. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2013.

  North American New Right. Edited by Greg Johnson. 2 vols. San Francisco: Counter-

  Currents, 2012– 2017.

  Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2015.

  You Asked for It: Selected Interviews. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2017.

  [as Trevor Lynch]. Son of Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies. Edited

  by Greg Johnson. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2015.

  [as Trevor Lynch]. Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies. Edited by Greg

  Johnson. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2012.

  About Johnson

  See works on the Alt Right in the general section.

  14. richard b. spencer

  By Spencer

  The Uprooting of European Identity, edited by Richard Spencer. Arlington,

  VA: Washington Summit Publishers, 2016.





  Select Bibliographies

  “What Is the American Right?” In The Great Purge: The Deformation of the

  Conservative Movement, edited by Paul Gottfried and Richard Spencer. Arlington,

  VA: Washington Summit Publishers, 2015.

  “What It Means to be Alt- Right,”, August 11, 2017. https:// altright.

  com/ 2017/ 08/ 11/ what- it- means- to- be- alt- right/ .

  About Spencer

  Champetier, Charles, and Alain De Benoist. “Manifesto of the French New Right in

  the Year 2000.” https:// 2012/ 10/

  manifesto- of- the- french- new- right1.pdf.

  Hedges, Chris. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.

  New York: Free Press, 2006.

  Johnson, Greg. New Right versus Old Right. San Francisco: Counter- Currents, 2013.

  Siegel, Jacob. “The Alt- Right’s Jewish Godfather.” Tablet, November 29, 2016.

  http:// jewish- news- and- politics/ 218712/ spencer-

  gottfried- alt- right.

  Taylor, Jared. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. Oakton, VA: New

  Century Foundation, 2011.

  Wood, Graeme. “His Kampf,” Atlantic, June 2017. https://

  magazine/ archive/ 2017/ 06/ his- kampf/ 524505/ .

  15. jack donovan

  By Donovan

  “A Time for Wolves.” Jack Donovan (website), June 14, 2014. http:// www.jack- axis/ 2014/ 06/ a- time- for- wolves/ .


  Fascism.” Jack Donovan (website), March 3, 2013. http:// www.jack- axis/ 2013/ 03/ anarcho- fascism/ .

  “Becoming the New Barbarians.” Radix, December 23, 2013. http:// www. journal/ becoming- the- new- barbarians.

  Becoming a Barbarian. Milwaukie, OR: Dissonant Hum: 2016.

  “No Man’s Land: Masculinity Maligned, Reimagined.” Jack Donovan, 2011. http://

  www.jack- axis/ no- mans- land/ .

  Sky Without Eagles: Selected Essays and Speeches 2010– 2014. Milwaukie, OR: Dissonant

  Hum, 2014.

  The Way of Men. Milwaukie, OR: Dissonant Hum: 2012.

  [As Malebranche, Jack]. Androphilia: A Manifesto: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming

  Masculinity. Baltimore: Scapegoat Publishing, 2006. Republished in an expanded

  edition as Androphilia: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity by Jack

  Donovan. Milwaukie, OR: Dissonant Hum: 2012.

  [With Miller, Nathan F.]. Blood Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance: A Survey

  for Androphiles. Portland, OR: Jack Donovan, 2009.


  Select Bibliographies


  “Why I Am Not a White Nationalist.” Jack Donovan, May 31, 2017. https:// www.jack- axis/ 2017/ 05/ why- i- am- not- a- white- nationalist/ .

  About Donovan

  Johnson, Greg. “Greg Johnson Interviews Paul Waggener.” Counter-


  February 2016. https:// www.counter- 2016/ 02/ greg- johnson-

  interviews- paul- waggener- 2/ .

  “The Wolves of Vinland: a Fascist Countercultural ‘Tribe’ in the Pacific Northwest.”

  Rose City Antifa, November 7, 2016. http:// articles/ the-

  wolves- of- vinland- a- fascist- countercultural- tribe- in- the- pacific- northwest/ .

  16. daniel friberg

  By Friberg

  “Låt äventyret börja.” Motpol, July 25, 2015. https:// danielfriberg/ 2015/

  07/ 25/ lat- aventyret- borja/ .

  Metapedia. http://

  Nordiska förbundet. http:// web/ 20090513005038/ http:// www. artikel.asp?aID=109.

  Nordiska förlaget. http:// web/ 20040810070901/ http:// www. info/ .

  The Real Right Returns. London: Arktos Media, 2015.

  RightOn. https:// web/ 20161114164300/ https:// .

  [As Brandt, Martin]. “Metapedia.” People’s News, no. 10, 2006.

  About Friberg

  Wåg, Mathias. “Nationell kulturkamp—

  Från vit maktmusik till metapolitik

  [National Culture War— From White Power Music to Meta- Politics].” In Det

  vita fältet: Samtida forskning om högerextremism, edited by Mats Deland, Fr

  Hertzberg, and Thomas Hvitfeldt. Uppsala: University of Uppsala Department

  of History, 2010: 97– 125.

  Important to Friberg

  MacDonald, Kevin. The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish

  Involvement in Twentieth- Century Intellectual and Political Movements. Westport,

  CT: Praeger, 1998.

  O’Meara, Michael. New Culture, New Right: Anti- Liberalism in Postmodern Europe.

  London: Arktos Media, 2013.




  1848 revolution, 42

  Ahnenerbe, 63, 159

  1969 student revolution, 83

  AIDS, 130

  Ain Soph, 66

  Abellio, Raymond, 76

  Aleanza Nazionale, 85

  abortion, 130– 31, 133, 247

  Alexander the Great, 10

  absolute individual, 57

  Algerian War, 74, 79, 177

  Abstract Art, by Julius Evola, 57

  Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, 170

  Academy of Philosophy and Letters, 112

  Alien Nation, by Peter Brimelow, 131

  Adinolfi, Gabriel, 98

  Allerseelen, 66

  Adorno, Theodor, 15, 111

  Almirante, Giorgio, 85

  AfD, 85, 150

  Alt Right, 225– 38

  Afghan War, 192

  and Alain de Benoist, 73

  African American homeland, 211

  and Alexander Dugin, 165, 167

  African Americans

  and Daniel Friberg, 261, 270– 73

  and Greg Johnson, 212

  and Greg Johnson, 212– 13, 217

  and Jared Taylor, 139, 140,

  and Guillaume Faye, 97, 98

  144– 47, 149– 50

  and Jack Donovan, 226, 250– 52,

  and Mencius Moldbug, 194

  253, 254

  and Richard B. Spencer, 229, 232,

  and Jared Taylor, 151

  235, 238

  and Mencius Moldbug, 187, 195, 199

  terrorist attacks against in

  origin of term, 217, 226

  Charleston, SC, 237

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 133

  Africans, 142– 43, 148

  and Paul Gottfried, 113, 116

  After Liberalism, by Paul Gottfried,

  Alt- Right Corporation, 272

  110, 232

  Alt- Right Manifesto, 229, 232– 37

  Agamben, Georgio, 50, 228, 230– 31, 272

  Agnew, Spiro, 122

  Alternativ für Deutschland, 85, 150

  Agrarian, Southern. See Southern

  Alternative Media, 263, 264

  Agrarian, 228, 250, 251






  Althusius, Johannes, 77

  of Carl Schmitt, 36, 38, 39, 41, 45

  American Civil War, 148– 49, 196

  in Charlottesville, 230

  American Conservative, The, 125, 227

  and Donald Trump, 134

  American Enterprise Institute, 115

  of Ernst Jünger, 26, 29

  American Independence Party, 122

  and Greg Johnson, 205, 214

  American Indians. See Native

  of Henry Coston, 75


  and Jared Taylor, 143– 44

  American Renaissance, 138– 39

  of Joe Sobran, 129

  and Alain de Benoist, 213

  of Julius Evola, 63– 64, 65

  and Daniel Friberg, 259

  of Kevin MacDonald, 217, 229

  and evolutionary biology, 142

  of North American New Right,

  and Guillaume Faye, 98

  218, 227

  and Jack Donovan, 250

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 132, 134

  Jared Taylor in, 144, 146, 148, 149, 150

  rejected by Alain de Benoist, 74

  and Jews, 143– 44

  rejected by Mencius Moldbug, 196

  and Richard B. Spencer, 230

  rejected by European New

  and Samuel Francis, 150

  Right, 214

  and white identity, 129, 131

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 226,

  Anarch, the, 34, 81– 82

  231, 233– 34

  anarchism, 44, 45, 248

  of William Pierce, 208

  anarcho- fascism, 248

  antidemocratic positions. See

  Androphilia, by Jack Donovan, 243,


  244, 247

  antifeminism, 195, 244, 250, 251

  Anglin, Andrew, 251

  antimodernism. See archaism;

  animals, 63, 142, 253

  modernity; nonmodernism

  Anthroposophy, 54

  antiprogressives, 187– 89, 197, 199.

  anti- Americanism

  See also progress, belief in

  of Alain de Benoist, 76, 86


  of Alexander Dugin, 159, 160,

  of Alexander Dugin, 161

  162, 167

  of Bat Ye’or, 178

  of Guillaume Faye, 86, 92,

  of Carl Schmitt, 36, 37, 44, 45

  95, 96, 99

  of Greg Johnson, 211

  anti- Christianity

  Apoliteia, 65

  of Alain de Benoist, 74, 78, 79, 82, 84

  Arab Spring, 127

  of European Right, 30

  Arab world, and Europe, 96, 177

  of Greg Johnson, 206, 216


  of Guillaume Faye, 95

  and Alain de Benoist, 91

  of Julius Evola, 55, 60

  civilization of, as understood by

  of Louis Rougier, 79

  Oswald Spengler, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

  of Richard B: Spencer, 229, 231, 233

  and Guillaume Faye, 92, 95, 96, 99

  anti- Semitism

  See also Bat Ye’or

  and Alexander Dugin, 162

  archaism, 94, 211




  Archeofuturism 2.0, by Guillaume

  Auernheimer, Andrew, 251

  Faye, 98

  Augier, Marc, 79

  Archeofuturism of Guillaume Faye,

  Austrian School, 190– 91

  91, 94, 98

  Austro- Marxists, 77

  and Daniel Friberg, 272


  and Greg Johnson, 211

  and Carl Schmitt, 39, 41,

  and Jack Donovan, 247

  43– 44, 48, 51

  Ardeyev, Vladimir, 98

  and Ernst Jünger, 26

  Ardrey, Robert, 92

  and Guillaume Faye, 95, 97

  Aristotle, 211

  and Mencius Moldbug, 187, 188, 191,

  Arktos, 269– 70

  195, 197

  as Alt.Right partner, 230

  nineteenth- century, 74

  and Counter- Currents, 206

  and Paul Gottfried, 111– 12

  engaged in controversy with Greg

  Avalon, Arthur, 64

  Johnson, 217

  Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 170

  and Gábor Vona, 273

  impact in North America, 272

  Bachofen, Jakob, 60

  publish Paul Gottfried, 114

  Bacon, Francis, 8

  publish translations of Evola, 66

  Bagby, Philip, 14

  publish translations of Guillaume

  Balkan Wars, 174, 175

  Faye, 98

  Ball, Hugo, 49

  publish translations of French New

  Ballas, Eleftherios, 98

  Right, 206

  Bannon, Steve, xxv, 187, 199

  arms, right to bear, 237

  Bardèche, Maurice, 98

; art

  Bat Ye’or, 170– 79

  appreciated by Carl Schmitt, 42

  and apocalypticism, 178

  early Christian, 10

  and Christianity, 173– 74, 176,

  and James O’Meara and Greg

  177, 178– 79

  Johnson, 216

  and civilization, 173, 177, 178

  and Julius Evola, 57

  and globalization, 170

  and metapolitics, 261

  and Islam, 170– 79

  modern, 37

  and Israel, 172, 173, 174, 177– 78

  of surrealists and expressionists, 25

  and Richard B. Spencer, 235

  Aryanism, 6, 159, 161, 232, 251. See

  and totalitarianism, 178

  also race

  battle, 24, 44, 45– 46, 58.


  See also heroism; virility;

  immigration by, 96


  interest organizations for, 139

  Baudrillard, Jean, 85

  superiority of, 142– 43, 145, 148

  Bauer, Otto, 77

  Association for World Education, 172

  Bawer, Bruce, 170

  Atlantic, The, 199

  Becoming a Barbarian, by

  Atlanticism, 162

  Jack Donovan, 243, 247






  Beliën, Paul, 175

  and Robert Spencer, 225, 226, 228,

  Bell Curve, The, by Richard Herrnstein

  231, 234– 36, 237

  and Charles Murray, 131

  and socialism, 77, 81

  bell hooks, 247

  on race and ethnicity, 77– 79, 83

  Benjamin, Walter, 49

  on the state, 77, 82– 83

  Benn, Gottfried, 61, 62

  views on Liberalism, 261

  Bennett, William, 106– 07

  and white supremacism, 79, 82, 85

  Benoist, Alain de, 73– 86

  Berg, Lennart, 266

  accused of Fascism, 75, 77

  Berlusconi, Silvio, 85

  Alexander Dugin and, 155, 159, 165

  Bhagavad Gita, 58

  and anti- Americanism, 76, 86

  birthrate. See demography

  and anti- Christianity, 74, 78,

  black Americans. See African

  79, 82, 84


  and Antonio Gramsci, 74, 86

  Black Death, the, 128

  and capitalism, 75– 77

  Black Notebooks, by Heidegger, 205

  and civilization, 76, 79

  Black Power, 194

  and class, 74, 77, 81

  black. See African American

  on communism, 79, 84, 85


  and Conservative Revolution,

  by Anders Behring Breivik, 175

  73– 74, 81

  anonymous, 272

  on culture, 81, 83, 84, 86

  by Brad Griffin, 251

  and democracy, 75, 76, 80

  by Daniel Friberg, 260– 61,

  dispute with Guillaume Faye, 76,


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