Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right Page 52

by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  National Socialist World, 208

  Napoleon, 10

  nationalism, 50, 161, 196, 213

  narcotics, 31, 56

  American, 122, 127, 132

  Nash, George, 105– 06, 108– 09

  Arab, 172

  National Bolshevik Party, 156, 164


  National Endowment for the Arts, 130

  and Carl Schmitt, 36– 37, 39– 40,

  National Endowment for the

  46– 48, 50

  Humanities, 106

  and Ernst Jünger, 22, 24– 26,

  National Front, French, 75, 83, 86, 150, 235

  30, 33– 34

  National Policy Institute, 224, 225, 228

  and Julius Evola, 63

  and Daniel Friberg, 272

  English, 231

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 250, 251

  European, 75, 79, 92, 95, 259

  and Paul Gottfried, 113

  and Alain de Benoist, 85

  National Review

  French, 74, 75, 76, 79, 92, 93, 235

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 125,

  Italian, 57, 61

  129, 131– 32

  Mexican, 129

  and Paul Gottfried, 106, 110, 113, 115– 16

  Norwegian, 171

  National Socialism

  Palestinian, 174

  and Alain de Benoist, 83

  Russian, 86, 155, 157– 58, 164

  and Alexander Dugin, 159, 160, 161

  Serbian, 171, 174

  and Carl Schmitt, 39– 41, 48, 50

  Swedish, 262, 266

  and Conservative Revolution, 161

  See also Identity: European; white

  and Daniel Friberg, 261, 269


  and Ernst Jünger, 22, 25– 27, 29,

  nationhood, bases of, 140

  30, 32– 33

  Native Americans, interest

  and Greg Johnson, 205, 208, 209,

  organizations for, 139

  216, 217, 218

  natural law, 37

  and Guillaume Faye, 92, 93

  Natural Right and History, by Leo

  and Jack Donovan, 252, 253

  Strauss, 102

  and Jared Taylor, 138

  nature, 29, 56, 97. See also

  and Julius Evola, 63

  human nature

  and Mencius Moldbug, 193– 94,

  Nazi Party. See National Socialism

  196, 198

  Nazism. See National Socialism

  and Oswald Spengler, 4, 6, 14, 16

  NCS, The, by Guillaume

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 132

  Faye, 97

  and Paul Gottfried, 109

  Negro Family, The, by Daniel Patrick

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 226,

  Moynihan, 144

  233, 234, 235, 252

  neo- Confederates, 112– 13, 126, 196, 230.

  and Yevgenii Golovin, 156

  See also Confederate statues;

  See also National Socialism, modern

  South, American




  neo- fascism

  New Left

  Alain de Benoist accused of, 77, 84

  and Alain de Benoist, 75

  of Giorgio Almirante’s Movimento

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 232,

  Sociale Italiano, 85

  235, 236

  not attractive, 79

  and Christopher Lasch, 107

  Richard B. Spencer appeals to, 238

  and the Democratic Party, 104

  See also Fascism

  and Guillaume Faye, 99

  neo- Marxism, 260

  New Right vs. Old Right, by Greg

  Neo- Nazism

  Johnson, 207

  Alain de Benoist alleged to be, 75, 82

  Niemöller, Martin, 30

  at Charlottesville, 252

  Nietzsche Archive, 6

  and Guillaume Faye, 98

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  and Mencius Moldbug, 199– 200

  and Alain de Benoist, 80, 83

  and Milo Yiannopoulos, 199– 200

  and Ernst Jünger, 23, 25

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 226,

  and Greg Johnson, 209

  230, 235, 236

  and Guillaume Faye, 92, 94

  See also National Socialism, modern

  and Julius Evola, 55


  and Oswald Spengler, 7, 12, 16

  and Greg Johnson, 204

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226, 231

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 124– 27, 131

  Nixon, Richard, 122, 123

  and Paul Gottfried, 102– 08, 114– 15

  Nomos of the Earth, The, by Carl

  neoliberalism, 214

  Schmitt, 48


  Non- Conformists, 73

  and Alan de Benoist, 76, 79, 82

  nonmodernism, 94

  echoed by Richard B. Spencer, 209

  Nordic culture, 267– 68

  and Ernst Jünger, 30

  Nordic god- men, 60

  and Greg Johnson, 208

  Nordic League, 264– 69, 270

  and Guillaume Faye, 93, 94– 95, 96

  Nordicism, 76

  and Jack Donovan, 244, 252– 53, 254

  Nordiska förbundet. See Nordic League

  and Joshua Buckley, 205

  Nordiska förlaget, 264, 269

  and Julius Evola, 58, 61, 62

  Norse myth, 247, 252

  of Tyr, 205

  North American New Right, 207

  Neoplatonism, 30

  Nøstvold Jensen, Peder Are (Fjordman),

  Neoreaction, 187, 188

  170, 175

  Neue Rechte, 75

  Nouvelle école, 73, 92

  New Consumer Society, The, by

  Novalis, 57

  Guillaume Faye, 97

  Nowiki, Andy, 216

  New Deal, 102, 108, 114, 122, 125, 196

  Nyborg, Helmuth, 142

  New Ideological Issues, by Guillaume

  Faye, 97

  O’Meara, James, 216, 251

  New Jewish Question, The, by Guillaume

  oath of Delphi, 93

  Gaye, 94, 98

  Obama, Barack, 192




  Occidental Dissent, 251

  Perot, Ross, 124, 133

  Occidental Quarterly, The, 143, 205– 06,


  209, 217, 224

  for Alain de Benoist, 81

  Odinism, 247

  for Carl Schmitt, 45, 47

  Operation Werewolf, 253

  for Ernst Jünger, 26, 34

  Orbaum, Sam, 177

  for Julius Evola, 65

  Orcival, François d’, 79

  for Oswald Spengler, 12– 13, 14– 15

  organic society, 211

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 133

  Orientations, by Julius Evola, 61

  See also apocalypticism

  Ortega y Gasset, José, 13

  Phenomenology of the Absolute Individual,

  Orthodox Judaism, 64

  by Julius Evola, 57

  Orthodoxy (Christian), 158, 160, 164,

  Philadelphia Society, the, 115

  165, 166, 169

  Phillips, Melanie, 170

  Orwell, George, 193

  Piccone, Paul, 75, 99, 105, 110, 116

  Pierce, William, 208– 09, 211, 214

  Pagan Imperialism, by Julius Evola,

  Pinochet, Augusto, 197

  58, 61, 62

  Pipes, Daniel, 175

  paganism. See neopaganism

  Plato, 42, 57, 61


  Plavšić, Biljana, 174

  and Greg Johnson, 204

  Podhoretz, Norman, 104, 115

  and Patri
ck J. Buchanan, 121,

  Polignano, Michael J., 206

  125– 27, 129– 31

  Political Duties of German Youth, by

  and Paul Gottfried, 102, 109– 13, 115– 16

  Oswald Spengler, 4, 5

  and Richard B. Spencer, 227, 231

  Political Theology, by Carl Schmitt, 37,

  and Taki Theodoracopulos, 227

  38, 43– 44, 46, 49, 50

  paleolibertarianism, 126, 132

  Political Theology II, by Carl Schmitt, 49

  Palin, Sarah, 133

  Poniatowski, Michel, 83

  Palmgren, Henrik, 231, 272


  Pamyat, 85

  and American electorate, 122, 132

  Papen, Chancellor Franz von, 39, 40, 41

  of Christopher Lasch, 107, 110

  Papini, Giovanni, 56

  of Daniel Friberg, 268– 69

  Pareto, Vilfredo, 191

  distinct from Burkeanism, 109

  Passing of the Great Race, The, by

  of Donald Trump, 230

  Madison Grant, 149

  draws new attention to The Decline of

  Path of Cinnabar, The, by Julius

  the West, 15

  Evola, 54

  electoral victories of, 271

  patriarchy, 243– 48, 254

  Fascists as, 61

  Paved with Good Intentions, by Jared

  favored by Kremlin, 167

  Taylor, 144– 46

  of Greg Johnson, 211

  PayPal, 207

  increases relevance of work of Carl

  Peace, The, by Ernst Jünger, 30

  Schmitt, 51

  perennialism, 59, 76, 85

  of Jared Taylor, 150




  of Marine Le Pen, 86

  opposed to traditionalism, 111

  of McCarthyism, 122

  questioned by Alain de Benoist, 81

  of Mencius Moldbug, 199

  progressive elites, 187, 193, 196.

  of Patrick J. Buchanan, 121

  See also progress, belief in: of

  of Paul Gottfried, 112

  American Left and liberals

  of Paul Piccone, 110

  Progressives, 75

  of Pim Fortuyn, 176

  Prokhanov, Alexander, 156, 163, 164

  of Rick Santorum and Mike

  Prussianism and Socialism, by Oswald

  Huckabee, 133

  Spengler, 4, 5, 13

  of Sarah Palin, 133

  Public Interest, 115

  of Sweden Democrats, 261

  Putin, Vladimir, 163– 64, 271

  See also demagoguery

  Pythagoreanism, 58

  post- Marxism, 191, 193, 260

  postmodernity, 75, 77, 80, 91, 108, 205

  Quesada, Ernesto, 13


  for Carl Schmitt, 42, 43, 45


  for Guillaume Faye, 99

  and Alain de Benoist, 77– 78

  for Julius Evola, 56– 58, 60, 61

  and Alexander Dugin, 162

  male, 246, 249

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 232– 33

  for Mencius Moldbug, 195, 196– 98

  as an alternative to nation in the

  of the National Socialists, 40

  Americas, 213

  of Oswald Spengler’s Cultures, 10

  American electorate, 122

  of the state, 34, 146

  and Daniel Friberg, 263

  Will to Power, 80

  and Ernst Jünger, 26

  Preston, Keith, 114

  and Greg Johnson, 206,

  Preve, Costanzo, 75

  210– 13, 213– 16

  Price, W. F., 250

  and Guillaume Faye, 95, 96

  programmer culture, 189– 90

  and H. L. Mencken Club, 113

  Progress Party (of Norway), 171

  and IQ, 131, 142– 44, 194

  progress, belief in

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 252

  of all American political parties, 110

  and Jared Taylor, 137– 51

  of American Jewish conservatives,

  and Julius Evola, 63– 64

  105, 115

  and Mencius Moldbug, 194, 197, 199

  of American Left and liberals, 103,

  and Michael Hart, 144

  109, 111, 122

  and Oswald Spengler, 4, 6, 14

  challenged by Oswald Spengler, 33

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 125, 126,

  criticized by Jack Donovan, 248– 49

  129– 30, 131

  criticized by Mencius Moldbug, 188,

  and Paul Gottfried, 113

  193, 197– 99

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224– 29,

  evangelical, 114

  231– 38

  hegemony of, 191– 93, 195– 96, 197– 98

  See also white identity; white

  impact of First World War on, 25

  nationalism; white supremacism




  race realism, 144, 146, 216, 231

  Ride the Tiger, by Julius Evola,

  racial consciousness, white, 226

  65, 270– 72

  Racial Nationalist Library, 98

  riding the tiger, 270– 71

  racial theory. See race

  Right from the Beginning, by Patrick


  Buchanan, 121

  alleged of Alain de Benoist, 75,, 270

  82– 83

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 55

  Guillaume Faye charged with, 94

  Rising Tide of Color, The, by Lothrop

  See also race

  Stoddard, 149

  Radix Journal, 228, 230– 31, 250

  Robert, Fabrice, 226

  Rand, Ayn, 204

  Robertson, Pat, 123

  Ravello, Enrique, 98

  Robertson, Wilmot, 213, 231, 233

  Reagan, Ronald, 80, 103– 06, 108, 123

  Rodionov, Igor, 156

  Real Right Returns, The, by Daniel

  Röhm, Ernst, 248

  Friberg, 271

  Rollet, Maurice, 76

  Red Ice, 230– 31

  Roman Catholicism. See Catholicism

  Red Ice Creations, 272

  Roof, Dylann, 237

  Red Ice Radio, 271

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 121, 196

  red pill, the, 194– 95

  Roosh V, 250

  Reform Party, the, 124

  Rosenberg, Alfred, 26

  Reghini, Arturo, 58, 59

  Rostand, Jean, 79

  Regnery William, 114, 224

  Rothbard, Murray, 190– 92

  Reich, Third. See National Socialism

  Rougier, Louis, 79

  Renaissance, 60

  Rushton, J. Philippe, 142

  Renner, Karl, 77


  Republican Party, the

  and Alain de Benoist, 85– 86

  and Greg Johnson, 211

  and Alexander Dugin, 155– 67

  and Mencius Moldbug, 196

  culture of, for Oswald Spengler, 9

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 121, 122– 25,

  and Europe, 160, 162, 167

  127, 130, 131– 34

  and Guillaume Faye, 97, 98

  and Paul Gottfried, 102, 105– 06,

  in Second World War, 28

  109– 10, 114, 116

  and socialism, 14– 15

  and Richard B. Spencer, 228, 233

  Russian Civil War, 161

  duopoly with Democrats, 124

  Ryn, Claes, 112

  Resistance, French, 83

  Revolt Against the Modern World, by

  sacrifice, animal, 253

  Julius Evola, 59– 61

  Santorum, Rick, 133

  revolution, aesth
etic, 37

  Sartre, Jean- Paul, 79

  Revolution. See under name of

  Satan, Church of, 243

  revolutions, nature of, 74

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph

  Reynolds, Glenn, 190

  (von), 57

  Rhodesia, 79

  Schiller, 11




  Schleicher, Canceller Kurt von, 39, 41

  Seen from the Right, by Alain de

  Schmitt, Carl, 36– 51

  Benoist, 80

  and Alexander Dugin, 159

  Seleznev, Gennadii, 157, 164

  and anti- Semitism, 36, 38, 39, 41, 45

  Seneca, 7, 12

  and apocalypticism, 36, 37, 44, 45

  Sex and Character, by Julius Evola, 55

  and authoritarianism, 39, 41,

  Sex and Deviance, by Guillaume

  43– 44, 48, 51

  Faye, 95, 98

  and Christianity, 37, 42, 43,

  Sex and Ideology, by Guillaume Faye, 95

  44– 45, 46, 62

  sex, Guillaume Faye on, 95, 97, 98

  as Conservative Revolutionary, 24– 25


  and democracy, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49

  harassment, 250, 251

  on dictatorship, 38– 39, 42– 44, 48, 51

  predation, 249

  and Ernst Jünger, 30, 32

  sexuality, 55, 65, 95, 97, 243, 246.

  and the First World War, 37– 38

  See also homosexuality

  on German nationalism, 36– 37,

  Shadows of the Rising Sun, by Jared

  39– 40, 46– 48, 50

  Taylor, 141

  and Guillaume Faye, 92, 99

  Sheehan, Thomas, 205

  and identity, 36, 46– 48

  Sherman, Alfred, 174

  and Judaism, 42, 49– 50

  Siegel, Jacob, 113

  and Julius Evola, 62

  Silicon Valley, 189– 90

  and liberalism, 36, 39, 42, 43,

  Simmel, Georg, 92

  47– 48, 50– 51

  Six- Day War, 105

  and modernity, 44, 47

  skinheads, 260, 263, 270

  and National Socialism, 39– 41, 48, 50

  Sky Without Eagles, A, by Jack

  as part of Conservative Revolution,

  Donovan, 243

  39, 44, 48

  slavery, 211

  and pessimism, 45, 47

  Sobran, Joe, 129

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226– 27, 231

  social Darwinianism, 25, 78, 96, 149.

  and the Jews, 38, 41, 42, 49– 50

  See also evolution

  and the Second World War, 41

  Social Democratic Party, Prussian, 39

  and the state, 36, 38– 44, 46– 49, 51

  social democrats, French, 84, 85

  used by Alain de Benoist, 78


  and the Weimar Republic, 36, 39,

  and Alain de Benoist, 77, 81

  42– 43, 46

  and Ernst Jünger, 33

  Schneider, Gregory, 116

  and Greg Johnson, 205

  Schuon, Frithjof, 165

  and Oswald Spengler, 4, 5, 13, 14

  science fiction, 66, 190, 192, 211

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226, 229,

  Scott Fitzgerald, Francis, 14

  231, 232, 234, 236

  Scruton, Roger, 175

  Socialist Party, in Italy, 62

  Search for Historical Meaning, The, by


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