Under the Sun: The Letters of Bruce Chatwin

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Under the Sun: The Letters of Bruce Chatwin Page 46

by Bruce Chatwin

  Lots of mistakes in The Songlines too but the Sydney office saved me from the worst Australian ones.

  To Jean-Claude Fasquelle

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 17 Juillet 1987

  Dear Jean-Claude,

  I know you’ll be on holiday, but could your secretary send a copy of Les Jumeaux de Black Hill to:

  M. E. Bavanoff-Rosimé, Chateau de Bellevue, Meaulne, St Bonnet-Tronçais.

  This is the son of a most astonishing Russian constructivist sculptor of the early Soviet period whom I met by chance at Vichy. See you in the autumn,


  To Sunil Sethi

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | [July 1987]

  Lovely to get your card. Yes. The Songlines – Lord knows how or why is No 1 on the best-seller list – for this week!815 Not next week! I seem to be the victim of hype – all a bit of bravura on my part to demonstrate that I was in the land of the living – but very bad for the head. We are off to Deutschland on Monday to the Bayreuth Festival and then to Czechoslovakia: the scene of my next novel! E is commissioned to write a guide to Rajasthan816 so will soon be back – after New York and Madagascar! Much love as always B

  To George Ortiz

  Prague (now Vienna) | Czechoslovakia | 7 August 1987

  I am sorry I never made it to Geneva: our arrangements in July got a bit out of hand. Now they are even worse: Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Rome, London, New York, Toronto – all in the space of a month. The Chatwin yo-yo is functioning again. But in the autumn, I promise, a special trip to see you – and catch up.

  As always Bruce

  To Murray Bail

  Austria | On the road | 7 August 1987

  Holden’s Performance saw us through some fairly dismal days in Czechoslovakia. It’s first rate, and you should be highly pleased with it. The sound you make on paper was like having you in the next room, mate! It was then grabbed from me by the leading young publisher of Prague, Jan Zelenka, and fell into good hands. Vague plans for Sydney in Jan. As always B

  To Nicholas Shakespeare

  Steiermark | Austria | 7 August 1987

  Whew! The grimness of Czechoslovakia has to be seen. We spent the past week in flooded mosquito ridden campsites overrun with tourists from the D.D.R. Not a bed to be had! In the end we dived for the luxury of the Hotel Sacher in Vienna – never mind the price! Lovely dinner! Bruce

  To Ninette Dutton

  Steiermark | Austria | 7 August 1987

  Probabilities817 came with us to Prague. First rate! Exactly the right tone, speed of execution etc for the subject matter. And I now know far more about you! I particularly liked ‘A Day To Remember’. Mucha818 was away. His wife – ? or not wife – told me to call back the day we were leaving but wasn’t there.

  Much love B

  On his way to the Harbourfront Festival in Toronto, Chatwin stayed in New York where he had a meeting with the London-based literary agent Gillon Aitken and his New York partner, Andrew Wylie. In September, in a much-publicised split, Chatwin and Salman Rushdie decided to leave their London literary agent, Deborah Rogers, and move to Wylie, Aitken and Stone.

  To Deborah Rogers

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 16 September 1987

  My dear Deborah,

  It is with deep sadness, not to say grief, that I sit down to write to you. You must believe me when I say that what follows is not a decision I have taken lightly, or without anguish. It is, however, irreversible. For some time now I have felt the need to have my affairs coordinated in the hands of a single person and have appointed Andrew Wylie, of Wylie, Aitken and Stone, as my sole agent for world rights.

  He has also agreed to take charge of the back-list and all the negotiations pending. I will write to George and Anne819 from Italy, but the post will take several days. And if this letter seems hopelessly inadequate, cruel and short, it is because I simply do not know how to go on . . .

  with all my love to you


  To Greg Gatenby

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | 20 September 1987

  My dear Greg,

  I hope I didn’t seem too gaga or remote in Toronto.820 There’s something about a book tour – which pray God, I never do again! – that stews one up into a fever. My albeit fleeting impression of Canada was 100% in favour – I really had the best possible time – and, who knows, might easily want to immerse myself in the Yukon.821

  As always, Bruce

  – and I am also very sorry for the cock-up over the time etc.

  I see you’ve got my old friend Charles T[omlinson] coming – who as my next door neighbour saw that work of mine in embryo.

  To Gillon Aitken

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | [September 1987]

  Dear Gillon,

  . . . I’ll also be writing to Jean-Claude Fasquelle at Grasset – with whom I’ve always had a good time. The atmosphere at Grasset always amuses me intensely. I have informed [Roberto] Calasso who thought it, incidentally, a most sensible move,

  As ever, Bruce

  To Jean-Claude Fasquelle

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | [September 1987]

  Dear Jean-Claude,

  You may have learned – or will do soon enough – that I decided to move my affairs from Deborah Rogers to Wylie, Aitken and Stone. You should perhaps know that I have a long-standing relationship with Gillon – although, until recently, there has never been any question of my joining him. I have, for some time, felt that he was the best person for the job, but this is between us . . .

  As always Bruce

  To Deborah Rogers

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | 25 September 1987

  My dear Deborah,

  I realise this is all very terrible. I know from people in New York and London how upset you are. I know we should some day go over the ground. I know it was a snap decision, for better or worse. I know it’s bound to affect our friendship, and that makes me miserable.

  But on one point I must make myself clear. I gather that, on both sides of the Atlantic, there had been talk of Andrew Wylie propositioning me or ‘luring’ me away, either from you or [Georges] Borchardt. This, frankly, is nonsense. Others may have tried it: not him. As you know, in 1976 I deferred to you and to our old association rather than go to Gillon Aitken.822 I have over the years kept in touch with him. One of his clients, whose way of life is rather similar to my own, is the only writer with whom I have an annual ‘state of the game’ conversation.823 You were aware that, for a long time, I felt that communication between myself and Georges Borchardt was at a low ebb: probably my fault as much as his. You knew I felt the need for a change, and you made various suggestions as to whom I should approach. However, in May of 1986, at Joe Fox’s824 on Long Island, I broached the question of U.S. representation with Gillon: at the time I have to tell you I was thinking of using a lawyer rather than an agent to vet the contracts. He told me he had just joined forces with Andrew Wylie, and arranged for me to meet him in New York. We had a preliminary discussion, without there being any question of my leaving you.

  Since then, the situation has changed. In one year the status of Cape’s has changed. Sonny825 has gone off to America, Elisabeth [Sifton] has gone to Sonny, and there is the mess – and mess it is! – with Summit Books. I have also been unhappy about the way in which contracts were drafted.

  Before leaving for America, I asked you to tell me whether or not I had an option clause on the Songlines contract, so that I would not be in an invidious position while talking to the new Viking team, who, it must be said, have done magnificent things for the book. I still do not know the answer. Instead of which Georges [Borchardt] rang up Peter Mayer826 to arrange with him that I would be following Elisabeth to Knopf. So I may. But he did not have my permission to do this: nor was it an answer to my question. This, I’m afraid, rammed home to me the fact that I have been spending far too much time getting brewed up over niggling matters when I should be do
ing something else. The temptation to put one’s affairs into a single, coordinated agency became irresistible.

  I met Gillon and Wylie in New York, and the rest followed. The fact that Salman [Rushdie] had decided to do the same thing did not enter into these discussions: they did, however, suggest I call him when I got back to London.

  I am, however, very sorry to have misled you on one point. I felt it might be easier to break the news that I had gone to Wylie: this is somewhat inaccurate. I have gone, in fact, to the agency Wylie, Aitken and Stone and since I am based in Europe not the U.S. it will be Gillon who will handle the day to day business. As I explained to Anne [Borchardt] in a letter, my trouble is that, under a somewhat bland mask, I am from my Sotheby’s days a rather hard-nosed business pro. Not for nothing did I once draw up a new form of draft contract, revolutionary in its day, which ultimately gave the art auction business a new flexibility. But that’s all old stuff.

  In the meantime, can I please ask you that this transition be conducted as smoothly and unobtrusively as possible.

  with all my love to you, Bruce

  To Ninette Dutton

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | 26 September 1987

  An interim p/c collapsing after a very strenuous tour of the US and Canada will be in Seillans chateau de S . . . the whole of Oct, Nov, Dec much love B

  To Andrew Wylie827

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | 29 September 1987

  Dear Andrew,

  I’m a firm believer in the iron fist in the velvet glove. When in doubt, put on a second velvet glove, cheers, Bruce C.

  To Deborah Rogers

  Chateau de Seillans | Seillans | France | 30 September 1987

  My dear Deborah,

  I have investigated the story you told me, and I have to tell you it has a perfectly innocent origin, resulting from a phone call I myself made early last summer. The fact that others spread it around was somewhat less innocent, but let that be . . .

  I am sorry. I am sad – but the arrangement I have made with Wylie, Aitken and Stone must stand. I don’t want to be put in the position of having to explain myself. Perhaps we should put it down to my ‘incurable restlessness’?828

  To Anne-Marie Mykyta

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 21 October 1987

  My dearest Anne-Marie,

  A. Thank you for buying it, let alone finishing it. B. for your charming last line. I’ve been in the wars recently, with an impossible malady picked up in W China – but I’m quite well again

  Forgive the haste. I have a mountain of mail to catch up. All my love to you, Bruce

  To Harriet Harvey-Wood829

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 22 October 1987

  Dear Harriet Harvey-Wood,

  Of course, I’d be interested in coming but I haven’t a clue where I’ll be next July. What’s the latest I can let you know?

  Yours ever, Bruce Chatwin

  To Harriet Harvey-Wood

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 22 November 1987

  Dear Harriet Harvey-Wood,

  Forgive me, I can’t remember if I’ve replied to your letter of Oct 27 or not. Ach! The disorganisation! Yes: Do please be in touch around May: then I’ll know better how the land lies.

  As ever, Bruce Chatwin

  To Murray Bail

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 11 December 1987

  My dear Murray,

  Well, it was good to get a glimpse of you. I agree with you about the London literati: the only possible use I can think of for a spaceship would be to take them out of our orbit – but then more would grow!

  Salman and I had a rather thick time of it recently vis-à-vis changing our agent. Tremendous hullabaloo in the press! But it seems to have simmered down now. In the old days, writers – ‘so-called’ – were thought to be neurotic, self-obsessed, primadonna-ish people, forever suffering from ‘blocks’, emotional problems etc. and agents were calm hard-working people who would sort out their problems. Now the Tables are turned. The ‘writers’ simply sit down and write their books and, as an additional burden, have to cope with hopelessly neurotic publicity-seeking agents who think nothing of airing their neuroses, and their business! to the press. However, as I said, it’s simmering down, and I, for what it’s worth, yesterday, finished a novel. Quite a carry on! The title – Utz simple as that! The most that can be said for it is that it was designed as an entertainment to carry me through those rather beleaguered months. Admittedly, it does bear very little relation to anything I’ve ever done. A kind of Middle European fairy-story – with some savage digs at the art business! We shall see . . .

  I had a very odd week in Paris, at a conference for Russian and other dissidents who, regrettably nowadays seem to perform the role of clown for people who wish their anti-Marxist views confirmed. If you think that Mr Gorbachev has things to contend with from the Old Bolshevik Guard, that is nothing to the New Guard. There is in Russia a political ‘secret ’ society called Pamiat (which means ‘remembrance ’). It has a million signed up members in Moscow alone: and what it wants to remember are the virtues of Russian soil, the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian facial features etc as opposed to slit-eyes, hook noses and other aberrations of human nature. It wants to raise the Russian Church to Khomeini-ite levels of fanaticism, and is, among other things, anti-industrial, anti-nuclear, ecological etc.

  Hans Magnus Enzensberger,830 who went to Russia recently, says that, at a reception, he spoke to a full Russian general at the Kremlin who was wearing on his finger a cameo insignia of Nicholas II with the eagles. Such people think of Stalin as a Jewish-puppet, you must realise. Anyhow, it all puts a new slant on things . . . I’m going to have a go at seeing what I can do to write a Russian novel . . .831

  On the other hand, I’m dying to get away to a sunny place where I can swim. I almost went to Madagascar for a magazine. I’ve always thought I might like Madagascar – and could call in on Zanzibar. But I couldn’t get away until the book was done, and now it’s the rainy season and I didn’t feel like slewing around in red mud.

  My love to you and Margaret

  And from Elizabeth.

  To Colin Thubron

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 7 January 1988

  Forgive me for being a bit slow in the uptake about Behind the Wall.832 I was up to my gills in a new book and – well, you know how it is – one reads nothing that isn’t immediately useful for the work in hand! Absolutely first rate! I know it so much less well than you: but every word rang true. The claustrophobia of that society: also its reserves of wisdom. I have a mildly different ‘take’ on Russia, but in China I was with you every step of the way.

  E. & I are going on our first proper holiday: to an island off Guadaloupe – for 15 days. As always, Bruce.

  To J. Howard Woolmer

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 7 January 1988

  Dear Howard,

  How kind to send the Cormac McCarthys.833 I’ve read The Orchard Keeper which is splendid, and am taking Suttree with me to the Caribbean next week. Hope we’ll meet again soon.

  I’m sorry for the scrappy note – I’ve got a month of correspondence to wade through before lunch. As ever, Bruce.

  To Susannah Clapp

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | [January 1988]

  My dearest Susannah,

  I haven’t been able to raise you on the phone today. Never mind. We’re off to Guadaloupe, no less. For a couple of weeks swimming. It’s one of the cheapest places to fly to, because it’s part of metropolitan France and the fares are subsidised. We’re booked to fly back on the 25th, but may, depending on various imponderables, go down to the South of France. I left the car in a garage for repairs on October 15, saying I’d be back the next day – and now look!

  Gillon Aitken will have sent over a copy of the Utz annotated by Michael Ignatieff. I don’t agree with everything he says but most of it I do. I jotted down my reactions in the margin and would love it if you’d take a squint.834<
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  I want to show it, too, to my friend Diana Phipps835 who is a Czech – and had first hand memories of Prague until 1949 when she and her family left – to Vichy! (except that they went to Paris instead). One of the few facts I have about my model for Utz is that he did go annually to Vichy – until 1968.

  Much love, B

  To Gillon Aitken

  Homer End | Ipsden | Oxford | 8 January 1988

  Dear Gillon,

  . . . While I’m away can you think over the following.

  For the benefit of all concerned, we should get onto paper a formal agreement between ourselves. We have not yet finally agreed on the rates of commission. I’m easy about this. I have always thought that the 20% European sales is a bit stiff, but I would have your guidance on this point. Seeing that Salman [Rusdhie] and I came, as it were, as a package, I wonder if I could have the same terms as him. Or whether we could agree on a flat rate of commission to cover the US, the UK and abroad. As things are going, there may, in the future, be separate agreements with the ex-Commonwealth etc. Anyway, it won’t be a problem between us.


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