Living in Your Hell

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Living in Your Hell Page 14

by Barb Shuler

“Not everyone in this world is nice, bud. Those men today were sick,” I said. I paused to make sure I said this right. “They didn't go about things in the right way. Shelby was able to control it. Your sissy is tough like that.” I gave her a wink when she smiled softly at me.

  “Is-is Kaitlyn okay?” He said as he stared at the sleeping angel on my chest.

  “Yes,” I said. “She fell on the sidewalk. Nanny Elaine got her cleaned up after calling us. Those men are gone now. They won't be back.”

  “Okay,” he said looking back at his Papa and then Shelby before he nodded. “Can-can we go home now?”

  “Yeah, bud, we can. It's been a long day and we could all use some sleep.”

  It didn't take long to say our goodbyes and to get the kids buckled into their seats before I followed Shelby out of Doc’s drive. We were only minutes from home and I couldn't wait. I wanted to get everyone settled and take my wife to bed. I needed to make sure she was really okay after her breakdown. I just needed her in my arms, where she belonged.


  The Final Face-Off


  I've always told my patients that pregnancy was partly a mental game. Yes, you have sore joints, your feet swell, you’re always hungry, or always puking, it's just the way it goes. However, I never expected to be one of the people cursing my body while I was seven, almost eight months pregnant. I was sitting at thirty one weeks.

  Seriously! I can't bend over, or squat, ‘cause that just lands me on my ass. If I can't get to my flip flops, a kid has to help me get my shoes on. My boobs are the size of watermelons and, oh best of all, when I look down all I see is belly! No feet, it's like they no longer exist.

  I swear once these kids come out I will bend over and kiss my own feet, that's how much I miss seeing them for the last three months.

  But… I love my babies. No doubt. And yes, I said babies. As in two.

  We found out a few months ago during an ultrasound that there were actually two in there. During the first ultrasounds Baby B had apparently been playing hide-n-seek. After talking with Papa I found out that his mama, my Nana, was a twin. It runs in her family. She passed the genes to him and he passed them to me. And, well, here we are. The only ones to know at this point are Charlie, Papa, Stella, Dani Lynn and I.

  “Ugh, son of a motherless horn toad,” I said as I tried to figure out how to pick up the papers I'd just dropped all over the friggin floor. Sweet baby Jesus. These babies were killing me.

  “Such naughty words, Doctor McKenna,” Stella said as she strolled in with a plate of cookies in her hand. “Here, Mama Jay sent these for the kids.”

  I took the cookies and grumbled as she picked up the folder and the strewn papers. “Don't be so damn chipper.”

  “Whoa, what crawled up your butt this morning?” Stella asked, glaring - playfully - at me. I sighed.

  “I'm sorry. I feel like ass and I'm the size of a barn. I can't sleep, my frigging back and hips are killing me, and I need a nap.”

  “Sheesh, remind me again how many kids Chuckles wants?” She grinned at me.

  “God, I love the man, no matter my discomfort I'd give him as many as he wants. And stop calling him Chuckles,” I said rubbing my swollen fingers around my huge belly.

  “Just be glad you still have them in there. You're doing really good, Doc says.” She ignored my request to stop calling Charlie Chuckles. It was their way of showing love I guess.

  “Yeah, if I can make it to thirty-two weeks, then it's all downhill. I think they'll come soon though. My body is stretched to the max, and these kids can kick. My bladder is a soccer ball to them,” I said, laughing as we walked back to the main room of the office.

  “Yeah, have fun with that,” Stella said as she patted my cheek.

  I grabbed the next file and scanned it. I only had two patients scheduled this morning, then we were going to take the kids to the park for some play time. Stella cursed, and I glanced up at the doorway. My heart stopped. I hadn't heard the bell over the door ring, come to think of it, it hadn't rang when Stella came in, either. I took an involuntary step back. My hands curled into fists at my sides.

  “Get out!” I snarled at my father. He shook his head and took a step closer.

  “You-” he said, pointing a gun at Stella. “Put that phone down, right now.”

  “Stella, do it,” I said.

  The thunk of the phone on the desk was loud. My heart hammered. I reached into my pocket and fumbled to hit the emergency button on my phone, which was programmed to the station. I prayed, as if my life depended on it, that Papa didn't come back from the store yet. My phone vibrated, thank God. I faced my father.

  I made sure to keep my voice loud enough so that whoever answered the phone, whether it was Anna, Derek or a deputy, could hear me.

  “Get out of here, Harrison. No one wants a damn thing to do with your sorry ass!”

  “Watch your mouth, girl,” he spat at me. I gritted my teeth together.

  My spine straightened, my eyes narrowing at him. “You don't scare me anymore. Get out, the police will be on their way any minute.”

  “You mean that no good husband of yours? Or those other jackholes? They think they're smarter than me. I sent them on a wild goose chase, no one's coming.”

  Stella shifted on her feet. I knew what she was thinking, but, he had a fucking gun. This man was out of control on a good day, and now, after everything… God only knew what he was capable of.

  “Where is my boy? I want him back, now. The stupid little shit ain't good for much, but he's mine! You go get him right now!” He yelled.

  I flinched. My body wanted to automatically react to his anger just as it did when I was a child. I had to stay strong. He no longer controlled my actions. I shook my head.

  No, no, no. Get it together, Shelby Rae. Get. it. Together.

  “No. I won't get him. You’re not going to hurt him again!” I hissed.

  “I said, give him to me!” He charged me. I dodged him, only to get dizzy and lose my balance. He raised his voice, the deep rumble sending a wave of panic through me. “You no good whore!”

  I tried to block his strike, but I wasn't fast enough. I fell - my back and hip taking the brunt of my weight. My head snapped back and hit the wooden floor with a sickening thud. I cried out as pain shot through my head and my side. My breathing hitched and my sight started to blur.


  Hell no. This was not happening. Not now, not after everything. This slimy ass bastard waited until he knew good and damn well that Shelby couldn’t protect herself to strike. Well, he may not have given her another thought, but I planned to make him wish he’d never been born.

  I can handle many things. Speeders, assholes, drunks, bail jumpers, but the one kind of person I can't stand is a fucking bully. And yes, ladies and gents, this mofo was a grade A bully. It was time for him to meet my boot…. The only problem was the sick fucker had a gun, and I'm not superwoman.

  I watched him. His gaze was trained on Shelby. I wondered if he’d forgotten I was in the room. He'd made me drop the phone, but he didn't know about the panic button under the desk. My fingers found and pressed it. It only took Shelby refusing to hand over his son, Colton, to make him lose control. When he attacked her, I attacked him. I didn't have my bat with me, but I had my anger and his distraction. It would have to do.

  I watched in horror as Shelby fell to the floor. My heart hammered as I wrestled with the man that helped to bring her into this world. He roared with outrage as I tried to get the gun away from him.

  My fingers curled in, I thrust the heel of my palm out, and hit him as hard as I could in the jaw. He growled, and a quick punch had me seeing stars. I pushed at his hands, clawing at his face. His hand struck across my right cheek, and fire lit inside me as pain exploded.

  “Motherfucker!” I yelled, fighting back with all of my anger.

  “Stella,” I heard a groggy voice behind me.

  It was like a switch was flipped
. Shelby got to her feet and grabbed the glass vase on the desk, lifting and slamming it down across Harrison’s head. He moved so fast. His fist landed on my jaw and then he was gone. I shook my head, trying to get my bearings. Shelby screamed.

  I heard was a loud crash and Shelby landed beside me on the floor, her arms wrapped around her to protect her belly. I snarled in rage.

  Harrison bellowed and pulled me up from the floor. That was his mistakes.

  I kicked, my foot hitting his jaw, sending him tumbling backwards. My mistake was forgetting about the gun. He grabbed it and fired. The hot sting of the bullet sliced through my arm and threw me to my knees. It took me a minute to get my head back on. Shelby was groaning and trying to get back up.

  “Stay down, dammit,” I hissed at her. She muttered something and reached for me.

  “Stel… you're- you’re bleeding…” she slurred. I cursed as I looked up and met Harrison’s gaze.

  “I'm fine, Shelby,” I gritted out. “Stay down.” I hoped like hell she listened to me this time. She was sitting up now, shaking her head like she was trying to get water out of her ears.

  I stood up slowly, pretending to be a lot worse off than I was. The moment I saw his hand relax, I attacked. My sidekick went out hard and fast. He moved to get away, but a round house sent him through the front picture window.

  There were sirens in the distance. Thank you, baby Jesus. I moved to help Shelby get to her feet, but the sound of crunching glass had my head snapping up. I shoved Shelby back down and dove to the side when the asshole opened fire through the window.

  Of all the times to not have my gun on me. The bastard thing was outside in the truck. Stupid move, Stella Grace. I cursed myself and moved around the desk. Shelby and I were both getting to our knees when the gun clicked on an empty barrel.

  Game. Set. Match.

  I jumped up and charged the window before the fucker could reload. Not today. My boots hit the window seal, and I used the momentum to throw myself at him. We both tumbled to the ground. He fired again, but the only hit empty air.

  I used the distraction of the squalling tires and men yelling to clock him one. He grunted and went still. I lunged to the side and lost everything that was in my stomach. Fucking great.

  “Stella Grace!” I was lifted off of the asshole and laid back in the grass. Jackson hovered over me as he spoke into his radio.

  “Sh-Shelby… she's hurt,” I stuttered out. My face fucking hurt now that the adrenaline was wearing off.

  “Drew! Stel said Shelby’s hurt,” Jacks called over his shoulder. There was a hard pressure on my arm and I cried out.

  “Fucker! Don't- don't do that!” I snarled.

  “You're bleeding, crazy, hush,” he said.


  “Oh God.”

  The commotion behind us grew and the noise was drowned out by the thundering in my chest and my arm. Who knew it had its own heartbeat. I heard angry shouts and looked to the side. Drew was helping Shelby across the porch. She looked better than I felt… good for her.

  “Stella!” she called out to me, dropping to her knees and letting out a wail. Drew was at her side and out of nowhere Charlie was there….

  I heard my name called again, but I sunk into blackness… and silence.




  Something wasn't right about this call. This had been the second call of the morning about a suspicious vehicle parked in front of a house. Random, but there could be something to it. You could never be too careful.

  I checked my watch as I slowed to turn down the street. I could go by and check on Shelby after leaving here and maybe get her to eat something. I parked my cruiser back a few paces from the suspicious car and got out. I was halfway to the car - an old beater that once was a Mazda - when a kid I knew all too well came out of the house and moved to the car.

  “Morning, Deputy McKenna,” he said with a smile.

  “Hey, Danny. This your car?” I asked.

  “Yeah, got it the other day. Dad and I are gonna fix it up,” he said, proudly.

  “Cool. Have a good day,” I turned to walk back to my car.

  “You too.”

  Once the kid was in his car and gone I slammed the door to the cruiser. I called in my report and headed over to where Gabe had been investigating another call. When I pulled up I saw him leaning over into a truck. That was Doc’s truck. I hopped out and ran over.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. When I got a look at Doc, I cursed. Someone had beat the shit out of him.

  “Bastard, he called me out here. I should have just shot him,” Doc growled.

  I moved away and called into the station via the radio. Without telling Anna what was going on and who was hurt - cause that information would move across town before the words were out of my mouth - I gave her our location. We needed an ambo for him fast. The old man wasn’t looking so good. Once Anna said they were on their way I moved back to Gabe. It only took about ten minutes for them to get out where we were. As soon as he was loaded onto the gurney he grabbed my hand. I met his gaze.

  “Don’t tell Shelby. Not yet. She doesn’t need the stress. I- I’ll be okay,” he said.

  “Doc, I won't lie to her. She needs to know, but I will make sure she knows you’re okay before I tell her who did this…” I said.

  “We’ll be right behind ya, old man. Don’t worry,” Gabe said, slapping me on the shoulder.

  We watched as the ambulance pulled off and headed to the hospital in Lufkin. I sighed and scrubbed my hands over my face. Fucking hell. Gabe and I spent a few minutes trying to sort out what had happened, when our radios went off. Anna’s voice blared through the mic.

  “Attention all cars, attention all cars. The silent alarm at Doc Grant’s has been triggered. No one is picking up the phone, nor answering other devices. Please be advised we have no contact with the facility. Proceed with caution.”

  I keyed my mic. “10-4 dispatch, 35971 responding. ETA twelve minutes.”

  I ran to my car as Gabe slid into his. His voice boomed across the radio. I slammed my door and dropped my hand to the steering wheel, letting a shaky breath. Anna’s voice - though it sounded firm and in control - had an uncertain tone to it. I started my cruiser and floored it. I was on the other side of town, and something told me this was it. Harrison had done something.

  I heard both Jackson and Drew reply to the message from dispatch, and they were closer than either Gabe or myself. My heart raced as I drove. The next message made my stomach take a nosedive.

  “All units, be advised there have been reports of multiple gunshots coming from Doc Grants. Still no connection made with anyone inside the facility.”

  Anna’s voice cracked and my heart thundered. I was not going to think the worst. No matter how many times the scenarios of what could have happened ran through my brain.

  “37041 to Dispatch, gunman down. We need an ambo. One down with a GSW, right arm, multiple abrasions. Copy?”

  “Copy, dispatching ambo now. ETA, twenty minutes. Copy?”

  “Copy, 37041, clear.”

  My heart couldn't take it. Finally I could see the building ahead of me and all radio chatter stopped. It was as if I was in a tunnel. I slammed my cruiser into park, jumped out and was running before I could think. I saw Drew helping Shelby out of the building. I reached her and my arms were around her as she started to crumble.

  “Dammit. Shelby, look at me, baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  “Just, dizzy. My hip.. hurts,” she said but was looking away from me. “Stella, oh God.”

  I saw Jacks hunched over Stella a few feet away on the grass. Shelby pushed up and away from me. I grabbed her and helped her to where Stella lay, cursing at Jacks. I sighed. If she was cursing at him she would be fine, right?

  “Stella, you idiot!” Shelby scolded her as she fell to her knees and winced. Stella blacked out, but a quick slap to her cheek from Shelby roused her back to
reality. Which also meant her mouth was once again going. The words leaving her mouth had me chuckling.

  “You heifer, don’t be slappin’ me. I will punch you.. Later though.”

  Shelby and Jacks got Stella’s sleeve ripped open and Shelby went into full doctor mode. “It went straight through. Minimal damage. We need to stop the bleeding. You damn fool! Why did you do that!?!”

  “Stuff it, woman. I'm fine,” Stella grouched.

  “What happened?” Jacks and Drew asked at the same time. Stella gave them the stink eye before she spoke.

  “I had a dance off with a bullet.”

  “Stella, shut up,” Shelby said. Gabe - who I hadn't seen until now - yanked Harrison up off the ground.

  “That bastard...” Shelby said, pointing at her father. It took her a minute to get her words together. “Barged in, spouting his nonsense. He attacked and I don't know. He hit me and I lost something, my head was spinning. Then he shot Stella, shot at us and then… I don't know cause this idiot here went flying through the fucking window after him.” She shoved Stella back onto the ground when she tried to get up again.

  “Fuck, don’t do that, heifer,” Stella gritted out. Her breathing took on a rapid cadence before she sat up, pushing Shelby’s hands away. She looked murderous as she clutched her arm and glared at Harrison.

  “Stel, what did I miss?” Shelby sounded defeated as she spoke.

  “He hit Shelby, I hit him. He got nasty. I got pissed. He tried to kill us, I broke his face,” Stella shrugged then let out a string of curses as Shelby grabbed her arm.

  “Don't mo-” Shelby stopped and the color drained from her face. She looked down and that's when I saw it. Blood.

  “Shelby?” I gasped. The pain that shot across her face had her doubling over.

  “Fucking hell,” Gabe cursed.

  “Get me- the babies. Get me inside. Find Papa,” she said as pain raced across her face again. “Now!”

  “Drew, call Dani Lynn, get her and Jayna over here, pronto,” Gabe ordered.


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