Love, Lies and Immortal Ties: A young adult paranormal romance (Love, Lies and Ties Book 1)

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Love, Lies and Immortal Ties: A young adult paranormal romance (Love, Lies and Ties Book 1) Page 15

by C. J. Laurence

  “Mirror,” she said, not even bothering with a hello. “Show me yourself in the mirror.”

  Rolling my eyes, I stood in front of the mirror and turned the phone to show her my reflection.

  A low wolf whistle sounded from the phone. “Wow, Cat. You actually look grown up. From your shoddy choice of clothes, you’ve done a good job.”

  I turned the phone back to my face and grinned. “Right? So clothes shopping may not be needed after all.”

  “Oh, you’re not getting out of that,” she said, laughing. “Nice try.”

  I hated clothes shopping with a passion. I could think of nothing more torturous than being dragged around shops multiple times to only buy the first thing I saw in the first shop.

  “Worth a go,” I said. “I’m going to go now because he’ll be here soon.”

  “I still need a picture of this hunk, Cat. Don’t make me believe you’ve dressed up like that for no reason.”

  “Speak to you soon, Hannah.”


  I ended the call laughing to myself. As I waited for seven fifteen to arrive, I found myself full of nervous energy. The TV blared away to itself; I couldn’t sit and watch it. All I could do was pace up and down, trying to calm my nerves the closer the time came.

  Why was I so nervous? I’d been out with him before, but this time felt different, I think because it had now been made official. We were dating, courting, and we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I contained a little squeal. I had a boyfriend. I never imagined the day that would happen. I still had to detail my mum on this part of my life and that interrogation I would be putting off for as long as possible.

  I spritzed myself with another bout of perfume, my favourite—Christian Dior Dolce Vita—and fluffed up my hair. It had behaved again today so I’d left it with its natural curls and waves, just using hairspray to keep it all in place. I picked up my black clutch bag and checked I had everything I needed—phone, eyeliner, bank card, driving licence in case I was asked for ID, and my room key.

  As I let out a long breath, he knocked on the door. My heart tripled its speed and nerves tingled all through me. I grabbed my bag and headed towards my fate for the evening.

  When I opened the door, I couldn’t help but gasp at the striking man stood before me. Wearing a beige shirt and tailored black trousers, his sapphire eyes stood out like twinkling stars against a perfect night sky. His skin seemed to have some kind of ethereal glow to it making me want to reach out and touch it.

  “Wow,” I said, not able to take my eyes off his shiny raven coloured hair. “You look very handsome.”

  He held his hand out and gave me the same delicious smile I’d seen the first time I’d ever laid eyes on him. I couldn’t help the shiver that ran all over me. This guy did things to me without even touching me. How could that even be possible?

  “You look absolutely exquisite,” he said. “I’m truly honoured to have you in my company tonight.”

  A ball of warmth flowered inside my chest. I slowly sucked in a deep breath and counted letting it out, trying my best to calm my nerves. “Thank you.”

  I put my hand in his and stepped outside.

  “Well, look at you!”

  I looked to my right to see my dad stood outside the back door, Sophie behind him in the utility room. “Dad, really?”

  Wearing a stupid grin on his face he said, “I’m not sorry in the slightest. Seeing my only daughter go out on her first proper date? This is something for the scrapbook.”

  I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me right now. How embarrassing. He’d kept a scrapbook of pictures of my entire life. I’d escaped it so far this year and figured he’d given up. Apparently not.

  Marcus chuckled. “Would you like to take a picture?”

  My jaw dropped and I threw him a dirty look. “Why are you enabling him?”

  He laughed. “Look at him. He’s so excited. What harm does a picture do?”

  “Exactly!” Dad said.

  I rolled my eyes and suppressed a groan. “One picture, Dad. That’s it.” An idea sprung to mind then. “Actually, can you send me it when you’re done?”

  His eyes lit up. “New background for your phone?”


  Marcus squeezed my hand and motioned towards the car. “Shall we?”

  I felt silly but remembering this pleased Dad, I went with it. Marcus guided us to the front of the car and slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me in close to him. His aftershave enveloped me into a bubble of spice and musk. The position we were in, I couldn’t help but wrap my arm around him. His body felt so firm and warm, I didn’t want to let go. I gave my biggest smile and waited for Dad.

  Dad took his picture, although I’m sure I saw the flash go off more than once. “Go and have fun,” he said, shooing us into the car. “I’ll see you in the morning, pumpkin.” He winked.


  “Have you got some clothes for tomorrow?” he asked.

  “No, because I’m coming home.”

  “Cat, come on, don’t be naïve. You can’t enjoy your meal and be back here within two hours.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Marcus opened the passenger door for me, a tweak of amusement playing at the corners of his pink lips. Dad retreated back to the house and stood with Sophie to wave me off. It felt like prom night, not a date. I wondered where I’d be this time in a year. Then a pang of sadness hit me as I realised that Dad wouldn’t be here. I suddenly wanted to jump out of the car and let him take as many pictures as he liked, or better yet, not leave his side at all.

  A hand grasped mine as the driver’s door closed. “Are you ok?”

  I glanced across at him and smiled, despite the tears in my eyes. “Yes, I’m good.”

  “Don’t cry, beautiful.” He encased my hand with both of his. “You’ll ruin your make-up.”

  That made me laugh. “Thanks.”

  He let go of me and an urge to put his hands back around mine almost overwhelmed me. He was becoming like a drug to me, something that once I’d touched it, I couldn’t not have contact with.

  We pulled away from the house and I looked in the wing mirror at my Dad’s smiling face. The sheer delight written all over his face made leaving him behind more than worth it.

  Chapter 18

  Amazing couldn’t describe the restaurant. The parking lot teemed with expensive cars. I spotted a couple of Porsches, a brand-new Audi, and even a bright red Ferrari. I felt incredibly nervous about the type of people who would be inside. They belonged in a whole different world to me and I knew I would stand out like a sore thumb.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Marcus said, brushing a hand over mine. “It’s not as scary as you think.”

  “You’re used to it,” I said, giggling. “This isn’t my normal scene.”

  “It is now.”

  He got out of the car and opened my door, a habit I could gladly become accustomed to. Fresh sea air breezed across my skin and I took a deep breath of the invigorating coolness. The restaurant stood proud on the cliff edge, its chic black and white theme classy but modern.

  Marcus took my hand as he led us towards the entrance. The lighting inside had been set low and warm, the perfect ambience for romance. The tables were dark wood with matching chairs, everything gleaming from the cutlery to the waiter’s shoes.

  Opening the door for me, Marcus gestured for me to step inside. My heart pounding, I waited for everyone to point and stare at the obvious outsider, but no one did. Marcus headed straight for the tall brunette who appeared to be the maître d. Stood behind a dark wooden stand with a large open book on it, she flashed Marcus a dazzling smile and asked for the reservation name.

  “Davenport,” he said.

  Something flickered in her eyes and she seemed to jump into urgency mode. “Of course.” She looked around and caught the eye of a young Latino waiter. Clicking her fingers, she said, “Phillipe, now.”

  Phillipe hurried over to
us and promptly showed us to our table, a private window setting, giving a glorious view of the sea outside. Marcus held my chair out for me, gently pushing me in as I took my seat. Hungry, I eagerly took the menu from the waiter and scanned through the huge list as quickly as I could.

  I’d barely gotten through half of the appetisers before a silky female voice said, “Marcus?”

  I looked up and almost choked on my own breath. A woman I can only describe as some sort of supermodel, strode towards us from a few tables over. Long blonde hair fell to her tiny waist in perfectly straight streams of sunshine. Bright blue eyes glittered like two gems and her bronzed skin gleamed under the low lighting. Her gold dress clung to her slim figure like a second skin, even hugging her ankles.

  “Selina?” Marcus said, turning in his seat. He stood up and held his arms out. “You look fantastic.”

  Selina embraced him fully, running her hands up and down his back with her eyes closed in pleasure. In that one second, jealousy sparked inside me instantly.

  Marcus stepped back and held her at arm’s length. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m here for work,” she said, giving him a sly wink. “Why are you here?” Her eyes fell to the table and then scanned over me. “Oh, I see.”

  I raised my eyebrows and chewed on my tongue to stop myself from saying something I really shouldn’t in a place like this. If I would ever master the filter on my mouth, now would be the time.

  “Selina, this is Caitlyn. Caitlyn, this is Selina,” Marcus said, introducing us.

  I smiled at her, trying my best to quash the ugly green monster rising inside me. Selina flashed me a cool smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She didn’t like me, that radiated from her in waves.

  “Hi,” she said coolly.

  “Nice to meet you,” I replied, standing up and offering her my hand.

  She stepped forwards and grasped my hand, her long slender fingers curling around my hand with such grace. Her nails were perfectly manicured, just as I expected. As our skin touched, a sharp sting of static electricity shot between us, jumping us apart instantly.

  “You too,” she said, shaking her hand by her side. She curled and uncurled her fingers, giving me a funny look, like I’d done that to her on purpose. Turning her focus back to Marcus, she said, “What have you been doing since I saw you last?”

  “Oh, you know, this and that. The usual.” He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and then cleared his throat. “What have you been doing? It’s been so long.”

  I frowned. What was going on here? They were speaking in code, one I clearly didn’t understand.

  Selina responded to Marcus’ question with such enthusiasm, it made me feel ill. I sat back down and rolled my eyes, letting her rattle on about her latest adventures. I pulled my phone from my bag and clicked on Facebook, intent on amusing myself whilst some stunning beauty entertained my boyfriend for the next few minutes.

  I scanned through my newsfeed, bored within thirty seconds of cat memes, stupid prank videos, and save the world preaching posts. I sighed and just as I went to log off, a chat head popped up with Luke’s profile picture.

  Luke: Hey *waves* isn’t it your hot date tonight?

  Me: Yep, currently on it

  Luke: Going well then if you’re on here lol

  Me: Hot blonde + Man = Distracted Boyfriend

  Luke: *shocked face* no way, really?

  I smirked and decided to show him the truth of my current reality. I quickly put my phone on silent, then propped my elbows up on the table, my phone still in my hands. It gave me the perfect angle to take a picture of them both engaged in their deep conversation.

  Me: *sent a photo*

  Luke: …wow, ok. I’m sorry, Caitlyn

  Me: The ‘wow’ didn’t really help matters lol

  Luke: Lmao I didn’t mean it like that. She’s not my type, far too high maintenance

  Me: You still said wow

  Luke: To the situation, Cat, not her lol

  Me: Lol I wasn’t born yesterday

  Luke: I can guarantee you she doesn’t always look like that. It’s like the whole bra thing

  Me: Bra thing? You’ve lost me?

  Luke: *laughing emoji* When you meet a woman with a huge chest but then you get her home, take her bra off, and realise it was all padding and she’s as flat as an ironing board

  I struggled not to burst out laughing. What a comparison.

  Me: PMSL I can’t say I’ve ever taken a woman home and removed her bra *laughing emoji* that’s a really bizarre analogy but I see your point

  Luke: Glad to be of service

  I giggled. He was trying to make me feel better, I knew that.

  Me: Thank you *heart*

  Luke: If you need rescuing, just say and I’ll be there

  Me: He’s got 2 minutes, then I’m walking

  Luke: You show him *strong arm*

  Me: *angry face* *fist*

  Luke: *laughing emoji*

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Marcus said, sliding back into his seat. “I’m so sorry about that.”

  I sighed and quickly typed out a message to Luke – He’s returned. I put my phone down and looked up at Marcus. “Sure.”

  He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to one side. “Are you mad at me?”

  I frowned. “No,” I said, picking up the menu. “I mean how could I be mad at you for talking to the hot blonde who was rude to me? Not at all.”

  He flashed me a cheesy grin. “You’re jealous.”

  My mouth dropped wide open. “I am not.”

  He reached over and wrapped his hand around mine. “Caitlyn, you have nothing to worry about with Selina. We’re nothing more than old friends.”

  I snorted. “So you’ve never slept with her then?”

  He faltered for a brief second. “I would be lying if I said no.”

  “Thought as much.”

  It suddenly felt like my prom all over again, where my boyfriend chose the hot blonde over me. What was it with blondes that made all the men go crazy?

  “Caitlyn,” he said, chuckling. “You really don’t need to worry. I would never be disloyal to you.”

  I nodded. “Ok.”

  “Cat, come on. I’m being serious. I’m not made that way.”

  “I said ok.”

  He smirked. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Shall I introduce you to my ex, tell him he looks fantastic, let him dismiss you, talk to him for several minutes, and then see how you react?”

  His face darkened. His jaw set in a hard line and he took his hand back from mine. “Fair point. Not exactly fighting fair but you made your point.”

  “Not fighting fair? I believe in if it’s good enough for you then it’s good enough for me.”

  He broke out into a broad smile. “I’ve never met someone so young with so much…spirit. It’s highly entertaining and also quite charming, in an odd sense of the word. You are going to be quite a handful as you grow older.”

  I frowned. “As I ‘grow older’? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Excuse me, Sir?”

  I startled as I realised the waiter was back at our table, this time holding a metal bucket with a bottle of something very expensive looking in it.

  “Yes?” Marcus said.

  “The lady in the gold dress from table five sent this over to you. She said to give you her kindest regards.”

  “Thank you,” Marcus said, motioning for him to set it down.

  The waiter placed it gently on the table then hurried away with a quick glance at me. He no doubt expected me to react badly.

  I sighed and raised an eyebrow at Marcus. “Really?”

  He pulled the bottle out of the bucket, looked at the label, and then laughed. “Cheval Blanc, nineteen-forty-seven.”

  Marcus turned around in his seat and held the bottle up over his head, acknowledging Selina who watched us intently from her table. She
smiled at him, winked, and then returned her attention to her male companion.

  “Some sort of private joke?” I asked, curious what the gesture meant.

  “Kind of,” he said. “The last time we saw each other, I had several bottles of this in my basement. Selina asked for one, of which I told her no. She came back to my house whilst I was out and stole it anyway. I guess this is her repaying me, although I had no intention of drinking mine, of course.”

  “Of course,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I mean, who would buy alcohol and drink it?”

  He shook his head from side to side, chuckling. “You have to really appreciate vintage wine to understand the value of keeping it rather than drinking it.”

  “I’ll take you word for it.” I motioned towards the bottle of wine. “Are you going to let me taste it?”

  He widened his eyes. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he gripped the bottle in his hands, desperate to keep hold of it.

  “I’m joking,” I said, giggling. “I can see it’s like a child to you. I won’t make you open it.”

  He let out a sigh of relief and placed it back in the bucket. “I still have an empty hole in my racking where this once sat.”

  “Not that exact one, surely?”

  He hesitated for a brief moment then gave me half a smile. “Well no, of course not.”

  I had a feeling he was holding something back, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what exactly. I decided to let it drop. The evening had been marred somewhat already and I didn’t want to make it worse just for the sake of a stupid bottle of wine.

  “Are we having starters?” I asked, looking down at my menu again.

  “Whatever you want. Is there something you fancy from the starters?”

  I glanced down the list, my eyes immediately glued to the word ‘prawns’. My mouth started salivating just at the thought.

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Then order it.”

  I pointed to the menu and said, “There’s no prices here. That’s like when you see a horse for sale and it says ‘price on application’. Basically, it’s ridiculously overpriced.”

  He grinned at me. “A horse?”


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