Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2) Page 4

by Rana Drake

  Hunter actually chuckled, the asshole. "Kellan Howey still hasn't paid up. I need you to go take care of this. Immediately."

  I struggled to remember who Kellan Howey was, then my brain found the file it was looking for - the idiot who had borrowed about to hundred grand from the organization a few months ago. I fucking knew he wasn't going to pay, but Hunter insisted he wouldn't be that stupid. I took my opportunity to rub it in his face.

  "I told you that asshat-"

  "I don't care what you fucking told me, Jake. Go do your job." Hunter growled.

  "It's nine in the god damn morning," I protested.

  "Him and his wife will be at home now. You need to get there within the hour. I'll be expecting a call when everything has been taken care of."

  Hunter hung up, and I scowled at the screen for a moment before sitting up with a groan. Now I was going to have to bust in his house, kick his fucking ass, and kidnap his wife as collateral. It was nothing I hadn't done hundreds of times, but I'd really rather sleep in today. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, knowing that no matter how much I wanted to go back to bed, Hunter was right - this was my fucking job, and I was paid handsomely for it. I pushed down my morning wood and got out of bed.

  While I was getting dressed, pulling on a freshly pressed designer suit, because one had to look the part when doing things like this, the silence of my penthouse apartment started to become noticeable. It sure would have been nice to wake up to a blowjob from that nerdy little slave, Collin, this morning. I wondered what Marlon was doing to him right now, and the thought pissed me off. He should be here with me.

  This penthouse was downright fucking lonely at times, and it's not like I wanted someone to watch Hallmark with, but a hole to fuck and a mouth to suck me off would be nice. Yeah, I could hire someone, but I couldn't shake the fact that I wanted that one.

  I slammed my door and stormed toward my waiting limo on the street, suddenly full of rage over the fact that someone else had what I thought should be mine. Maybe having to go teach Howey a lesson this morning wasn't so bad after all - I had a lot of built up tension, and I could use a good fight to let some of it out.

  I knocked on the door three times, and heard shuffling on the other side. After I counted backwards from 5, I kicked the door open, hitting it in just the right spot with my heel to cause it to swing open effortlessly.

  "Get on the fucking floor," I bellowed, pointing my gun around the room. Kellan and his wife were still in their robes, each of them with a coffee mug in hand. The woman screamed, spilling her coffee all down her front before the cup went crashing to the floor. I charged toward Kellan, grabbing him by the throat and pinning him against the wall in his living room. His wife screamed again, from her spot on the floor.

  "You know why I'm here, don't you, shithead?" I growled, squeezing his neck until his eyes began to bulge.

  He struggled to breathe, and nodded. I released my grip, using the same hand to land a punch square in his jaw. I holstered my gun, suddenly turned on by the prospect of a fight. "Tell you what, if you can kick my ass, we'll call the debt even," I said, a sinister smile on my lips, and my fists raised.

  He cowered in fear, "No, please, I'm sorry," he pleaded.

  "Oh, you're sorry? Well, that changes everything, doesn't it? I guess I'll tell Hunter he isn't getting his two hundred fucking grand, but you're sorry, so that makes it A-O-fucking-kay!" I laughed, then swung at him again, landing a punch in his gut. That felt good, getting some aggression out. All these months of stress were going to be taken out on this piece of shit.

  He tried to block me, but didn't quite make it as I punched him in the eye. He stumbled backward, losing consciousness, and then hit his head on a counter as he went down. I kicked him hard, right in the ass, my foot going between his fat cheeks, almost to the point that he wasn't a virgin anymore.

  "Stupid fuck," I said. I pulled him back to his feet and made him look me in the eye. "I'm taking your wife, and you have twenty four hours to come up with the fucking money, or else she gets sold to cover the costs." I released him and he crumbled to the floor, trying to stutter out some useless words. "Remember. Twenty four hours. She'll be safe and well kept for twenty four hours. After that, she's nothing but a piece of fucking meat to us. Tick fucking tock."

  The woman, I just realized was still screaming uselessly on the floor. I grabbed her and pulled her to a standing position by her hair, slapping a pair of cuffs on her. I didn't have to worry about security footage or any of that nonsense. This guy knew better than to try to call the police - Hunter pretty much "owned" the police department, and they would turn their heads or else the well of money that quenches their greedy thirsts would dry up. That, and many of them would likely get killed by our men. We were above the law here, and that was a well known fact.

  I put a piece of duct tape over the bitch's mouth before I pulled her outside and into the waiting limo. We normally dealt in men slaves, but for cases like this, where the wife or daughter of an enemy was especially hot, we'd offer her for sale. Beautiful women could also bring in a high price, although not quite as high as the men, since hot women were a dime a dozen these days. I got into the limo after she was in there and signaled for my driver to leave. It wasn't even noon, I realized, as I wiped the blood from my knuckles and adjusted my gun. I watched the bound up woman sitting next to me.

  Normally, in a situation like this, I would fuck her anyway, despite telling her scumbag husband otherwise. I considered it a tax for the trouble of having to collect. I reached out and grabbed her breast roughly, and she shrunk away from me. I lost interest, settling back into my seat for the rest of the ride back to the club.

  I felt a little better, but I was still agitated. My mind drifted back to Collin, and by the time we got back, I wasn't even in the mood to fuck her. I dragged her into a cell and shoved her in there, not even bothering to tear her shirt off to humiliate her. I let the door slam shut and I locked it. There was no way I was going to get it up for a woman right now. I wanted one thing, and that thing was a skinny, four eyed college boy turned slave. Nothing was going to do it for me except for him, and I wasn't too happy about not having him at my disposal.

  I peeked in on my new hostage again and felt disgusted. So fucking boring. Nobody seemed to have the allure that Collin had, and my cock wanted no less.

  Annoyed that the morning's ass kicking session had done nothing to get him off my mind, I stormed out of the cell area. Maybe I could still get some fucking sleep today if nobody else did anything stupid. What was my life coming to, that things like this didn't even get me going?

  I needed a change. I needed that fucking boy, in my fucking bed, getting fucked by my needy cock. That was the only thing that was going to appease me right now, and I wasn't a man who liked to wait.

  I needed to either get my way, or fucking forget about him, because I did not like my thoughts to be out of control one bit. I didn't like relinquishing control to anything at all.



  My ribs hurt so bad that it was painful to take a deep breath, and even though I hadn't caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I knew that I must have a pretty nasty black eye from the tenderness around the area, and the fact that my right eye was nearly swollen shut. The man that had bought me, Marlon, I heard him called, was not a nice man.

  I had been used and beaten in every way possible over the course of the past three days. My biceps were sore from being made to stand on all fours and act as a table for the men to put their feet on as they drank and smoked - sometimes will one of them was behind me, fucking me in the ass for the hundredth time. It hurt to sit, no matter how I adjusted myself. I felt sure that I was never going to be the same back there. Before all of this, I was a modest guy, now, nothing was sacred anymore. Every part of me had been exposed, used and abused so badly that I didn’t even know how I was still alive.

  Just when I thought I had suffered the worst, Marlon or one of his men
would come up with something new. When I first arrived to the house after the limo ride, I had tried my best to escape but all it got me were these bruised ribs and busted up face. He told me that if I tried it again, he would kill me, and nobody would ever find out. I was too beat up to even attempt another escape, anyhow.

  I thought my life was over, and when I had woken up this morning on the hard, cold floor of the dungeon that I had been forced to sleep in - the one with viewing windows so that I never had any privacy, I had considered trying something again today just to get him to end my life. If this man owned me, there was no point in living.

  I didn't have the strength to even go after my own death, though. When he woke me up, he put the same tunic on me that I had arrived in, and he brought me back out to the limo. I heard him tell the driver to take us to the "club" and I had no idea what that meant. They had called the place I came from a club as well, did that mean we were going back?

  Why? Was I being returned? I began to cry, despite the fact that it hurt, at the prospect of going back to that place. I would likely be punished for being returned, and I just couldn't take more punishment. I wanted to just die if they were going to keep causing me such suffering. I was malnourished and parched, closing my eyes and conjuring the image of being back at my mother's house, in front of a large meal, as tears rolled silently down my cheeks.

  By the time the limo stopped, I felt nauseous from the car ride, even though I had never been one to get car sick. I was just too weak to deal with anything, and I was sure that I was going to die anyway if I had to go through one more session of horrible abuse today. I hardly even cared, I just wanted to be away from this man. He was probably taking me back to this place to have some sort of microchip implanted in me or something.

  The door opened, and I saw the face of the man who was in charge here. I remembered that his name was Jake, even though I could hardly think straight or even remember my own name. He took a look at me , then looked at Marlon with an angry expression.

  "What the fuck did you do to him?"

  Marlon shrugged. "None of your goddamn business. I paid for him, didn't I? What's it matter to you?"

  "It fucking matters to me because he was rented property. I'm not going to be able to use him for fuck knows how long now. God dammit, Hargrove. Be a little more careful."

  "Not likely," Marlon laughed, sounding like the devil himself.

  I was so relieved and ad a spark of hope for a moment. It didn't seem like he was staying. Anything would be better than staying with him. He had only rented me. Thank goodness.

  "Get him out here," Jake said. Marlon shoved me toward the exit, and I tried to scramble away from him and get out. When my feet hit the ground and I stood upright, I felt the blood rush to my head and I blacked out for a moment, falling forward.

  Jake caught me in his arms, and picked me up. "He's not even able to fucking walk, you bastard," Jake scolded Marlon. I heard the limo squeal away, and Jake carried me inside in my half-conscious state. I was thankful that I didn't have to walk, and being pressed up against Jake's chest actually felt nice. He wasn't being rough. If I had never met him before, I would think that he was actually being tender in the way that he held me as we went back inside.

  I was taken into a bathroom - not that disgusting shower room that I had experienced when I first arrived. This was a large, fancy bathroom, with a full sized tub. Jake set me on the edge of it and held my face in his hands, taking a long look at my eye. For the first time, I caught a glimpse of myself. I looked terrible. My eye was black, my lip swollen, my eyes sunken and lackluster. I had never looked so awful.

  Jake grumbled, "That fucking bastard. I can't believe he did this to you." He sounded almost sympathetic. He turned on the tub, checking the temperature and adjusting it to get it just right as he let it fill up. He added a scented soap, and I watched as the bubbles formed. He then made a cold compress, with a towel, holding it against my eye.

  I said nothing, but the care that he was giving me was making me feel alive again, even though it was confusing. He had been awful when I was here last. I knew he wasn't exactly my friend. I sat still while he wiped the cool washcloth over my face. By then, the bath had filled up, and he helped me to my feet. Running his strong hands up the sides of my ribs, I gasped as he went over the injured area. He pulled the tunic up over my head, leaving me nude and shivering in front of him. My hands instinctively moved to cover my genitals, but he swatted them away.

  "Let me see you. Don't ever cover yourself," he said, not harshly, just sternly. I slowly moved, embarrassed to show myself to him, even though he had already seen me nude. He'd already seen me hard. He's already seen me cum, as the young kid next to me sucked me off. But somehow, right then, the setting seemed so much more intimate, and I was ashamed that I wouldn't be good enough for him. He openly gazed at me, nodding in approval, I guess that my cock hadn't been damaged. He had me bend over the tub, and he gently ran his hand over my ass. It was actually soothing.

  "Alright, into the tub. Let's get you clean," he said, guiding me into the tub. The warm water felt like heaven, and as I slipped into it, letting it cover my body, my muscles relaxed for the first time since all this started. The soothing aroma nearly lulled me into euphoria and I let my head drop back.

  I felt a firm hand running a washcloth over my body, finding every nook and cranny - my armpits, around my balls, between my toes. Nothing had ever felt so good.

  "You're going to get all cleaned up and better, Collin," Jake whispered tenderly. I was shocked. I finally got up the courage to ask, "Why are you doing this? Why don't you just let me suffer and die?"

  Jake looked at me with severity in his eyes and I wasn't sure if I had pissed him off and he was going to hit me, or worse. He sneered, but it seemed forced. "You're just my merchandise, and I have to do what I can to keep my merchandise in proper shape. I can't have property like you in disrepair, now can I?"

  I dropped my eyes. Of course. I was probably going to be sold or rented again. Why had I hoped that Jake's touches meant anything more than that?

  "Are you still wearing the contacts I gave you?" he asked then.

  I nodded. "Yes, but they are dry. I...have to take them out. They weren't my…size," I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be angered and stop the pampering.

  "I'll get you a pair that matches your prescription tomorrow," he promised.



  For the first time in ages, I wasn't dreading going to work today and there was one reason for that, one that I would never admit to anyone, but that reason was Collin. He was back in my care, and he was giving me a reason to actually drag myself to that damn club this morning. I wanted to see him again to check on his wounds, and just to spend time with him.

  Don't be fucking pathetic, I told myself. It’s not like I'm going on a goddamn date. He's my captive, and my fucking merchandise. Nothing more. At least not yet. If I had my way, maybe that would be different. As I sat in traffic, I pulled out my phone. I needed to call in a favor from one of the medical staff that was tied to the club. We had doctors and specialists of all sorts in our web. Sometimes, our captives needed medical attention, and sometimes the doctors of the city liked to utilize our services as well. It was a relationship that worked out for the both of us. I rang the Dr. Nithers, an optometrist.

  "What can I do for you, Jake?" he asked upon answering.

  "I have someone who needs to be fitted for a pair of prescription glasses and contacts, can you come by the club this morning and get him checked out? I can't have him walking around blind."

  "Will do," Dr. Nithers responded. "I'll be there in an hour"

  "Great, I'm heading there now, I'll be there. We'll just stick to our regular arrangement, is that good?"

  "Oh yes, that will work nicely. I've been meaning to stop by sometime soon, anyway." He sounded excited.

  I smiled. "Very well. And thanks."

  "Of course," he said, and hung up.

sp; I was almost to the club. I'd have to get there and make sure Collin was awake to get his eye exam done. Normally, when one of the doctors performed a service, they got their pick of the litter for a free weekend with one of them.

  Suddenly, my body clenched at the idea that he might choose Collin to take, and I didn't like the thought of that one bit. I remembered that Dr. Nithers usually goes for the beefier men, though, and I relaxed. Even if he wanted Collin, I would have to deal with it. I could take care of Collin while he was with me in the club, but I couldn't go and form an unhealthy attachment to him and deny him to our customers. If every man at the club kept falling for pick-ups we wouldn't have a fucking business. Feelings would hurt our bottom line, period. There was no place for them.

  It wasn't my feelings that caused me to schedule a fucking eye exam for Collin - it wasn't. I needed him to be able to see so that he wouldn't be fumbling around when customers needed him to do something. Simple as that. I was taking care of the property.

  I unlocked Collin's door and stepped inside, pulling a cart behind me that had his dinner on it, to find him lying flat on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I had moved him to one of the nice rooms, one that was almost like a hotel. There was a bed, and a separate bathroom that adjoined the room, affording him privacy in that sense. The floor was carpeted, and the bedding fresh and warm. This was normally one of the rooms that was used for a customer to take a slave to "try him out" and we normally didn't house captives in here, but I was the fucking boss and I would do what I wanted. Nobody could tell me otherwise, so I had taken Collin here after his bath the other day.

  I pushed the food to the side and I handed him the glasses that Dr. Nithers had dropped off. "Here, put these on. They were made to suit your eyes. The doctor that saw you today took your prescription, so you should be able to see now."


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