The Elemental Diaries - Complete Series

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The Elemental Diaries - Complete Series Page 35

by Andrea Lamoureux

  “You’re a feisty one. I like you,” he said smugly.

  I wrenched my wrist from his grip.

  “Alright, enough of this for now. Malyi will take care of you. Malyi!” he called, almost deafening me in the process.

  A gorgeous woman in a black leather corset and tight trousers to match sauntered up to us. I studied her as the two conversed in their own language. Her beige skin had a warm glow to it. She had long, sleek, dark hair and kohl-lined, golden eyes that were shaped like a cats. She was truly exotic.

  Malyi switched to my language. “Tell your men to stop treating my ladies like animals! This is unacceptable! Look at them. They’re filthy! And so thin.” Her eyebrows drew down as she took in Granit’s and my state.

  Jehvad winced. “I’m sorry. I will speak with them.”

  “Good! Now, get out. I have work to do.”

  He gave her a curt nod and took his leave.

  Malyi shook herself, causing the gold bracelets around her wrists to jingle. “I apologize about the way you were treated. Follow me. I’ll show you to the bathing room.” Her hips swayed as she sashayed away.

  Neither Granit nor I moved. I wasn’t about to comply with this woman, even if she seemed to be better than the men I’d met so far on this island. I didn’t know her.

  She stopped when she noticed we weren’t following her. “Come on. You want to be clean before you are fed, don’t you?”

  My stomach grumbled at the mention food. I looked at Granit. She shrugged and followed Malyi. I sighed and gave in.

  Chapter 16

  We descended steep, narrow, winding stairs to the bathing room. I was awe struck when we reached our destination. Candles lit the open room, their dancing firelight casting reflections upon the crystal clear waters of the many pools dug into the earth. A few women were already soaking in the steaming waters, either resting with closed eyes or chattering lightly with one another. A sweet and spicy aroma filled the room. It was delightful! I considered using the water from the pools to try to escape, but if I’d failed, my power would be known to those I didn’t trust. Sreda had warned me about others wanting to use me as a weapon for their own needs if they discovered my secret ability. Now wasn’t the time to show my hand. Besides, I had no idea how to get home to Sarantoa from this island.

  “Disrobe and get into one of the empty pools,” Malyi ordered us both.

  “Um… excuse me, but I don’t feel comfortable disrobing in front of others.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Malyi’s full, pink lips pursed before she let out a deep, throaty laugh.

  Is there anything about this woman that isn’t seductive? I wondered. The men must fall at her feet… some of the women too perhaps.

  “I’m afraid you’ll be disrobing in front of many others. It is your new purpose.” She shrugged. “You don’t have a choice, so you better get used to it. Now, disrobe.” She gave me a hard stare, all humour gone.

  I scowled, but I did as she bade. Granit was already unclothed. Her pale body was like a beacon in the dim room. It seemed she was going to be more compliant than I. Perhaps that was the way she was raised…

  Now completely naked, I sat in one of the round, warm pools with Granit. Malyi hummed to herself as she rubbed the filth from our skin. As I watched my dirt-caked skin turn creamy white once again, I wondered how the pools got clean water. Surely they didn’t reuse the same dirty water each time. “How does clean water get into the pools?” I asked. It would take a lot of buckets just to refill them if they were emptied after each bath. There wasn’t even one bucket in sight.

  “The water cleans itself,” Malyi informed me, moving my hair out of her way so she could scrub my back.

  “Are you jesting? That’s—impossible.”

  “It’s no jest, Chelela. This water comes from the sea and has a type of purifying algae in it which keeps it clean.”


  When Malyi was satisfied with our cleanliness, she called two other women over to finish taking care of us.

  Granit and I were each led by the two women to separate rooms within the bathing room. As I entered the tiny room, I saw a stone bench with leather cushions upon it. Shelves on the walls held vials of oils and trays of burning incense.

  The young woman who’d taken me from Malyi’s care beckoned for me to lie on the bench. I did as she asked and lay on my stomach with my head to the side.

  “Are you a servant in this house, Kat—oya?” I asked, trying to remember what Malyi had called her.

  “Oh, no. T’ere are no servants in t’is house. We all—” she paused to search for the right words. “Take care of each other, yes?”

  “Mmhmm,” I answered while she rubbed wonderful smelling oils into my skin.

  I let her do the rest of her work in silence. It felt as though my muscles were melting into her hands. I could have lain there forever, but she eventually told me to sit up so she could fix my hair.

  She put different oils in my hair and braided it neatly down my back.

  “And, Jehved, he is our boss?” I questioned, looking up at her from the bench I sat on.

  She pulled a robe off one of the shelves and offered it to me, saying, “Yes, but he works for Khadji… everyone in Gwon does.”

  I stood and tied the soft robe around myself and stared at her with wide eyes. “Did you say Khadji?”


  I shook my head back and forth, taking a step backwards. “N—no! I can’t! I cannot work for that man!” I turned and bolted.

  “Wait!” she called, but I didn’t listen.

  This couldn’t be happening. The other women watched me with curious expressions as I ran through the pool room. Just before I reached the stairs, I slipped and fell on the wet floor. How embarrassing for someone who had power over water!

  “Now, now, Chelela. What do you think you’re doing?”

  I looked up and found Malyi standing over me. I tried to pull myself up. Ow. My shoulder really hurt!

  “I can’t! Khadji killed my father—and my queen!” I confessed. “Please don’t make me work for him.”

  Malyi pressed her lips together before she sighed and bent down to help me up. “Listen. I’m sorry about your father—and your queen, but you won’t have to see Khadji, unless you do something wrong. If you try to leave, his men will hunt you down and take you to him to be dealt with. Please let me take care of you. You see these women? They’re treated well here. You will be well fed and taken care of in my house—or, you can spend the rest of your life being Khadji’s personal slave before he decides to kill you. Believe me, you don’t want that. The choice is yours. Trading for slaves with your nation is not my decision. I try to make life as easy for your people here as I’m allowed, but if you leave, I cannot help you.”

  Tears burned my eyes. I couldn’t show weakness. Not to these people. I swallowed and nodded. “Fine, I’ll do whatever you say. I’m starving. Could I please have something to eat?” I would find my chance to escape. I could’ve probably used the water in those pools to flood the whole damn house—though, I’d never tried controlling that much water before, but those women weren’t the enemy… not truly.

  I’d been given clothes to wear. The ribbons of purple and orange fabric were light and wispy, and the white top was covered in fancy beadwork but left my midsection bare. The outfit was odd to me. I’d never worn such colours together, and I’d never shown off the skin on my stomach. It was similar to what the other ladies were wearing so I accepted it without further thought.

  I found everyone sitting by the fire in the main room with bowls of food. I spotted Granit and squeezed in beside her. She seemed to be getting on well. Her outfit was a lot like mine, only it was shades of aqua and pink. She spoke candidly with the young woman who’d assisted her after our bath.

  Noticing me, she smiled. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks. Where’d you get the food?” I stared down at her bowl with hungry eyes.

��s right over there.” She pointed to a large wooden table at the back of the room. “Help yourself.”

  I found an empty wooden bowl on the table and began scooping the white and brown mushy stuff the giant metallic pot held within it into my bowl. I grabbed a wooden spoon and tasted my bowl’s contents. A burst of flavours hit my tongue. Mmm, that’s pretty good. Spicy, but good!

  I brought my bowl back over to my spot by the fire. Sitting quietly, I watched the others around me. Two red heads sat whispering to each other. Hair that colour usually only belonged to those from around Solis, the kingdom of fire. There were a handful of tanned brunette women, who I assumed were from Terra. One other girl shared the same features as Granit and I. I didn’t catch sight of anyone with fair white-blonde hair. I guessed the men of Gwon didn’t want to travel to the frigid mountain peaks of Ventosa. I didn’t blame them. The kingdom of air was a frozen land full of self-righteous people.

  After we’d finished our meal and a bottle of the most disgusting wine I’d ever tasted was passed around, Malyi appeared in a black leather dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Her tall, black boots made her lean legs appear even longer. She was the only woman who seemed to wear black. Perhaps it was because she was the top harlot of this place. She bent down behind Granit and me and whispered in our ears. “Come with me, ladies. I’ll show you to your rooms.”

  The way she spoke her r’s was elongated and accentuated. I liked the way it sounded.

  Down a narrow hallway with a wood floor, we passed a number of rooms hidden by closed curtains. Malyi told Granit to sit and wait in one while she ushered me forward. We came to a room near the end of the hallway when she stopped and pulled open a dark pink curtain. On the other side, a small room with a little bed sitting against a wall lay. The room was dark with the same wooden floor as the hallway, and the only window was a round-shaped one in the ceiling. The sky outside was a deep shade of indigo. A lantern was lit and placed on the bedside table.

  “This is where you’ll sleep and where you will work,” she informed me.

  I raised my brows. How convenient.

  “Tonight, you sleep. Tomorrow, you will be taught how to work.”

  “I know how to—” I began, before I was interrupted.

  “Not like this. This is different. Tomorrow, you will listen to my advice… but enough for now. Get some rest.”

  I complied. I was tired. The awful wine had taken effect on me. Besides, it’d been a long day—or night… both.

  Before I fell asleep, the sounds of men and women moaning with pleasure leaked through my walls. Every once in a while a scream rang throughout the house. I groaned, squishing my pillow over my ears and tried not to think about what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter 17

  “You must be the enforcer when it comes to your clients. They enjoy that. Otherwise, they will be rough with you. Do not let them be the enforcer,” Malyi commanded, cracking the whip she held against her boot.

  I blinked, startled by the loud snap.

  “I have brought you some tools. Use them.” She threw the whip and some leather bonds onto my bed.

  I suddenly felt like I was going to be sick. “I can’t—I can’t do this.”

  “You must!” She grabbed my chin and held it so that I was forced to stare into her golden eyes. Her brows drew down, as did her pillow-like lips. “If you do not, it will be torment for you. Understand?”

  I wanted to tell her it already was, but I nodded against her hand instead.

  “Good.” She let me go. “Tonight, I will give you a nice man. You start with him.”


  “You should thank me.”

  I rolled my eyes. Yeah right.

  She winked at me and made to leave, but on her way out she uttered, “Things could be a lot worse for you.”

  Now alone, I looked to the “tools” on my bed. I definitely wouldn’t be using those. I tucked them under the bed so whoever I ended up with didn’t decide to use them on me.

  I decided to get some of that awful wine to help calm my nerves before my client showed up. As I filled a cup with the almost black liquid, one of the other young women seethed at me. She was short and curvy with unforgiving hazel eyes.

  I took a sip of the wine and wrinkled my nose. “What?”

  “You take my client! Ahbrak is mine!” Her hands balled into fists.

  I held my own hands up for peace. “Trust me, I don’t want him. He’s all yours.”

  She grabbed the cup out of my hand and threw it on the floor. It bounced but didn’t break. “T’e choice isn’t ours!” She spun on her heel and marched off.

  I twisted my mouth to one side, staring after her before I bent down to pick up my cup and refill it. “Well then…”

  I sat in my room, drunk on wine, when one of the older women showed a tall, thin man into my room. His dark hair was braided back, much like my own.

  He approached slowly and sat on the bed beside me. At least he didn’t stink like the other men I’d met in Gwon. “I’m told you’re Chelela?” he asked almost cautiously.

  “Yes,” I hiccupped. “And you must be—Ahhh—braaaak.” I had a tough time getting his name off my tongue.

  He snickered. “You are right. How do you wish to start?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Just kiss me.” I leaned in, squeezed my eyes shut and pursed my lips at him. When I didn’t feel his lips on mine, I opened my eyes.

  “You are drunk.” It was a statement.

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course I’m drunk. Do you think I want to do this?”

  He got up. “I’ll come back another time. This isn’t what I paid for. Malyi owes me.”

  “No wait. Come back.” It was too late. He was already gone.

  I stretched out on the bed. Maybe this wouldn’t be too hard after all.

  That hope was soon crushed. The woman who’d yelled at me earlier burst into my room with Malyi, pointing her finger at me and speaking franticly at her in their language.

  “Daneeki, stop!” Malyi spoke in my native tongue. “I understand. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are excused. Go to your room and wait for your own client.”

  “Ahrrrrr!” She stomped her foot, shooting me a look of death before leaving us.

  Malyi turned to me with her hands on her hips. “As bad as her behavior was just now, she’s right. That was unacceptable. Your client left unsatisfied. He may complain to Jehvad. We do not want that.”

  I smiled up at her, trying not to sway. “I told him to kiss me. It’s not my fault he left. He said he’ll be back.”

  “You’re stinking drunk! Of course it’s your fault. Get it together, or I’ll send you to Khadji.”

  Her warning sobered me up. Anger flashed in my eyes before I let my shoulders slump. “Apologies, mistress.” It would do me no good to get on her bad side.

  “I have my own business to attend to. Tomorrow, you get one more chance, but this time you’re client won’t be so nice. I tried.” She shot me a disapproving look, and that was the end of our conversation.

  Great, so I wasn’t allowed to be drunk with clients. I’m done for. Perhaps my mother realized something bad had happened to me after not hearing back from me. Perhaps Lanbert had deciphered our code and was writing to her in my stead. Who was I kidding? No one would ever find me on this goddess forsaken island.

  Katoya found me sitting by the fire, deep in contemplation. Tonight was the night. I would officially become a whore. And not even for silver and gold. Just in exchange for a place to eat and sleep… and to save myself from the man who’d killed my father. Life was cruel.

  “You look so—what is the word? Glum,” Katoya said, sitting down beside me.

  “Yes, well, I am.”

  She smiled softly and patted the spot in front of her. “Come, let me help you.”

  I scooched over so she was sitting behind me. She began unbraiding my hair and combing it with her fingers. The tingling sensation h
er fingers brought relaxed me.

  “Hey, Kat. Why does Malyi always wear black?” I asked, giving her a nickname as though we were longtime friends.

  She paused for a moment then resumed her work on my hair. “She does it to honour Motish… the Goddess of Death.”

  “Goddess of Death? Why?” A crease appeared between my brows.

  “Some say she’s obsessed with death. I’m not really sure why. It’s not our place t’ask, but I t’ink it has something t’do with t’mark on her shoulder.”

  “Well, that’s reassuring,” I said sarcastically. “The head whore’s got a thing with death… perfect.”

  “Please, don’t call her that. She prefers t’be called a courtesan—or mistress. She’s highly—regarded by most of Gwon.” Kat stopped playing with my hair.

  I patted her knee and twisted around to face her. “Don’t worry. I won’t say anything. So which goddess likes the colour pink?” I asked grabbing onto one of the pink cushions and holding it up.

  “Oh, that’s Minyota. She’s t’goddess of love, sex and desire.”

  “Of course she is.” I wrinkled my nose. “It looks like she vomited pink all over this house.”

  That earned me a laugh. Kat put some kohl around my eyes and gave me a few tips for my first night with a client, all of which caused me to blush.

  Once the sky turned dark, it wasn’t long before the clients started showing up at our doorstep. I found out that Malyi answered most of the calls and took the coin. She served her own clients just before dawn, once our doors were locked, and only by special request. Word around the house was that she was very expensive.

  I sat sipping on a small amount of wine, when a woman came for me.

  “Your client’s here,” she told me plainly.

  I set my cup down and rose from the cushion on the floor.

  “I put him in your room.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, though I didn’t really feel thankful.

  The man who awaited me was fat and sweaty with matted black hair and big, round, brown eyes. Not at all someone I would’ve chosen to lay with.


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