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Unity Page 38

by Carl Stubblefield

  If it were not for the information he dangles in front of me like the proverbial carrot, I would break from my employer now. I hate being subservient to any man. Ah, the curse of curiosity. It is the only set of fetters that I think will work on me at this stage. Were I not so close to multiple breakthroughs, I doubt I could remain the subservient pet. But what acolyte would I be if I could not eventually surpass the master? All in time.

  Suppression Drugs

  The suppression drugs are working as formulated. Inhibition of Ka ensures that there is nothing to power abilities and breaking communication between Nth and host further aids in separating access to any form of retaliation though abilities. I have found that a suspension of Brooksian particles exhibits enough of a resonance that, when interspersed in the blood, it breaks host-to-Nth communication. The only caveat being that the body filters these particles out quite quickly, with a half-life of only 28 minutes. Constant replenishment via intravenous feed is required at this stage to maintain the effect. More work is needed to improve substantivity to sustain results.

  Overall, I am quite proud of my formulation, and its efficacy has exceeded my initial forecasts. Currently, optimal results are available only through intravenous introduction of the drugs into the test subject. It is my hope that further development will allow for a more passive absorption protocol. While still in its initial phases, plans to create an aerosol form would be useful in phase 3.

  Samples and Nth Isolation

  I have been able to take samples and catalog all major organ systems for further evaluation. It is possible there is something in the subject’s genome that makes him more resilient or easier to sync with the Nth. Unlike other supers, I have not been able to isolate individual Nth. Typically, when removing a sample of significant size, there will be Nth embedded in the sample. Removal and isolation from the host will stimulate the Nth to revert to a pluripotent stage. These can then be manipulated and used for other purposes, while still maintaining their current “generation.” This process has not been improved upon since my father developed the technique.

  Another complication arises in this subject: the existing Nth abandon the sample and revert to the host. They repopulate the replacement granulation tissue and eventually resume their normal operation and function when the wound site heals. Attempts to amputate limbs are met with significant resistance. Nth build up on the surface of the affected tissue and form a lattice that actively resists and retaliates, dulling and removing teeth on saw blades. It is an effect I have never observed until now. Attempts to amputate multiple limbs were similarly unsuccessful, with subsequent attempts losing more efficacy as the Nth fought back with increased skill and vigor. Very curious.

  Currently, I have not been able to isolate one single Nth for study. I will have to temper my curiosity until I reap the full benefits of examining the subject. But this behavior warrants considerable study and follow up.


  Foundation node is entirely occluded, no circulation detected. I suspect Mandrite poisoning. Remaining centers are stagnant as well; they show up as dark and necrotic. I have not seen this level of corruption or even that it could occur to this extent. Even those ignorant of the intricacies of Ka have a passive flow that correlates to Intelligence stat levels. After initial tests and tissue collection, I will attempt to extract this and see if a portion of this Mandrite essence can be refined and recalibrated for transfer.

  Subject has revealed no knowledge of managing flows after interrogation, which was to be expected.

  Studying the physical effects of this stenosis and how it manifests in the body is a matter of interest. How does one affect the other? Can one suffer a Ka stroke with insufficient flows? All of it is new territory. This subject alone may be insufficient to understand the phenomenon, so I will have to get creative with some of the samples I have procured to this point.


  I expect to be finished with preliminary research results in approximately two more days. Then I will allow myself two days to investigate the issue with meridians in more depth. Depending on what I am able to discover and what samples reveal, I will determine if a complete unravelling event would be warranted to isolate these unique Nth as the body degrades. I hesitate because these unique effects possibly will not be reproduced in a cloned sample. Much too many possible variables at this time.

  Chapter Sixty-Five

  Sugar, We’re Goin Down

  Yuki had to relax and wiggle her jaw. She had been taking out her frustration on a couple pieces of gum and the effort had made it start to cramp. She looked up at the room and noticed that it was dark. She could barely see that it was almost 3 AM on her Otaku clock on the wall in the blue glow emanating from her monitor.

  Despite many different approaches, she was prevented from accessing certain logs and administrative communications. Like most corporations, Purple Faction employed artificial intelligence to protect its core data. Unlike most, it was a Tier IV, the highest ranked class of protection. Knowing her father, he had probably designed this particular one to be impressive. His ego would allow nothing less. Especially since he would feel the need to compensate for any weaknesses that Yuki could possibly demonstrate.

  Damn, though. Yuki could not get what she needed without an outright confrontation against the AI and she had never battled a Tier IV, even in simulation; those had come out after she had joined Purple. If her father held to tradition, which he most assuredly did, Tier IV was an order of magnitude more powerful than anything she had ever fought in Tier III.

  On top of that fact was that if she failed, the feedback would incapacitate her, and she would be at the mercy of whatever weirdness was going on here. She had been out for three days when she had lost a battle while still working simulations for her father’s company. Even an attempt would almost certainly get her kicked out of Purple Faction for treason, as well as blacklisting her from joining either Green or Orange.

  She leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms wide. Satisfying yet disturbing bone popping sounds as her back extended.

  “Posture, Yuki, a young woman should have poise,” her mother’s words echoed back to her. Whatever happened, she couldn’t go back. The constant correction and pruning like she was a bonsai tree, just to keep her small and in their prescribed form. She doubted they would ever see her as an independent person, and not one of their crafted creations. Every action orchestrated for maximum influence and public perception.

  She rubbed her bloodshot, dry eyes and sighed deeply. Her head fell forward as she tried to resolve what she needed to do. She had always played it safe in the past. And what had that gotten her? Nothing that she wanted. It was probably why no one noticed her. She was content to stay in the background. Being the good girl, never making waves. Compliant. Poised. Demure.

  That wasn’t what she wanted, nor how she saw herself. While Purple Faction was a good step in the right direction of regaining her independence and sense of self, would it be enough to get her where she ultimately wanted to go? She had been here six years, and had not been promoted or even groomed for any type of advancement. Something had to change. But perhaps her natural invisibility to notice could be used to her advantage.

  Ideas began to bloom as she planned.

  Harmony felt the wave of conflicted negative emotions wash out from even this distance. Grimdark was in trouble. She looked up at the two slabs of man-meat that stood on either side of her, their folded arms accentuating their impressive physiques. She had to compose herself, make her face sweet and impassive despite the emotional equivalent of a nails-on-a-chalkboard constant mental screech that made her want to wince.

  “They rushed me in here before I could freshen up. I need to use the bathroom—”

  “Sit tight. It won’t be long,” the other orderly growled, still looking straight ahead, as if the door would open faster if he didn’t stop staring at it.

  “No, you don’t understand. I had a lot of coffee this
morning, and it’s not going to be pretty. I would have said something earlier…”

  “Just go.” Thing One pointed a finger accusingly at an unmarked door.

  “Thanks,” she said as she tiptoed over and sealed herself inside. She had never been to this section of the building and the layout was totally foreign. She had hoped for an outside window or some other exit she could use, but no such luck. This was your basic single-toilet and sink bathroom. It apparently didn’t get much use, or was only used by higher-ups, because it looked exceptionally clean and unused. Another mental shriek that reached a deafening peak and then sudden silence.

  She realized she had fallen to her knees as she shook her head to clear it. There was a residual ringing that had nothing to do with physical sound. And Grimdark was… gone. Like he had submerged underwater, masked from her connection and familiarity.

  When she worked with someone, she could tune in to their mental “flavor.” Everyone had a distinct imprint that suggested a color tone, smell, or taste and shape. Grimdark’s was all hard angles and points, in a deep wine-colored purple. But now, she could not distinguish him. She could tell he was still there, but there was a sea of distortion hiding him under the surface.

  *Bam* *bam*! “Hey, you wrapping it up in there?” a gruff voice barked as he hit the door.

  She actually saw the door rattle in the frame from the force of the knock. Irritation radiated like waves of heat from behind the door. She knew her usual feminine wiles would do nothing to influence either of these guys.

  “Can I get some privacy?!” she yelled back, frustrated at the lack of options. Time was running out. She looked around frantically, but there was nothing. There was a small fan in the ceiling, but the air vent behind appeared too small for her hips. There was a smoke detector, but she had nothing to make any type of fire. None of her abilities had physical effects either, so she couldn’t generate anything with a skill.

  “They’re ready for you! Pinch it off and get out here! You can finish your business later.” Now the other guy had joined the first and they kept banging on the door insistently, making it hard to think.

  “That’s not helping! Banging won’t make this go any faster!”

  They stopped hitting the door and she heard some grumbling as they complained to each other. These weren’t paragons of patience, and in no time, they were going to break the door down and drag her out.

  “All internal comms are blocked. We’ll have to contact everyone individually. Probably for the best; I imagine they’d be monitoring anyone on the system anyway. Rory, do you have any restrictions on things you can do with whatever they did to you?”

  “Get busy living, or get busy dying,” he replied with a shrug.

  “Okay. Let’s try this. Can you act like you’re escorting me to processing or orientation?”

  He grabbed her arm. “Let’s go,” he said with a pent up breath.

  Whatever compulsion was upon him would not allow him to work against the Faction, at least not directly. Not even something negative could be uttered. Could they get creative and use that to their advantage? Use a misdirect or half-truth to circumvent its effect, and Rory would be trusted implicitly because of his agreement with the Faction?

  They went over certain dialogues, finding out what worked and what didn’t. When they had their routine down, they proceeded out to C wing to get the others.

  The facility appeared abandoned, the usual traffic of supers moving from building to building conspicuously absent. It didn’t take long for a super to trot up to them. “Hey, where do you two think you’re going? Aren’t you supposed to be inside awaiting processing, or at the ceremony?”

  Chapter Sixty-Six

  What a Letdown

  “We are heading to wing C to gather some recently returned individuals and take them to the ceremony—” Rory started to say.

  “Wing C? They’re on lockdown, no one in or out.” The super’s eyes narrowed and his hand slid down the trigger of his suppression rifle. Aurora gulped and looked up to Rory. Those were new technology that were like tasers on steroids. They could incapacitate any super for a short time, but only had five charges. Still enough to deal with the both of them easily.

  “I get that you’re following your orders. That’s all I was doing as well. General Parabellum wants this one and the others that just returned to be processed as soon as possible. I don’t know who you get your orders from…” Rory paused for effect, sweeping his eyes around the abandoned compound. “But you don’t look like you have that much to do. It’s all the same to me, as long as it gets done.” He pushed Aurora towards the super and she stumbled into his arms and he fumbled to catch her.

  “I’ll let him know that you’re handling things from here on out. You should check in with him.” Rory turned back to the maintenance bay and waved over his shoulder. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “Now wait just one minute! You’re not pawning this off on me. I have enough of my own duties to take care of.” Regaining possession of himself, he reoriented his rifle and prodded Aurora back toward Rory with the barrel. “Go on your way, but be quick about it.”

  “Aw, come on, man. I was just relaxing on the couch before she showed up.”

  “That’s not my problem. Be on your way and be quick about it. You’ve distracted me enough from my rounds.”

  “Fine, fine. It was worth a shot.” Rory grabbed Aurora’s arms and jerked her after him. “Come on, you,” he grumbled as they moved on toward C wing.

  “I think Nelson is at the door there. Just tell him Wallace said to let you through. If he gives you any trouble, tell him ‘alpha-tango-three.’ He shouldn’t give you any problems,” the guard recommended.

  “Yeah, yeah…” Rory grumbled, playing up the put-upon worker who would rather be doing anything but what he was.

  “That… that was good,” Aurora mumbled.

  “General Parabellum did say that in a general assembly after we had all been through the orientation. It helps if I just tell the truth; there’s no restriction. And I really would prefer not to be doing this, after all.”

  “Got it, nothing subversive. Keep it up, that worked like a charm.” As they approached the outside of C-wing, Aurora wasted no time.

  “No time to talk. Wallace told us to tell you alpha-tango-three and let us pass.”

  “Uh, err, well, I suppose…”

  Aurora pushed by him and tried to open the door but it was locked. She threw an exasperated scowl at the guard, who quickly waved a keycard on a lanyard over a panel and there was a buzz as the electromagnetic lock disengaged. Aurora pushed inside. Rory cocked his head as the awkward guard stared after Aurora, still a bit in disbelief.

  “Get an eyeful?” Rory asked the distracted guard, who flushed bright red.

  “Sorry, sir. Won’t happen again,” he said, snapping back to attention and allowing Rory to pass. Before the door clicked shut, he could have sworn he could hear the guard grumbling something about “stupid spandex suits…”

  Aurora stood inside looking at a directory. “You think you’re up to splitting up? I get the ones upstairs and you get the ones down?”

  Rory nodded in agreement, glancing quickly to see who was where.

  When Aurora got to Anastasia’s room, she noted that there was a large blocky contraption around the door, securing to the jamb and totally encircling the knob.

  “What in the…?” She ran her fingers along the box, noting only the three green lights on the top. She twisted her head to look underneath it and saw nothing there. She focused on the box, wishing she could look inside to see what was happening.

  You have unlocked a new subskill under the ability Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Assess.

  Assess (subskill of Spy): Evaluate traps and restraints to find their key weaknesses and how to best exploit them.

  On her display, Aurora could see through the outer shell of the black box, now appearing a light translucent gray. Looking at all the sides, she could easily s
ee a panel that would slide if moved in this direction while that opposite side was pressed in two locations, releasing some holding pins from engaging.

  She removed the cover and two red circles highlighted areas of the circuit board within. Extracting two forceps she used while crafting from another pocket, she played around with the wires, and one green light winked out. Additional red circles manifested and she disconnected one of the solder points with a snap. Another green light down. Then a blue dotted line appeared between two sections.

  She was at a loss for what to do until she backed up and looked at the contraption as a whole. It then became clear she needed to complete the circuit, so she sifted through her crafting components until she found a wire and clipped it to a suitable size. With a fingertip and a little focused Ion Storm she welded the tips of the wire to the appropriate spots.

  The box unwound, almost falling off as one surface expanded, rattling loose on the knob. The arm clamping down on the jamb relaxed, and Aurora could slide it off of the door. Deciding to keep the box for later, she found a large enough zipper on the crafting containment bag she had weaved to hold all her different components and tools. This box could probably yield a couple of new blueprints if she took it apart and examined it closely.


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