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Unity Page 50

by Carl Stubblefield

  “Wait up, Darik, I’ll join you,” Gus said and trotted over to his side.

  Chapter Eighty-Eight

  Getcha Back

  It was done. Mengele had escaped, but BoJack was safe, and he’d make that trade any day.

  He thought he would feel more excitement at finally being free, but it hadn’t caught up with him yet. None of it felt real. Except the lack of constant pain. He almost felt numb to be absent from the constant pain and stress. In the stillness, he noticed a flashing icon on the side of his display indicating pending notifications. No doubt there were a lot of messages there to peruse, but he couldn’t deal with them now. A strong hand slapped him on his back as he walked in step with Darik.

  “Very impressive, lad. Very impressive.”

  “Mengele got away, though.”

  “You made the right call. Some of the others might disagree, but in the end, family is all you have.” They walked in silence and called the lift from the surface. He thought about the situation while waiting for the lift to descend.

  They had come for him. Somehow, they had found him in the middle of nowhere with no help. But why?

  He couldn’t think of a reason, and he found that he didn’t care. He had always felt like he was on his own, with no one reliable in his life. Had that finally changed, or had he just refused to see who was there all along? He reflected on all the things he promised himself would happen if he got powers.

  He always thought he’d be fighting for the less fortunate. He had never thought that his colleagues would have as many challenges as the regs did. It was always hard to see things clearly when they were high up on a pedestal, though.

  Ideas formed in Gus mind. Paths he had never considered. Possibilities. He got so lost in his thoughts that Darik had to nudge him when the lift finally arrived. They went back to the surface and Darik took him to the corsair.


  “She’s a beauty, ain’t she?”

  “I’ll say.”

  “Come aboard, we’ll get ready for takeoff.”

  The inside of the ship was nice and comfortable. It was how he had always imagined a billionaire’s luxury jet. He ran his fingers across the top of one of the seats.

  “Rich Corinthian leather,” he muttered with a smile.

  The ride back was uneventful, though a somber mood permeated the group.

  “I know exactly what Harmony’s feeling,” Nick said abruptly.

  “Yeah?” Gus replied, looking over at her.

  She was repeating some of the same phrases. “He saw everything,” and other barely intelligible mutters.

  Grimdark insisted on staying by her side, but at times she barely seemed to notice his reassuring hand gripping hers as he massaged her forearm gently, trying to console her.

  “When he dosed you with whatever that white poison was, I was cut off. Not only from communicating with you—but from everything. The Nth are part of a collective; you would best know it like a hive-mind. The others are always in the background, but we can’t communicate directly. It’s like being in the room with a sleeping person. You can sense their presence but not interact. Even when we are stripped of our interfaces after an apocalypse event and we prepare for the long trip to another planet, we lose our individuality, but we are always together.”

  “No, I get it. Being alone sucks.”

  “Down there, I was plunged into an abyss of solitude. Much like you experienced in that bottomless pit. But there was nothing. No communication, sensation, or feedback of any kind. I was cut off from the quantum server. Do you know what that’s like? I have nearly instantaneous access to anything I need to know, even if I can’t divulge it directly to a host. But that connection was totally severed. I feared that I would be alone forever. That may not sound so bad to you, but for an Nth, being cast out is our version of hell. Over time, I felt like I was losing pieces of myself. Drifting apart like an ice cube dissolving in that void.”

  Gus remembered his own experience in the pit, and shook his head. “I know what you mean. Time does weird things when you’re in the dark like that.”

  “The worst part was that I had no idea if it would ever end. It felt like an eternity. With how quickly we process information, to suddenly have… nothing. I have never seen a host go insane, but I could see how an Nth could lose themself in such a situation. Nth never ‘die’ in the typical sense, we simply reincarnate as a new construct for a time. But that is the first time I have experienced the potential for oblivion.”

  “I guess we humans just know that death is part of the package. Still scares the hell out of us, though. The unknown.”

  “Fear, yes. Mine was that I would be permanently locked out of the system if I ever did get out of that awful place. Just like a hacked Nth. That might be a fate worse than oblivion. Seeing what was there but being permanently separated from it. I know I have been severe with you, Gus, but this persona drives me to be tough on you. I realize now that possibly there was a different approach that would have been more effective.”

  “You know, Nick, I wonder if it was what I needed all along. Things are just clearer now. The headaches were driving me crazy, and I was too busy trying to meet an impossible ideal I had created. It just took a series of extended torture to put things into perspective. All the stupid things I worried about just seem so inconsequential now. Through the pain, it brought the present into laser focus. I’m going to try staying here for a while to make some changes. I’m sure I’ll make a ton of mistakes, as usual, but I’m not going to let it paralyze me like before. I’m not making any more excuses for myself.”

  “So you’re saying that I should’ve just signed you up for Mengele’s program from the beginning, and we could have skipped all the unpleasantness between us?”

  “You do what you need to do, Nick. I’ve got a hard head, so it’s probably the only thing that would get through. I’ll be more open to suggestions. The more I learn about these powers, the more I realize I really know just about nothing.”

  “And that’s a good thing. Believe it or not, you haven’t been conditioned to fit someone’s agenda. You’re free to pursue your own path. With all the inherent advantages and disadvantages of that responsibility.”

  “I didn’t used to think so, but you’re probably right. I’m a living paradox when it comes to relying on others. I can’t stop myself from relying on people’s opinions, but I want to be independent at the same time.”

  “It’s more common in humans than you think. Remember that.”

  “Hey, I just realized the headaches are gone. They got swallowed up in all of the other things going on, but they really are gone.”

  “Your system is clear too, hormone levels are stable, and no buildup of any toxins of any kind.”

  “You think I am done with those for good?” Gus perked up.

  “Hard to say at this point, but most likely no. But this indicates there’s a way to cleanse it out. We just need to figure out how.”

  “That’s something, at least.”

  “Why don’t you check your logs? I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

  Gus clicked the icon:

  Through extensive cycles of physical attack and damage, you have upgraded Resilience to Enhanced Resilience.

  This upgrade increases against any physical damage and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

  Enhanced Resilience (Level 1): [passive ability]: Grants extraordinary resistance to physical, projectile, and explosive damage due to a passive ether shield that absorbs and deflects attacks above melee speeds, as well as focused physical damage. Increases efficiency of Nth healing, giving a 10% speed improvement, increasing an additional 1% per level. Nth also become more efficient at repairs, especially among similar or recurrent injuries.

  500 XP Awarded.

  100 FP Awarded.

  3,825 XP to level 21.

  There was a stream of damage notices. Gus saw that he had gotten down to 10 HP at one point, but Mengele had ba
cked off, allowing him to regenerate. He also saw health boosts amid the damage. Something must have been in the IV to counteract the abuse, helping Mengele to get back to his work faster.

  Enhanced Resilience continued to level amid the endless damage notices. Ending at a whopping level 21 by the end of it. That added up to an additional 3000 XP and 750 FP when all was said and done.

  Other notices were interspersed as well.

  Congratulations, you’ve traded your wishbone for a backbone!

  You have unlocked the base function of Bound! For good or bad, you become aware of each other regardless of distance.

  (You didn’t think that “jumping” was the extent of this ability, did you? Really? Who wants a jumping superpower?)

  This upgrade increases scope of its function and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

  Additional effects follow:

  Bound (Level 1) [20 MP]: Jump with increased ability, energy stored upon landing, aiding height and power of successive jumps.

  Bound Base function [passive]: Form deep connections with those whom you shared intense emotional experiences. Currently bound to three(3) entities.



  Mengele/Dr. Weft

  Gus blinked at this new information. Yes, it was true. As he paid attention, he felt a pull in different directions. One along their current heading—that must be Jet, whom he had left at the manor. The other was close and right behind him, which would be BoJack, and then another, thin as gossamer. Gus heard his knuckles crack and looked down at his clenched fists. He released them and shook out the tension.

  Where the lion’s share of XP was from Wreckord. It was actually still playing! Somehow it had been muted during the process and continued to play the entire time since he had started it at the manor. There were incredible amounts of stat boosts and one shocker was an XP multiplier when the chain was stopped. It had leveled thirty-two times and there was still eight days, fourteen hours, and change left on the playlist. Time to grind some training in the next few days, and maximize the effects of the multiplier. He had never seen that but he would definitely take advantage of it if he could.

  Through extensive cycles of physical attack and damage, you have upgraded Cleanse to Spiritual Cleanse.

  This upgrade increases against any physical damage and resets the overall ability to Level 1.

  Spiritual Cleanse (Level 1) [50 MP]: Eliminate toxins of all types from self or others who possess Nth. At higher levels, can create remote effects on those who do not possess Nth. When combined with fundamental energies, can be utilized to clear more entrenched toxins, on a micromolecular level.

  500 XP awarded.

  100 FP awarded.

  More leveling notices followed, and Gus sank back in his chair with the euphoria of reaching multiple levels at once. He even received Guiding Principle bonuses for sacrificing the opportunity to kill Mengele that multiplied with a compassion bonus. This took him to level 23, and filled his progress bar to almost level 24.

  “Nick, I think I know how we can get rid of these headaches for good.”

  Just then the corsair banked and a familiar island came into view. Pangs of homesickness hit Gus harder than he had expected it would.

  He was finally home.

  Chapter Eighty-Nine

  Brand New Day

  Shortly after landing, Gus gathered everyone together.

  “We’ve been through a lot. I want to thank you all for coming to get me. Let’s get some rest and meet up tomorrow at say, noon, and go over everything.” There was nodded assent among the Crew and they dispersed to their respective rooms.

  Gus caught up to Yuki. “Is this a good time?”

  “Sure, I suppose.”

  “Yuki, I don’t know any other way to say this, so I’m just going to come on out and ask. I really need someone with your skills at the manor. I realize you’re Purple Faction and you probably have a better gig over there. I can’t offer the same things they do, and I’m not trying to poach you away, and I’m babbling…”

  Gus took a deep breath and continued as Yuki looked at him impassively.

  “Even if it’s only for a short time, maybe like a freelancer. I’m seeing more and more that I can’t do everything myself. I need to get things set up here at the manor and optimized so I can be ready for the future. My big fear is that I invest the FP into the wrong things and limit my options in the future, so your expertise would be essential, at least in these beginning phases. Plus we have to get a plan for this place in terms of security. And that’s just of the two things I’ve thought need attention, there’s undoubtedly a lot more.”

  Yuki looked up as if in deep contemplation, squinting one eye. “I’ll do it on one condition…”

  “Anything, if it’s in my power,” Gus agreed, eyes imploring.

  “I don’t like to be tied down. If I do stay, don’t be thinking I’m going to be here forever. Are you good with that?”

  “Sure, sure. Anything else?”

  “Well, a little birdie told me that you have a unique ability, and that you could, maybe, possibly, give me an ability I could use for offense. Something I can use while not jacked-in to the virtual world. I would really like to be a super who could actually take care of myself instead of just being a specialty case.” She eyed Gus expectantly, trying to keep her expression demure and controlled.

  “Okay, yeah, sure. But this stays between us, alright? I don’t need to tell you that if people knew what I could do, I would get a pretty big target painted on my back. The only problem is that there are so many abilities it can be hard to choose one that is perfect for you. Do you have any thoughts?” he whispered conspiratorially.

  “What if we went to the Oracle and I asked her? Besides, she said she wanted to see you again, right? Kill two birds with one stone.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” Gus mused. “You’re not worried what her ask will be?”

  “Nah. Besides, I’m tough. And I love a good dare; it’ll be fun.”

  “If you say so,” Gus said, rolling his eyes.

  “Can we take one of the skip-jumps?” Yuki suggested.


  “And I get to drive. But you have to give me access.”

  “I think I gave all of the Crew total access before I left, to… you know.”

  “You sure you want to leave it that way?”

  “If I can’t trust you guys, who can I trust? By the way, thanks for coming for me. It means a lot to me.”

  “For all the good we did. You probably would have beat him without us there.”

  Gus made the adjustments in the manor tab on his display and Yuki’s eyes rolled up in her head, showing just the whites. A few seconds later, they returned to normal.

  Looking her in the eye he continued. “I realized a lot of things in that pit. About how I’ve been doing things and my relation to others. I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying about the future and lamenting my past. Using old experiences to limit what I’m doing right now. I have always felt… detached. But when I saw you guys down there… well, a lot of things clarified for me.”

  Yuki looked up at Gus in silence.

  “Okay, sorry to make it weird. Let’s meet up tomorrow after the meeting.”

  At the meeting the next day, everyone caught up on what had happened, Gus’ story leaving out the worst of the details.

  “Well, all of you are welcome to stay here as long as you wish,” Gus offered. “And if any of you need anything in the meantime, I want each of you to know that I am more than willing to help. That includes if you think there are any upgrades to the manor that will help you develop your skills; let me know and we’ll get it in the queue.”

  Grimdark motioned like he was going to raise a finger, but thought better of it and shook his head.

  “I mean it, anything. Yuki and I have an appointment to make—you guys will be okay here?”

  With no other items the meeting adjourned and Gus and Yuki made
their way to the lift.

  “You know how to drive a skip-jump, Yuki? I thought you were the stay-at-home type.”

  “Oh, I’ve had my eye on them for some time. I already spent some time looking through the manor’s capabilities before I had any access, so I have some idea of what’s possible. Skip-jumps have always been a passion of mine, so they caught my eye. And for the record, I am not the stay at home type, as much as everyone wants to stuff me in that box.” She emphasized the latter with the most severity Gus had ever seen on her usually playful expression.

  “You mean you took flying lessons?” Gus asked, surprised that she had that training.

  “Yeah? More like I took my father’s skip-jumps out for street racing without him noticing? Flying’s pretty intuitive, but racing takes skill.”

  “Here, let me make a couple of preliminary changes to some settings, ‘til we get up top.”

  As they exited, a large door slid down into the mountain. The hangar door yawned open and revealed myriad ships in the large area carved out of the rock. Some were large and others small. All had a vintage look to them, bubbles and curves instead of the sleek angular shapes of modern transports. It was the first time Gus had seen most of the designs as he took a good long look.

  “This way, I have one picked out.” Yuki maneuvered past ships as Gus goggled. The manor had so many secrets to uncover. Finding the ship she wanted, she climbed atop it, opening a panel and checking some fuel lines. She opened the door for Gus, bowing and motioning for him to enter. He chuckled and jumped into the passenger seat. This model resembled a dragonfly, two bulbous windscreens looking like eyes.

  Yuki pulled herself inside and extended a tendril from her hand directly into the front panel.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Upgrades,” she said with a wink.

  They set down in the glade and walked into the forest. The weather was cool, but there was less fog and the lower humidity seemed to chill them less than when they had come the first time.


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