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HIS: Luca: The Sabatini Family

Page 12

by Fiona Murphy

  His eyes are soft as he brushes my hair behind my hair. “It’s very good.”

  He runs his tongue along my lips. I open to him as greedy as he called me. Gentle teasing becomes voracious taking, demanding. His velvet tongue soothes then ravages deeper and deeper. I slip into the passion he unfurls inside me.

  When he pulls away, I barely recognize the whimpering coming from me. His phone is going off with an alert.

  I hate that damn phone. I barely manage to keep the words from escaping me.

  “I’m sorry. The mayor is a tenacious bitch. She wouldn’t have become the mayor if she weren’t. Sandro is waiting. And if I’m late, I’ll never hear the end of it from either of them.”

  Nodding, even though I don’t want to, I push off him. “I understand.”

  Rising with a fluid grace I envy, Luca chuckles. “Thank you. I’ll try to end my day earlier, just for you.”

  My hand in his, I walk him out to the elevator. He presses my fingers to his lips. “Order breakfast for yourself. Enjoy your studio today.”

  Forcing a smile, I nod. Then the doors close on him and I allow the smile to fall. I make my way back into the penthouse slowly. I keep walking into my studio. The awe I felt just last night is gone. I would much rather have Luca than the studio of my dreams.



  Luca comes home three whole hours early. He finds me in the pool. “Don’t get out. Phillip said you hadn’t been in long. I called down for swim trunks, they’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  Treading water in the deep end, I blush at the idea of coming out of the pool, which is silly since he’s seen me naked. “How do you have a pool and not have swim trunks?”

  His smile is so naughty my nipples tighten in reaction. “Because I usually swim nude. However, I think it’s better for the both of us if I wear them. For now.”

  Oh my, I blush all the way to my belly button at the idea of Luca naked.

  He chuckles. “That’s the delivery now. I’ll be right back.”

  The moment his back is turned I sink to the bottom of the pool needing the cool water over my heated skin. Nerves send me into laps. And damn it, I miss Luca coming back out again. He dives into the pool with a smooth, clean break of the water then suddenly he’s beside me. I’m not at all surprised by how quickly he moves through the water. Yet he slows his pace to match mine.

  I lose count of laps until my arms ache. When I reach the wall, I turn onto my back and drift. Luca pops up beside me. “I’m impressed. You’ve barely been in the water for a week and you swim like a fish already.”

  His compliment warms me. “Thanks, I love swimming. It’s very freeing. You don’t seem to swim much though, or is it because I’m here?”

  “I’m generally in the pool once or twice a week. I use it for the extra stress release I don’t always get from working out. Just like you said, it’s very freeing so when I’m especially stressed I only the basics in my workout room then spend the rest of the time in here. Wait until you’re ready to go without the swimsuit. When there’s nothing between you and the water it’s even better.”

  I can’t imagine being brave enough to go without a swimsuit, but don’t say it. “So did the mayor get her way?”

  He laughs. “It will be in Vegas for two weeks, with one week here on my property and I’ll fund seventy-five percent of the cost. In the end, I’ll come out ahead.”

  “When will it come?” I’m excited at the idea of all the beautiful art.

  “Not for another year. It will require careful planning. I’ll make sure you can go every day it’s here.” He promises.

  Luca talking about something so far in the future brings it home all over again—he isn’t going to let me go. Confusion fills me over how much I want to stay with him, how right being with him feels. But what would a time without the threat of Augusto look like?

  “Hey.” Luca catches me around my middle and brings me tight against his body. “I meant it, mi amore. I’m not letting you go, not tomorrow or six months from now—not twenty years from now. A Sabatini keeps what is his, you belong to me now and forever.”

  A shiver runs through me at how hard and unforgiving his eyes are. Forever. Why does it feel like a threat and a promise all at once? Luca’s hand goes to the back of my neck, bringing my mouth up to him. Yet he doesn’t kiss me as I need him to. Our breath mingles and mates as I long to do.

  “Say it, Bella. You belong to me.” He breathes the words into my open mouth.

  I’m drowning in those black, endless eyes. If I give him what he wants, he’ll give me what I want, so I do. I would say anything for his kiss. “I belong to you.”

  His kiss is tender, a seal of the vow we both have made. Then he moves onto his back, laying me over him. We float for so long I lose track of time, content to be close to him as he steals small kisses then pink touches the sky. Luca’s arms go around me as he carries me out of the pool to the shower outside.

  He turns on the shower and rinses us both off. Then we seem to float all over again inside where we finally come a part. An ache goes through me when we do, but it doesn’t last long as we prepare for bed. This time I move into his arms the moment the lights are out. Falling asleep in Luca’s arms is even better than waking up in them.



  Once again, Luca moves quickly out of bed when I try to kiss him in the morning. Cranky, I go into the closet to get dressed. I’m completely dressed before Luca is finished in the bathroom. In a huff, I use the bathroom in the hall to wash my face and brush my teeth then place our order for breakfast.

  Luca sighs at finding me in yoga pants and one of his shirts.

  Annoyed, I roll my eyes. “We aren’t going anywhere, are we?”

  His jaw tightens. “No, however, we discussed this. I prefer you—”

  “Well, I would prefer it if you didn’t treat me like a child.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” He frowns down at me.

  “The way you keep pushing me away. I’m an adult, damn it. When are you going to treat me like one?”

  “When I’m sure you aren’t going to wind up a sobbing mess. I told you, this is for you—”

  His bossy arrogance infuriates me. “For me? Shouldn’t I be the one to decide what I’m ready for?”

  “You mean like the time I told you I didn’t dare touch you, you kissed me and less than three minutes later you screamed at me not to hurt you, begged me not to rape you?”

  It’s a slap in the face because he’s right.

  His sigh is heavy as he cups my face. “Bella, I can’t. I simply cannot go through that again. Once should have been enough. The first night I told myself I would need to go slowly, be patient with my desire for you. I didn’t, and you paid for it. And I did too, mi amore. I’d rather have taken a bullet than hold you while you sobbed in memory of the pain you went through. But it was what I deserved for not taking care of you. I will not make the same mistake again. Patience, Bella. Please.”

  Shame slams into me at the pain in his eyes. “I’m sorry. You’re just so... I’m not afraid of you. After so many years of believing I could never feel the way you make me feel—I guess I’m greedy for it, for you.”

  Grazing his lips along my temple, Luca’s smile is sweet. “I won’t make you wait a moment longer than I think is safe. Trust me. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you.”

  I believe him. Then the alert goes off. Breakfast is here.



  Two day later when the alarm goes off and Luca is pressing soft kisses along my neck, I finally find the courage to ask the question I know I should have days ago. “Um, do you think I can see the doctor today?”

  Rolling me under him, he frowns down at me. “Why? Are you okay? If you need to see a doctor I can make sure you’re seen today.”

  Why the hell am I blushing? “ know, so I can go on birth control.”

  His eyes are wide. �
��I thought you couldn’t get pregnant.”

  I shake my head. “My mom had the implant put in my arm so I wouldn’t be trapped in the marriage. It was good for five years. I had it removed and since I never thought I would be with anyone again, I didn’t have it replaced.”

  A big hand goes into my hair, holding me in place as his eyes run over me. Primitive, feral hunger emanates from him. He yanks down the covers and his hand is splayed over my stomach. In answer to him a hot, wet rush floods my core. “So if I seed you now, I’ll breed you?”

  Oh god, why do my legs open wide at his question? I have no idea why the words thrill me, setting off a roaring hunger and desperate, aching need I know only Luca can fulfill.

  Luca sees it and he lowers his head; his tongue traces over my lips before sliding into my mouth and stealing all the air out of my body. I can’t breathe. I don’t care as long as he doesn’t stop. The hand on my stomach moves down lower, cupping my sex. His thick middle finger is taunting me, teasing me as it runs along my dripping lips again and again without pushing inside me like I need him to.

  Tearing his mouth from mine, oxygen floods my tight lungs. I’d rather have his mouth back. Oh, his velvet tongue is cruelly driving me out of my mind as it teases one painfully tight nipple, then the other. Please, it’s not enough. I need him to suck hard like he did before. I plead but Luca only licks again and again. I’m sobbing now. With an evil chuckle he sucks deep just the way I crave.

  “I’m going to breed you all the time, keep you full of my seed. Even once you’re pregnant, I’ll be inside you so often my cock will be burned into your tight cunt. When I’m not inside you, you’ll feel empty and hungry for me.”

  Oh. My. God. The words cause a hot flood of need, shocking the hell out of me.

  He moves to my other breast and suckles hard and deep, his teeth teasing me and why do I want more when it hurts? I open my legs wider, craving what he promised. His cock runs along my lips, sliding up then down.

  “So wet, hot, yet still so tight. That’s it, gorgeous, I promise I’ll make it good and have you cream all over my cock. Those first few strokes will be rough but I promise it will be worth it.” Luca groans as he releases my aching breast from the hot cavern of his mouth.

  He moves down my body. This time there are no careful, gentle licks like before. He is greedy, hungry, demanding as he licks and sucks my weeping core. Oh, his tongue is fucking me but it’s not nearly enough. Luca knows what I need, those thick fingers are pushing into me. Yes, more please.

  He’s giving it to me, deeper, faster then he moves and his tongue is teasing my clit as those fingers fuck me deeper. I explode without warning, shattering into a thousand sparks of fire. Those fingers don’t stop, don’t even slow down, driving me out of my mind, too much, it’s too much.

  Luca’s mouth is on mine, I taste myself on his tongue. Then I feel him. Oh god, thick, hot, he slides up along my lips before pushing inexorably deeper and oh god, he doesn’t fit. It’s too much, he’s too thick, I can’t.

  Yet my body gives way as inch by inch he sinks deeper into me until we are skin to hot skin. For a moment neither of us move. Thick, so thick and hot he is branding every inch of his cock into me, branding me as his just like he promised. His heartbeat throbbing deep within me leaves me breathless. I don’t want this to end and at the same time my body is begging for more, of the pleasure only Luca can give me.

  Without thought I clutch him from deep inside; a switch has flipped. Luca growls low in his chest, the vibration of it runs through me to where we meet and I moan for more. This time he answers my pleading. He begins moving inside me. At first it’s slow, measured thrusts, but all too soon it’s not enough for either of us. I wrap my legs around his hips, desperate for more of him, for all of him.

  “I’m going to breed you, Bella. Open wide and take all of my seed.” The words send me over the edge, plunging down into an ocean of pleasure that has my whole body shaking. I’m floating in churning water, unable to break free as Luca continue moving inside me. He’s drawing out my pleasure until I swear I can’t take another second, it’s too much, too much. The Luca groans my name, I feel him come inside me. Oh god, hot, thick, he is filling me, sending me into another trembling orgasm all over again where we become one, nothing between us, nothing else exists but us.

  His head falls on mine as he smiles. “I want a little girl. At least three, then you can give me a boy.”

  I blush to my belly button.

  He laughs. “Or they can all be girls, I’m good with that too.”

  Shaking my head, “You’re serious.”

  “Hell yes, I am. Since that first night I’ve been imagining our baby girl. I already planned on breeding you in order to tie you to me for forever. When my contact told me about you not getting pregnant for four years, I worried what that would mean for us. If we need help, whatever you want, we’ll do it.” His voice gentles as he runs a finger along my cheek.

  Holy crap, he’s serious. He was intent on getting me pregnant. “You can’t do that.” Oh god, he’s still inside me. I push at him but he doesn’t budge. Damn it, we can’t discuss this—we just can’t.

  He frowns. “Do what?”

  “Get me pregnant without me saying so.” I hate the way my body is betraying me by going soft all over again.

  An eyebrow goes up. “The way you opened your legs in invitation as your hips undulated, as well as the way your cunt is clenching my cock tight right now says otherwise. You want my baby as much as I want to give it to you.”

  “That’s not fair. Wanting to make love with someone isn’t the same as wanting to have a baby with them. I was already desperate for you. You could have told me at the end of it you were going to toss me naked into a crowd of people and I would have agreed, as long as you made me feel as good as you did before. And you’re only getting me pregnant to tie me to you.” I don’t know why I’m hurt.

  His mouth comes down on mine in hungry, aching demand as he begins moving inside me. No, damn it, I’m mad at him, only my stupid body doesn’t care.

  A rough hand comes around my throat as Luca tongues my ear. “Don’t fight me, Bella. Be a good girl. You want to please me. Don’t you, mi amore?” He croons low in his throat, turning the blood in my veins into hot, sticky honey. “Your rewards will be many, all of them will make you scream with pleasure. That’s it, your sweet cunt wants my come, wants me filling you. That’s my good girl.”

  Why are his words turning me inside out? How is his hand around my throat as hot as his dirty words? Luca begins moving inside me and I show myself for the liar I am as I fuck him back with hungry, desperate need.

  There is no slow build, he’s fucking me hard and fast and rough and I love it. When he lets go of my throat I moan at the loss and he quickly gives me what I need. Harder, deeper, more, I beg him. He gives me everything I plead for and more. In minutes I’m coming, slamming into my orgasm with bone-shaking force.

  Luca comes with a shout of my name, and all over again the feel of him coming inside me has me trembling for him.

  The pleasure is so immense, I fall into the darkness that overtakes me.



  Shit, I come awake with far too much of me on Bella. I am too damn big for that. Carefully, I roll us onto our sides, making sure I stay inside her. I wasn’t exaggerating, until she’s pregnant I’ll be in her all damn day, every day. She barely moves in her sleep. I study her with satisfaction. Making love with Bella was on a whole different level. And that’s what it was, love. We connected, merged into something precious and new that was all us.

  Trailing a finger over her neck, I’m still a little surprised at her desire for my hand there. Surprised, but also relieved. I’m as much of a control freak in bed as I am out of it. I’d been willing to temper that need to please Bella, but I’m glad I don’t have to.

  Interesting, arguing with me about breeding her when she had wanted it as much as I did. This will b
e an argument we won’t be having. I get it might be a surprise for her life to change so quickly and completely, but she will get over it.

  Okay, if she doesn’t want four kids, I’m willing to settle for three, but no less than that. Having two kids was almost as bad as just having one. Even if they were both girls, they would get lonely, and there’s every chance I will spoil the shit out of them. Especially if they look just like their mama. No, we need to have three or four so through sheer number I can’t mess them up by giving them everything they want.

  A text goes off. Fuck. The shelter I fund for women, originally created for trafficked women who got off the trucks I stopped, needs shit as of yesterday. It’s my own damn fault. I was supposed to go the day after I got back from Chicago except the idea of leaving Bella didn’t fly. And there was no way I was going to chance taking her with me the first few days.

  Rolling out of bed, I call and set up the flight plan. It would take a few hours, but I could settle the issue and be back in Vegas by tonight. I want Bella with me, only she doesn’t wake up. Figuring she needs the rest, I leave her be with Phillip watching her.

  I’m dealing with the director of the shelter when I get the call from my front desk. Bella called down to them, for Plan B, the morning-after pill. God damn it. I tell them not to give her what she asked for and to tell her I’ll be back in a few hours.



  What does she mean, he’ll back in Vegas in a few hours? “Where is he?” I demand.

  “In Los Angeles, Mrs. Sabatini. I’m sorry. But is there something else I can get you? Tea or something?” the woman asks.

  “No.” I slam the phone down. Damn it, I shouldn’t have done that. It’s not her fault Luca is an asshole. And why did I melt a little when she called me Mrs. Sabatini? I’m so messed up right now. I hate him. He needs to be here for me to yell at him.

  This is not fair. He doesn’t just get to say he wants me pregnant then do it. It’s a baby, a living, breathing thing and who says they want four kids and three of them need to be girls? There’s no guarantee for that. What if they are all boys? Four little miniatures of Luca with big black eyes and dimples would be the cutest thing in the whole world... and what? No? Stop it.


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