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Blur Page 6

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  They both looked at the door that had been pushed in by the force of a vehicle and the blast. There was no way that door was opening from the inside without the use of power tools.

  “Thank you,” said Masami bowing. “If you had kept your vow, we would most likely be dead.”

  “Seems my body is smarter than my brain.” said John.

  “Your body reacted to the immediate danger. This is the result of many years of training.” said Masami.

  John thought about that for a second. What had triggered the blur? He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment, but he was glad his body had more sense than his brain.

  John returned the bow.

  “Thank you, I feel almost brand new.” he said.

  He flexed his right arm, testing the forearm, and then he raised his arm. The pain wasn’t entirely gone but it had been reduced to a dull throb, instead of a bright sun of agony.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Someone had rigged the cars to explode and did an excellent job of it. The converted space was an inferno. Someone knew about the garage. John didn’t know who that was, but he was going to find out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mikaela and Gustav headed over to the garage, or what was left of it.

  “Gustav, talk to me.” said Mikaela.

  Gustav looked around with a dispassionate eye. He stepped around the vehicles that were mostly intact burned out husks. He bent down and inspected the undercarriages noticing the origin points of the explosions.

  “It looks like they were all rigged to blow.” said Gustav.

  “All of them, why?” she said.

  “Covering the angles, making sure no one walked away from this.” He said that last part as he outstretched his hand, pointing to the wrecks.

  “Do you see any bodies?” she said.

  Mikaela was looking at the wreckage. Gustav went to each of the vehicles then came back to where she was standing. He shook his head, no bodies.

  “So what does that tell us?” she said.

  Gustav remained silent for a moment. He enjoyed these tests she gave him; it made him feel useful and important.

  “It could have been several things. They could’ve gotten spooked and headed back, there are two exits. Or the detonation went off early barbecuing them and we have some very well done critters on the other side of that door.” he said as he pointed to the smashed door that had saved the lives of John and Masami.

  “Let’s find out which it is, before I die of excitement.” said Mikaela.

  The emergency service personnel were filling the garage, along with the police and fire department vehicles.

  “Hey! Who are you? You can’t be here!” An officer approached Mikaela.

  “DHS, we think this explosion may be linked to a terrorist cell operating in this area.” said Mikaela.

  She showed her credentials which were authentic. CATT, which didn’t officially exist, operated under the Department of Homeland Security umbrella as one of the fringe organizations. In the case of CATT, it was on the outer fringe.

  “Sorry ma’am,” said the officer not totally convinced. “I’m going to have to clear this with my supervisor, please wait here.”

  “I understand, Officer – O’Reilly, is it? By all means, clear it with your supervisor.” said Mikaela.

  The police officer went into the crowd to find his supervisor, checking back periodically on the pair.

  Mikaela gestured at the door and Gustav moved. Grabbing a crow bar from the trunk of one of the vehicles, he stepped around the car that had blocked the doorway. The door, which was mangled, came off its hinges after some coaxing with the crow bar. Gustav pulled the door away and looked into the corridor.

  “All clear.” said Gustav.

  “Let’s see where this leads.” said Mikaela.

  She walked past Gustav. Gustav reached into his shoulder holster and pulled out his Glock as he followed her down the corridor. This whole setup smelled wrong to him, he thought as he kept pace with Mikaela.

  No one noticed the two EMS first responders who were searching among the wreckage. They blended in with the multitude. Once satisfied there were no bodies to be recovered, they made their way out of the garage. The bodies of the actual EMS responders would be discovered much later. One of them pulled out a cell phone and made a call.

  Kage had no patience for failure.

  “No bodies have been discovered sir.”

  Kage thought about this a moment.

  “Very well, before you head back, go to the property and sanitize it. Call in a team if you have to. I will see you at the compound.”

  “Yes sir.”

  He hung up the phone and turned to his partner.

  “We go back and sanitize.” The second man nodded, started his motorcycle and headed back to the property, followed by the first.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Time is elastic. Most people didn’t understand this, but she knew it to be true.

  “Begin!” the Sensei’s voice boomed across the dojo floor. The senior standing across from her bowed. As she bowed in return, he unleashed an axe kick designed to land on the top of her head. Sensing this she focused her breath and felt time slow. Blurring slightly allowed her to avoid the kick. The leg crashed down onto the hardwood floor, where she stood moments earlier.

  She became smoke, an illusion. Everything he threw at her missed by a fraction of an inch. She kept it close because she didn’t need the unwanted attention. She didn’t notice the eyes of one of the women following the fight. Each time she blurred, the woman watching knew exactly where to look.

  The senior fighting her was angry and getting frustrated, making his techniques sloppy. It was time to end this.

  Her first strikes were light, just taps to let him know that she could touch him. He smiled as she hit him, thinking this was the extent of her strength. He unleashed a two punch and kick combination, confident in his power. It was time to show him what power felt like. She slipped past the two punches, evading them easily. His kick was a front snap kick that would have shattered any part of her, had it hit. At the last possible second, she blurred inside the kick avoiding the leg and struck his inner thigh several times. It took a moment for the pain to register. She stepped back as he looked at her in confusion. Once the leg touched the floor, the searing pain exploded, rendering the leg useless. The senior crumpled to the floor, grabbing his leg.

  “She’s got a knife or some kind of weapon!” he yelled.

  “Stop!” yelled the Sensei. “Sarah, please come here.”

  That was the name she gave them. As she stepped forward the Sensei took her hands in his own and after a moment nodded.

  “Show me where you hit him.” said the Sensei.

  She pointed to the exact locations on her leg as she was shown. The points she struck were designed to be hit in sequence to disrupt; a different sequence would have had a fatal outcome.

  The Sensei nodded again,” You will stay after class, we must talk.”

  It was the last thing she wanted, yet she found herself bowing saying “Hai- yes Sensei.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  John and Masami arrived at the house. They entered the safe room and looked out into the living room through the monitors. John didn’t like the idea of coming back, every instinct told him to get as far away from there as possible. As they left the safe room, Masami punched in a code that would prevent the door from being opened from the inside.

  The bodies of the Shadow Blades lay where they had fallen.

  “We must leave quickly, they will be back to erase their presence.” said Masami.

  Masami pointed at the bodies. John couldn’t agree more. What had been a feeling of unease was now a klaxon going off in his head.

  “The sooner the better.” said John.

  The short sword aimed for his heart only missed because of John’s training. At the last moment John flinched, some part of his brain registering the danger and the blade sliced a
cross his left bicep, drawing blood moments later. A figure stepped out of the shadows, facing John. A second figure came downstairs, took in the scene and drew a gun.

  “I’m guessing they’re already here,” John said.

  Two Shadow blades dressed in EMS uniforms faced him. They were fast, just not fast enough. John shifted his weight and blurred; his body screaming at him from several different directions. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed it, the sensation of speed, and calm occurring simultaneously.

  He stopped behind the Shadow Blade that had cut him. He could smell the leather of his jacket, the gel in his hair, even his deodorant. Every time he blurred, his senses were kicked into overdrive. Too late the Shadow Blade began to turn. John grabbed his head and twisted sharply to the side. He felt the neck give, twist and snap like dry twigs in the winter. The second Shadow Blade had raised his gun and was pulling the trigger. His arm flew up in a graceful arc landing several feet away, shots going wide. Masami had crossed the distance and removed the Shadow Blades arm in one smooth motion.

  John fell to one knee, spent. His body was in no shape for this much use. The second Blade ran for the door as Masami made her way to John. John’s left arm started throbbing and his shirt sleeve was soaked with blood. He tried standing and the floor shifted into a tilt that made him think better of it.

  “I need a moment,” he said, voice ragged.

  He was winded and tired. The blurring was catching up to him.

  “I’m afraid a moment is all we can spare, he will bring others.” said Masami.

  “He should be dead within the hour, you sliced off his arm.”

  “Kage and his Blades possess a form of my skill, a corruption that allows them to work with poison. He will not die from this wound.” said Masami.

  “Then let’s get out of here.” John was able to walk without the room spinning and started heading to the door. Masami grabbed his arm.

  “Not that way. Up.” she said.

  Masami pointed to the stairs.

  “This will be faster,” said John.

  “The roof will allow us access to the adjacent building. It will be safer.” said Masami.

  John stopped, in his rush to get out of the property, he had stopped thinking operationally. The roof would be the hardest of the three exists to guard. Which meant it was the best choice as their exit.

  “Let me see your arm, maybe I can stop some of the bleeding.” said Masami. “You were fortunate the blade was not poisoned.”

  Masami put her hand on his arm and staunched the flow of blood. He could see the tissue knitting itself. Sweat broke out on her forehead but that was the only indication that what she was doing was an exertion for her.

  “You’re much better at this than I am.” said John.

  “I have not interrupted my training as you have. Therefore the cost is significantly less.” said Masami.

  They headed upstairs to the roof.

  “I would appreciate if you both stopped where you are and turned around slowly. Any sudden moves and I shoot the one I do see. Are we clear?” said a voice behind them.

  Mikaela stood facing the stairs, her gun drawn, while Gustav covered the stairs from the living room. There was no way John could get to both of them even if he wasn’t hurt. He turned slowly with his hands in the air. Masami did the same.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Sensei closed the class with the traditional bowing. As the seniors faced the Sensei and bowed, Sarah saw the senior she had fought looking at her. He was definitely not a fan. She didn’t give it much thought; more than anything it was his ego that was bruised. She bowed like everyone else then sat off in a corner on her knees, in the kneeling position called seiza, and waited for the Sensei. He spoke to a few students about their techniques during the class, asked after the families of a few others and wished them a good evening. He locked the door then walked over to the dojo floor. He sat in the center of the floor, took a deep breath and looked at the young woman who called herself Sarah. Without looking in her direction, he spoke.

  “What is your name?” he said.

  His voice much quieter now still held a core of steel.

  “Sarah, Sensei,” she said.

  He waved his hand as if swatting a mosquito.

  “This is not your name. What is your true name?” he said.

  She remained motionless for a full twenty seconds.

  “I cannot say, Sensei.” she said.

  The Sensei turned to face her.

  “Now that is the truth. Come and face me, Sarah who is not Sarah.” said the Sensei.

  She stood and walked over to where he sat, sitting before him about four feet away. He stood and she did the same.

  “You may attack when you are ready.” said the Sensei.

  “Sensei?” she wasn’t sure she heard him correctly.

  “Was I not clear?” asked the Sensei.

  “No Sensei. I mean yes Sensei, you were clear.”

  She had not expected this. She thought it was going to be the usual barrage of questions. Where did she train and with whom? She had never been asked to fight before. Who was this Sensei?

  “You are perhaps considering if you can use all of your skill. Please feel free.” said the Sensei.

  The Sensei bowed and took a relaxed stance. There was no way she could use all of her ability, she could seriously hurt or injure him, and she liked this Sensei. She would only go half speed and make sure not to put him in a hospital. She stepped close, about two feet away and bowed. He bowed in return, a slight smile crossing his face.

  She lunged with a spear hand aimed for his throat, pulling it slightly so she wouldn’t crush his larynx, but just enough to make him gag and possibly give this whole fight idea up. Her fingertips were about to hit when he shifted ninety degrees causing her to miss. Missed! She never missed, or miscalculated. What the hell was going on?

  There he stood, just an inch away from her fingers. Was it possible he read her strike? He could just be very skilled and picked up on some minute tell and just shifted out of the way.

  It was possible but improbable. She attacked again, a driving knife hand to the collar bone, followed by an uppercut to the chin. He countered with a wrist block to push the knife hand out of range, while tucking his chin, letting her uppercut sail past his face.

  He turned 180 degrees outside her knife hand and tapped her in the back of the head. He took a few steps back and waited. She turned to face him. He was fast and he had skill. She took a deep breath. Fine, you want full speed you get it. She focused her will and blurred, driving a fist to his solar plexus. She didn’t want to hurt him, just wind him, so he could realize he bit off more than he could chew. As she closed the distance, he stepped inside her strike, grabbed her arm while turning his back to her. He bent over and threw her across the dojo floor where she landed ungraciously on her ass.

  “What the–how did you?” she said as she slowly stood.

  “That was quite fast, Sarah. Just not fast enough,” he said as bowed.

  She stood there for a moment in a daze. No one outside her Sensei had been able to see her, much less counter while she blurred. Who was this Sensei?

  “You need to hone your skill, if you wish to surpass your current level. Is this something you wish?” asked the Sensei.

  She nodded. “Yes, yes it is.”

  “Good then we will start with the basics. Tomorrow, but first, we will start with introductions. I am Himara Sensei. My full name is Sato Fujita Himara.”

  His eyes burned into hers, his face unreadable.

  “And what is your name?”

  She paused for a moment, knowing that he would sense if she lied. She needed his help. Could she risk it? She would have to.

  “My name is Kei, Kei Kanegisha.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “How did you exit the safe room?” asked Masami.

  “I was quite the hacker in a previous life, Mrs. Murakami, yes?” said Mikaela.

mi nodded slightly.

  “Not that it was easy. I’ve just had a lot of practice.”

  “I will keep that in mind for the future. Mrs.?”

  “Petrovich, Mikaela Petrovich.”

  “Thank you. Now how can we help you?” said Masami.

  John looked at Masami incredulously. Masami was nonplussed.

  “I have to take you both into custody for the assassination and-or kidnapping of one Takashi Jiro Fujita,” said Mikaela.

  “It appears you have been misinformed Mrs. Petrovich. We had nothing to do with Fujita Sensei’s demise.”

  Something nagged at Mikaela, something she couldn’t quite pin down.

  “How is it that you came to be here, Mr. Kane?” said Mikaela.

  “Listen, we don’t have time!” said John.

  “No, you listen! I’m asking questions and expect answers. So I’m going to ask again. How is it that you are on this property, Mr. Kane?” said Mikaela.

  John opened his mouth to answer when three grenades sailed into the hallway, coming to rest at the foot of the stairs. Gustav grabbed Mikaela, his training taking over and shielded her with his body. John and Masami ran upstairs as the world turned white and filled with flame.

  The ground floor was an inferno. The lower half of the stairs was gone. John headed down anyway.

  “What are you doing?” said Masami.

  “I have to be sure,” John said as he jumped down the remaining three steps. The entire staircase seemed unstable now. John made his way to the living room and found Gustav lying over Mikaela. John rolled Gustav’s body to check his neck for a pulse but realized it would be futile. The left side of his neck was gone. Underneath his body lay Mikaela who groaned when John moved Gustav.

  John scooped her up, conscious of the fact that he might be making something worse by moving her. He knew that if he left her, she would share Gustav’s fate.

  “Nothing is worse than dead,” he said to himself as he headed for the stairs. Masami stood ready to take Mikaela from John. Masami took her and quickly made her way up to the roof; John trailed behind her, as the stairs collapsed behind him. They crossed over to an adjoining roof when John heard a whump that he felt in his abdomen.


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