Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  Her words sliced him. She was right, he had left her alone. “Your brother is not getting past my wards.”

  “You underestimate him.”

  He walked to the bed and touched the cuff, releasing it from the headboard but left it still attached to her. “And you underestimate me.”

  She jerked her arm away and tried to rub her wrist. “You’re going to leave this on me?”

  His response was to raise a brow.

  “I should have known you would treat your mate in such a manner.”

  He gripped her arms and pulled her to her feet, staring her down. “Let’s get one thing straight. You are nothing more than the enemy to me. You are a weapon I refuse to let Lowan wield. That’s it.”

  Hurt flashed once again in her eyes before it quickly vanished. “I am the one who is supposed to save your blackened soul. Only me and no one else. I know how close to the edge you walk, Lucan. Time is running out for you.”

  He ground his jaw and backed away from her. “You should eat, then you can shower and change.”

  She lifted her chin, turned and strode past him. This time he grinned at her stubborn pride and decided this female was a worthy opponent.

  It had crushed Sabin when Lucan treated her like a prisoner. She had gone from one cell to another. The only difference was this jail was more luxurious and the jailer sexy as sin. She sensed his presence behind her and it heated her skin, sending a prickle of desire to her sex. Her nipples hardened under the fabric of her shirt and she tried to cover them as she reached for the bag.

  “I’ll get some plates.” He brushed past her and to a cabinet where he pulled out two plates. He opened a drawer and grabbed forks and knives then set everything on the table.

  She ripped open a bag, the smell of grilled beef making her mouth water. Lucan tore open another one and pulled out two giant baked potatoes, placing them on the plates. She opened a foam container to reveal the biggest, thickest steak she had ever seen. Her mouth watered more and her heart melted as she looked up at him.

  “Thank you.”

  He gave a nod. “Sit. I’ll get the plates ready.”

  She obeyed with no objection and took a chair, watching as he pushed the steak onto the plate. Unwrapped the potato and squeezed it open only to fill it with a huge glob of butter. Dear gods this was a new torture. Finally, he shoved the plate at her along with a fork, knife and napkin.

  “Are you sure you want to allow me a knife?” She waved it in the air. His only response was to arch his brow then go about cutting his steak. Unable to stand it any longer, she set about slicing a chunk from her own piece of meat and shoved it in her mouth. She probably looked like she hadn’t eaten in months the way she shoveled in the food and moaned, but whatever.

  She was pulled from her food orgasm when Lucan placed a glass of ice water in front of her then reclaimed his seat across from her.

  “Is it to your liking?”

  “You have no idea how wonderful this tastes.” She took another bite and another, unable to stop until the steak was nothing more than a bone. She contemplated picking it up and chewing on it, but showed some tact. Instead, she went to work on the potato. The fluffy, butter-filled delight was almost as good as the steak and she had it gone in no time. While wiping her mouth, she spied another bag still on the table.

  “What’s in there?” She pointed.

  Lucan had finished his meal as well and reached for the bag. “Only the best dessert ever.”

  She blinked. “Dessert too?”

  He grinned and pulled out a small cake and she eyed it with intense curiosity. He grabbed a knife and cut into it, pulled out a small wedge and placed it on a plate before he pushed it at her.

  “Wow. What is it?”

  “It’s called an atomic cake. Bottom layer is banana cake with banana filling, then yellow with strawberry filling and on top is chocolate cake and sauce. They cover it in whipped frosting.”

  She dipped her fork and took a bite. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. “Oh. My. Gods!” And that was only one layer. She took a bite of the next finding it as pleasurable as the first. As she shoveled in the delectable deliciousness, she glanced up at Lucan who instead of eating, was staring at her. Was he smiling? She lifted her head.

  “What are you grinning about?”

  “I am not grinning.” His features dropped right into a scowl and he shoved away from the table. “I have some things to do outside. Help yourself to anything you need in the bathroom for your shower.”

  “What are you going to do out there in the dark?”

  “Check the perimeter.” Then he stormed off in a huff.

  “Moody much?” she uttered under her breath then finished the last few bites of cake. When done, she collected the dishes and deposited them in the sink. She would magic them clean but between her brother and Lucan she had zip for power. She looked around her, her head now cleared from its hunger haze and took stock of the cabin, well aware this would give her a better idea of who Lucan was.

  The space was neat and clean, and the kitchen filled with stainless steel and a dark gray ceramic tile floor. The transition to the living area went to a lighter gray plank floor. A black sectional filled the room and the focal point was the large stone fireplace with a window framing each side. To the left, a bank of windows continued to the sliding door which led out to a deck. The ceiling was honeyed wood and offset the coolness of the darker tones in the room. Over the fireplace hung a medieval sword. Other than a few trinkets placed on the tables, the place lacked any real decor. The place was desperate for a female’s touch. A couple of throw blankets, some baskets…

  What the hell, Sabin? Snap out of it. This is not your home, but another one of your prisons.

  With a full belly and her anger back to the surface, she headed to the bathroom for a much-needed shower.

  He must not allow that female to get to him. So, why had watching her enjoy her meal given him so much pleasure? He stepped through the wards around the cabin and strode toward the lake, filling his lungs with fresh, crisp night air. Normally, he had nerves of steel, but right now he was a jittery mess. Proof of that came when he jumped at the voice behind him.

  “Why do you have magic around your cabin?”

  Lucan sighed and turned to face the demon. “Why would I not? We’re at war after all.”

  Baal’s gaze narrowed. “You’re hiding something.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Huh. Avoidance means you’re up to something.” Baal shrugged. “Whatever. I’m here because Marcus wants to hit up that prison in a few hours.”

  Well, hell. Lucan would be shocked if anyone was still there after he’d already raided it. They’d likely packed up and moved. Of course, he could play dumb since he wasn’t ready to let on that he had Sabin. He stared at the demon who owed Lucan a few favors. Time to call one in. He glanced back at the cabin and sensed Sabin in the shower. He tried not to recall her naked body, but the head below his belt was already coming to life remembering her curves.

  “I’m calling in a favor.”

  Baal crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels. “What favor?”

  “How about the one where I helped your sister?” When Lowan had taken Lileta, it was revealed Lowan was her real father and had successfully unleashed something inside of Lileta that was dark and evil. Caleb––Lileta’s mate and a fierce dragon-shifter––had rescued her, but she fought the darkness inside her. Lucan had stepped in and helped her leash her power and own it rather than being its slave.

  “Will this call-in make us even?”

  “It will, but only if you follow my rules.”

  “Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this? Fine. What do you require of me?”

  Lucan looked back at the cabin. “I have Sabin inside.”

  Baal dropped his arms to his side, his jaw slack. “You mated?”

  “Don’t be insane. I pulled her from the prison when I realized she was being tortured.

  “So what are you doing with her then?”

  “At the moment, keeping Lowan from carrying out his plan. She is with little power, but I have silver on her and the wards around the cabin, you already know about those.”

  Baal leaned closer. “So, she is now your prisoner?”

  “Yes. I have a room and it will contain her when I cannot be here, but I need a guard just to make certain.”

  The demon’s gaze narrowed as his brows slashed down. “You’re a fuck muppet, you know that?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Lucan’s temper flared to life.

  “It means you’re an idiot! What is your end game?” Baal asked.

  “I have no idea. Yet.”

  Baal shook his head. “As I said. A fuck muppet, but I am a man of my word and will honor your wishes.” He grinned. “Besides, when shit tumbles down on your head––and it will––I will be here to laugh my ass off.”

  “A good friend would be supportive when shit goes down,” Lucan pointed out.

  Baal laughed. “An even better one would point out your fuck-ups and roar with laughter. As a mated male, I can see you have a lot to learn about women.” He started to fade away. “I’ll be back in a few hours to babysit while you go off and play.” Then he vanished and only the sound of nature waking to start the day met him. With a growl of irritation, he strode back to the cabin where he nearly ran into a refreshed Sabin. Damp curls clung to her cheek and deposited droplets of water on the tee she wore. He stifled a moan when he noticed her nipples pushing against the fabric of the shirt. He tried not to scan downward, but she filled out the jeans so well it was impossible. But when she stared up at him with those damn deep blue eyes and plump, pink lips, his fangs lowered and began to throb. What would it feel like to sink them and his cock deep inside her?

  “The shower was fantastic and thanks for the clothes. They are so soft.”

  How long had it been since she had known even the smallest luxury? “I need to go out on business.”

  “Oh. How long will you be gone?”

  “I don’t know for certain.”

  She wet her lips, and he swallowed a groan. “Are you going to chain me to the bed again?”

  The thoughts of her chained to his bed, pushed his erection to painful proportions. “No. I have another room for you.” He held out his hand and wondered if she would accept. To his surprise, she slipped her hand into his and he realized how small and delicate it was. While Sabin was a tall female, the top of her head coming to his chin, he viewed her as fragile. Perhaps it was the lack of power and blood, or something else. He wasn’t sure as he led her down a set of stairs to the lower level of the cabin.

  “This is nice,” she commented on the room that had a pool table and bar. Lucan wasn’t much into entertaining but had included the game room when he had the home built. At one time in his life he had enjoyed the company of others, but he had grown so dark he now preferred to keep to himself. He kept walking without comment until he came to the door. Pushing it open, he pulled her inside.

  She gasped and tried to free herself but he was far more powerful.

  “No,” she uttered.

  “This is far better than being chained to the bed.”

  “I am still your prisoner. Don’t do this to me,” she pleaded.

  “I must and stop fighting me.” He pulled her to face him, his grip loosened slightly on her arms for fear he would crush her bones. “You know what I am, Sabin. I am darkness but that doesn’t mean I will allow you to hurt anyone.”

  “You mean you don’t want to hurt!” she shouted. “You fear yourself more than you do me. I am your destiny, Lucan. I will give you my light if only you would allow me.”

  He leaned so close his breath caressed her face. “I would destroy you, Sabin. To be with me means you submit to me. To every dark whim my fucked-up mind conjures up. Be grateful I give you this rather than take from you what is rightfully mine.”

  “I am not afraid of you,” she whispered.

  “You should be.”

  Chapter Six

  While Lucan snapped the cuff around her ankle, Sabin bit her lip to keep from shouting at him. That would only lead to tears which she refused to allow him to see. She had endured the most heinous torture, yet this man brought her to her knees. When he was done, he refused to look at her as he left the room with haste, locking the door behind him. She didn’t want to believe he had done it again. The only difference was this time he’d given her a longer leash. One that attached to a long chain embedded in a concrete wall.

  She sighed. “Well, at least I have an entire room.”

  A bed, chair, and a bookshelf. Thank gods because at least she had books to entertain her and her restraint allowed access to everything. There was even a small fridge that contained some bottles of water and snacks. She plopped in the chair and tried to pull her thoughts together. Somehow, she had to get free and regain her power. How? Her brother held her power and her mate locked her up. Sabin could only come up with one idea that might prove successful.

  She would have to seduce her own mate. After all, they were destined and he couldn’t refuse her forever. Yes, she realized her first time would be at his whim and they were dark ones. She had promised herself to him in any way he wished and it was a promise she would keep no matter that it frightened her. There was more at stake here than whether she was seduced with kind words, flowers and soft touches, or bound and bent to her mate’s will. She was no innocent when it came to the darker side of sex. Sabin had been in a demon prison and bore witness to many of the kinkier sides of the act. She had been tortured in horrible ways, so certainly she was capable of giving her body in other fashions. She would tune it out and do her duty.

  Resigning herself to this room, she went to the shelf and started reading the spines. Interesting selections for certain. Human classics in literature, such as Moby Dick and Shakespeare. She moved on, unimpressed, looking for something she could read when she came across a black spine with no name.


  She freed it from its spot on the shelf and opened to the first page. Intrigued, she moved to the chair and curled up. Minutes ticked by before she realized what she was reading.

  “Oh my.” She stared at the picture that accompanied the page. It depicted a woman on her knees, wrists bound behind her back, a thick collar around her neck with a chain attached in which the male had a firm grip. What intrigued her most was what the woman was doing. She was performing oral sex. Again, something Sabin had witnessed many times before, but this book explained how to pleasure a man in great detail. Something she did not have personal experience with. Was this what Lucan meant when he said he wanted her on her knees before him?

  The idea of it sent a shudder down her spine but not from fear. She would happily pleasure her mate and she supposed if it meant being at his mercy then that is what she would do. Her own desires would have to take a back burner. A man such as Lucan would only ever think of himself after all.

  She went back to her book with interest and a plan.

  To say Lowan was angry was like saying most demons were evil. Anger didn’t even start to describe the emotions that boiled to the surface. It was all he could do to contain even the smallest amount of his temper.

  “What do you mean she is gone?” he questioned the lead guard of the compound where he’d been keeping his sister.

  “I don’t know how it happened, my lord. They took out the guards who attempted to stop the escape. We found their headless bodies in here.”

  Lowan paced his sister’s now empty cell. Opened his senses but came up with nothing. How had she escaped? There was no way Sabin had enough power to do this on her own. Especially after her recent torture. No. She had help and he could only assume the guardians were behind this. He fondled the glass bead that hung on a chain around his neck. He still held all but a small amount of her power inside the bead. In a swirl of fury, he spun to face his demon.

  “You are a failure and I will make an example of you.” He lifted his hand, called on his power and ripped the demon’s heart from his chest. The creature stared at Lowan for a brief moment, fear in his eyes as Lowan crushed the beating organ. The demon’s body slumped to the floor and Lowan dropped his hand, dust filtering through his fingers.

  “You,” he shouted to the demon standing nearby.

  The beast with black skin, three eyes and teeth that made even Lowan shudder stepped forward. “My lord?”

  “Clear this place out. I don’t want to take chances with the slaves. Get them to a more secure location and do not fail me.”

  “Yes, my lord.” The demon headed out the door barking orders and a mad rush began to clear out all the cells.

  “I will find you, my sister.” Lowan flashed himself back to his palace. A hideaway he had managed to build deep in a mountain in the Arctic. It was not a place anyone would ever think to look for him. Once inside, he flared out his senses to locate his uncle then headed in that direction.

  “Uncle. I would ask a favor.”

  “Of course, nephew. What can I do to help you?”

  “A very valuable prisoner has gone missing.”

  “And you need me to locate them for you?”

  “It would mean a great deal to me. I would be in your debt.”

  Aidyn raised a hand. “It is I that am in your debt. Do you have something that belongs to this––”

  This time Lowan interrupted. “I have the person’s essence.” He unhooked the chain around his neck and handed it to his uncle. Aidyn took the glass bead between his fingers and rubbed it.

  “Perfect. I will locate this female without issue. I only need a few hours to do so and then you can retrieve her.”

  Lowan smiled and bowed low. “Thank you, uncle.”


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