Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  Lucan glanced down at it. “Yes, I received it centuries ago.”

  Her gaze dipped to the soft, thin line of black hair that started just below his navel and ran into his jeans.

  Oh hell!

  Her panties were soaked, and they hadn’t even started yet.

  “Here are the rules. Listen carefully. I control your orgasm and say when you are allowed release. Safe words are as follows. Green, means everything is good and you want more. Yellow, means you like what’s happening but dial it back, it’s too intense. Red is stop. Use this word and everything halts. I will assume no words mean everything is green. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. Green, yellow and red.”

  “Then we shall begin.” He grinned.

  Chapter Eight

  The sight of Sabin bound by a leather harness gave Lucan an erection he swore was harder than his steel blade. He opened his palm and used his power to summon a leather flogger. Kneeling on the edge of the bed, he traced the leather tassels across her wrist and up her arm until he reached her neck where he brushed it lightly across the swell of her breasts.

  She arched her back, trying to raise her breasts higher. Already her arousal scented the air, and he inhaled. Memorized her spicy scent. He continued the light caress of the flogger across her stomach and down past her silk-covered sex.

  She hissed and shifted, trying to buck her hips to reach for more. Instead, he traced the flogger along a toned thigh. When he glanced at her face, he nearly came undone. Her bottom lip was pulled into her teeth, the flesh plump and red. Her cheeks pink, the first healthy glow he’d seen on them since her rescue. The blue of her eyes so intense they reminded him of the mountain pools back in his home of Vandeldor. A place he’d not seen in a long time. This time when he ran the leather back over her sex, she gasped and revealed pearly fangs. It was a reminder she was like him. Born of a guardian parent.

  And of a demon! He reminded himself.

  Sabin’s mother had been a guardian. Eliza had been good. Everything that was light until Drayos had gotten to her and snuffed it out. Blackened her soul. Had there been any light left when she birthed her daughter? It was said that Sabin was born with her mother’s light and Lowan his father’s darkness. It was likely the reason Sabin was destined to kill her brother.

  Lucan wrestled with so many emotions. Feelings that were new to him and he did not like it. Not one fucking bit. He did not want to desire this female. Didn’t want to pepper her flesh with soft kisses. It wasn’t something he did, yet he wanted to taste her. The Valkyrie blood that ran though him caused guilt. He had drunk from another when this female would have given to him freely.

  Frustration and anger bloomed. Lucan did not feel guilt about anything. Not ever. But the female bound before him had evoked that emotion and many more. This wouldn’t do. He would not allow her any control over him. She was the sister of Lowan, daughter of Drayos. If he had to mate her to keep himself sane, he would do so reluctantly, but she would never have the upper hand.

  “Lucan?” she called out, her eyes wide, and that’s when he realized he had released the darkness. Shadows swirled around him, their voices called out, waiting for his command. He reined them in and regained control of his emotions. Keeping his temper in check, he gave Sabin a light slap from the flogger across her hip then brushed it across her nipple. The bud tightened.

  Unable to resist further, he bent and ran his tongue over the swell of her breast then flicked it across her nipple.

  She pressed into him.

  He leaned back and scowled. “Do not move.” Again, he ran his tongue and once more she tried to press into him. This time he moved off the bed and took a step back. Her arousal was evident by the wetness of her panties so he knew she was ready. Lucan unbuckled his belt and slowly unzipped his jeans. He jerked them down far enough to release his painful erection and began to stroke himself.

  She watched with hungry eyes. Her tongue flicking out to wet her lips and the thought of her sucking his cock made him harder.

  He stroked faster. Having been aroused for so long, he drew near release quickly and since there was no reason to hold back, he ejaculated, his seed hitting her stomach. Finally, the ache which had been nagging at him subsided. As he stood there staring at Sabin, bound and near naked, her arousal filling the air, his hunger for her began to grow again. However, before his erection came back to life, he jerked up his pants and buttoned them. There was no missing the disappointment in her eyes. He started for the door when she called out.

  “Where are you going?”

  He turned and stared at her. “I told you not to disobey me. I own your pleasure, Sabin. Never forget that.” Then he walked out.

  She stared after him, unable to believe he had walked out and just left her there. Sabin lay there confident he would return at any moment. So when time ticked by and he didn’t, she cursed him.

  “You son of a bitch!” she yelled, hoping he heard her. How dare he leave her not only aroused, but confined by this blasted contraption and with his seed on her belly. She couldn’t even bring her own release with her hands bound. Dark images of the numerous ways to torture the dark vampire entered her head. He had been with another female and had only come back to torment her. Well, never again. This would be the last time Lucan would humiliate her in such a manner. After several hours of inventing new ways to get her revenge, she finally resigned to sleep.

  When the door opened and Lucan entered, she didn’t utter a peep. He walked to her and lifted her to her feet. Unbuckled her wrists, then the straps around her legs before he finished with the one around her waist. She glared at him, willing bad things with her eyes. Once the bondage device was off and gone, he took her hand and led her from the room and up the stairs. To say she was shocked was putting it mildly. She was even more surprised when he led her to his room and into the master bath, turned on the shower then stepped back.

  “Get cleaned up, then I have breakfast for you.”

  She watched him leave and close the door behind him. Was this the same man as last night? She noticed fresh clothes sat on a nearby shelf so she shed her underwear and climbed under the hot spray. While she soaped up, she wondered if he would know if she jerked herself off. He probably had a damn camera on her so she decided not to give him the satisfaction of a show.

  She’d think of anything else other than him naked and stroking his thick cock. Nope. She wouldn’t think of that for one damn second. Not at all.

  After a speedy shower, she dressed and walked from the room to the kitchen where she was greeted by the most delicious smell. “Is that coffee?”

  “It is.” He nodded in the direction of the pot. “Help yourself.”

  Grabbing a cup from the counter, she reached for the glass container holding the coffee and poured. “I’ve never seen a contraption like this.” She placed the glass back into the little nook where she got it from.

  “It’s a coffee maker. They make them even fancier now but I have no need for that.”

  She didn’t bother to acknowledge his words. No doubt there was a lot in the world that was new as she had been locked away for so long. Instead, she took her mug and sat at the table. As she sipped, she eyed him over her cup and tried not to notice how well he filled out his jeans. Or remember last night.

  Damn it!

  He filled a plate with bacon, eggs, toast and fruit and placed it on a mat at the table. “Eat.”

  She scowled. “Still bossy I see.”

  He leaned against the counter. “I sense you’re a little pissed.”

  She gave him side-eye as she took a bite of bacon. “Huh.”

  “I told you punishment would come if you disobeyed.” He looked amused and to think, for a moment she thought he might feel guilty. What a dumbass she was.

  “I suppose that also includes fucking other women?” Ohh, she had not meant to spew that out, he might think she cared, but what was done was done.

  He cocked a brow and crossed his arms. “W
e are not mated.”

  She jumped from her seat, knocking the chair over. “Then I guess I can sleep with

  whomever I wish. I might as well lose my virginity now so Lowan can’t take it.” She shoved her hands on her hips. “What was the word for stop? Oh yes. Red!”

  She stormed for the front door. Ignoring her grumbling stomach that wanted to finish that breakfast. She half expected Lucan to stop her when she flung open the door and stepped onto the deck. When she looked back, he was still standing at the counter all relaxed and staring at her with a… The bastard had a grin on his face. He mocked her.

  “Grrrr.” She stormed down the steps, hardly noticing the mountain backdrop and colorful meadows. Where she thought she would go, well, she had no notion but it would be far away from that arrogant vampire. Several feet out she hit an invisible brick wall. She balled her fists.


  With no power to break through his magical wards, she was stuck. With nothing else to do, she spun. Marched back to the deck, up the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbed her plate and headed back to her prison cell in the basement. Plopping on the bed, she stabbed her eggs wishing it was Lucan’s head. Moments later, he darkened her doorway.

  “That was wrong of me to allow you to think I slept with another female.”

  She looked up at him and blinked. “You smell of Valkyrie, but you don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “I drank from her, nothing more.”

  “Why are you telling me this? I thought it didn’t matter to you.” She took her anger out on a piece of melon by stabbing it with her fork.

  “Look. I don’t trust you not to take my head while I sleep. Your family has a history. I realize, however, that the thought of you with another man brings my crazy front and center. It’s why I came for you. I couldn’t bear your pain.”

  Wow. His words surprised her and this time she knew he was serious. “I’m sorry I’m not what you wanted. Fate didn’t ask either of us what we desired in a mate, but we are stuck. You need me to break the curse my father placed on you.” She stuck out her arm. “Take my blood and see if it helps. Maybe we don’t have to bond as mates.”

  He stared at her for a long while, saying nothing. Then he spoke. “I appreciate the offer and maybe at some point I will take you up on it.”

  While the sting of his rejection was just another slap in the face, she didn’t blame him for being cautious. She dropped her arm. “Whatever you want.” She was too tired, hungry and on edge to fight with him any longer.

  Lowan watched in amazement as Aidyn stared at the cold, empty slab of stone. It was the altar where Lowan planned to rape and sacrifice his sister until the bitch had gotten free. Well, more likely rescued by someone else because he had made sure Sabin had little to no power. All she retained was enough to keep her alive.

  How he despised his younger sibling. He had been the light of his mother’s eye as a child and his father had encouraged his son’s dark power. Teaching him everything a boy should know. Then the guardians had killed Lowan’s father, and it was at the same time his mother discovered she was with child. She cried every night for her lost mate and nothing Lowan did eased her pain. In was only when the baby was born that his mother once again smiled. At first, Lowan loved the tiny infant even though she glowed with the light of the guardians. But the baby made his mother happy, and he was confident both he and his mother could control her. Force her darkness to surface.

  It was as his sister matured that he realized she held none of the darkness that Lowan and their father, Drayos, did. Even their mother had crossed to the dark side and Sabin stood out. Lowan tried to protect her until an Oracle foretold of the day when Sabin would kill him.

  Two children. One who looked like his father. Black hair and eyes the color of the night sky wielded the power of everything dark and evil. The other, fair and golden like her mother held the virtue of light. The two siblings were meant to clash and no matter how hard he tried to turn his sister, he failed. It was their own mother who had taken Lowan aside one day.

  “Son, you must lock your sister away. She is a threat to both of us.”

  “Do you think she will one day be able to harm us? Together, you and I cannot be stopped.”

  “Your sister may not have our dark power, but on her three hundredth birth date, she will come into her demigod powers. While you draw yours from my side of the family, your sister will draw hers from your father’s.”

  Lowan understood the meaning of those words. His mother had once been a guardian. A princess, her mother and father the royalty that governed all immortals, which meant they held more power than most immortals. However, Lowan and Sabin’s grandfather was Hades. The God of the underworld. Lord of darkness. If his power ran through Sabin’s veins then she would be able to destroy Lowan.

  “What am I to do?”

  “You will sacrifice your sister and take what rightfully belongs to you.”

  That’s what led to Lowan locking Sabin away until the time came that he could fulfill his mother’s wish. With the gods’ rule that they would not interfere in each other’s affairs. Decreed it unlawful to destroy one another, Lowan was able to pull off his stunt without retribution. Now, he had to get his sister back and fast. Her birth date was approaching.

  “What do you see, uncle?” he asked the Phoenix.

  “I need the power of my fire to see clearly,” Aidyn replied then launched a ball of flame at the altar. The sphere settled in the middle then spread, following the ridge of the stone until it circled the entire slab in a purple flame that rose three feet into the air. Seconds ticked by before the Phoenix spoke.

  “I have her location.” Then an image of Sabin sitting on a bed appeared before them.

  Lowan chuckled. I’ve got you now, sister.

  Chapter Nine

  When Lucan heard Sabin scream, it chilled his blood, and he didn’t bother to take the stairs, instead he flashed straight into her room sword in hand, senses on high alert. While only Sabin was there, a powerful magic crawled across his skin.

  “What the hell?”

  “Lowan knows where I am.” She was on her feet and racing for the door.

  “Fuck,” he growled, following right behind her. “How?”

  “No idea, but we need to leave. He cannot take me again!” She was already at the top of the stairs and in the kitchen. “Get us out. Hurry!”

  Sabin’s panic filled the air and coated Lucan’s skin. He had no alternative but to grab her, pull her to him and flash them from the premises. With little time to think, he commanded the shadows to obscure their retreat and took them to another hideaway he had tucked in the middle of New Orleans. When they arrived in the living area of the shotgun house, he still didn’t break his hold on Sabin. The frantic beat of her heart nearly broke his. Finally, she placed her palms on his chest, her heat penetrated right through his bones.

  “Lucan? You can let go now. I don’t sense him.”

  Reluctant, he released her and realized he missed her softness pressed against him. Sabin looked around.

  “Where are we?” She walked to a window and looked out.

  “New Orleans. Hopefully, all the other human and immortal signatures will hide us. Plus, I know a voodoo priestess here who may be able to help us.”

  “How? I thought you might call your brethren for help.”

  He shook his head, still alert to any dangers. “I dared not go to our compound for fear your brother might follow. Sidara will be able to tell if you have a tracking spell on you. I should have thought of this before.”

  “As should I. He will find us here.” She began to pace, her nervous energy charging the room, and it made him edgy.

  “I will call on Sidara now and see how fast she can come to us. It will be safer that way.”

  She nodded. “Yes. Of course, the fewer people involved the better. I don’t wish for my brother to harm anyone. Enough have died at his hand already.”

  He took her hand
in his and noted the current that flowed between them. He stared into her eyes. “I vow to not let anything happen to you.” He didn’t miss the tears that filled her eyes but never fell. This woman had been through hell at the hand of her own family. He had to give her credit for being a survivor. Few would have endured with their minds still intact and guilt filled him that she had been granted him as her mate. Hadn’t she had enough darkness in her life?

  He released her and took a step back. “I will post guards.”

  She tilted her head in question. Of course, she had only seen a sampling of his power. Now, he would unleash everything he had to keep her safe until they came up with a plan. He spread his arms wide, dropped his head and closed his eyes. Under his breath he uttered the command to bring forth his most powerful shadows.

  A thick, black cloud funneled upward then split into six miniatures that each took on the form of a seven-foot demon. Their eyes nothing more than black holes with a pinpoint of red light.

  Sabin gasped.

  “Guard this home and this female. Let no one enter the premises without my consent.”

  “Yes, my lord,” the leader replied then the shadow demons swirled back into funnels and flew away.

  “Impressive, but I’m not sure even they can stop my brother. He is a demigod after all.”

  “Even so, they can give us the time we may need to flee.”

  She started pacing again while Lucan pulled out his cell phone and tapped out a text to the voodoo priestess to come to his home as quickly as possible. He read the response then shoved his phone back in his pocket.

  “Sidara is on her way.” Lucan was still on the fence on whether to contact Marcus knowing full well the vampire would be pissed. However, he could use his brethren’s help. After much thought, he decided to wait for the priestess and see what she had to say. If Sabin had a tracking spell on her, it was best to get it removed before he involved his brethren.


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