Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  “We need him before I can take Lowan down,” Sabin chimed in. “In a few days, I will reach my three hundredth birth date. That is the day Lowan plans to take my virginity then steal my demigod powers.”

  “Wait. What?” Marcus looked at Sabin with surprise in his eyes.

  “Yeah. I was busy trying to make sure Sabin was no longer a virgin when you came knocking.”

  Marcus leaned forward. “Is this true, Sabin?”

  “Yes.” She chewed her lip, gaze cast to the table. Finally, she looked up and focused on Lucan. “If anyone other than my mate takes my virginity, they can then kill me and gain my power. Providing they know the ritual and Lowan does.”

  Lucan’s heart stopped beating as he searched her eyes. “Sabin, what happens to your power if your mate takes your virginity?” He had this funny feeling in his gut.

  “He will share my gifts as I will share his.”

  The room was dead silent until a low whistle broke it.

  “What kind of gifts will you have?” Baal asked what everyone else was dying to know.

  She met their wondering eyes. “I will hold the power of my grandfather, Hades.”

  “Damn,” Marcus mumbled then looked to Lucan. “I’m not sure I like the thought of you having that kind of power. Fuck, you already wield shit I don’t understand.” He shook his head. “So, if you are no longer a virgin, Lowan can do nothing to harm you? Providing you have your demigod powers?”

  “That is the assumption. That’s why he’s kept me in prison and alive. I’m of no use to him otherwise. I don’t know if he knows that I can destroy him. My brother’s arrogant.”

  “Who the hell can we trust?” Seth asked.

  “I will guarantee you can trust Hades,” Baal offered. “Even if you don’t, there is no need to let on we are aware that one of the gods is betraying us.”

  Marcus rubbed his chin. “It would be interesting to see his reaction when he sees Sabin here. Besides, he might use the excuse he can’t interfere, but he can fucking offer ideas.”

  “Agreed.” The vote was unanimous around the room.

  “Then it’s done. Baal, if you would do the honors of summoning Hades,” Marcus said.

  Lucan led Sabin to a large room with a vast library at one end, and several overstuffed seats in front of a fireplace at the other. For the moment, they were alone while the others did whatever they needed.

  “Will Lowan harm them?”

  The pain in Lucan’s eyes tore at her. “You love them very much.” She tried hard not to let jealousy exist inside her but it was hard. She would give anything to have him love her that much.

  “We all do.”

  “It’s probable he will keep them in good health until I return. However, he’s unlikely to let either of them go.”

  He dropped into a chair looking defeated. This dark, strong warrior of hers broke her heart, but she wasn’t about to give up on any of them. They would prevail. Failure wasn’t an option, and she knew Lucan felt the same. He was having a moment.

  She knelt in front of him and placed her hands on his knees. “Do you think Hades will come?”

  “He is a bit of a rebel, so most likely.”

  “I’ve never met my grandfather.”

  “I know it must be hard for you. Wondering why he never came for you.” He reached for her hand and entwined his fingers in hers.

  “At first it was, but when Willow came, she explained everything to me. She was a good friend and I’m so happy she’s free. I hope when this is over––providing I survive––I will see her again.”

  Lucan leaned forward and brought her fingers to his lips. “Do not say those words. You will survive.” He kissed her knuckles.

  She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them. “Can I tell you something and you won’t think less of me?”

  He tilted his head, his mouth tightened. “What do you need to confess, Sabin?”

  Her mate was so quick to think the worst of her. She tried hard to understand. “I’ve dreamed of you for many years. Actually, since I was a young girl, I knew you were out there waiting for me. I also knew you needed me to save you from the dark curse my father placed on you.”

  “I see, though I don’t understand why you feel that’s a confession. Many immortals have visions.”

  “That’s not all.” She took in a deep breath. “I fell in love with you many years ago.” Now she waited for his reaction.

  “I’m not worthy of your love, Sabin. More deserving of your hatred.”

  “Why would you say that?” She didn’t like his words.

  “I may have rescued you, but I also imprisoned you. There’s still a part of me that does not trust you.”

  Even though she expected those words, they still stung. “What can I do to earn your trust?” she whispered.

  “I’m torn. Part of me feels your thoughts and accepts you as mine. Part of me is desperate for you, wants to hold you close and never let go. But then there is my dark side. That’s the part who cannot let you all the way in. My heart is black and has room for nothing else.”

  “I don’t believe that for one moment.” She knew there was goodness and light inside this vampire. It was up to her to help him reclaim it.

  “I’ve been in the dark for so long, I’m not sure I would know how to live any other way. Or even want to.” He cupped her face, and she rested her cheek in his palm.

  “Your love is a precious gift, Sabin. I wish I could say I won’t ever break your heart, but the truth is I’m likely to do just that. I can only promise you I will try my best not to.”

  Before she could respond, several of the others filed into the room and Sabin got to her feet.

  “Hades is here.” Gwen approached Sabin and despite everything the woman must feel right now, she smiled. “He wishes to see you alone in the conference room.”

  Lucan got to his feet. “Sabin, you do not have to go alone if you don’t wish. I will go with you.”

  “No. I’ll be fine. This is something I need to do, but thank you.” The vampire might like to pretend he was nothing more than a dark, empty shell, but she saw more. Without hesitation, she walked from the room and back down the hall, heading to where she had been earlier. Once at the door, she stopped to collect herself then stepped inside.

  Hades faced a painting on the wall, hands clasped behind his back. He was tall and muscular, his hair dark much like Lowan’s. However, when he turned to face her, there was nothing of her brother in his features. Intense blue eyes studied her. Made her feel small, and she took a step back fearful he did not approve of her. Then he smiled and opened his arms.


  That one word undid her resolve, and she rushed into his arms, wrapping her own around him while she lay her head on his chest. The dam that had been erected for so long broke and she sobbed while he stroked her hair.

  “I am so sorry for all that you have endured. Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you, or want to kill your brother.”

  She lifted her head and looked into the eyes of the Lord of the Underworld. They were kind eyes, but she would lay money on the fact few got to see that side of him. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “The moment I was informed of your whereabouts, nothing would keep me from you. We have much to discuss. Privately.” He kissed the top of her head then released her. “We cannot speak here. This is for your ears alone.”

  What on earth did he have to tell her that couldn’t be shared?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lucan held on to his control by a thread. He didn’t know why he hated Sabin being alone with Hades. It wasn’t as if the god would harm her.

  “So, how goes the mate thing for you, dark warrior?” Baal jerked him out of his thoughts.

  Lucan snarled and stared into space wishing he was back at his mountain home. Damn that Lowan for ruining his private retreat. Damn this entire mess.

  Seth laughed. “He’s got it bad.”

  “Shut th
e fuck up. What would you know?” Lucan growled.

  “Yep,” Marcus threw in. “Got it bad.”

  “Why do you men insist on harassing each other when it comes to your mates?” Katie asked. “Don’t we have more important things to worry about?”

  Marcus ducked his head. “I’m sorry and you’re right. None of us are trying to make light of the situation. It’s our way of dealing.” He scrubbed his face. “If I don’t put my mind to something other than my mate and daughter, I’ll lose my grip and my unchecked temper is not something any of us need right now.”

  “I feel like a schmuck,” Baal said.

  “I get it, but I would think since all of you are now mated, you’d give Lucan a little slack,” Katie replied.

  “It’s because he’s in denial that we harass him. I think it’s safe to say Marcus and I were no different. It’s our way of letting him know he can’t fight it and win,” Baal explained.

  Katie shook her head and approached Lucan, putting her hand on his arm. Seth growled.

  “Oh shut it.” She never took her focus off Lucan. “Trust fate and the gods. They seem to know what they are doing. Sabin needs you and you need her.”

  “I don’t trust easily.”

  “Fine, but do you trust me?”

  “I do.” Lucan liked Katie. She was a spitfire and the perfect mate to keep Seth in line.

  “Then trust me on this and follow your gut. It will not lead you astray.”

  He worked his jaw to relieve some of the tension. Did he even know what his gut was telling him? He needed to be somewhere else right now to think. Needed to go home to the mountains. It was unlikely Lowan would still be there and if so, he wasn’t afraid of that bastard anyway.

  “Will you watch over Sabin? I need some time.”

  “Of course. She’s with Hades right now anyway. Go do whatever it is you need to figure this out.”

  He was grateful for Katie and her wisdom, but also recalled the words Gwen had spoken of betrayal. Maybe he was wrong thinking he might break Sabin’s heart. Perhaps it was she who would break his. Without another thought, he left the room and walked to the exit. He stopped at the door and opened his senses. Sabin was still in the conference room with Hades.


  Lucan? Everything all right?

  Yes. I’m leaving for a bit. I just wanted to let you know.

  Are you okay?

  I need time to think.

  I understand.

  He broke the link and headed out the door. Seconds later he flashed to his cabin on the other side of the mountain. He’d not been back since he and Sabin ran. Opening his senses, he found no other immortals in the area. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone right now. Stepping on the porch, he noticed the door cracked open. He pushed it the rest of the way and what he saw made his blood boil. They trashed the entire room. Lamps knocked to the floor, the couch cushions slashed and stuffing everywhere. There wasn’t an inch of the place left untouched. Feeling disgusted as he walked through every room, he couldn’t take any more and headed for the door. Standing at the bottom of the steps was Kaldaka. The wolf whined and raced toward Lucan who knelt down and allowed the wolf to tackle him. He shoved his fingers into thick fur and scratched.

  “I’m fine, boy.” He sensed the animal’s distress. Most likely, Kaldaka had picked up the demons’ scent and sent his pack into hiding. The wolf wouldn’t have known what the demons were, but would have sensed a danger he probably didn’t understand. He was grateful his friend was okay.

  Pushing to his feet, he led Kaldaka away from the cabin and the two of them started a walk around the lake.

  “Friend, I have female troubles and no idea what to do, or how I really feel.”

  Hades took Sabin’s hand and next thing she knew, they were sucked into the darkness then reappeared in a large room with a heavy black desk, walls of books and a massive fireplace.

  “Where are we?”

  “My palace in Hell.” He walked to a wood-paneled wall and laid his hand on the paneling. A door slid open to reveal a deep shelf. Sabin moved to get a closer look at what was on it. Hades stepped aside and allowed her access. There on the glass shelf was a framed photo of a woman. Long black hair, blue eyes that sparkled more intensely than any sapphire she had ever seen and a determined smile. The woman was beautiful and Sabin felt as if she should know her.

  “Who is this?” She reached for the frame and lifted it to inspect it more closely.

  “That…is your grandmother. She died a few months after your father was born.”

  “I’m sorry. Did you love her?” She ran a finger over the photograph.

  “No, we didn’t love each other but had a great deal of respect for each other. She needed me and I obliged.”

  “Really? That sounds so cold.” She set the photo back down then noticed a bracelet. It was a gold band maybe two inches wide. There were symbols carved into the metal and in the center a blue stone. While pretty, it was nothing special until she picked it up. “If feels weird.”

  “Put it on.”

  She gave him an odd look but slipped it onto her left wrist. The instant it touched her skin, she experienced a jolt. “What the hell?” She tried to remove it, but it wouldn’t budge. Panic started to set in. “I can’t get it off!”

  “Just as we both thought.”

  “What? What’s happening?” The power that ripped through her was near painful. It lasted for several seconds then it was gone.

  “Your grandmother Ella, was the last princess to her people. It’s why she needed a strong mating. She knew that the next female heir to come along would continue the royal bloodline. The bracelet holds her power and soon it will belong to you.”

  She blinked. “I-I don’t know if I follow. Are you saying I’m a princess?”

  “Yes. You are the last of your line. If you do not bear children, then the Targral will be without a princess. Eventually, the species will fade from existence. Their princess does more than lead, she is a critical part of their society. Basically, the glue that keeps them together.”

  “I’m not prepared for this. Isn’t having to kill my brother enough? Now, you expect me to lead an entire species?” She tugged at the bracelet, but it still refused to release its grip on her wrist. “What if Lowan kills me? What then?”

  “Then the future will be rewritten.”

  She stopped tugging and stared at Hades. “What?” He had to be kidding.

  “If you do not stop your brother, the future will become much different than any of us imagined. Starvation on a worldwide level. Humanity wiped out. This realm––” he waved his hand in the air “––Hell will no longer be contained. It will spill into the earthly realm and all will become one.”

  Sabin shuddered. It wasn’t hard to imagine what fate humanity faced if what Hades said came to pass. Still, why her? “Why can’t someone else kill him? You can do it, just break the damn rules!”

  He shook his head. “Fate did not choose me.”

  She scowled. “I hate that bitch.” She looked at her wrist again, hoping to find the bracelet gone but no such luck. “Do I need all of this to kill my brother? And does he know anything about our grandmother?” She vaguely recalled learning about the Targral demons as a child. Their customs much different than most species where the females ruled and the males were subservient. Other than that, she didn’t know much.

  “He does not. This was kept from him and they swore me to keep your grandmother’s bracelet locked away until a female was born to her line. Not even your mother knew as she would have tried to manipulate it to her advantage.”

  “This is a lot to take in. I don’t know much about the Targral. What is this power I’m supposed to gain?”

  “The stone on that bracelet will give you some power now. The rest will come on your birth date when you will gain not only much of mine, but also that of your grandmother. Once you and your mate consummate this relationship, you will control his demon shadows.”r />
  She was speechless and watched him walk to a wall of books.

  “It’s a good thing I have the Targral history in my library.” He freed a book from the shelf. “I keep logs of all the species in my realm.” He offered her a dark blue leather book.

  “I’ll take some time to study this.”

  “Before you do, I need to beg your forgiveness.”

  She knew what he meant. “I understand the rules.” She debated telling him what they knew about a god deceiving them, but thought better. Right now, she had to be careful who she trusted.

  He inclined his head. “Just know that you were where you needed to be. Just as you are now.” He moved to her and touched her arm. “The path you must take has to be walked alone. No other, not even the one you love most can accompany you.” Then he walked away and left the room.

  The time for her to turn herself over to Lowan and save Cassie and Ariana was fast approaching. No matter what, they had to come first. She found a chair and curled up in it then flipped open the book. Going to the first page, she began reading. An hour later when Hades came back into the room, she’d finished.

  “That was interesting.” A demon culture where the women were in charge and men were forced to bow to them. From what she’d read, the species still lived in a realm of Hell but were without a princess since the demise of her grandmother and therefore in hiding. It seemed the Targral took their power from the priestess and princess. Without both of them, they were much weaker.

  “It doesn’t say how Ella died.”

  “A scorned lover killed her.”


  “He was tortured for months by the female Targrals before they eventually ended his life. Right now, one of their priestesses is in charge until a new royal comes along. You must follow the directions in the book and tell no one.”

  “It said the princess must mate in the way of her people. I’m sure Lucan isn’t going to promise to serve me. He already has a king and I’m not at the top of his wish list anyhow.”

  “I think you underestimate him. Perhaps you should allow him the chance to choose what he wants. Either way, your virginity needs to be addressed.”


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