Vampire's Desire

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Vampire's Desire Page 14

by Valerie Twombly

  The bell rang and Lucan was pulled from his emotional turmoil. He rushed to the door and flung it open to find Sidara on the other side.

  “Vampire. What is so dire that I must come right away?”

  He stared into her eyes and shoved into her mind.

  After Sabin killed her brother, I took her back to the forest to meet my wolf. The animal backed away from her snarling with the word evil in his head.

  Sidara blinked before her brows dipped. “I see,” she whispered.

  You will not speak of this, but inform me of everything you find.

  She inclined her head and gave a slight nod. “Lead the way.”

  Lucan stepped aside and allowed Sidara entrance. The priestess glided across the carpet and through the shotgun home until they reached the living room where Sabin sat.

  “You have gained your demigod powers?”

  Sabin smiled but Lucan was aware it was forced. “I guess I have, though I don’t feel any different.”

  Sidara moved closer. “May I examine you?”

  “Please. I’ll feel much better knowing I have no more tracking spells or other nasty things attached to me.”

  “Very well then. I shall begin.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Sabin was relieved to have the priestess check her over and give a clean bill. Lucan was acting strange no matter what he said. She tried to push it off to the events over the last few days. So many things had changed both their lives. They had bonded. Somehow mated without a ritual. She had broken what little trust he had toward her and run off to claim a heritage she had not even known existed. Then the killing of her brother, which she was skeptical about had her nerves pulled so tight she swore they would snap any second. The need to look over her shoulder was overwhelming. There was also Lucan’s wolf. The reaction the beast had to her was not normal.

  Sidara pulled a black pouch from the leather bag she carried, laid it on the table and opened it. Inside was a fine gold powder which the priestess pinched between two fingers then blew the powder into the air. For a moment, everything hazed into a golden fog then vanished.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “Shush!” Sidara’s reply was rather harsh.

  Sabin shrank back, suddenly feeling small and tired. Very, very tired. She tried to relax, but even closing her eyes didn’t seem to help. All she could think about was Lowan and the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach that screamed he wasn’t dead. Everything had gone down way too easy. Sure, she had used the blade of Embara. An immortal-killing steel that would take out even a god if plunged into their heart. Yet, she had not seen the blade. Was it possible Aidyn tricked her? Panic pumped through her veins like a child on too much sugar and she bolted to her feet, her lids snapping open.

  “You all right, child?” Sidara asked, one brow arched.

  “How do I really know Lowan is dead? I mean, I didn’t see it and neither did Lucan.” Terror laced in every breath she took.

  “I assure you, your brother is dead. Ask Hades if you need assurance. He is connected to every evil soul alive,” the priestess offered.

  Of course. She had not thought of that. “Excellent suggestion.” She relaxed again and sat back down. “How do I check out?” She eyed Lucan who stood in the corner leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. His features gave nothing away. The vampire was a blank slate on the outside and inside. He was a massive wall and nothing would penetrate his barriers unless he allowed it.

  “No tracking spells. Only demigod powers that you didn’t have last time I checked you. Along with your royalty marking as a Targral princess.”

  “That’s good news.” Lucan pushed off the wall.

  “You realize what being a Targral prince means?” Sidara stared at Lucan.

  “I am not like them and have no intention of ever being so.” Sabin had spent too many years being a prisoner, and she was not about to make anyone submit. If those demon females didn’t understand it, then she would walk away. There was nothing or no one that could force her to lead them.

  “Well, I’m sure your mate is happy to hear that.” Sidara smiled. “Get some rest before you go test driving your powers.” She picked up her bag. “Vampire, walk me to the door.”

  “Thank you, Sidara. I think I’ll take a nap.” Sabin rose and headed for the bedroom, hoping as soon as her mate escorted the priestess out, he would come to bed. She had plans for them both.

  When Lucan and Sidara reached the door, they both stepped outside, and he reached for her mind.

  Well? The truth.

  There is something different about her. Evil most definitely.

  What is it?

  I cannot be sure if it was there before but remained undetectable. She is a ticking time bomb that could go off at any minute. Her powers are strong and she will prove a worse enemy than her brother. You must kill her before she strikes. “Good luck, vampire.” Sidara turned and headed down the sidewalk leaving Lucan numb.

  What the hell? Now he was supposed to kill the woman he had rescued? The one fate had determined belonged to him?

  Son of a bitch.

  How the fuck was he supposed to carry out this mission? In that moment, he realized somewhere along this short, screwed-up journey, he had fallen in love with her. Their bond was unusual, and he now wondered if she had manipulated that. Was she even his true mate? What was her endgame? So many questions and he was without answers. Before he could pull a rational thought, he swirled into a black cloud and headed straight for Hades. Having a bond with Sabin offered the benefit of giving Lucan a built-in god locator. Several minutes later, he appeared in a grand dining room in Hades’ palace. Two figures sat alone at the massive table. A female turned to him and smiled.

  “Lucan, what a pleasure. Join us for dinner?” Mia asked as she waved to an empty chair.

  “He was not invited, therefore, he needs to leave,” Hades growled.

  “Mia, I hope you will pardon me but I need to speak with your mate.”

  “You will say what needs saying with my mate present.” Hades’ gaze narrowed into red slits. “And take care how you speak. If it offends my mate in any way, you will pay dearly.”

  “Hades, stop acting like such an ass.” Mia pinned the god with her own lethal stare and Hades actually shifted under her gaze. Lucan found it comical to see the Lord of the Underworld wrapped around a tiny female’s little finger.

  “I only wish to protect you,” he offered then shifted his glare to Lucan.

  Don’t think you are immune to your mate’s whims. You will soon find out how much power they hold over us. He grinned.

  “I’m not a China doll. I will not break.” Again, she waved to the chair. “Lucan, sit and speak your mind. You have my word nothing will happen to you.”

  He gave a nod. How entertaining to see such a powerful immortal buckle under a female. If this was how things were, then Lucan didn’t stand a chance. He crossed the expanse and pulled out the chair.

  “What is Sabin?” Best to get right to the point. “And is Lowan dead?”

  Hades picked up his crystal goblet and swirled the blood-red liquid before he took a sip then set the glass back down. “Lowan is no more. Turned to ash by the blade of Embara. As far as Sabin? I have no idea to what you refer. She is a demigod and a Targral princess. What more do you want?” He grinned. “Feeling a bit unwilling at becoming a slave to a female race?”

  “Fuck you, asshole.” Lucan looked to Mia. “Pardon my language.”

  She chuckled. “I can swear with the best of them.”

  “Sabin is an evil time bomb waiting to detonate. What the hell gives? What is her endgame?” Was that look on the god’s face confusion?

  “I honestly do not understand what you’re talking about.”

  “Sidara, the voodoo priestess, has indicated I need to kill my mate before her evil unleashes. That. Is what the fuck I refer to.”

  Mia lost the grip on her goblet and sent it hurtling toward the marble flo
or. Before it reached its target, Hades sent a flare of magic and stopped its descent. He righted the crystal and placed it back on the table all without twitching a muscle.


  “Oh my.” Mia slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “And you trust this priestess?” Hades inquired.

  “I do and I also trust my wolf who responded negatively to meeting Sabin. The word evil stuck in his mind as he backed away growling.” Lucan tried hard to keep his power on a leash. Here in Hell, every dark soul called for him to come out and play.

  “That is most peculiar.” Hades rubbed his jaw. “This is not supposed to happen. Sabin is light like the rest of the guardians.”

  “Is it possible something changed when she gained all that power?” Mia asked. “What about the Targral? I know little of their species.”

  Hades shook his head. “While the Targral demons like to keep their males as slaves rather than on equal ground, they are a peaceful group. I suppose it’s possible Sabin’s darker side is stronger and only now beginning to surface.” He rose, shoving his chair back with a screech. “I will visit under false pretenses and examine her myself.” He didn’t wait for approval, but vanished.

  “I’m sure this is all a bad mistake. Hades will find out what’s going on.” Mia tried to comfort but Lucan was too far gone to care. All he could do was sit and wait for the Lord of the Underworld to come back.

  Twenty long minutes later, and Hades popped back in, his jaw hard and mouth set. “There is an evil inside her that was not there before. I cannot determine why, but I commanded it into submission. No telling for how long, though.”

  Lucan jumped to his feet, muscles taught and darkness swirling around his ankles. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means the priestess was correct. Your mate will create more chaos than her brother if allowed. The only way to stop her is to end her, or contain her.”

  Mia gasped. “Hades––” She rose and rushed to her mate’s side. “––You must be mistaken. Can nothing else be done?”

  “I’m afraid Lucan has a difficult choice to make.”

  He refused to believe it, which was ironic since he had threatened to kill Sabin in the very beginning. Treated her no better than any other prisoner. Well, maybe slightly better but still… He screamed at the mountain tops how he would never mate with her and yet he had. Never mind the fact theirs was not a normal mating. No ritual. Sex had bound them the same as he liked to bind his females. Ironic when he thought about it.

  He turned to Mia. “Thank you for allowing me to speak with Hades. I will take my leave now.” He didn’t wait for any more words from the couple. He couldn’t handle them because his heart was busy fracturing into a thousand tiny pieces.

  Sabin had a fitful sleep and woke feeling like she had never even closed her eyes. Pushing herself up, she realized the hour was early morning. Lucan wasn’t in bed, so she shoved off the sheet and padded across the floor. When she reached the door, her stomach rolled, causing her to double over. The room spun and colored lights danced in her vision.

  “Lucan?” she called out, but no one answered.

  As fast as the episode came, it passed. She straightened and headed through the shotgun, attributing her physical state to lack of feeding and everything else that had taken place. When she reached the living area, Lucan stepped from the shadows.

  “There you are.” She wondered where he had come from. Had he been here all along?

  “Did you rest well?”

  “Not really. Where have you been?”

  “I had things to take care of.” He walked across the room and poured himself a drink. She looked at the clock, the hour was six.

  “Why do I feel like people are not being truthful with me?” She curled up on the couch. “I don’t think you’re telling me everything.” Another pain had her gut rolling, and she grimaced.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucan set down his glass and rushed to her. “You’re in pain?”

  She brushed it off. “I think I’m simply hungry and tired.”

  “I’m sorry.” He gathered her into his lap. “I have been remiss in taking care of you.” He stretched his neck. “Feed.”

  She licked her lips as she watched his vein pulse with life. As she stared at it, she saw the life-giving blood that flowed through it and her hunger consumed her. It was all she could think about. Moving closer, her fangs descended into place and she latched on. Warm, rich blood filled her mouth, and she drank. Sinking into an oblivious haze of hunger. After several deep pulls, the haze lifted and her focus sharpened. She released her hold, licked a trickle of blood that had escaped and kissed Lucan on the neck.

  “I feel better. Thank you.” Seems feeding was exactly what she needed because now she was ready to concur the world.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Hades’ words ran on a constant loop until they were the only thing Lucan heard in his mind. Fate played a cruel trick on him by giving him the enemy for his mate. Now that he had Sabin, he wanted to keep her. The warmth of her in his lap was a kind of heat he had never experienced before. For the first time in his entire existence, she had made him feel normal. He didn’t require control when he was with her. For so many years the darkness that was his friend had also threatened to take over and consume him. He hadn’t realized until now just how close he had been to succumbing.

  The feel of his mate’s fangs in his neck, her softness pressed against him made his cock thicken. Thinking he might toss her down and take her here on the floor, he gripped her hips and ground his erection into her. Sabin responded by breaking away and licking his wound. She pushed back in his lap and stared at him. Something in her eyes caused him to pause.

  “Lucan, it is time for us to rule.”

  “Rule?” He didn’t care for the tone of her words, or the way her eyes darkened from deep blue to black. Even her fangs appeared thicker. Longer. “You mean the Targral?”

  She tipped her head back, blonde waves cascading down her back and laughed. “I already rule them. I mean the world.” She wiggled on his lap, power charged the room and it didn’t come from him. “Just think, everyone will kneel to us. We will be their king and queen.”

  “Why would you want to rule the world?” Now that she was revealing her true self, he didn’t want to believe it. Items in the room began to levitate and shadows crawled across the floor. This was not good.

  “Because I am a queen, and you are king. Why should we settle for one tiny species when we can command them all?” She leaned closer and touched his face. “The gods won’t interfere and I am powerful.” She glanced around the room. “This is only a sampling of my power.” She set the items back into place, closed her eyes and threw her arms into the air.

  “Feel my power, Lucan. It pulses with life.” Lamps, books and several crystal decanters lifted and started to circle the room. Faster and faster until the sight began to make Lucan’s head spin. Sabin scurried from his lap. A thick, black aura now surrounded her as the wind in the room increased.

  “I will fulfill my brother’s wishes. It all makes sense. We are the superior beings, therefore, it stands to reason we should rule.”

  “What about the other immortals?” He dared not move, but wanted to gather as much information as possible. Her gaze cut to him and that was when he realized she was gone. The sweet Sabin who had risked herself to save Cassie and Ariana. The one who had fulfilled fate’s demand by taking her brother’s life. He no longer believed she was evil. Something terrible changed her.

  “They will bow to us as well or die.”

  Lucan rose to his feet. Somehow, he had to reach her, the old Sabin. “This isn’t you. The Sabin I rescued would never do those things.” Even though he had accused her of being evil, he learned he was wrong. After their binding, he experienced many of Sabin’s emotions and none of this was there.

  She laughed again. “You don’t know me at all. Either you’re with me, or against me.”

I’m not against you, Sabin. Let me speak with my brethren. I’m sure they will come around.” He needed to stall for time. There had to be a way to stop her without bloodshed.

  The power in the room calmed and floating objects moved back into place. “That is acceptable.” She walked to him and placed her hand on his chest. “I need my mate by my side.”

  He felt a tug on his power. Had it been his own darkness that turned his mate? It was something that crossed his mind several times when he had fed her and when they had sex. Now, it was the only explanation he could come up with for her sudden change.

  He’d ruined his mate.

  Sabin contemplated Lucan’s words and wondered if he was being truthful. She tried to read him, but his barriers wouldn’t budge. Still, she loved him and wanted to give him her trust until he proved otherwise. Besides, she required his darkness to feed her.

  “Go, speak to your brethren. Make them see things our way and when they join us, our rewards will also be theirs.” She kissed his cheek. “It is the time for immortals to take their rightful place.”

  “As you wish.” Lucan dipped his head and claimed her mouth. The kiss seared her tender flesh, and she wanted to beg him to take her, but they had more important things to accomplish. They both broke away, and she stepped back.

  “While you speak to your brethren, I will go and greet my people. Give them the good news that we will soon wage war.” The words filled her with excitement and anticipation. Sabin called up her new power, the tattoo on her skin glowed a soft blue and next thing she knew, she was standing in a grand room. At one end a golden throne occupied the space. She moved toward it, took in the beautiful scroll work and when she sat on the dark blue velvet cushion, it was as if she had come home. Next to her was a smaller seat. No back but it consisted of the same scroll work and a blue cushion. As she wondered if that was supposed to be the king’s seat, her priestess, Tieressa appeared next to her.


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