Rowan and the Wolf

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Rowan and the Wolf Page 13

by Lisa Oliver

  “Buying land costs so much money,” Rowan sighed and looked suitably compassionate. “I noticed that in college. Honestly, if there was any demand for housing at all, the prices all seemed to sky rocket.”

  “And that’s exactly what happened here. You’re too young to remember, omega.” Simon seemed to have forgotten Shadow was even in the room, which was further testament to Rowan’s interviewing skills. “But Percy’s father didn’t help. He was content to sit on the land his father had managed to buy and do nothing. He said we all had enough, but that’s not how a wolf is supposed to live. We were born to wander, to spread out, hunt and procreate the way nature intended. Davos approached the old alpha when Gray left, asking to be admitted to the pack and telling the alpha what could be done to change everything, but the damn man wouldn’t listen. In the meantime, the pack were working for humans, living on minimum wages.”

  “It’s not a bad plan in theory,” Rowan agreed, while Shadow barely dared to breathe. The spell Rowan was weaving was tightening. “You can see how it would work. It’s a two-fold effect. On the one hand, pack members selling drugs make more money so they can afford to buy up more houses and move the humans out. On the other hand, you’ve got addicted humans who can’t meet their mortgages, so their houses come up for sale through the banks and can be bought for pennies on the dollar. It’s not as though wolf shifters are affected by street drugs anyway.”

  “I always knew you were smarter than you looked, omega,” Simon nodded vigorously. “Percy didn’t get it – he thought the only way to make the pack do what he wanted was to starve them or beat them into submission. He couldn’t sell the big idea because he didn’t understand it, and boy, Davos was pissed off about that. You know if Gray hadn’t have killed that menace the way he did, Davos was going to do it anyway.”

  “That would have made things awkward though, wouldn’t it?” Rowan tilted his head slightly to one side. “I mean, the old alpha is still alive, and it’s not as though anyone gets any honor from challenging him with him being off his rocker the way he is. I guess that’s why Davos put more of his people in the pack? So, that he’d have more support when the time came for Davos to take over.”

  “That’s part of it, yes. Davos needed to know he had an inner circle already in place who knew the workings of the pack. Clinton’s due back next week, and from what Davos said, that shipment will be the biggest yet. Getting new people to help distribute it is going to be an issue if things don’t change though.”

  Shadow could see Simon totally believed what he was saying. He genuinely thought the pack’s resistance to selling drugs was an issue.

  “Oh, my gods,” Rowan squealed and clapped his hands. “So that’s why you elders all took so many holidays overseas. That is so clever, and with the police already in Davos’ back pocket, no one will suspect a thing.”

  Simon actually preened. “It was my idea,” he said with a smile. “There was no point in buying drugs from human thugs who lived in neighboring towns. That’s just inviting them to come in and take a piece of the action. Every single drug sold within a fifty-mile radius comes from us. If someone does try and muscle in, then Davos’ crew kicks them out and sends a warning to them never to come back.”

  “Davos really did think he had everything covered and he was damned close.” Rowan finished his coffee and stood up, heading for the door, pausing as he looked back. “As nice as it has been talking to you Simon, I truly think you’ve had too much European sun and it’s addled your brain.”

  Simon’s mouth dropped open and his eyes widened.

  “The fact of the matter is, one of the enduring legacies of a wolf shifter is their honor, their need to protect pack and family, and to ensure that every pack member lives a life free from coercion and abuse. I’m not saying Percy’s grandfather did the right thing in ignoring the human development around his territory; that is something that can’t be undone. But encouraging the high tithes that have crippled this pack; turning a blind eye to the abuses Percy and his cronies inflicted on the weaker members who rely on their alpha to protect them. Those actions are all on you and your fellow elders, Simon. You did this. You allowed a rogue wolf, who should have been reported to the council the first time he set foot on this territory, to muscle their way in and tear this pack apart.”

  “I thought you agreed with Davos’ ideas, could understand his vision,” Simon spluttered.

  “I said I could see how the ideas could work in theory,” Rowan said. “But revenge is never the answer and rogue wolves are so named for a reason. You will be held responsible for your part in all of this, as will the rest of the elders in this pack. You personally will have to answer for your crimes of facilitating the abduction and illegal holding of the pack’s alpha mate and one of the inner circle. And I happen to know that the new alpha of this pack is someone with a high standard of honor, who has had a lot of experience with meting out justice in the wolf tradition.”

  “I can help you.” Simon’s face was bright red and he finally turned his attention on Shadow. “I can tell you everything, show you where the drugs are coming in, where they are being held, who the contacts are in the police. Everything.”

  Shadow flicked a glance at his mate.

  Rowan smiled. “We don’t need him. We have the name we were looking for; we know how the drugs are getting in and we know why Davos wanted this pack. By six o’clock tonight the elders will all be in council hands, Federal Customs officers will be alerted on Clinton’s return, and the interlopers who work with Davos will be in shifter council jail where they belong. If Davos makes a move after that, he will be dealt with, just as surely as you will be now. Simon, your chances of getting out of this room alive, have just dropped down to zero.”

  Rowan opened the door, holding it wide for Marco to come inside. “I’ll leave you gentlemen to it. I’ll be in bed when you’re looking for me, Alpha,” he said, his smile widening as he sauntered out of the door.

  “That is one amazing fucking omega,” Marco said as he slammed the door shut behind the alpha mate. “Ready to shift, Alpha? Or are you just going to give him an old-fashioned pounding?”

  “I’ll shift.” Shadow flexed his fingers that were already showing as claws and attacked the opening of his pants. He glared at Simon as he pushed his pants down his legs. “I’d give anything to drag this out and make you suffer the way you hurt my poor Rowan, but you heard what he said. He’s waiting for me, in bed, as true, as loyal, and as sweet as any alpha mate should be. I’d far rather hear his screams of passion than listen to you whimper and beg for your pathetic life. You’re honestly not worth the hassle.”

  Kicking his pants off, Shadow shifted, every ounce of his anger and frustration over Rowan’s abduction coming to the fore. His wolf was totally on board with Shadow’s assessment of the situation. Justice was swift and only a little bit messy. Still in his four-legged form, Shadow howled his victory as Marco let him out of the interview room. From all around the pack house, he heard the howls of his friends celebrating with him.


  Up in the room they shared, Rowan heard the howls and closed his eyes, praying to the Fates that Simon’s justice was quick. Simon’s frustration over the encroachment of humans on their land could be understood, but Rowan had learned in college that many humans wanted exactly the same things as a wolf shifter did – a safe roof over their head, a love to hold them through the dark times, and the ability to put food on the table for their families.

  Simon and the other elders had turned away from the core family values that wolves enshrined. Maybe, if the Fates grant him another life, he’ll find his true mate, and lead the life he should’ve done this time. Rowan made a note on his phone to contact Simon’s widow and make sure there was a pack pension plan in place to take care of her and the children. He smiled as he did it. Look at me, being all alpha-matey.

  Putting the phone on the bedside cabinet, Rowan crawled into bed, groaning as his muscles relaxed into th
e mattress. Daylight peered around the corner of the curtains, and Rowan was glad he’d thought to get rid of his food and papers off the bed before he’d gone down to the kitchen earlier.

  I should wait for Shadow, he thought as he closed his eyes. I still have a bone to pick with him. But even as he thought it, his brain shut down. Within seconds he was asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Shadow yawned and stretched out one arm, his eyes opening to long afternoon shadows coming from the windows. He had no idea how long he’d slept, but his sweet mate was still curled up on his other arm, his soft breath wafting across his bicep with every exhale. He’s so beautiful, Shadow forced himself to take stock, slow down and really look at the man he’d claimed.

  It’d been another two hours after Simon’s death, before Shadow made it to bed. The elder’s screaming and his personal victorious howl set off the other prisoners, and he was forced to deal with them, then and there. Dominic, who hadn’t gone to bed with the others, talked to the shifter council while Shadow interrogated the remaining elders. They’d been charged with stealing from the pack, interfering in human affairs and giving aid and comfort to rogues. The council was quick to pick them up and Shadow knew they’d be in for more grilling about Davos’ whereabouts.

  The three teenagers were terrified, and suitably subdued after a night in the cells. While Shadow found it difficult to forgive them for what they’d done to Rowan and Talon, he did his best to be fair. Talon growling in the corner of the room and flicking his knives while Shadow interviewed them reinforced his assertions that the three members would not get another chance. Telling them firmly, along with a strong dose of alpha power, to use commonsense, or at least talk to their parents before they did something stupid again was the best he could do with those three.

  Leaving Craven and Dominic to handle the council who’d responded to the news about Clinton’s drug shipments – they promised they’d liaise with the federal authorities, Shadow finally made it to bed while the others were enjoying morning tea. He hadn’t expected Rowan to be awake, and he also hadn’t expected the jolt in his heart when he saw his sweet mate sleeping. He looked so innocent. After fighting and killing, Shadow’s wolf desperately wanted to cement his claim on their alpha mate, but Rowan was so adorable in his sleep, Shadow didn’t have the heart to wake him.

  Besides, Shadow also knew he had to do right by his mate this time, or he’d be living on hand and blow jobs for the rest of their natural lives. While they were extremely enjoyable, Shadow would never forget the sheer exhilaration he felt, the first, and so far, only time he’d sunk his cock into Rowan’s ass. Something that special should be treasured, he thought as he gently lifted the covers, taking in Rowan’s sleek body.

  Rowan was lying on his front, his scarred leg sprawled out and bent at the knee, accentuating the sweet curve of his ass. His scent unmasked now the covers were lifted, called to every primitive instinct Shadow had. But he forced himself to remember the shame and embarrassment he felt ruining his virginal mate’s first time.

  Rowan snuffled and wiggled. Shadow pulled the covers back over the tempting body, trying to come up with a gentle plan of attack. His wolf’s, and cock’s, instincts were all for plowing the sweet hole he’d just caught a glimpse of, but that’s not going to work this time, he reminded himself firmly.

  Sex with hook ups were so easy. Both men knew what they wanted – relief for an aching cock. Simple. Shadow and his friends didn’t even have to work for it. Their uniform and military bearing, combined with shifter genetics, meant men quite literally fell all over them anytime they went on the prowl.

  Rowan didn’t.

  Sure, Shadow knew he was attractive to his mate. Rowan’s pants plumped out frequently when he was around, but he was also skittish, as if knowing if he gave Shadow the slightest bit of encouragement, Shadow would be over him like a rash and plowing him like a piston. Oh, my gods, and I would be too, in a freaking heartbeat. Shadow muffled his groan. Think man, think. Think with something other than your cock.

  He tried to remember what was on Rowan’s list. Kissing. He remembered that and Rowan did seem to enjoy that sort of thing. Exploring – Shadow would definitely allow his mate to do that when they had more than five minutes peace together, But not today please. Shadow was sure his balls were going to burst if he didn’t get relief soon.

  Okay. F-o-r-e-p-l-a-y. Shadow studied the play of light on the ceiling. Clearly the word foreplay denoted something more than a quick slurp of a guy’s cock before lubing up his fingers. Duh. Shadow would have slapped himself, but he didn’t want to wake his mate just yet, but damn, he’d just remembered, that Rowan as an omega, would self-lube and be ready for him, if he was properly aroused. That was how it worked between alpha and omega true mate pairings.

  I’ve got to draw this out, so Rowan’s body has time to adjust. I need him begging for it. Shadow’s grin was probably evil, but it wasn’t as though anyone was watching him. Think ROMANCE, he told himself firmly, and then he remembered. A long hot dusty night a few years before. He and the guys were in the hall, there was a movie playing. There was very little action in it. Shadow and his friends were sitting at the back, muttering between themselves because they were bored.

  The storyline was supposed to be a comedy, although Shadow didn’t remember laughing. But he did remember the sex scene. A man and a woman, a lot of gasping going on which all sounded fake to him. But he did recall how the woman seemed to respond to the caresses and the kisses all over her body.

  Rowan was definitely not a woman, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate the softer side of loving. Shadow scrunched his eyes shut, struggling with his control as his mate wiggled closer, brushing his ass against Shadow’s thigh. KISS HIM, his wolf and cock yelled at him. Kiss him all over if you have to, but for gods sake don’t just lay there like a lump hoping he’ll jump on and ride you till you’re drained.

  Slow touches. Shadow rolled back towards his mate, raining butterfly kisses across Rowan’s back and neck. He nuzzled his nose in his mate’s bright red curls, inhaling deeply as his hand drifted slowly up and down the side of Rowan’s torso. Hmm, this is nice, he thought, making sure to keep his hips firmly away from the heat of Rowan’s skin.

  Rowan murmured something nonsensical, tilting his head and arching his neck, so Shadow kissed down the gentle arch, and nibbled on the mating scar he’d left. He let his hand scoot around his mate’s chest, stroking the skin, flicking the wee nipples that beaded under his fingers. Rowan moaned and stretched out, offering more of his body up to Shadow’s fingers.

  With a gentle push, Shadow rolled Rowan onto his back and loomed over him, his lips never leaving the warm skin as they trailed over Rowan’s sharp collar bone, first one side and then the other. Rowan’s cock was already firm, and his mate wriggled his hips restlessly, but Shadow made sure he didn’t press his body on his mate’s lower half.

  Instead, he moved his head, backwards and forwards over Rowan’s torso, taking in his mate’s unique taste and scent through his tongue. Oh, I could eat you up so badly, he thought, letting his groan play across Rowan’s skin. He trailed his fingers up the sides of Rowan’s body, under the arm, and across the slender biceps before heading back down again. His mate’s body was limp, relaxed and the small moans were music to Shadow’s ears.

  Slowly, take it slow. Shadow moved his head further down, trailing his tongue over Rowan’s soft belly. His mate’s cock was slender, leaving dribbles on his chin where it nudged him. But Shadow ignored it for now, as he left a series of small nips down the sharp V caused by Rowan’s hip bones.

  “Oh, my gods, Shadow.” Rowan’s voice was a whisper, but the hands that landed on his head were firm. There was no pushing involved. Shadow doubted an omega wolf could ever be sexually aggressive. But when he ran his nose down the join where leg met groin, Rowan spread his legs wider, his hips jolting upwards as his cock sought the friction it needed.

  Shadow could smell it. His omega�
�s juices hitting the air, a signal to his mate that his body was prepping itself. But instead of diving in, like he’d done the time before, Shadow licked over Rowan’s balls, feeling them move under his tightening ball sack. The small indent, right where the two balls sat at the base of Rowan’s length was saturated in scent. Strong, potent, designed to drive alphas wild, and Shadow was pushing back against his instincts.

  He’d never tasted Rowan’s cock. Rowan was learning how to please him with his mouth, but any time he had, Shadow had finished his mate off with his hand. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy oral, it’d just never worked out that way so far. But when Shadow enclosed his mouth over the angry red tip of Rowan’s cock, he silently vowed he’d be doing it again. Beads of Rowan’s precome coated his tongue, and Shadow moved, so he could tilt his neck better to take more of the cock inside.

  Better than steak, Shadow thought as he sucked up, letting his lips and tongue play with the underside of Rowan’s cock head. Rowan moaned, and groaned, and the hands resting on Shadow’s head flexed, his hips doing all they could to chase the sensations Shadow was causing.

  My mate is delicious. Shadow hummed around the silken skin, bobbing his head up and down in slow movements, his broad tongue adding more sensations to the sensitive shaft. Rowan’s legs were spread wide, his stuttering hip movements nothing Shadow couldn’t handle.

  The more Shadow sucked, the more vocal Rowan became, and Shadow realized this was his mate’s first ever blow job. Filled with pride at bringing Rowan so much pleasure, Shadow inhaled through his nose, and sunk his mouth down until his nose brushed against his mate’s groin. One well timed swallow, and Rowan yelled out as Shadow pulled back far enough to taste his mate’s spunk on his tongue. That’s everything awesome about a man right there, Shadow thought happily as he used his tongue to keep Rowan’s cock firm.


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