Private Property

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Private Property Page 18

by La Jill Hunt

  “I get that.” Sam nodded.

  “This situation between you and Lisa though, I don’t know,” Marcus told him.

  “Listen, I got a meeting in the city in an hour.” Sam looked down at the diamond beveled watch on his arm that Marcus knew he probably paid to much for. “Let’s make a deal.”

  “What kind of deal?” Marcus frowned.

  “I agree to go stay at a hotel in the city. But I want you to agree to meet with this guy I was telling you about, the one with the business proposal,” Sam told him.

  Marcus was so glad to hear his brother offering to leave the house and go stay at a hotel that he would’ve agreed to damn near anything. “I’ll meet with him, but I already told you I’m not interested in investing in any business right now. Lisa and I already have a financial advisor and a plan in place.”

  “I hear ya, but I’m telling you this plan is brilliant. I just want you to hear this guy out,” Sam told him.

  “Fine,” Marcus said.

  “Well, let me get inside and grab my shit before your wife comes out here and complains about me keeping you out here too long.” Sam stood up.

  “Just hit me up in the morning and let me know where you are,” Marcus told him.

  “I will. And hey, let Lisa know I’m really sorry I pissed her off. I really just wanted to spend some time with y’all and the kids, that’s all,” Sam said.

  “I know. I’ll talk to her.” Marcus dapped his brother’s hand, and they both walked back toward the house. Marcus hoped Sam’s leaving would put Lisa at ease, especially with her sister and Sam’s ex scheduled to arrive in a few days. He missed cuddling up to his wife in their California king bed, having her warm body next to his. When she was angry, she made sure there was plenty of space between them. He decided he would tell her Sam’s leaving was his idea. Hopefully, she would be so relieved that she would reward him with some good ol’ loving that he hadn’t had since his brother’s arrival two days ago.

  Chapter 18


  “Where are you going?” Eden yelled, startling Riley and causing her to jump.

  “Oh, my God, don’t you ever knock?” Riley gasped and asked, “And why are you yelling?”

  “Because you got the music blasting and I wanted to make sure you heard me.”

  Riley reached for her phone, slightly turned down the music that was blasting from her Bluetooth speaker, then went back to posing in the full-length mirror she was standing in front of. Although she was satisfied with the mixed black-and-white ensemble she wore, consisting of a striped wrap shirt, floral print skirt, and polka-dot pumps, she felt overdressed for where she was going. She slipped out of the skirt and shoes, reached for a pair of black palazzo pants, and pulled them on.

  “Does this look right, or do I look like a member of a chain gang?” she asked her sister.

  “It looks cute. But you didn’t answer me. Where are you going?” Eden asked.

  “Out.” Riley shrugged.

  “Out where?”

  “Out of the house.”

  “Riley, I’m serious,” Eden stated.

  “I am too.” Riley laughed as she walked into her closet and settled on a pair of funky black flats to top off her Bohemian chic outfit. She grabbed a black clutch and tossed her favorite tube of lipstick, her favorite lighter, and her wallet inside. Taking one final look at herself in the mirror, she exited her room and headed down the steps.


  Her sister was following her so close that when Riley stopped midway down the stairs, she bumped into her. “Eden, damn it!”

  “Sorry. But if you would just stop and tell me . . .”

  Riley continued to the bottom floor and finally stopped in the foyer. “Oh, my God, I’m just going out for a little while. I’m not going to do drugs, I’m not going to make another porn video, I’m just going out for a little while, that’s it.”

  “How long is a little while?” Eden asked.

  “As long as it needs to be. Can you please stop acting like you’re my mother? I’m not a kid, and I can come and go as I please. You’re worse than those damn wardens at rehab. If they couldn’t keep tabs on me, you damn sure can’t, and I don’t need you to,” Riley yelled as she snatched the front door open. Her dramatic exit was cut short by Peri, who was standing at the door, about to ring the bell.

  “Am I early?” he asked.

  “No, perfect timing,” she told him.

  He looked past her and waved. “Hey, Eden.”

  “Oh, hey, Peri. Riley didn’t tell me she was going with you,” Eden greeted him with a smile.

  “I don’t have to tell you anything, Eden. I wish you would chill.” Riley rolled her eyes at her sister. She knew Eden was only being concerned, and she had every right to be, especially considering Riley’s screwups over the past few months, but she was being borderline suspicious. It was getting on her nerves. “I’m going out, and it’s no big deal.”

  “I know it isn’t. I was just asking because you didn’t mention anything about going out.” Eden shrugged.

  “I didn’t mention it because Peri literally just called me a few minutes ago and told me to get dressed,” Riley told her.

  “Facts.” Peri nodded. “And she’s right, it really isn’t a big deal. We’re just going to a hookah spot a friend of mine owns. You should come with.”

  “No, I’m good,” Eden said.

  “You know she’s a homebody.” Riley shook her head. “Don’t turn the alarm on, just lock the door.”

  “Okay. Have fun and be safe.” Eden waved as they walked out the door.

  “Don’t wait up for me, Mom.” Riley laughed.

  “Why you do her like that?” Peri asked after they climbed into his Tesla parked in her driveway.

  “Like what? I swear, she followed me around the past twenty minutes asking over and over where was I going. I wanted to swing on her,” Eden said. “And I ain’t had no smoke. She’s lucky I didn’t.”

  “Stop it,” Peri screamed and cackled so hard that it made Riley laugh along with him.

  “This is all your fault.”

  “Mine?” Peri asked, placing his hand on his chest.

  “Yes, yours. I’ve been begging you to go out all week, and you said no, and now tonight you call and tell me to be ready because you’re on your way. What’s up with that?” Riley asked.

  “Well, if you must know, we are on a mission.”

  “What kind of mission?”

  “I got a call from a friend of mine who told me DJ Avenger is in town, and we’re gonna go find him,” Peri said.

  “DJ Avenger? For what?” Riley looked at him strangely.

  “Because I have a client who wants him for her wedding. I’ve been trying like hell to reach him the professional way, but I can’t even get a damn response.”

  “So you’re stalking him? Must be one hell of a client.” Riley gave him a side-eye.

  “She is. Daddy is an oil tycoon, and money is no object.” Peri winked. “My favorite kind of client.”

  “Liar. I know you very well, Peri, and your sudden urge to find DJ Avenger has nothing to do with a damn client. Now, why are we looking for him?” Riley asked.

  “Okay, fine. Because I’m just curious to meet him and find out if he’s just as sexy in person as he is in his pics. I know that sounds crazy—”

  “Say no more, friend. You know I understand craziness and strategically locating someone.” Riley gave him an impressed look. Normally, she was the one having to convince Peri to help her stalk someone she found herself interested in. This was a nice change, and she was excited.

  “Strategically locate?” Peri laughed.

  Riley touched the iPad screen attached to the dash of the car, then said, “Siri, play DJ Avenger.”

  The screen lit up, and a song began to play. Riley turned up the volume, sat up in her seat, and loudly sang along with Peri. It had been a long time since she’d been out and had a good time, and tonight seemed like
a great night to make up for lost time. By the time they arrived at Inhale, their destination, she was hype. It was an unassuming, low-key spot, and had there not been a simple sign on the door, most people wouldn’t have even known it was there. Inside though was a lavish atmosphere of exotic sophistication. Sultry lighting, plush seating, and moody music greeted them. Even the servers were beautiful. The crowd was thick, but it wasn’t cramped, and everyone seemed to be relaxed and having a good time. Peri took her hand, and they headed straight for the VIP area.

  “What’s up, Maurice?” Peri greeted the handsome man who was seated in the booth that was roped off.

  “Peri, my friend. It’s so good to see you. Come, join me.” The man motioned for the muscular security guard to let them in. The two other women sitting beside him moved over, even though there was plenty of room. Neither one of them seemed pleased at Peri and Riley’s arrival, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t thinking about them.

  “Maurice, this is my friend Riley,” Peri introduced her.

  “Ms. Rodriguez, the pleasure is mine. I’m somewhat of a fan,” Maurice told her. Riley couldn’t help staring at his smooth olive skin, silky hair, and perfect teeth. He was one of the most beautiful men she’d ever seen, and she wondered if he was Persian.

  “Nice to meet you, Maurice.” She held her hand out, and he kissed it.

  Once they were seated, he motioned for one of the waitresses. “What do you drink?”

  “Patrón and cranberry,” Peri said.

  “I’ll take a glass of white wine.” Riley shrugged.

  “Look at you being all classy and shit,” Peri teased.

  “Bring a bottle of Patrón and Riesling,” Maurice instructed. “And your shisha?”

  “What do you suggest?” Peri asked.

  “My personal favorite is what I call Miami Nights,” Maurice told him.

  “Sounds good to me,” Riley said when Peri looked over at her for her approval.

  The waitress nodded and held Riley’s gaze for a second. Riley shifted uncomfortably and finally blinked away, relieved when the young girl walked off. She had become accustomed to people staring when they recognized her her entire life. But now she wondered if the stares were because they’d seen the leaked video.

  “So, I heard DJ Avenger was coming through, Maurice.” Peri leaned back. “I need to holler at him right quick.”

  “Who told you that?” Maurice said.

  “Is he for real? He’s coming here?” the two women asked excitedly.

  “You know my place is the new hot spot in town, so I wouldn’t be surprised.” Maurice shrugged and took a pull from the glass canister sitting on the table in front of him. “Everyone wants to Inhale.”

  “Come on, Maurice. I know his people called and gave you the heads-up already.” Peri tilted his head in a knowing manner.

  Riley had never seen her best friend so pressed about anything. Granted, DJ Avenger was popping these days, but she didn’t understand Peri’s sudden interest. Although he said it was for his client, she knew it had to be something more.

  “Here you are.” The waitress returned, carrying a large tray with their items. She set everything up for them and then placed a shot in front of Riley.

  “I didn’t order this,” Riley told her, confused.

  “From the gentleman over there.” The waitress motioned toward another booth across the aisle. “He’s been asking about you since you walked in.”

  Riley realized the staring earlier had nothing to do with the horrific video, but because of the man’s interest and inquiry. She sat up to get a better look at who she was referring to and saw two men seated. One of them raised a glass at her when he saw her looking.

  “What is it?” Riley looked down at the glass. “I mean, I can’t drink it, but I’m just wondering.”

  “Louis,” the girl said matter-of-factly.

  “Wait, did you say Louis?” Peri sat up on the edge of his seat. Riley couldn’t blame him. The guy had sent over a shot of cognac that had to cost at least $125.

  “Yep,” she said.

  “Tell him I said thank you, but I can’t drink it,” Riley told the waitress. Then she turned and waved at the guy.

  “Who the hell is that?” Peri asked Maurice.

  “I am not sure who the man is who sent the drink, but the other guy is Bruce Crawford, one of my regulars. He is an investment broker and very successful. I don’t know the guy he’s with. He’s not from around here, but if he’s with Bruce, trust me, he’s wealthy,” Maurice said. “Bruce only hangs with seven-figure associates.”

  Suddenly, the two women who were moments earlier gushing over Maurice now turned their attention to the other booth. It took everything for Riley not to burst out laughing at their obvious thirst. Although seven figures was impressive to her as well, she would never show it.

  The waitress went to pick the drink up, but Peri stopped her and picked it up. “She may not drink it, but I damn sure can.”

  “So you’re just gonna drink in his face like that, Peri? You ain’t gonna play it off or nothing?” Riley laughed.

  “I sure am.” Peri took a swallow and closed his eyes.

  Riley looked back over at the two men and noticed they did not seem pleased at all. “Uh, Peri, I think they’re pissed.”

  “No worries, I got this.” Peri stood up, adjusted the floral blazer he wore, then walked over to the booth.

  “Oh, God. Please don’t let them knock him out.” Riley’s eyes widened, and she watched with anticipation. Maurice poured her a glass of wine, and she took a gulp.

  “Bruce is a good guy. He won’t beat him up. I’m certain of it,” Maurice told her.

  A few minutes later, Peri came back with Bruce and the other guy. “Riley, this is Bruce and—”

  “Sam, Sam Wells, and I have been dying to meet you,” the guy said with an accent that let her know he definitely wasn’t from the West Coast. His eyes were mysterious, and he grinned at her mischievously. The look he was giving her screamed trouble. It was one she had given men all the time. But instead of it being a red flag warning her to stay away, it was magnetic and drew her to him. It had been a long time since she’d had fun, and Sam seemed like he was just what she needed.

  Chapter 19


  Although her sister’s last-minute plans to hang out caused some concern for Eden, it also gave her an opportunity of her own. Neil had asked to see her because he had something to tell her. She’d been trying to figure out an excuse to leave the house herself. The only reason she’d been questioning her sister about where she was going was that she needed to know how long she’d be gone. Once she found out she was going out with Peri, Eden knew she’d have a few hours to spend with Neil. She took a shower, got dressed in record time, then headed to his condo.

  “Damn, you look sexy,” he said when he opened the door.

  Eden glanced down at her outfit, which consisted of leggings, a T-shirt, and sneakers, and she smirked. “You’re only saying that because you want me to give you some ass.”

  “I mean, yeah, I do want that, but that’s not why I said it. You do look sexy,” he said, then kissed her softly as she stepped through the door. Neil put his hands around her waist and guided her into the living room. The lights were dim, soft jazz was playing, and a bottle of champagne, already poured into two glasses, and a plate of fruit and chocolate were sitting on the coffee table.

  “Oh, you really want some ass.” Eden turned and looked at him.

  “Stop saying that. It’s turning me on.” Neil laughed and kissed her again. “But, baby, I got some big news. You’re not gonna believe this.”

  “Whatever it is, it must be good because you are damn near glowing. You’re not pregnant, are you?” She feigned a shocked look and put her hand on her chest.

  It was Neil’s turn to smirk as he handed her a glass of the bubbly liquid. “Funny.”

  “I’m serious,” Eden told him. “Okay, so if we’re not celebrating your
being pregnant, then what are we celebrating?”

  “I had a meeting today with a director friend of mine. He just got hired for a major motion picture,” Neil told her.

  She’d never seen him act like this. Normally he was mellow and laid-back, but tonight he was damn near giddy. His excitement was contagious, and she was now anxious to hear what it was he had to tell her. “Okay, okay. And?” Eden asked.

  “And he wants me to be his director of photography,” Neil announced.

  “Oh, my God. Baby, are you serious? Oh, my God,” Eden screamed.

  Neil lifted her into his arms and twirled her around, almost causing her to drop her glass. “Baby, I’m serious. Can you believe this?” he said, putting her down.

  “Yes, I can believe it. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long and what you’ve been working hard for. You deserve this, and I’m so proud of you,” Eden told him. Again, he took her into his arms, but this time it was to kiss her fully on the mouth. When they finally pulled away, she asked, “Okay, so what project is it? Tell me more.”

  He picked up his glass and took a sip. “It’s a new movie being produced by . . . you ready?”

  “Yes, I’m ready. Tell me.”

  “Bishop Walter Burke. The Bishop Walter Burke. And it’s gonna be big, Eden. The movie is a historical fiction project based on this bestselling book called For the Love of Thomas. It’s about Thomas Jefferson and—”

  “Sally Hemmings.” Eden finished his sentence and stared at him, her wide smile fading.

  “You heard about it? I told you it’s big.” Neil nodded.

  “Yeah, I read it, and so did Riley.”

  “Riley? She read it?” Neil seemed just as surprised as Eden had been to hear that Riley had read the book.

  “Yeah, four times, and she heard about the movie, too. She wants the part.” Eden swallowed hard.

  “What part? Not the part of Sally. That’s already going to Lauren Carmichael.” Neil’s eyebrows furrowed.

  “Are you sure? That’s just a rumor and not a done deal yet, right?” Eden asked, hoping that he would say the part was still open, remembering how intense her sister had been when discussing her aspirations to be the lead in the movie. Riley had been through so much over the past few years and seemed to be working hard on her sobriety and getting her life back on track, including her career. Eden was willing to do whatever she could to help her. And even though she was secretly sneaking around with Riley’s ex, something that she wasn’t proud of, that was still her sister, and she wanted to see her win. “Neil, you have to listen to me. She wants this bad.”


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