While She Sleeps: The Dirty Heroes Collection

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While She Sleeps: The Dirty Heroes Collection Page 6

by René, Dani



  A loud crash has me shooting up from the soft mattress I’m lying on, and my eyes snap open in shock. My head feels groggy, and my throat is dry as if I had a whole bottle of wine last night.

  The room I’m in is not mine. Nothing looks familiar, and I try to figure out where the hell I am. I take in the furniture, which is all oak, not the dark wood from my childhood home or the Ikea furniture from my apartment.

  The walls are made of light wooden logs, thick and sturdy, and the small window to the left of the bed I’m on is shut tight. But from where I am, I can tell the view is no longer the small town I’ve come to love. All I see are trees. The forest thick and lush, and the gray sky looming ominously overhead.

  Another crash sounds from somewhere, and then last night flashes in my mind. The man, the stranger who is no longer a stranger. It’s Logan. I remembered him the moment he showed me his face. Anger surges through me when I recall his words to me— “The moment you turn your back on me, I’ll follow you, and I will most certainly steal you from your life here.”

  The asshole really fucking kidnapped me. Shooting to my feet, I head to the door, twisting the handle, but it’s locked. I slam my palms against the wood, screaming at him to let me out.

  “You asshole! I’m not fucking kidding, let me out!” My voice is hoarse, the words scratching against my throat. “Logan fucking Oakridge!” Again, he ignores me, or he can’t hear me because I’m still alone a minute later.

  I glance around the room, looking for something I can use as a weapon, but with every drawer I open, I come up empty. He wasn’t kidding, and now I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with that asshole.

  I can’t believe he came for me. When I was ten, I looked up at him, hoping he’d smile at me. Now all I want him to do is walk away from me like he did all those years ago. Guilt is a heavy burden to carry. But no matter what he does, he can’t fix what he did.

  Leaning against the wall beside the window, I slide down until my ass hits the floor. The coolness of the room makes me shiver. I don’t know how long I sit there staring off into space when I hear footsteps outside the door. I want to move, to run toward it, but I don’t feel like fighting him right now. Even if I tried, he’s taller, bigger, and stronger than I am.

  “Good morning, Beauty.” He smiles, and even though it looks like a genuine grin, anger flares inside me, and I’m on my feet in seconds.

  “What the fucking hell is wrong with you?” I shove against his chest, my fists no match for his hard muscles. The man is strong, wide, and tall. I have to tilt my head back to look at him. He’s wearing glasses, the dark rims circling his almost-black eyes. Logan is no longer the young boy who sneered at me. He’s a man, one who’s looking at me as if he’s about to devour me whole.

  The flannel shirt he’s wearing is unbuttoned, and I can’t tear my gaze away from his smooth, inked chest underneath. The man is mammoth. I didn’t notice it much when we were at the park, but now that we’re both on similar ground, I can’t stop staring. His dark hair is messily styled, sticking out in every direction. His angular jaw and sharp features look like they’ve been crafted with the finest materials by an artist who loved his work.

  “I told you, Beauty,” he speaks, dragging my attention back to the present and to the fact that he kidnapped me. “I won’t let you get hurt.”

  “What you did was illegal!”

  “It was. But then again, I’m an Oakridge. We’ve been doing illegal things since my grandfather took over from his dad and made friends with the gangs of Chicago.” He shrugs as if this is normal, as if crime should be something to chat about over breakfast. At that thought, my stomach grumbles loudly, and Logan glances over me, his eyes trailing from my stomach up to my breasts then to my eyes.

  “I can’t be locked in here all the time.” I don’t know why I’m saying that. It sounds like I’m accepting that this is normal, but the only thing I can think of right now is washing up and trying to find a way to make him let me go.

  “Perhaps. But until you stop yelling at me to let you go, you’ll spend your time in here.” He doesn’t look like he’s joking. “When you learn that this will be your new home for the foreseeable future, then and only then will you be allowed freedoms like going into the garden.”

  “This is fucking ridiculous!”

  He arches a brow at my outburst, and I force myself to rein it in. I’m more frustrated and angrier than I’ve ever been.

  “You do realize that all this bullshit isn’t going to work with me. Right?”

  He doesn’t respond, but he takes steps toward me, closing the distance, and he dwarfs my tiny frame until I’m backed against the wall. His eyes glower down at me, and I have to tilt my head backward to meet that dark gaze.

  “I don’t deal in bullshit. You’re here because it’s the only way to keep you safe. I don’t give a shit if you hate me, if you want to hit me, or if you scream at me, I’m not letting you go.”

  “Safe from what?” I demand, hoping he has some way to explain himself. I know Herbert is out there, but since he hasn’t mentioned that asshole, I think it is something else.

  “Nothing you should concern yourself with.”

  “No. You’re not allowed to just tell me shit like that and walk away. What are you keeping me safe from? Because if you can’t tell me, then I know you’re lying.”

  He sighs, and I wonder if he’s annoyed with me. Perhaps he’s second-guessing his choice to kidnap me and keep me in the middle of nowhere.

  “Where are we anyway?”

  “We’re safe,” he tells me. “Do you remember anything about the contract your father signed?”

  His question stills me. Surely, he’s not working for his father. If he was, he would’ve taken me there already. Logan watches me, waiting for a response. His eyes are piercing as he regards me. Do I tell him what I know? Or is he trying to steal information to use against me later?

  “If you don’t tell me, I’ll find out for myself. I have friends in high places, Beauty,” he offers, settling on the mattress, causing me to turn around and face him.

  “Tell me about this war first,” I respond, needing more information before I offer him everything I know about the man who wants me dead.

  “My father is one of the most dangerous men in Chicago,” Logan starts, and I nod because I know this already. I grew up hearing rumors about the king of the crime world. “He’s wanted by people who would like nothing more than to see him falter. And I’m one of them.”

  “But don’t you work for him?”

  Logan shakes his head. “Not anymore, I didn’t want that life. And no, I’m not the best person to be keeping you safe since my father’s has connections, but I’m not letting him put his hands on you. It’s . . .” His voice trails off, leaving silence in its wake.

  “It’s...?” I urge. “Logan, if you’re not going to tell me, then you have to let me leave. I can’t stay here. I have a life.”

  “You don’t have a life out there. You’re hiding out from Herbert. Being here, you’ll be out of his line of fire.”

  “How do you know?” I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Let me go. Please?”

  “No.” He’s on his feet, anger surging through him. He saunters to the door, twisting the handle and tugging it open. Soon enough, he’s on the other side of the entrance. “Why can’t you let me make this right?”

  Frustration ebbs through me, flowing like a gushing river, and I can’t stop the words from falling from my mouth. “Because you can’t!”

  He doesn’t say a word. Just watches me for a long moment before he nods slowly, then shuts the door. I race toward it, slamming my palms against the wood, but I know he won’t open it again.

  I’m tired, hungry, and I feel hungover. I would love a bath or shower, just something that will calm me down, but I’m left alone in the room, and I don’t know how long he’s going to be gone this time.

  I hear a car door slam,
which has me racing for the window. I watch as Logan pulls away from the cabin in a blacked-out Range Rover. “Fuck!” My voice is hoarse, my throat burning as I stare at the dust the wheels kick up as he makes his way down the dirt road between the trees.

  I’m alone, and I have no way of getting out of here.



  She’s a fucking little brat.

  Shaking my head, I pull up to the general store and get out of the vehicle. I’m still shaking, ready to put her over my lap and spank her pert little ass. But that’s only going to make matters worse. I need to know more about her time with my father, but she doesn’t trust me, not yet.

  When I enter the store, the cashier looks up and smiles. She’s been here every day since I moved up to the cabin. Thankfully, with the town being so small, it’s quiet, and I can get feminine products, along with some soda, bread, and even some candy for Vera.

  I didn’t prepare to have her cooped up in my cabin for the unforeseeable future, but since she’s acting like a brat, I’m going to have to ensure she has everything she needs. Once I’ve paid, I’m back in the truck in minutes.

  The sun is still high, and I make a quick pitstop at the local bakery, where they have the freshest cakes and cookies. I buy a box filled with a variety of flavors before I head home.

  The moment I pull up to the cabin, I look up and find Vera at the window, looking down at me. The bedroom has nothing that can aid her escape, but I can’t deny I was worried she would be gone when I returned.

  Inside, I set everything on the counter and listen to her screaming up a storm from the second floor as she tells me I’m a bad asshole, and she’s going to kill me. I smile. The thought of her hurting me is laughable, but still, I can’t help but wish we could have that fight while naked with her writhing beneath me.

  I’ve never been able to find pleasure unless the woman is still asleep, not moving a muscle. The thought of controlling her body, while she is merely a rag doll for me to toy with, has always been my go-to. Sadly, not many women trust a man like that, not that I blame them.

  The screaming upstairs stops, and I still for a moment. I want to go up there to see if she’s okay, but I know I should let her blow off steam. Soon enough, she’ll get hungry. She’ll need to freshen up, and then she’ll calm down. I pack the food in the cabinets before heading up with the toiletries I bought for Vera.

  Once I’ve put them away, I move quietly toward her bedroom door and listen. It’s silent, and I wonder if she’s passed out. I wait another moment before I head downstairs to grab my phone. There’s no news from Dax yet, but I know the moment he can, he’ll make contact.

  I pull out my laptop and log into the software I’ve used since I was fifteen. The program was coded by one of my father’s men—an IT genius—which allows me to track Dad’s whereabouts without his knowledge.

  We used to use it for our clients, but now I use it to make sure I’m safe, and he hasn’t found me. If I can get into the system, I’ll try to find a link to Dad’s contacts I know are trying to locate Vera. She’s been lucky he hasn’t found her yet.

  I must try to get information about what he’s up to because I have a feeling he’s closing in on Vera; well, her old place. I log into the security systems at the apartment building she was staying in. I installed two small cameras before taking her, and I know they’ll come in handy.

  When I finally manage to get logged in, I find the place untouched. Flicking through both cameras, I make sure to note anything out of place, but I don’t see anything. I’ll give it another two days before checking again.

  My email pings with an alert. I open it, flick through to the new message, and notice it’s from an encrypted address. It must be Dax. I click it and scan the contents.


  He’s making his play for her. He has his team searching, but I have a feeling he wasn’t completely honest with me. There’s something he’s hiding, and I have my men on it. I can’t promise you I’ll have something before the weekend, but I’ll try.

  If you’ve already made your move, stay out of towns and cities. He is scouring the West Coast. He’ll then head south, then east and north. I’m not sure where you are, but it’s best that you don’t come out of hiding until I’ve made sure the city is secure.

  This isn’t some idle threat. He’s on the warpath. If he finds her, he isn’t going to think twice about killing her. She ran, breaking a contract between him and her father. Which brings me to my next warning—her father is going to pay for this.

  If you can keep that from her for the time being, it may make it easier for you to gain her trust. I’ll see what I can do from my side, but all I can say is, be ready.


  I figured that’s how it would go down. If Dax can get my father out of the way, perhaps I can go home. He didn’t mention anything about my mother, but she’s innocent in all this.

  The floor creaks upstairs, and I decide to go back up to see if Vera is less fiery. Hopefully, she’ll allow me to help her. Perhaps she can understand why I’m doing this. I take the steps two at a time, and I’m at her door in seconds. I unlock it before pushing it open to find her sitting on the bed. She’s got her legs crossed, and I can’t stop my gaze from wandering between her thighs.


  I lift my gaze to meet hers. The corner of my mouth quirks as I regard her glare. “Are you ready to listen?” I ask her, but I don’t make a move to enter the room. Instead, I lean against the doorframe and cross my arms in front of my chest.

  “Are you ready to take me home?”


  “Then no, I’m not ready to listen to your made-up stories,” she pouts, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. How I walked away from her is beyond me. She turned into a beautiful young woman. I watch her squirm, and I can guess what she’s struggling with.

  “Do you need the bathroom?” I ask, gesturing with my chin toward her.

  I can tell she’s at war with herself. She wants to say yes, but she also wants to refuse my help. But this will only hurt her, not me. I shrug and take a step back before she shouts out.


  I do, stopping short, waiting for her to talk.

  “Yes, please,” she tells me. Her submissiveness makes my blood heat. It’s been so long since I’ve spent so much time around a woman I can’t help but notice the smallest quirks about her.

  “And you’re going to behave?” I challenge, knowing I’m going to piss her off. She may need me for certain things, but she’s also got a stubborn streak that could put her at a disadvantage. I don’t deal well with pouty little girls, and at the moment, she fits perfectly into that category.

  I want her fire.

  I want her to burn me from the inside out.

  “I’ll try,” she bites out, pushing off the bed, her bare feet padding toward me. I grip her arm, tugging her along beside me. “I can walk on my own.”

  “Yeah? Then you’ll be able to go to the toilet while I stand right here,” I tell her as I lead her into the smaller room and wait at the door.

  “No way,” she grits through clenched teeth. Frustration etched on her pretty face, which only makes me smile. “I need privacy.”

  “You don’t need shit. If you can’t listen to me, or obey me, then you’ll be under my surveillance twenty-four seven.”

  Her glower turns ferocious, and a small growl vibrates in her chest, making her look like a feisty little kitten trying to claw its way out of a box. I love watching her like this.

  “God, you’re such an entitled asshole.”

  I laugh out loud. “Oh, Beauty, if you only knew.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You better freshen up, or you’ll be put back in your room until tonight without any relief.” I deflect the question because I don’t want to be talking about me and my shitty upbringing right now. She doesn’t need to know all that bullshit.



  He’s such an asshole.

  I tug at my shorts and panties and sit down quickly, so he doesn’t get a view of my ass. Embarrassment burns my cheeks, and the heat trails down to my chest. I must be bright red as I use the toilet while Logan stands only feet away. I’ve never been so degraded before, and it makes my stomach twist painfully.

  Tears burn the back of my eyes, and I fight them back. I want to ask him why he’s being such a dickhead, but I don’t. Instead, I finish up, washing my hands and face and retying my ponytail.

  “I’m done.”

  He nods, but I can tell he’s still thinking about what I asked earlier. He deflected the question, instead attempting to distract me from what I asked, but I didn’t forget. His expression is reflective as he grips my arm once more and moves me toward the bedroom.

  Once I’m inside, he leans against the doorframe again before asking, “What do you want to eat? I got some bread at the store so I can make a sandwich for you.”

  I watch him for a moment, wondering if this is my future, being held captive and fed like a child. I’ve been independent for a while now. I haven’t had anyone look after me like this since I ran away from home, so this is difficult to accept.

  “That will be nice, thank you. And . . . could I have some coffee or something, please?” I ask, my voice cracking at the thought of my freedom and dignity being stripped away in the blink of an eye.

  “Sure.” He tugs on the door, but I stop him with my hand on his arm before he can shut it. “What?” The word is strained, and I wonder if I’m truly annoying him, or if he’s fighting the attraction. We did connect when we didn’t know who the other person was. I know we did.

  “Could I . . .? I mean . . .”

  “Out with it, Vera,” he sighs as if I’m frustrating him with my nervousness. How does he expect me to behave? Does he want me to just love him because he apparently saved my life? That’s not how this is going to work, and he has to get it through his brain.


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