Claimed: Gem Creek Bears, Book Three

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Claimed: Gem Creek Bears, Book Three Page 10

by Snyder, Jennifer

  “What the?” I gasp.

  “You’re sick,” Soren said. He blinked, and the color came back to his eyes. The area between his brows puckered as he stared at me. “The Mystic magic inside of you is too.”

  “What do you mean?” Liam asked as he moved to my side, ignoring what just happened to Soren’s eyes like Soren seemed to be.

  What was this guy? Why had his eyes gone solid white, and what did he mean I was sick?

  “I don’t know anything more than that,” Soren said. “My gift doesn’t give me much.”

  Was it me or had he said the word gift as though it left a bad taste in his mouth?

  “What just happened? What was that? Your eyes—they turned white,” I said, not willing to let what I saw go.

  Soren licked his lips. His gaze fell to the ground before lifting to lock with mine again. “I’m a crow shifter. We see things. Well, some of us do. Others get sensations or feelings of bad omens and things like that.”

  “What did you see when you touched me?” I asked, scared of the answer but needing more clarity all the same.

  The chill of whatever lived in my chest became all I could focus on. Was that the sickness he’d mentioned?

  “All I was able to see was that you’re sick. The Mystic magic inside of you is too.” He smoothed a hand along his jawline, his eyes never wavering from mine. “Given the situation, I’d say it’s because there are now two Mystics where there should only be one.”

  “So, then what? I’m—dying?” There was a tremor to my voice when I spoke. “Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I don’t know. All I know is that you’re sick,” Soren insisted. His gaze shifted to Liam. “And that you can’t call dibs on this new Mystic too.”

  “Claiming her wasn’t my intention. Tris wants to speak with her, to explain what she is to her. And, now I’d like to see if the same sickness is affecting her.” Liam’s voice was firm and steady, but I knew he most likely felt the opposite. I was positive he was as freaked out as I was.

  Soren nodded. “She’s staying at Eloise Manor. One of mine is keeping an eye on her.” His jaw twitched. “Remember what I said—you can’t have two Mystics. This one is ours, should she want to be.”

  “You have my word,” Liam said.

  Soren climbed into his beastly truck and revved its engine to life before driving away. I stared after him, watching as dust from the gravel road kicked up.

  “So, I’m sick,” I said, my words barely above a whisper. “In a way, I sort of already knew. I can feel it. The coldness. Something isn’t right.” My body trembled as though in agreement.

  Liam wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. His warm lips pressed against my forehead in a featherlight kiss. “It’s going to be fine. Don’t worry. We’ll figure this out.”

  “I can’t do this anymore,” I said, overwhelm getting the best of me. I smoothed my hands over my face and exhaled in a puff of air.

  “I’m sorry, but being the Mystic isn’t something you can turn off or decide you don’t want.” Liam’s voice was soft, soothing. He hated his words almost as much as I did.

  I shook my head. He didn’t get it. “I can handle being the Mystic. I just can’t handle freaking out like this anymore.” I untangled myself from him and paced in front of the steps, my heart still beating at an erratic pace in my chest even though Soren was no longer here. “I thought he was here for me. To take me away. I can’t handle thinking every shifter I see might abduct me. I can’t handle thinking Marshall or Demi could be lurking somewhere, waiting for the right moment to capture me again.” I ran my fingers through my hair and exhaled another puff of air, knowing I sounded and probably looked manic and not caring.

  I’d been slowly going insane for days. I guess it was time I finally looked the part.

  I was tired, but knew I couldn’t sleep because of my nightmares. I felt weak and helpless against them—against the ability to protect myself from the things in this new world that threatened to hurt me.

  A low grumble vibrated through Liam’s chest. “They’d be stupid if they did.”

  He was talking about Marshall and Demi. The warning he’d shouted after them surfaced in my head, but it was followed by doubts of it sticking for long. If one of them got sick, they’d come for me.

  I locked eyes with Liam. “I know, but I can’t help worrying about it,” I said. “The only way I’ll feel safe again is if I’m claimed by you and your clan—if I have a bear of my own.”

  Liam’s eyes brightened. His bear had heard me and clearly liked what I’d said. “Are you saying what I think you are?”

  “Claim me,” I breathed while still holding his stare. My words were low but steady. I was sick of feeling helpless. I was sick of feeling unsafe. “Give me a bear.”

  Liam inched closer. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “Yes.” I didn’t hesitate in my reply. I wanted to not feel so damn scared anymore and this was how to do it.

  With a bear of my own, I could protect myself if anyone tried to come after me again. Heck, they most likely wouldn’t even try because I’d be part of Liam’s clan and no longer a beacon.

  Being claimed was a way to end all this madness. It was a way to free me from my worries. It was a way to give me strength again. I was sick of feeling weak.

  “You’re positive that’s what you want?” Liam asked. His tone was mellow, but excitement burned in his eyes. “That you’re ready?”

  I nodded. “Are you? I mean, can it be done now or is there some sort of ceremony we have to do first?”

  I wanted to get this over with because it felt like the answer to everything, to all my problems.

  “No. We celebrate, of course, but there’s no ceremony.” His eyes became a bright shade of gold as he dipped his head and erased the remaining space between us.

  “So, will you do it, then? Will you claim me?”

  “I’ve wanted to claim you since I first laid eyes on you, Tris.”

  I blinked. “You have?”

  “My bear wanted you then too.” A sheepish grin twisted onto his face as his cheeks tinted pink. “It’s a big decision though, and I wanted to make sure you understand all aspects of it first.”

  “I do.” He’d told me before.

  I knew whatever bear I was given might be completely opposite of my personality. She might be hard to control and try to rebel a lot. But I also knew that I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be strong. To not have to worry each time I heard a noise or felt someone’s eyes on me that it was a shifter ready to abduct me for my Mystic healing abilities. I wanted to know for sure I was part of this clan, that no one could take me from Liam or the others.

  I wanted to be part of their family.

  Two little boys darted past us and up the steps to the general store, laughing while racing one another to the door.

  “Beat you,” one of them shouted, out of breath.

  “You cheated,” the other said with an attitude.

  “Hey,” a woman with long flowing brown hair called to them. “No fighting if you want ice cream still.”

  Liam nodded to the woman as she passed and flashed her a smile.

  “Sorry,” she said in apology for the boys before following them inside.

  “No problem,” Liam replied to her before shifting his attention back to me. “Maybe we should head somewhere else.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” I’d gotten so lost in our conversation that I hadn’t noticed the boys. I hadn’t noticed anything besides Liam and what I was feeling.

  Liam grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers through mine. “Come on. I know the perfect place.”

  We started walking toward his cabin and for the first moment since everything happened with Jessica, I felt safe. My heart didn’t hammer like I thought it might. Instead, everything about this decision felt right.

  Chapter Twelve

  The sound of rushing water. The feeling of the sun beati
ng down on me. The vibrant green foliage and the smells of nature. Yona Waterfall was even more beautiful than I remembered. When I realized this was where Liam was taking me, I’d tensed. I thought everything that happened with Corbin here would have tainted the place’s beauty, but it hadn’t.

  Somehow, it still felt magical.

  “Do you have any questions?” Liam asked. His expression was fierce, but somehow still tender. I wondered if he was nervous.

  I wasn’t nervous about gaining a bear and being claimed, but I was nervous about the pain.

  “Do you have to be in bear form when you do it?” I asked as a mental image formed in my head. I cleared my throat. “In order to bite me, I mean.”

  “No. Not fully,” Liam said. “My bear will be at the surface though.”

  I didn’t pretend to understand what he meant by that, but I didn’t ask him to explain further either. Suddenly, a large part of me didn’t want to know any details. I just wanted to get this over with.

  I wanted to meet my bear. I wanted to feel safe again.

  “Any more questions for me?” Liam asked.

  “Will it hurt?” I hadn’t expected to ask, but it slipped free.

  Liam rubbed at the back of his neck before reaching out to place a hand on my hip. “I’m afraid I can’t answer that because I honestly don’t know. I’m a born bear. Most of my clan are.” His thumb moved in slow strokes against my hip bone. “I’ve never done this before, but I can promise you, I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

  That was enough for me. I trusted him.

  I nodded. “Okay. I’m ready when you are.”

  “I’m ready.” He licked his lips and pulled me closer. I thought he was about to kiss me, but his lips bypassed mine. His warm breath lightly caressed my neck as his fingers came up to slip the strap of my tank top off my shoulder. Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach. “In order to claim you—to give you a bear—I have to bite you.”

  “I know,” I whispered.

  Liam’s lips pressed against the tender area where my neck met my shoulder, placing a featherlight kiss there. “Are you ready?” he asked in a whisper against my skin.

  “Yes.” I held my breath as soon as the word fell from my mouth, nervous of how painful this would be.

  Liam’s hands moved to rest on my hips, holding me close while also holding me still. “Try to relax and remember to breathe.”

  “Easier said than done.”

  He chuckled and then sank his teeth into my shoulder. Pain pulsed from the area, but it wasn’t so intense that I couldn’t handle it. In fact, I didn’t even make a sound. Not until his teeth went deeper. It was then a gasp escaped me. Liam dug his fingers into my hips as his teeth went deeper still. I leaned my head back and fisted his shirt as pain continued to pump through me from the area. My eyes squeezed tight while I suppressed a wince. Just when I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle the pain any longer, something happened.

  Warmth traveled from the bite through me.

  At first, I thought it was my Mystic healing abilities somehow kicking in to heal the wound Liam had created, but as the sensation spread—I realized it was something else. I was able to feel the presence of another—of my bear.

  She was inside me.

  Liam released me and took a step back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes were the brightest I’d ever seen, and there was an animalistic quality about his movements. My bear growled. Not because she felt threatened by Liam or his bear, but because it was her way of thanking him for setting her free.

  A sensation of wholeness pulsed through me, nearly taking my breath away. It hummed through every molecule as though rearranging them. I could feel my bear stretching inside me, making her way into every part of me. She was strong. She was alert. And she wanted free.

  “How do you feel?” Liam asked. The sound of his voice startled me. It was deeper, richer, than I was used to. Was it because his bear was the closest to the surface I’d ever seen without him shifting, or was it because I could now hear through my bear’s ears? “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine.”

  My voice sounded different. Louder. Huskier. I knew it was because my bear was speaking too. I could feel her waiting at the surface to be set free. I was sure my eyes were as bright as Liam’s thanks to her.

  “I feel good. Powerful.” I glanced at Liam, excitement in my tone. The instant my eyes locked with his, I noticed something between us had changed. While Liam had always radiated authority and confidence, this was something more—this was him radiating the air of an alpha.

  My alpha.

  There was a time when feeling beneath someone in this way would have worried me, but not now. I’d seen Liam with his clan. He was nice. He was loyal. And he didn’t put the women in the clan down. Instead, he treated them with the same respect he gave the men.

  Liam was a great alpha.

  “And your bear?” Liam’s eyes returned to their usual color and concern for me filled them. “Is she okay? Not too combative?”

  A mental snort that surprised me sounded in my head. I gained the impression my bear had found his words amusing. A smile twisted my lips.

  “Nope. I think she’s fine,” I said. “She seems to think you’re being a bit dramatic.”

  Liam looked taken aback. “Dramatic? Nah. Just checking that everything is all right.”

  “It is.”

  A noise to our right captured my attention. A splash. My bear perked. She wanted me to see what it was. When it sounded again, and I was able to see it was a fish, flopping between two rocks, nearly butting against one another, her excitement grew. Instantly, my skin itched as tension filled me. She wanted free. It was as though a war had broken out inside me. I struggled to maintain my composure, fearful of what might happen if I gave into what she wanted.

  “She wants out,” Liam insisted. “So set her free.”

  My stomach dipped. “What if I do and then I can’t rein her in?”

  “She’ll let you have control again. This is new to her, too. She understands how scary it can be the first time.”

  My bear released a low rumble of agreement. She wanted me to trust her—I could feel it.

  “What do I do?” I asked, unsure how to go about shifting for the first time.

  “Strip down first, unless you don’t mind her shredding those clothes.” Liam nodded to my skinny jeans and tank top. “Then, you just relax and let her take over.”

  I swallowed hard. Get naked. Right. I guess that was a good first step.

  I pulled in a deep breath and then grabbed the hem of my tank top. As I pulled it over my head, I noticed Liam do the same with his t-shirt.

  “What? Did you think I’d let you shift and have all the fun on your own?” He smirked.

  I tossed my tank top to the ground. “Actually, I’m glad you’re shifting with me. I didn’t want to do it alone.”

  “You’re not alone. I’m here,” Liam said. There was a sweet edge to his tone.

  I flashed him a smile and then dipped my eyes to the button on my jeans. I undid the button and shimmied out. Liam’s eyes were on me. I could feel them raking over my newly visible skin. It excited me. It also excited my bear. She tuned into Liam, into his bear, and I was able to sense his desire for me floating through the air like cologne, heady and spicy. When I glanced up, standing before Liam in only my bra and panties, his eyes locked with mine. He didn’t bother to hide the heat festering in them. Instead, he smirked while dropping his pants to his ankles. Olive green boxer briefs had never looked so good on anyone before. It was sinful. I cleared my throat and then unclasped my bra, letting the straps slip down my shoulders before I tossed it on top of the pile of clothes I’d created. Without hesitation, I slid my panties off next.

  Now what? I asked my bear, waiting for her to take over from here. She didn’t. Instead, she seemed to watch me squirm with amusement. She liked Liam. She liked his bear. And she liked the way he was looking at us. />
  “Now,” Liam said, lifting his arms to his sides and tipping his head back. He looked like a god in all his tanned, muscular glory. I’d noticed he was attractive before—on more than one occasion—but I’d never realized how sexy he was until now. “You relax and let your bear take over.”

  No sooner had he said the words than a giant brown bear stood before me where he’d been seconds before. He made it look so easy. So effortless.

  See that? Your turn, I told my bear. Miraculously, she listened.

  I was shoved aside as she sprang forth. Shifter magic swirled around me like a magical tornado. The change didn’t hurt like I’d imagined it would. There was no popping of bones or cries of agony. It was instantaneous. One minute I was me, and the next I was my bear.

  You’re beautiful, Liam said inside my head. My bear glanced at him. She was pleased with his words.

  Oh, now I’m beautiful? As a human I was merely cute, but now I’m beautiful, I teased.

  Let me rephrase that, Liam insisted, amused. You’re just as beautiful in this form as your human one.

  Much better, I said.

  My gaze drifted from Liam to the waterfall. It was spectacular through my bear’s eyes. Beauty was everywhere here. I took a step closer to the gently flowing waters of the creek Yona Waterfall spilled into and caught sight of my reflection. A stunning, feminine brown bear stared back at me with the most gorgeous amber-colored eyes I’d ever seen.

  Warmth radiated through me, and I knew it was her feeling just as excited about this entire ordeal as I was. The only problem was I could still feel a dreaded sense of coldness lingering in the center of my chest.

  The sickness Soren had mentioned was still there.

  I’d foolishly thought asking Liam to claim me and give me a bear would have been enough to chase that away, but it hadn’t. Even though my bear felt strong and powerful, she wasn’t able to snuff the sickness out.

  Ready for some fun? Liam asked. He’d stepped to my side. I stared at his reflection beside mine in the water. You said you’ve been fishing before, but I bet you’ve never been fishing like this.


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