Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3)

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Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3) Page 17

by Susan Stoker

  “Oh shit…” Kenna breathed as her eyes closed once more and within seconds, began shaking again.

  It was all Aleck could do not to pull her underwear down and bury his head between her thighs. He could smell her arousal all around them and it was like an aphrodisiac. He wanted to taste her. Lick her until she came again and again.

  But he was more than aware that this interlude could make her feel embarrassed. He’d done that once, and had no desire to repeat it. Ever.

  So he stilled his hand, cupping her pussy as she jerked against him a few more times, then went still. He’d kept his hand on her nape the whole time, and when she didn’t open her eyes, he tightened his hold. “Kenna?” he said softly.

  “Shhhh,” she mumbled. “I’m basking.”

  Aleck smiled. Fuck, she was amazing. “Bask away. I’ll just be here enjoying the view,” he said, taking in her gorgeous breasts, still heaving as she caught her breath.

  Instead of trying to cover herself, Kenna chuckled. “You’re such a guy,” she mock-complained.

  “That I am,” he agreed.

  Her eyelids opened and she gazed up at him with a look he couldn’t interpret. He still had one hand on her soaking-wet folds, the other at her nape.

  “Good morning,” she said with a huge smile.

  Aleck couldn’t help but laugh. “Morning,” he echoed, knowing he had to let go of her eventually. Reluctantly, he moved his hand from between her legs and reached for her shirt. He pulled it down, covering her tits, then rested his hand on her belly as he lay beside her.

  They lay together quietly, and for the first time in his life, even though his cock was throbbing, he didn’t feel the need to get off. This was for Kenna. And he was so damn thankful she’d let him share it with her, he wasn’t sure what to say or do.

  “That was…amazing.”

  “I didn’t hurt you?” Aleck asked, recalling how rough he’d been with her breasts.

  “Not at all. It felt wonderful. The way you took control and held me so tightly…it was obviously hot.”

  Aleck sighed in relief. “Thank you for sharing that with me,” he told her.

  Kenna’s head tilted as she looked at him. “You’re so different from most guys I’ve been with,” she said.


  “Uh-huh. Most would be pressing me for sex right about now. Or wanting me to reciprocate. You’re still hard.”

  It wasn’t as if he could hide his erection. His cock was pressed up against her bare thigh, and even though he had on shorts, it was pretty damn obvious.

  He shrugged. “You needed that. You’ve been stressed, and some of that stress is my fault. It was a privilege to do that for you.”

  “Still…” Her hand moved toward his cock, but Aleck shook his head.

  “No, Kenna. I can wait. Sex between us will never be tit for tat, so to speak. And for the record, if there’s anything I ever do that you really don’t like or want to do, tell me no and I’ll stop.”

  “I was really sensitive, and you forced me to orgasm a second time,” she pointed out, not taking her gaze from his.

  “But you didn’t say no,” Aleck said. “And that second orgasm was even more intense than the first. You loved it.”

  She took a deep breath and nodded. “I did.”

  “Right. I’m not a very gentle guy,” Aleck told her. “But I’ll never hurt you. I might push you, but if you say no, I’ll stop. No questions asked. Okay?”

  Kenna nodded.

  After a few moments, Aleck asked, “Feel better? Less stressed?”

  “Yes, absolutely,” she replied.

  “Good. Hungry?”

  She chuckled. “Yes again.”

  “How about you go shower and get ready, and I’ll warm up the coffee I brought for you and throw the malasadas into the microwave?”

  She nodded but didn’t move to get up. Not that Aleck had taken his hand from her neck either.

  Then she took a deep breath. “So…dinner tonight…is that only a dinner invitation, or is it…more?”

  Aleck’s heart jumped into his throat. “You have an open invitation to spend the night with me whenever you want,” he said. “I’d love for you to stay, but I don’t want to rush you into anything.”

  Kenna laughed. “I just masturbated in front of you, and you got me off a second time. I don’t think you’re rushing me into anything,” she said with a laugh.

  Aleck loved how comfortable she was with her sexuality.

  “Then I want you to stay the night,” he said, excitement rising within him. “As much as I fucking love this beanbag, I’m looking forward to laying you out on my bed and not being quite so cramped when I make love to you.”

  “Oh yeah,” she said on an exhale.

  “And seeing you masturbate for me again,” he added.

  “Only if you reciprocate,” she retorted.

  His cock jerked in response to her words. “You want to watch me get myself off, Kenna?”

  She nodded.

  “Fuck. We need to get out of this beanbag. I think it’s an aphrodisiac,” he muttered.

  Kenna laughed. “I’ve never felt like this when I’ve been in it before. It’s all you,” she said. “Us.”

  “Us,” Aleck echoed. Then he took a deep breath. “On that note, I’m getting out.”

  “I’ll give you a push,” Kenna said.

  “Hands off the ass,” he warned.

  She giggled.

  Aleck leaned down and kissed her, loving the feel of her smile under his lips, then did his best to maneuver himself out of the beanbag without kneeing Kenna. She took advantage and let her hands stray as she attempted to “help” him out of the big bag.

  After Aleck got to his feet, he reached down and pulled Kenna up as well. Then he wrapped his arms around her and just held her for a long moment.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what is this for?” she asked.

  Without loosening his grip, and keeping his nose in her hair, he said, “It’s the hug I wanted to give you last night, but couldn’t.”

  Kenna pulled back and Aleck allowed it. She looked up at him. “You’re a sappy fool under that badass Navy SEAL exterior, aren’t you?”

  Without feeling self-conscious about her words in the least, Aleck said, “Only with you.”

  She smiled. “Suck-up.”

  “Nope. Just being honest. Go shower and change. Your breakfast will be waiting when you get out.”

  “I could get used to this,” she quipped. “Being waited on hand and foot.”

  “Me too,” Aleck said seriously. “Me too.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment before Aleck dropped his arms and stepped back. Kenna looked like she wanted to say something else, but she simply smiled at him, then turned and headed for her bedroom.

  As he heated up her coffee and pastries, Aleck couldn’t help but feel proud. She looked a hundred times more relaxed now than she had when he’d arrived. Granted, she’d been half asleep, but still. She even sounded more relaxed. It had been extremely difficult last night not to drive over here to comfort her. But his Kenna was tough. She’d proven it time and time again. She didn’t need him to comfort her, but he sure felt good that she’d let him.

  Kenna turned to look at Marshall. He was driving them to his condo after spending the morning at the swap meet at Aloha Stadium. He’d been a good sport. It was obvious shopping wasn’t his favorite thing to do. He’d bought only one thing—a ring she’d looked at and had decided against buying.

  But he hadn’t haggled over the price at all. Had simply asked the woman who ran the stand how much and didn’t hesitate to hand over the twenty bucks she’d quoted. Kenna had tried to protest, but when he’d grabbed her right hand and slipped it down her middle finger, she’d practically melted into a pile of goo right there at his feet.

  The ring obviously didn’t have any monetary value, but emotionally, it was priceless. Kenna knew she’d remember this day every time she saw it
on her finger. It was a daisy, and probably made in China, but Kenna treasured it.

  Their morning had been a wonderful surprise. She hadn’t meant to sleep so long, but when she’d woken up in Marshall’s arms, she’d felt amazingly good. She hadn’t meant to touch herself while in his arms, but she couldn’t help it. Marshall’s mouth on her breasts had felt incredible, and it had been so long since she’d let down her guard with a man that before she’d even realized it, she was touching herself.

  It turned out to be one of the hottest moments she’d ever shared with a man. Looking into Marshall’s eyes when she’d come had been…earth-shattering. Even through her pleasure, she could see his own reflecting back in his eyes. He enjoyed seeing her come, and hadn’t been concerned about getting himself off afterward, which was quite a change from most men she’d been with.

  When he’d brought her to orgasm again, his touch was so different from her own. She always backed off touching herself when she felt her orgasm approaching, but he’d been forceful, dominant, refusing to let up and making her pleasure seem to go on and on. It felt…incredible.

  Kenna didn’t even feel guilty about basically asking him if she could spend the night at his place. She wanted this man. All of this man. Yes, things were moving fast between them, but she didn’t care. Being with Marshall—in every way—felt right.

  “What are you smiling about over there?” Marshall asked.

  “This morning,” Kenna said without hesitation.

  She loved seeing the satisfied smirk on her man’s face at her words.

  “About how good breakfast was?” he teased.

  “That too,” she told him.

  Glancing at his lap, Kenna saw he was half hard. She loved having that effect on him.

  “Shit, you’re gonna be the death of me, woman,” Marshall groaned.

  “For the record, I like sex,” Kenna explained. “And this morning was…” She struggled to find the right word. Then decided to just say what she felt. “The best I’ve ever had…and we didn’t even have sex.”

  “Shit, you would decide to have this conversation now, when I’m driving,” Marshall grumbled, shifting in his seat and adjusting his cock in his shorts.

  Kenna merely grinned. “Sorry,” she said, knowing she didn’t sound sorry at all. “Look, here’s the thing. Women are judged because of sex all the time. If we like it, we’re easy. If we have too many partners, we’re whores. We’re supposed to be virginal and chaste until we get married, while a guy can fuck as many people as he wants and society doesn’t think twice about it, as if it’s expected. It’s never made sense to me. I’m thirty years old, I like orgasming, and even though I haven’t had a boyfriend in a while, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been taking care of myself.

  “But what you did today…it made me realize that I’m still a little clueless about my own body. You making me come a second time when I thought I was done…it was enlightening. And hot. And now I want to know what else I don’t know about myself when it comes to sex.”

  She could see Marshall’s jaw flexing, and she scrunched her nose in contrition. “Sorry, too honest?”

  “No,” he said in a low, rumbly tone that made Kenna shiver. She hadn’t heard him sound like that before.

  No—she had.

  That morning…when he’d said “one more.”

  “You’re right. Society is way harder on women than men when it comes to sex. I like how open you are about your sexuality. How you aren’t afraid to go after what you want. And I can’t fucking wait to get you in my bed and learn everything you like and don’t like when it comes to being intimate with each other.”

  Kenna smiled. “But you’re going to feed me first, right?” she teased.

  “Fuck, you really are gonna be the death of me,” Marshall complained.

  “But you love it.”

  He turned and met her gaze then, and Kenna inhaled sharply at the intensity she saw in his eyes. “I do,” he agreed, then looked back at the road in front of them.

  Kenna was turned way the hell on. She totally wanted to jump this man as soon as they were inside his condo, but she also loved foreplay. And they were engaged in the longest and most intense foreplay she’d ever experienced.

  She was still smiling when they pulled into the Coral Springs parking lot. For a second, she was embarrassed all over again about everything she’d said while trying to “sneak” onto the beach. But she pushed it away. That was over and done.

  “I’m sorry,” Marshall said after he turned off the engine.

  Kenna shook her head. “You’ve already apologized. And we’re past that now. I want to see this amazing penthouse. And the view. I’ve heard a lot about it.”

  “You’re too good to be true,” Marshall said. He picked up her hand, kissed the palm, then turned to get out of the Jeep.

  Kenna swore she could feel tingles all the way to her toes with just that short kiss. Oooh boy, sex with this man was going to ruin her, she just knew it.

  He met her at her side of the Jeep and grabbed the bag she’d packed. He left the things she’d bought at the swap meet in the car to take back to her apartment later.

  Marshall took her hand in his as they walked toward the entrance. He stopped at the security desk and greeted the man who was sitting there. “Hey, Robert.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Smart.”

  “I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Kenna Madigan,” Marshall said.

  Kenna reached out and shook the security officer’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Same. I hope you had a good time last weekend when you were here,” he said politely.

  Kenna smiled and nodded. It was now obvious that they never would’ve made it past this man if Marshall hadn’t lived there.

  “I’d like to add her to my approved visitor list,” Marshall told him.

  “Of course. If I can just see your ID, Ms. Madigan,” Robert said.

  Kenna had no idea Marshall was planning on adding her to anything. She looked up at him, and he smiled and nodded. Reaching into her purse, Kenna took out her driver’s license and handed it to the security officer. He filled out a piece of paper with her information, then stood.

  “I’ll need to take your picture for our records,” Robert said.

  “Oh, um, okay,” Kenna said, taken aback at the level of security in the place.

  “It’s so the other security employees know what you look like,” Robert said, obviously noticing her unease. “I’ll input your picture into our system and that’s it. No one else has access to our files. The next time you come, you won’t even have to stop. We’ll know you’re allowed to access the property.”

  “If you’re not comfortable, we can do this another time,” Marshall said.

  “No, it’s fine,” Kenna said. “I was just surprised.” She posed for Robert and he took the picture without fanfare.

  He handed her a piece of paper and said, “These are the rules and regulations for Coral Springs. Even though you’re a guest, you’re expected to comply with them. Read it at your leisure, sign, and return it back here to the desk when you’re done,” Robert told her.

  Kenna nodded and folded the paper, putting it, and her ID, into her purse.

  “Ready?” Marshall asked.

  “Ready,” Kenna said with a smile.

  “Have a good afternoon and evening, Robert,” Marshall told the security officer.

  “You too.”

  As they got into an elevator, Kenna turned to Marshall. “I wouldn’t have gotten two steps past that desk if you weren’t with me, would I?”

  “No,” he said with a small smile. “Robert and the other security officers are very good at what they do.”

  “What did your teammates think about having their pictures taken and having to sign the rules?” she asked.

  Marshall shrugged. “They aren’t on my approved visitor list.”

  She frowned in confusion. “But they’re your best friends.”
r />   “Yup. And when they come over to visit, I add them to a daily visitor log. They’re allowed to come in for the day, but not to come and go as they please.”

  Kenna stared at him in disbelief. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. You’re the only person I’ve ever added to my list.”

  Kenna swallowed hard. “You’re so getting lucky tonight, sailor,” she told him.

  Marshall burst out laughing and tugged her into him. “Yeah?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He bent his head to kiss her right when the elevator dinged to let them know they’d arrived on his floor. “Later,” he muttered, more to himself than to her.

  Kenna couldn’t get the smile off her face. She loved surprising this man. She didn’t think it happened very often.

  He kept his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hall toward his condo. He placed his palm on a bio-reader next to his door, and she shook her head in disbelief. “Really?” she asked.

  “Yup,” he said. “It’s easier than having a key, especially when I go on missions. I don’t have to worry about losing or misplacing it.”

  “You take your keys on a mission?” she asked, her brows shooting up in surprise.

  He laughed. “No way. They stay back at the office.”

  “Whew. I was just imagining some terrorist in the wilds of a desert somewhere finding a Jeep key in the sand and wondering how the hell it got there.”

  Marshall grinned. “Exactly. Give me your hand.”

  She did without hesitation. Kenna had a feeling she’d do whatever this man said without thinking about it.

  He pushed a series of buttons on the bio-reader, then pressed her palm to the screen. “There, now you can get in whenever you come over.”

  Blinking in surprise, Kenna stared at him. “Did you basically just give me a key to your place?”

  Marshall shrugged. “Are you gonna come over and rob me?”


  “Then, yes.” Marshall turned to open his door, and Kenna did her best to get her reactions under control.

  This man was nothing at all like she thought he’d be when she first hung out with him on the beach at Duke’s. He was so much…more.

  Marshall led the way into his condo, and Kenna closed the door behind her. Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings.


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