Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3)

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Finding Kenna (SEAL Team Hawaii Book 3) Page 22

by Susan Stoker

  But this was no advertisement.

  The paper was faded from the sun and had obviously been rained on several times, telling Aleck that it had been placed on his Jeep at least a few weeks ago. He read the smeared words—and every muscle in his body tensed.

  You’re not as awesome as you think you are.

  The first person who came to mind when he read the words was Kylo fucking Braun.

  The man had gone too far this time.

  Refolding the note, Aleck climbed behind the wheel. He put the note in his glove compartment and took a second to inhale a deep breath.

  He assumed Braun had found out that he and his team had been deployed, and he certainly knew what kind of car Aleck drove, so he had taken the opportunity to place the note when he knew he wouldn’t be caught in the act. The man was a coward, and not worth a second of Aleck’s energy, but it still pissed him off to no end.

  Since he and Mustang had talked about Baker on the plane, the man was fresh in Aleck’s mind. Maybe he’d give him a call and see what, if any, dirt he could dig up on Braun. Get him transferred.

  Aleck didn’t feel bad in the least that he was seriously considering fucking with the man’s career. He’d brought it on himself with his constant harassment, and just from being a jealous asshole. Braun wanted to play games? Aleck was all in. The other man would find out the hard way that you don’t mess with a SEAL.

  Satisfied with his decision to get rid of the thorn in his side once and for all, and knowing Baker would definitely be able to discretely do what needed to be done to get Braun transferred out of Hawaii, Aleck reached to put his key in the ignition—and had another thought.

  Midas and Mustang had immediately called Lexie and Elodie after retrieving their phones. He wouldn’t be surprised if Jag had texted Carly as well.


  He had no idea if Kenna had done as he’d suggested, getting together with the other women, but if she had, she’d probably be getting a text from one of them, letting her know that the team was home.

  And if she heard from someone other than him that he was back, like she’d learned about his condo, Aleck knew he’d be in deep shit. It might embarrass her again, make her feel bad that he hadn’t called her right away like his teammates had.

  He was reaching for his phone before he’d even finished his thoughts. He didn’t even consider sending a text. He clicked on her name and held his breath as he brought the cell up to his ear.

  It rang twice before she answered. “Marshall?”

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Oh my God!” she screeched. “Are you back?”

  He chuckled. “I’m back,” he confirmed.

  Then Kenna shocked the hell out of him by bursting into tears.


  “Kenna? It’s okay. I’m all right. We all are. Nothing’s wrong, we’re all good.”

  “I’m just so h-happy that you’re home,” she hiccupped.

  “Breathe, babe. You’re worrying me,” Aleck told her. He heard her take a deep breath, then another. “Better?”

  Instead of answering him, she asked, “When can I see you?”

  “The sooner the better,” he said honestly.

  “Are you at your condo?” Kenna asked.

  “Not yet. I’m still on base. I wanted to call and let you know I was back before you got a text from one of the other girls.”

  “I appreciate it. Are you going home or do you have to go into work?” she asked.

  “Home. We have a meeting tomorrow afternoon, but we’re free until then.”

  “Can…would you mind if I came over?”

  Aleck felt his heart rate kick up a notch. “You’re not working?”

  “I am, but I can call in. Alani will understand.”

  Aleck blinked in surprise. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. Are you really that surprised?” she asked.

  “Kind of,” he said honestly. “You love your job, and you’ve said more than once that you hate people who call in, that the business and managers rely on the servers to be there when they’re scheduled.”

  “Marshall, I’ve spent the last six weeks worrying about you and missing you like crazy. If you think I’m gonna be worth a shit at work, knowing you’re finally here but I can’t see you, you’re wrong. If you don’t want me to come over, just tell me. I’ll be disappointed, but I’ll try to understand.”

  Fuck, he loved this woman. Flat out. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. How could he not love her when she would drop everything, including the job she enjoyed, to see him?

  “Not want to see you? Damn, Kenna, I’ve spent every minute I’ve been gone missing you,” he blurted. “So yes, I want you to come over. I look pretty gnarly right now, and I need to get cleaned up and try to scrape this hair off my face, but I want to see you more than I want to breathe.”

  He heard her sniffing and figured she was crying again.

  “Don’t cry,” he ordered.

  “Then don’t say such nice things,” she retorted.

  Aleck realized he was smiling like a crazy man, and anyone watching him would probably think he’d seriously lost it. “Please come over,” he said gently. “I can’t wait to hold you.”

  “Same,” she said. “Do you need me to stop at the store on my way? Anything you’ve been craving while you’ve been gone?”

  “Yes, but no,” Aleck said. “That would take too long. I just want to see you.”

  “Okay. And for the record, you’ve got stuff to eat at your place. You said it was okay for me to stay over there sometimes, so I have been. There’s not a ton of stuff in your fridge, but there’s enough to get you by until you can get to the grocery store.”

  Knowing she’d been puttering around his condo, sleeping in his bed, had Aleck’s heart flipping—and his dick going hard. “Drive safely,” he ordered. “Do not get in a wreck driving like a bat out of hell to get to my place.”

  “I will. And I never drive crazy,” she retorted.



  “It’s so good to hear your voice. I’ve missed our phone calls and texts.”

  “Same,” she said softly.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Soon,” she echoed. “Bye.”


  Aleck felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted from his shoulders. He started the engine and backed out of the parking space, the note he’d found already forgotten in his glove compartment as he accelerated out of the lot. He needed to at least shower before Kenna arrived. She might be anxious to see him, but she wouldn’t be very impressed with how he smelled if she got there before he had a chance to clean up.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kenna couldn’t believe Marshall was actually home. She’d dreamed about this day for so long, and it was finally here. After she hung up with Marshall, she immediately called Alani and explained the situation. Her manager was very understanding, and because Kenna rarely called in when she was supposed to work, she was more than happy to give her the night off. Considering her shift was starting soon, it was even more generous of Alani to be so cool about the request.

  She took the time to change out of her Duke’s uniform, putting on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, not even bothering to do anything with her hair, which she’d put up in a ponytail for work.

  While she was changing, her phone began to ding with texts from the girls.

  Elodie: They’re back!!!!

  Elodie: If you don’t hear from me for a while, don’t be alarmed, I’m just hibernating in bed with my husband!

  Lexie: Did you hear? The guys are home!

  Lexie: Midas told me Aleck talked about you all the time.

  Lexie: Get it, girl!

  Carly: I got a text from Jag. He said they’re finally back. I’m so relieved!

  Ashlyn: Holy crap! I can’t believe Slate messaged to tell me he’s home. I’m way more excited than I should be about this. He’s kind of a jerk, but it was super nice of h
im to let me know!

  Not wanting to take a second longer than necessary to get to Marshall, Kenna shot a quick text back to each of her friends before heading out of her apartment. Even though Marshall said he didn’t need anything from the store, she still made a quick stop on her way to Coral Springs. She wanted to make his return special in some way.

  She gathered up some of the things she knew he loved to eat. The Maui onion potato chips he was addicted to, a bag of Kona coffee because she thought she’d finished up the last bag he had, some fresh mangos, some POG juice—passion, orange and guava juices—and a bag of the Hawaiian popcorn he liked so much, the kind with mocha crunch and furikake. Kenna thought it was gross, but if Marshall liked it, he was getting it.

  She also wanted to stop and get some malasadas from Leonard’s Bakery, but that would take too long. So she cheated and picked up some generic malasadas and doughnuts from the grocery store. They wouldn’t be as good, but they’d do in a pinch. She’d make it up to Marshall later by getting the good stuff.

  Everything within her was urging her to get to Marshall’s condo as fast as possible. Intellectually she knew he wasn’t going to disappear before she could get there, but emotionally, she wasn’t as certain.

  Kenna did her best not to be impatient as she checked out, but it seemed to take forever before she was finally on her way. The closer she got to Marshall’s condo, the more nervous she became. It was silly. He’d sounded excited to see her and more than welcoming, but she couldn’t help but wonder if things between them would be any different.

  For her part, she felt the same toward him. She’d missed him terribly and had resorted to going back and rereading his old texts and messages that he’d sent before he was deployed, just to feel closer to him.

  Butterflies were swirling in her belly by the time she finally arrived and parked.

  Robert had obviously seen her pull into the lot—the man didn’t miss anything—and by the time she had opened her car door, Alfonso was walking quickly toward the vehicle.

  “Hi,” she said as he approached.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Madigan. Let me take those for you,” he said, reaching for the bags in her hands.

  “Thanks,” she said as she handed them over gratefully.

  Alfonso smiled at her as they walked toward the entrance. “Mr. Smart is back.”

  It was kind of cute how excited Alfonso sounded as he said that. “I know,” she said with a smile. “It’s why I’m here. I was supposed to work tonight, but how could I concentrate on anything knowing Marshall had returned?” Kenna knew she was babbling, but she was excited and nervous at the same time.

  “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to contact us,” Alfonso said as he held open the door to the lobby.

  “I stopped and got some of Marshall’s favorite foods, although I didn’t want to wait on Leonard’s malasadas,” she continued. “So I got some generic ones. His sweet tooth should be assuaged either way.”

  Alfonso smiled at her.

  As they approached the security desk, Robert stood. He had a huge smile on his face too. “Hello, Ms. Madigan. I’m guessing you’re happy Mr. Smart is back.”

  “Oh yeah,” Kenna said with feeling.

  Robert chuckled. “I’m sure Alfonso has said this already, but if you need anything, please let me know.”

  “I will. Thanks. I’ve kept Marshall’s pantry and fridge stocked since I’ve been hanging out here, so we should be good.”

  “Very well,” Robert said. “Have a good night.”

  “I plan to,” Kenna muttered. Then she turned to Alfonso. “I’ve got those,” she said, nodding at the bags in his hands.

  “Are you sure? I can carry them up for you,” he offered.

  “I’m sure. The day I can’t carry a few grocery bags is the day I…well, I guess have you bring them up for me,” she ended lamely.

  Both Robert and Alfonso laughed.

  “Here you go,” Alfonso said, handing over the groceries.

  Kenna thanked him, took a deep breath, and headed for the elevators. She supposed she should’ve texted Marshall to let him know she was there, but it was too late now…and her hands were full.

  She did her best not to throw up from nerves as the elevator rose to the top floor. She walked much quicker than usual down the hall toward his door. Before she could put down the bags in one hand to knock, the door opened.

  She almost didn’t recognize Marshall. His face was covered with a fairly substantial beard and his hair had gotten longer.

  “Get in here,” he growled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him before stepping back.

  The second she got close, Kenna recognized his smell, the one that had finally dissipated from his pillows. She’d been so upset the night she realized she couldn’t smell him on his sheets anymore.

  Kenna dropped the bags, not caring if she smooshed the chips, and clung to Marshall. She heard him shut the door behind them, then he had one hand around her back as the other snaked under her ponytail, where he gripped her nape.

  Sighing in contentment, Kenna buried her nose in the side of his neck and held on to him as tightly as she could. His beard tickled her face, but it was much softer than she would’ve expected. His hold on her was just as tight and desperate. Being with him, seeing with her own two eyes that he was safe and unharmed, holding him…it was all too much.

  Once more, to her chagrin, Kenna burst into tears.

  Marshall didn’t let go. He held her even tighter and did his best to comfort her.

  “I’m okay,” he said, knowing exactly why she was overwhelmed with emotion. “I’m here. It’s so good to see you, hold you. You smell just like I remembered. I never thought coconut could be so comforting. Damn, I missed you.”

  How long they stood in his foyer holding onto each other, Kenna had no idea. All she knew was that she could finally relax. She hadn’t realized how tense she’d been for the last month and a half, until right this second.

  Eventually, she took a deep breath and pulled back a fraction. He didn’t let go of her.

  “Hi,” she said. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “Same,” he replied. “You look so damn good…so beautiful. I can’t even begin to tell you.”

  Kenna smiled. She hadn’t done anything special to her hair or even put on makeup, other than what she was already wearing to go to work. She loved how generous Marshall was with his compliments.

  She reached up to touch his face, then hesitated. “Can I?”

  He took her hand in his and pressed it to his cheek. “You can touch me anytime you want.”

  Smiling, Kenna ran her hand over his face.

  “What do you think? Should I keep it?” Marshall asked.

  Kenna shrugged. “It’s different. I’m definitely not used to seeing you like this. But I don’t have enough information to decide if you should keep it or shave it off.”

  He looked confused. “Information?”

  Kenna did her best to keep a straight face. “Yeah, I mean, I guess I’ve have to see how it feels when you kiss me.”

  “Yeah?” Marshall growled.

  Kenna didn’t even have time to respond before his head lowered and his lips were on hers.

  It was like coming home.

  She’d needed this. Neither was hesitant, they kissed as if they hadn’t seen each other in years, rather than six weeks. By the time Marshall pulled back, they were both breathing as if they’d just run a mile.

  “So?” he asked with a crooked grin.

  Kenna reached up once more and ran her fingers through his beard. It was that long. “Are you gonna be upset if I tell you I like kissing you better when you’re clean-shaven?” she asked.

  “Nope. In fact, I’ve got the scissors and razors in my bathroom right now, all ready to go. Want to help me?”

  Kenna eyed him for a moment. “So if you were already planning on shaving, why’d you ask me what I thought? What if I’d said I wanted y
ou to keep it?”

  Marshall shrugged nonchalantly. “Then I would’ve kept it.”

  “Just like that?” Kenna asked skeptically.

  “Just like that,” he agreed. “I had a lot of time to think about us while I was deployed.”

  Kenna scowled at him. “You’re supposed to be thinking about where the bad guys are, and not stepping on one of those explosive bomb things. And how to get home safely,” she scolded.

  Marshall chuckled. “I was. But if I thought about that stuff nonstop, I’d go crazy. So when things got to be too much, I thought about us. You.”

  Fuck. This man. “And?” she asked.

  “And I realized how much you mean to me. Things have been fast with us, but they’ve felt…right. I wondered what you were doing. How you were. If you’ve had a lot of annoying customers, if you were coming over to my condo. If you were eating all right. You name it, I thought it. I know I’m a lucky bastard, and if you can handle my job, me leaving for unknown amounts of time here and there, then I can do no less than bend over backward to make your life easier and full. So…that means if you want me to keep the beard, I will. If you want me to shave, I will. It makes no difference to me.”

  “Marshall,” Kenna whispered, extremely touched.

  “Don’t cry,” Marshall ordered. “I didn’t say any of that to upset you.”

  “Major fail,” Kenna said with a sniff, wiping the tears from under her eyes.

  Marshall squeezed her neck, where his hand still held her possessively, and said, “Look at me, babe.”

  Kenna took a deep breath and looked up at the man she’d fallen head over heels for. She should’ve known she was in love when she’d missed him so terribly. She’d never felt so much for a man. Ever. She’d gone a week once without talking to one of her boyfriends, and it hadn’t fazed her in the least.

  “You’re the most capable woman I’ve ever met. I have no doubt you can do whatever you set your mind to. The fact that you’re with me is something I’ve been pinching myself over for the last six weeks. You’ve got me in the palm of your hand. All you have to do is say the word and I’ll give you anything you want.”


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