Military Matchmate

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Military Matchmate Page 6

by Jade Alters

  “I know, mom.”

  “When we get back home, the rules are going to change. No more kayaking without me. No more going into the woods without me. And no sleepovers for a month.”

  Jacob hopped to his feet. “Mom! It’s summer. You can’t!”

  “Oh, I can, and I will.” I pointed at the couch. “Sit back down.”

  He wasn’t taking this seriously enough, but he’d heard plenty of chastising from me.

  “Hunter? We’re ready for you,” I called out.

  Maybe it wasn’t fair to put him in this position, but earlier in the day I’d asked Hunter if he’d talk to Jacob. I thought maybe hearing it from someone else, especially a grown man who was a trained soldier, that it might make more of an impression on Jacob. For right now, we had a living role model for Jacob, one that he already admired and respected.

  Jacob sank into the couch, his face flaming red.

  Hunter took the talk seriously, taking Jacob to fish in the pond out back while they talked. The image of them sitting together, their backs to me, one large and one small, sent a warm shiver down my spine.

  Once they were back inside, Debra stood with her hands on Jacob’s shoulders. “Cassandra, I’d like to take this young man to a movie. He’s been such a great help to me, and he missed his birthday party due to those dreadful trespassers.”

  “What were you wanting to see?”

  “The one about the talking dog,” Jacob piped up.

  “Debra, that’s really sweet, but I don’t know if any of us should be out in public right now.”

  “You’re right. I know. What if we set up the projector in the backyard, and we can watch the movie under the stars? Would that work out Jacob?”

  “A projector? Yeah!”

  Hunter hung a sheet on the fence and got the projector set up with the first Harry Potter movie.

  “This should be just right for us. We won’t be back inside all night.” Debra was clearly trying to send secret eye signals to us.

  “Yeah! You guys are all alone,” Jacob added.

  “Why’s that important?” I asked. “Do you guys not want to hang around us?”

  Hunter’s eyebrows shot up, but I couldn’t help myself.

  Jacob was too young to catch my drift. “Well. Normally you would have another Military Matchmaker Mission event by now,” he said. “But because of the bad guys, you can’t. So we made one.”

  “Exactly. And now we will excuse ourselves.” I opened my mouth but Debra waved me off. “And before you ask, yes, I have my EpiPen.” She wagged her finger at me. “You my dear, are worse than my nephew.”

  “It’s the nurse in me. Can’t help it.”

  She patted me on the cheek, and then she and Jacob gathered up their bags of snacks and banged their way out the back door.

  “They are really pulling out all the stops,” I said as I flipped my napkin into my lap.


  Cassandra acted like having them here was an imposition on me. Debra made no attempt to hide how delighted she was to have both of them in our home. And I liked it too, but saying so seemed like it would be a really creepy thing to do.

  Hi, I know you’re here under duress because violent men trashed your home. But I like you being here, so why don’t you stay?

  Right. That’s exactly what a woman wanted to hear.


  And now my bear had weighed in. Usually, he just growled when she got ready for work.

  I’m doing my best, buddy.

  Sure it would be nice if Cassandra stayed here in the house all day with Jacob and Debra, but she was an adult. She had to make her own choices, and all I could do was give her my professional opinion about the risks.

  “We should give them what they want.”


  “A little payoff for all their hard work.” Cassandra dropped her napkin on the table with a flourish. She pushed her chair back so hard it scraped over the wood floor. She came around to stand beside me.“I’m sure Jacob’s got Debra’s bird watching binoculars out right now. We should kiss.”

  That was unexpected. Pushing my own chair back, I got up. “You want to kiss in front of your kid and my aunt?”

  She grinned. “Why not?”

  “Aren’t you worried about them being disappointed if we don’t end up dating?”

  She held her hands out in front of her, palms up. I took her small hands in mine. “Nah. It’ll be a good life lesson. If Jacob wants to play matchmaker, then he’ll have to learn that sometimes I’ll want to be friends with the guy if he’s someone awesome like you, and sometimes I won’t ever want to see him again.

  My bear gave a low growl at the idea of her dating someone else. And what if I wanted to be more than friends? Was she absolutely against it?

  Asking while she was trapped living here didn’t seem right. I’d let her take the lead.

  Cassandra was spunky, smart and gorgeous. There was no way I was turning down the chance to kiss her. With her hands still in mine, she raised up on her tiptoes and closed her eyes.

  I bent down, letting my lips meet hers. She kept her mouth closed, so I let my mouth brush over hers. Her fresh lemon scent burst flooded my senses.

  With one of my hands, I let go so I could touch the side of her face. Her head tipped back and she took a step forward until her breasts were touching my chest.

  In an instant, arousal overtook me.

  Keep it G rated. We’re doing this for the kid.

  Her lips parted. She swiped the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip, and I pulled her into my arms.

  A small moan from her shook me out of my haze and brought me back to reality. I pulled away and held onto her arms. “Hey. I got carried away.”

  She blinked up at me before touching her lips. “Uh. Me too.”

  I led her back to her seat and helped her sit down, then pushed her chair back in for her.

  Back in my own chair, my face flamed. “Think that was enough to make them happy?”

  She put her hands up to her lips. “Oh yeah. I feel like we were about to give them a lot more than they bargained for.” She fanned her face. “Think Debra’s shocked?”

  “I bet she is.” My aunt had watched me dodge women for the last year. Now I was making out with one in our dining room.

  “Do you want to move this away from the windows?”

  “Absolutely,” I said. “But let’s eat first, so we don’t let their food go to waste.”

  “And so we don’t look so obvious.”

  “That too.” My bear was set to a steady low rumble. He didn’t like waiting, but I wanted to give Cassandra the chance to reconsider.

  Jacob and Debra had pulled out all the stops and cooked pork chops served with asparagus and a fancy salad.

  Cassandra stabbed a piece of lettuce with her fork. “What changed your mind?”

  “About what?” I asked. The pork chop was delicious, especially paired with red wine. My bear approved.

  “About us. I thought you weren’t interested.”

  I put my wine glass down. “Cassandra. I am very much interested in you.”

  “Then why’d you say you didn’t want to date?”

  “There’s a big difference between being interested and dating. You lost your husband, and you have a son to think about. I have several issues related to my own service. It had everything to do with circumstances and nothing to do with how much I want you.”

  Shit, I’d just told her I wanted her.

  “I think that’s the most I’ve heard you say at one time.”

  “You inspired me.”

  She laughed. “We don’t have to overcomplicate this.”

  “It’s already complicated.”


  “You and Jacob are displaced. Criminals went through your home, invaded your space. Now you’re stuck staying here.”

  She waved her hand. “That’s a very dramatic way of putting it. You hardly strong-armed us. You’re keeping
us safe, and letting us stay here for free.”

  “You shouldn’t feel like you owe me.”

  “I don’t. I just appreciate it. And if I want to show my appreciation, I’ll do laundry, or clean your kitchen, or bake cookies for you.” She leaned in. “If I sleep with you, it’s because I want to.”

  Fuck. My cock went rock hard. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Lead the way.”

  I took her hand in mine, so we’d paint a romantic picture if anyone was watching. The second we were out of sight, I stopped and pulled her toward me.

  “You sure you want this?”

  She pressed her body against mine and rolled her hips. “Yes,” she breathed into my ear.

  My cock throbbed. Resisting the urge to push her against the wall, I swept her into my arms.

  She clutched at my shoulders. “Are we almost there?”

  This was the first time I’d been with anyone since I lost my leg. I’d had a few offers from female fellow shifters, but I didn’t want pity. Thank God this didn’t feel like that.

  As usual, my bed was made, and my room was clean. I laid her on the bed. She always ditched her scrubs and showered after work, and tonight she’d changed into a sundress. Her blonde hair fanned out around her head and her gray eyes were only half-open. She lay with one knee bent. Beneath her pastel blue dress, I caught a glimpse of pale pink panties. I could look at her lying there for hours.

  She sat up and grabbed my arms. “Get down here.”

  So not passive in bed either. I tumbled on top of her, careful not to put too much weight on her petite body, or kick her with my prosthetic. Holding myself on my elbows, I lowered my mouth to hers. She met my kiss, pressing her lips to mine. At the same time, she lifted her hips, grinding her pelvis against my erection.

  She opened her mouth, and I pushed my tongue in. Balancing on one elbow, I got one hand under her dress. I ran my hand over her tight bottom, keeping my touch over her panties for now. Under me, she writhed.

  “Hunter. You’re so hard.” She bucked against me, the thin cotton of her panties doing nothing to conceal the scent of her arousal.

  My bear roared in satisfaction.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since Richard,” she whispered.

  Shit. Five years, and her husband. That was a lot to live up to.

  “It’s okay. We’re just enjoying ourselves. We can do anything you want.”

  She relaxed at that, and tension I hadn’t realized was there fled her body. She popped up, sitting up on her knees.

  It sucked not to have that kind of flexibility anymore. I could move well enough without the fake leg on, but I wasn’t quite ready to just hang out naked without it. I sat up, but I couldn’t cross my legs like I would have in the past. Instead, I pulled my real leg up and left the other on the side of the bed.

  Once she was on her knees, she yanked her dress off over her head, leaving a pink cotton bra that matched the panties.

  “No sexy lingerie these days. Although if we do this again, I could be persuaded to buy some.” She pursed her lips. “Or you could buy some for me.”

  Buying lingerie wasn’t something I’d done before. The shifter women I’d dated had been soldiers. They appreciated feminine clothing, but many of our relationships had taken place during deployments when we traveled very light.

  This time the growl wasn’t silent. “I’d like that.” I ran my hands over the fabric that covered her breasts. “This light pink looks good on you.” I traced my fingertips over her nipples, watching them harden under the cloth. “Hot pink would look good too.”

  “Ah,” she cried out as I dipped my hand into the cup of her bra. She thrust her chest forward and I gently pinched my fingers over her nipple. “More,” she said. I put my other hand in her bra, squeezing her nipples. She rocked back and forth on her knees, panting. I let go of her nipples and cupped her breasts while her lemon scent grew stronger, mixed with a sweet honeyed ginger scent. I needed to get those panties off of her, but I refused to move too fast.

  Popping the snaps on her bra, I ducked and got my mouth over her breast. I licked and sucked, while she moaned.

  “Hunter! I’m close and I’m still wearing my underwear!”

  “Let’s fix that then.” While she sat back on her bottom, I pushed her dainty panties down and slid them off her hips and down her smooth legs.

  I ran my hands over her silky legs.

  “Good thing I shaved today.”

  “It would be okay with me if you didn’t.”

  She laughed. “I’d be all prickly.”

  I pressed a kiss against her thigh. “Still wouldn’t stop me.”

  She popped back up and crawled in my lap. “Hunter. You can get undressed.” She studied my eyes. “Is this the first time since the accident?”


  She nodded. “Just like you told me, we don’t have to do anything else right now. My first time since my husband died in the war, and your first time since you lost your leg in the war. It’s kind of fucked up, but kind of sweet if you think about it.”

  “You don’t think it will bother you?”

  “No.” She pressed her lips together a few times as if searching for the right words. “Richard and I discussed what it would be like. If he came home with a permanent injury. A lost limb, or a traumatic brain injury.”

  “It’s happened to a lot of people we know. You know better than anyone. He told me that if he was physically injured, he’d make the most of it, and keep trying for us. Then he told me that if he was incapacitated mentally if he couldn’t make decisions, that I should move on.”

  She shook her head. “I wouldn't have. I don’t blame people who do. But I’m a nurse. I’ve seen a lot.” She wiped over her face. “Not as much as you have, but enough. So all that to say, it’s not going to bother me, but I don’t want to pressure you.”

  Her capacity to understand, and to put it into words was a lifesaver. I nodded. “Thank you.” Kissing her cheek, I brushed her hair back from her face. “Do you want to lie down, take a break? Or we can watch the movie they picked out for us.”

  “No.” Her eyes blazed. “I may be a wreck, but I’m not letting that stop me.” She put her hands on her hips. “Don’t tell me you’re not attracted to tears and snot?

  “I’m attracted to you, snot and all.”

  “Even my up and down emotions?”

  “Even those.”

  People say sex isn’t the best time to make decisions. I’d probably agree, but suppressing how I felt had become impossible. I wanted a relationship with Cassandra.

  Five years ago, I might have just asked. But now? There were so many other factors.

  How would me being a shifter affect her? She’d already lost one partner to military service. Would she date another? And she’d been awesome about my leg, but casual dating and a relationship were two separate things. I was always going to have one leg. Being a shifter came with some great perks, but regrowing a limb wasn’t one of them.

  My issues felt minor compared to the shadow hanging over us from the loss of her husband. I didn’t have a clue how to address that if we ended up dating.

  She shook her wavy hair out and took a deep breath, raising her arms above her head as if she were doing a yoga pose. “Okay. I’m all Zen now. Get ready to be turned on again.”

  She launched herself at me, and I caught her around the waist. She didn’t weigh much, and I held her easily.

  I turned to sit with my legs on the floor and she straddled me. “Shirt off first,” she said, starting at my collar. “First button,” she said, sinking her teeth into my neck.

  I groaned, and so did my bear. He liked her blunt teeth against my skin.

  His message was loud and clear: make her our mate.

  Too soon, buddy. This is just for fun.

  He grumbled but didn’t push.

  With each button she undid, she licked or bit my neck.

  All the blood that had been in my coc
k rushed right back. She ground her bottom against my lap. “third button,” she said.

  Thinking clearly was out of the question. “Last one,” she said, circling her hips.

  Grabbing her hips, I lifted her off my lap. “I’m close,” I said. She untucked my shirt and flung it on the floor.

  She attacked my belt next, tugging it out, and then unbuttoned my jeans. I took my socks off, and I stood up and pushed my jeans down, not hiding, letting her see my legs, including the part that was plastic and metal. It was a good prosthetic, thanks to the shifter unit. I mainly fought as a bear now, but I also needed to be able to move quickly as a human while I was on duty.

  I dropped my pants to the side but left the prosthetic on. I didn’t sleep with it, and I didn’t swim with it, but for this first time, maybe it should stay on.

  “If it’s more comfortable, you can take it off,” she said, nodding toward my leg.

  “I don’t know if it is or not yet.”

  She smiled. “We can find out.”

  Experimenting? Future intimacy? Sounded perfect to me. In answer, a smile stretched across my face. “Lie down,” I said.

  She laid back and I took her legs, putting her slender feet on my shoulders. I parted her slick folds. With my tongue, I skimmed over her clit, then across her wet pussy.

  Her ginger scent tasted sweet on my tongue as I buried my face between her legs.

  Within seconds, her hands were in my hair. “It’s been a long time,” she said, already out of breath. “So I’m really close.”

  “Do you want to come twice, or just once?”

  “This time, I want to hold off until the end,” she said. “Later I’ll take you up on going twice.”

  With her input, I didn’t let up, but I made long, slow licks right over her core, designed to keep her close, but not send her over the edge. When I pushed one finger inside her body and flattened my tongue on her clit, her thigh muscles contracted, and her slender calves pressed against my neck.

  As soon as her entire body tensed, I backed off, until her tension melted away. Once she was lax, I switched it up, spearing her sex with my tongue while my fingers rubbed circles on her clit.

  “So close,” she yelped. “Stop.”


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