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by Vivica James


  The Billionaire Bordello Boys Book Two

  Vivica James

  Copyright © 2019 by Vivica James

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  Thank you for reading!

  Also by Vivica James



  It had been far too long since I’d last been down this hallway. My nostrils flared at the familiar smell of paint and excitement. This poker game had been running a long time, through many different hands, but one thing was consistent, the players were tough, and the cards were cutthroat. Some may say it was the other way around, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Cards, specifically poker, had helped bankroll my brothers and I, in the early days, when we had been nothing more than street rats. But those days of winning to eat were long gone. Now it was for fun. I didn’t play as much anymore, but I still liked to keep my skills sharp. That was the purpose of this exclusive game. I no longer needed the cash, the coin bandied about here were a pittance to the fortune I had accumulated. Despite that, there was one thing that hadn’t changed, I liked to win.

  I knocked at the door and was received by a new face. That wasn’t a surprise, any host to these games came and went.

  “Mr. Dubois. Welcome. I’m Bobby Mazzano. Please, let me know if there is anything, I can do for you. Anything.”

  His emphasis on the last word showed him to be like any other sycophant that hosted. Not good enough or wealthy enough to play but connected enough to gather the players.

  I nodded my thanks, refusing to shake the hand he offered. I took an instant dislike to the guy, but my old friend Gregor had vouched for the game handlers, so I dismissed the man from my thoughts.

  Gregor was already seated at the table with the other players. “Rafe! It’s good to see you. It’s been a while. Afraid you were getting rusty?”

  His voice filled the room, but I ignored the jibe.

  Gregor’s business dealings were sketchy at best, but he played an honest game of cards and that was all that mattered to me.

  The rest of the players could have filled the who’s who roster of the city’s paper. This game had been running for longer than any other I knew of. The players changed, but the rules remained the same. Play a clean game, cash only and keep your mouth shut.

  “Gentlemen,” I nodded. “Gregor. You look…the same.”

  The table laughed. Gregor had been blessed with luck, not looks. I had no doubt that in his line of work, that was more often a help rather than a hindrance.

  “Ha! You’re still too pretty for your own good.” Gregor downed the rest of the amber liquid in his glass and snapped his fingers. “Let’s begin. These gentlemen have been holding my money for too long as it is.”

  One of the girls working the party giggled as she poured him another drink and he gave her thigh a squeeze.

  She shot me an inviting look as she pulled back from Gregor. I had no interest. She was a bag of bones, in a dress. A poor working girl that went with the biggest stack of chips. Not my thing. I was here to play cards.

  Bobby started the clock and first round was dealt. My cards were acceptable, and I settled in for the evening. The dealer was about to call the flop when the door to the room opened. I glanced up to see the late arrival and felt like I had been punched in the chest. It was a voluptuous young woman. She took my breath away. She was perfection.

  My chair was facing the door, and although she was trying to be discreet, she had my full attention. She must not have realized that no matter where she might go, a girl like her would never remain unnoticed.

  She was flushed as she apologized to Bobby, but the sheen of perspiration on the back of her neck was all the more alluring. I wondered what she tasted like. She was absolutely stunning.

  This beauty was thick and curvy in all the right places. The tight black dress she wore was simple and sexy, yet not too revealing. She was leaving something to the imagination and my imagination was going wild. My body reacted as I thought about discovering what she was hiding beneath.

  I immediately folded. My focus was not on my cards. How could it be? The most beautiful woman I’d seen in a long time had just walked through that door and completely captivated me.

  She was nothing like the regular girls that worked these games. She didn’t have any kind of ‘working girl’ vibe. Quite the opposite. She was still apologizing to Bobby who was shaking his finger in her face. I forced myself to remain seated when I wanted to do was go over a break that weasel’s finger. I didn’t want to embarrass her, but I knew I would have words with this Bobby after the game. If he ever lifted a finger in her direction again, it would be the last thing he did.

  Her dark curls bounced as she nodded an agreement to whatever Bobby had said, and then she went straight to the bar.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She had yet to look this way. So different from the other girls here. Their quick eyes made it a priority to assess the table for the biggest payout. This girl might as well be working at a diner.

  She brought a drink to one of the men at the table. Son of a wealthy politician. Excellent card player, total ass. When she leaned in to place his drink, he ran a finger along the back of her thigh. She didn’t giggle, she gave a tight-lipped smile and quickly backed away. He had been rejected, but he seemed to enjoy the denial. He gave a smirk and several of the other players chuckled. I couldn’t tell if they were entertained by her discomfort or her rejection, but I was ready to smash heads all the same. My carefully cultivated patience was gone.

  “Are you playing or attending a frat party?”

  The ice in my voice let him know I wasn’t interested in his answer. He also wasn’t a fool. He knew who I was. His daddy would not be pleased if junior pissed me off.

  Frat boy nodded to the dealer to continue the game. I was happy to take his money, but if he so much as looked in that lovely girl’s direction, I would be taking far more than his daddy’s bankroll.

  I was suddenly feeling very protective of a woman, whose name I didn’t even know, but I was damn sure going to find out.


  His words almost stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t remember a time when one of these players had stood up for me. Honestly, I don’t think that any man inside or outside this game had. I was used to pasting on a smile, but this chivalrous behaviour, I had no idea what to do with. Not wanting to upset the game anymore, I walked back to the bar before I snuck another look.

  He was looking right at me. The most gorgeous man I had ever seen. A mixture of fierce masculinity and power. His piercing blue eyes seemed to strip me bare, but unlike the other men in this room I didn’t feel threatened.

  After catching my breath, I wasn’t sure what to do, so I simply mouthed the words thank you. He gave an imperceptible nod and then his attention was back on the game. It took all my willpower to stop staring at him. He was unlike any man that had been at this game before. Normally I avoided all eye contact with these guys, it was a matter of self-preservation. This time was different.

  I quickly checked to see if the other girls had noticed the exchange, but they were too focused on their own business to notice mine. Bobby was a whole other matter. When our eyes met, his narrowed on mine and he came over and stood beside me. Our shoulders touching, he whispered, “Watch yourself, Brenna. I
don’t need you causing a problem at my table.”

  I started to walk away, but he stepped in front of me. “You’re not special. Certainly not to a man like Raphael Dubois. Smile. Serve their drinks, and make them happy. All of them.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “I know exactly what you did, don’t do it again.”

  He walked away and I spun around so I wouldn’t be facing the table. I didn’t need any of those men seeing the tears that threatened to fall. I took a breath, threw on a smile and focused on the task at hand.

  I had been working at this game for almost 18 months. I had fallen into this gig through a connection of my Gran’s. She had been a card dealer back in her heyday. Female dealers then had been a rarity, and my Gran had been respected and loved. Her life choices may have made a great movie, but they made for a lousy pension. She had taken me in when my folks passed and made sure I wanted for nothing. It was my turn to return the favour. I had found a decent facility to care for her, but it came at a steep price.

  Bills had been tight since I had moved out from my last place. My old roommate had the absolute worst boyfriend, and as much as I loved Maisie, I couldn’t stick around any longer. I needed every penny and I was pretty sure her boyfriend was stealing cash, from both of us. I had been so happy when I found out they were through. It had worked out for her, thank God. She had deserved so much better and I was glad she finally found it with a different man.

  My job as a freelance writer was barely enough for rent at times, never mind Gran’s bills. So, when one of her old friends had offered up this job, promising no additional strings attached, I took it. These guys were heavy hitters and they tipped enough to cover Gran’s costs. Thankfully, Gran, as contrary as ever, was defying the doctor’s expectations and although not always lucid, was still holding on. That also meant I had been working here a lot longer than I ever expected.

  I snuck another peek at this Raphael, wondering what had encouraged him to defend me. I had seen a lot of people in and out of this room, but there had never been anyone like him. I didn’t recognize him, so he wasn’t a big celebrity, although with that perfect dark wavy hair and those heart stopping baby blues, he could easily be mistaken for one.

  He had an air of confidence about him that wasn’t for show. He knew his place in the hierarchy here and the others knew it too. I was aware of Gregor’s background, and what I knew scared me, yet even Gregor gave this man his respect.

  Good looks and deep pockets were usually warning signs for girls like me. These guys were used to getting exactly what they wanted, when they wanted it. So why was this Raphael any different? He didn’t frighten me the way the others did. One look and a few words and I felt the safest I had in 18 months. Perhaps my whole life.

  I was careful as I watched him play cards. He was good. Really good. Careful, calculating, and he didn’t make mistakes. He wasn’t emotional, he was patient and he played with purpose.

  This was an unusual game. It was timed. They bought in once, that was it. They played for six hours with one break. There was no easing into the game. The players went hard from the onset. It was fast and it was brutal. There were nights when the game was over in three hours, because everyone was out. It was where real poker players game to sharpen their skills. The pots weren’t huge, at least not to these guys. This wasn’t about cash, it was about winning; and this stranger that had completely captivated me, was taking them all down.

  I followed his fingers as they caressed his cards. I shivered imagining those strong hands touching my skin the same way. When he removed his jacket, the linen of his cream shirt clung perfectly to his muscled torso and arms as if it had been made for just that purpose. Who was I kidding? It probably had. I could feel my body’s response to his and when I followed the line of his shoulder to the dark contrast of where his skin met fabric, I nearly sighed.

  It was when I noticed the slight upturn of his mouth that I realized he either had great cards or he’d noticed my attentions and knew exactly what I was thinking. When he swiftly folded and leaned back in his chair to study me, I realized I hadn’t even been close to subtle. I was also under observation, and this Raphael definitely didn’t care who knew it.

  My cheeks grew hot and I quickly looked away. I was certain that if he held my gaze any longer, he would have full control of my thoughts and my body. The heat between my thighs was already beyond my power. Squeezing them to stem the tingle only added to my desire.

  Good Lord, what the hell was going on?

  I looked around to make sure Bobby hadn’t noticed the exchange. He wouldn’t have liked it. Being late was bad enough, but if he thought I was showing interest in a player, or intentionally distracting one, he would have my head. The reason he liked me here was that I was a dangling carrot to these men. No one got to take me home, and they all like the challenge. I had learned that men who had everything, always enjoyed the hunt. I was prey, that couldn’t be caught.

  My job was to entertain, stay aloof, never distract. Those were the rules. I needed to remember them.

  This Raphael may be every girl’s dream, but those kinds of dreams didn’t come true for girls like me. We were from different worlds. No amount of longing and wishing was ever going to change that. All I need to do was smile and pour some drinks.

  I could imagine those hands and those unbelievable blue eyes, when I was back home.

  Alone, in my bed.



  She thought she was being sly, but I could tell she was watching me. I was watching her too. She had my complete attention. For the first time in many years I was finding it difficult to focus and concentrate on my game. Beautiful women were a given at these things, but this girl, Mon Dieu, this girl was different.

  She had an innocence to her that girls working these games rarely, if ever, had. I wondered what had brought her here, why she did this. I wanted to get her out. I couldn’t stand the way the others leered at her. Their eyes didn’t deserve the honour. I wanted to secret her away from their lustful stares. Someplace I could undo all those pins she was using to try and tame those unruly curls into a bun. I wanted to see her wild, in all her natural beauty.

  I wanted her to be safe, away from here and I wanted her to be mine. Only mine.

  She came over to replace my drink. It had barely been touched, but I appreciated the gesture. I didn’t give her the chance to place it on the table. I didn’t want her to lean into the watching eyes across the way.

  My fingers discreetly rubbed hers as I took the glass. Her soft intake of breath caused my slacks to feel tight. I couldn’t stop from wondering what sounds I could elicit from her once given the chance.

  There was no denying the connection between us. I needed this woman in a way I had never felt before. I wanted to know more, see more, and touch more of this enthralling creature and there was only one way to make that happen.

  I was normally a very patient man, but I had no desire to waste any further time at this table, when I could be learning the name and kissing the lips of the woman that was about to become mine.

  And she would be mine. I couldn’t explain what had happened or how, but I knew that this girl was the reason I came her tonight. Fate had joined our paths, and now that I had found her, I would never let her go. Her happiness was about to become my sole purpose. It didn’t matter that I had yet to hear her name. The soul can recognize its mate, without a single word spoken.

  My heart knew. I had found The One.


  I had never seen the game played that quickly. Something had changed in Raphael after I had handed him his drink. I hoped I hadn’t offended him, as he no longer looked my way. His focus was solely on the game and he proceeded to obliterate ever player at the table. Even Gregor seemed put out by the speed of play. He graciously accepted the outcome, mentioning only that he didn’t need to see Raphael quite so often.

  I hoped Raphael might stay after the game, perhaps even asking my nam
e. But reality kicked in when he only nodded as he tipped me, matching what the others had given. I should have known better than to get my hopes up. I don’t know why I expected more. I guess the pull that I felt towards him had been one-sided. It was like nothing I had felt before, and I knew it was going to be a while before his chiseled face stopped appearing in my dreams.

  I watched the other girls leave with their chosen players and after another warning from Bobby, I grabbed my purse and went to catch my ordered ride.

  It wasn’t there. I pulled the pepper spray from my purse.

  Waiting at the curb was a sleek black car. I had no idea what kind it was, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t being used for a rideshare. It crossed my mind briefly that it was Gregor’s, but dismissed it immediately, as this had an aura of class that Gregor could never obtain, no matter how much money he made.

  The driver opened the door and Raphael stepped out. I relaxed the death grip I had on my spray. He walked toward me, but I remained glued to my spot.

  “I hope I can convince you not to use that.” He flashed a smile of perfect white teeth as he spoke. I was so mesmerized that I was sure he could have convinced me to do anything at that point.

  I tried to play it cool. “I’m sure you can.”

  “Good,” he said. “It is far past time we were introduced.”

  He offered his hand. “Raphael Dubois.”

  I didn’t speak, as I took his outstretched hand to shake it. Instead, Raphael turned my hand over and gently grazed his lips across my knuckles. Its effect was immediate. From his mouth to my soul.

  This man had my full attention.


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