The Lies We Tell Ourselves (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 3)

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves (A Southern Heroes Novel Book 3) Page 14

by Michelle Heard

  “I can help with the weddin’ if you want? You know I’m good at organizin’ things. The fundraisers gave me a lot of experience.”

  A relieved look flashes over her face. “I’d appreciate it so much.”

  “But first there’s the bachelorette party to plan. Text me a list of names and contact numbers of the women you want there, and I’ll plan the rest.”

  Suddenly, Birdie gets a sad look on her face. “I missed you, Reece.”

  Feeling like dog crap times two, I reach out and placing my hand on hers, I squeeze it. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a shitty friend.”

  She shakes her head and quickly takes a trembling breath. “It was me. I pushed you away. I wasn’t even there for you much after your parent’s plane crashed.”

  “It’s in the past.” I move forward and give her a hug. “I’m just happy to have my friend back.”

  Sitting back in my chair, I drink some of the coffee.

  “Dad says he was threatened and that’s why he did what they wanted. I can’t blame him. I know what it’s like to be in that position.”

  “It’s not the same thing, Birdie,” I say, feeling a little angry. “What you went through… damn, I don’t even have words. Pastor Doug could’ve said no. He could’ve gone to the Holden’s for help. Hell, you even went to Aiden. No, I’m gonna disagree with you. Your dad had a choice, and he made the wrong one.”

  Seeing how my words are upsetting Birdie makes me feel bad, so I quickly add. “I’m not judgin’ him, Birdie. I’m just sayin’ it’s not the same thing as what you went through. I also screwed up with Clay. Pastor Doug and I both made huge mistakes.”

  It’s Birdie’s turn to squeeze my hand. “We all make mistakes. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  I shake my head, tasting the bitterness of regret. “I was so damn stupid. Just thinkin’ about what I put my mom through makes me so angry.”

  “You did the best you could,” Birdie argues.

  “No, I didn’t.” I force a smile to my face, not wanting the conversation to go too deep. “But I’m makin’ up for it.”

  “How’s your mom doing now?”

  The fake smile I have quickly stretches into a real one. “She’s doing so well. She’s havin’ conversations and talkin’ my ear off, and it’s the best thing ever. Alec’s been so good to her and a big help as well. Birdie, that man is somethin’ else.”

  “Yeah?” She rests her elbows on the table and leans her chin on the back of her hands. “Tell me more.”

  I chuckle, and I feel a fluttering in my stomach just thinking about him.

  “He reads romance novels to her.” I laugh as the memory of him struggling through the intimate scenes, flashes through my mind. “He’s so gentle with her and Mom loves him. You must see how her face lights up whenever he visits.”

  “You must see how your face lights up,” she teases me.

  We stare at each other for a while, then I admit, “I love him, Birdie.”

  “How does he feel about you?”

  A broad smile splits over my face. “He loves me.”

  “So, can we plan a double weddin’?” She sits up, looking excited.

  I shake my head as I laugh. “Not so fast. Everythin’ is still new.”

  “Have you done it?” she asks, widening her eyes.

  “We have.” I glance away feeling a little embarrassed. “I was worried I wouldn’t remember how to have sex, seeing as the last guy I was with was Hunter.”

  Birdie’s face transforms with shock. “You and Hunter actually had sex?”

  I laugh at her reaction. “Only the one time.”

  “You never told me,” she chastises me.

  “I never told anyone. You’re the first person.”

  “Wait,” she says, sitting upright. “So, you and Clay never…” she wiggles her finger.

  “No. Definitely not. The odds of that happenin’ were the same as the odds of me and you gettin’ it on.”

  Confused she stares at me. “Why did you get engaged then?”

  “I was stupid. I didn’t think it through. He was my best friend, and I thought that would be enough. Boy, was I wrong.”

  “I haven’t spoken to Clay in so long,” Birdie admits. “Is it bad of me to give up on him? I mean he’s my foster brother after all.”

  “You can’t hold on to somethin’ that’s no longer there. We’re not givin’ up on him, we’re just lettin’ go.”

  “There’s a difference?” she asks.

  “Yeah. Givin’ up is walkin’ away while the person needs you. Lettin’ go is acceptin’ you’re not needed and therefore movin’ on with your own life. Clay doesn’t need us, Birdie. He gave up on everythin’ and everyone a long time ago. It’s sad, but it’s true.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It just sucks how things turned out.”

  “Birdie,” I wait for her to look at me, then say, “I love you, and I’ll always need you.”

  Her face crumbles with emotion, and it instantly makes me blink faster to keep my own tears away. I stand up and hug her long and hard.

  “I love you, too, Reece.”


  “I’m worried.”


  I walk into the bar and see Wyatt sitting at a table. Pulling out a chair, I take a seat across from him.

  I wait for him to look up from the beer he’s nursing. “How did it go?”

  He sets the glass down and shakes his head. “Suspension without pay.”

  “Considerin’ how you beat Roberts up, that’s not too bad.”


  I lean forward, resting my arms on the table. “Are you gonna tell me what’s really eatin’ at you?”

  He picks up the glass, and before taking a sip, he says, “Nope.”

  “Damn,” I place my hand over my heart, leaning back in the chair, “and here I thought we were close.”

  I manage to make him chuckle, but it quickly fades away.

  “How long is the suspension for?”

  “Three months.”

  I’m not used to seeing him like this, and it’s really starting to worry me. “What are you gonna do?”

  “Catch up on all the sex I haven’t been havin’.”

  I laugh. “How about you leave the beer and we go a few rounds?”

  His eyes snap up to mine. “You want me to fight you?”

  “I think it would do you a world of good to get rid of some of that tension you’re so hard pressed on clingin’ to.”

  He thinks it over, then stands up. “Okay, let’s do this. I might as well get my ass kicked while I’m at it.”

  I settle Wyatt’s bill, then walk out with him. Before we reach the car, I shove him from behind.

  Wyatt swings around and lets out a burst of laughter. “We’re really doing this?”

  I start ducking and diving. “I’ll let you throw the first punch.”

  “Yeah, I’m not fallin’ for that. The last time Aiden said that he wiped the floor with me.”

  Moving fast, I dart behind Wyatt and wrap my arm around his neck. I pull him a couple of steps back, toward the shadows. I don’t let go and tighten my grip when he starts to struggle against me.

  He grabs hold of my arm, but instead of pulling it away, he holds onto me. I feel his knees buckle and use my body to slow the momentum, so we don’t hit the ground too hard.

  Wrapping my other arm around him, I hold him as he starts to jerk. I don’t care who sees us and what they might think.

  “Let it out,” I say.

  He shakes his head, but then a cry rips from him, and I close my eyes because it sounds so fucking tormented.

  “I’ve got you,” I whisper, holding him tighter.


  “I’m happy.”


  Busy with the organizing of Birdie’s bachelorette party, the past couple of weeks have flown by.

  It will be a 1980s movie theme, and all the ladies must dress up as the leading
actress from their favorite movie back then. Mom’s wearing a pink dress, like Baby from Dirty Dancing. I’m wearing a brown skirt and boots, with a pink top, like Claire from The Breakfast Club.

  Birdie greets the guests as they arrive, and when Mrs. Mason walks in, I go to greet her. I haven’t seen Hunter’s mom since the funeral.

  “Hey, Mrs. Mason, how have you been?” I ask

  “Reece, thank you for havin’ me. I’ve been well.” She glances around the house, then says, “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.”

  Mrs. Holden touches my arm to get my attention, and as I turn to greet her, she pulls me into a hug. “Just wanted to say I’m proud of you,” she whispers in my ear.

  Pulling back, I smile at her. It means a lot coming from her as she’s been on the police force for longer than I’ve been alive, and she’s one badass mom.

  “Thank you so much.”

  I see Birdie leading a heavily pregnant Emma over to a couch and rush over so I can push a footstool closer. “Rest your feet on this.”

  “Thanks, hon,” Emma says.

  “When are you due?”

  “Two more weeks.”

  I tilt my head, and ask, “You’re not havin’ a baby shower?”

  “No, I don’t have the energy for one,” she laughs.

  I glance at Birdie, and just like in the old days she nods at me, reading my mind. We have to do something for Emma.

  Later when the party is in full swing, some of the ladies decide to sing karaoke, which has us all in stitches, because it seems we’re all tone deaf.

  Checking on Mom, I notice she looks tired. “You want to take a break in the garden?” I ask.


  I push her wheelchair inside, closing the glass door behind me, so it cancels some of the noise from the party.

  “If you leave me here, I’ll be fast asleep soon,” she jokes.

  “Would you rather go take a nap?” I ask, not wanting her to push herself too hard.

  “That would be rude.”

  Nurse Hensley comes in, and I wave her closer. “Let Nurse Hensley take you to your room. Have a nap, and when you feel rested, you can join the party again.”

  “I’ll just take a thirty-minute nap,” Mom gives in.

  I follow them out as Nurse Hensley pushes Mom toward the ramp.

  “Is everythin’ okay?” Birdie asks as I walk back into the living room.

  “Yeah, Mom’s just gonna rest for a while.”

  Nodding, Birdie asks, “You gonna sing with me?”

  “Hell, why not. Let’s do this.” We decide to sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Belting the song at the top of our lungs, I swear it sounds like we’re slaughtering cats.

  After the song ends, my phone rings, and seeing Alec’s name, I answer with a smile, “How are things on your side?”

  “Great,” he answers. I hear laughter in the background, then he says, “We’re watchin’ this awesome show on my laptop, but babe, as much as I love you, I have to say you can’t sing.”

  It takes me a second to catch on, then my eyes snap up to the nearest camera. “Y’all are watchin’ us?”

  “Aiden wouldn’t let us get strippers, so we had to improvise for entertainment.”

  “Wait until you get home,” I threaten him, but there’s no bite in my voice.


  The women joined us at Aiden’s place after they found out we were watching them.

  Standing to the side, my eyes are on Wyatt where he’s laughing. Since the night he broke down, he’s been back to acting like a joker.

  He glances my way, and seeing me looking at him, he comes over.

  “You keep lookin’ at me that way, and people are gonna start talkin’.”

  “Let them talk.” I take the beer from his hand and replace it with the water I’ve been drinking. “You holdin’ up okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m havin’ a blast. No gettin’ up early.”

  “So, in other words, you’re not fine.” I pat him on the shoulder. “You have my number.”

  “Ain’t gonna use it,” he says, the mask falling off his face.

  He begins to turn away from me, but reaching out, I take hold of his arm. “Promise me one thing, and I’ll leave it be.”


  “When things become too much, just shoot me a text. Even if it’s a fuck you.”

  Wyatt places his hand on my shoulder, then nods. I watch him walk away, and bringing the beer to my lips, I take a sip. Surprised I stare at the bottle, then at Wyatt’s retreating back. He’s been drinking water all this time, and it makes me wonder just how deep this act of his runs.

  I walk over to where Reece is gathering glasses and taking hold of her arm, I lean in so I can whisper in her ear, “Are you coming home with me?”

  She looks at me with surprise in her eyes. “To your place?



  “Preferably. I have plans that will make you scream so my place might be best.”

  Reece’s cheeks flush from my direct words. “Oh. Okay.”

  The second we get to my apartment, I press my chest hard against Reece’s back. I slip an arm around her waist to keep her in place and grab her breast with my left hand. Squeezing her soft flesh until her back arches, she lets out a soft moan that’s music to my ears.

  I unlock the door and push it open. “Get inside, or I swear I will take you right here.”

  I slip my right hand down her abdomen and over the fabric of her skirt until I cup her heat. Lowering my face to her neck, I begin to suck on her sensitive skin as I rub her through the material until she starts to tremble.

  She tries to take a step forward but almost stumbles. Letting go of her breast, I wrap my arm around her waist and push her inside the apartment. Kicking the door closed behind us, I grab the front of her shirt and yank it, letting buttons pop free as the material gives way. Throwing the ripped shirt on the floor and unclasping her bra, I turn her around and grab hold of her ass. Lifting her up against my body, she wraps her legs and arms around me as I walk in the direction of my bedroom.

  When I reach the room, I set her down on her feet before I sit on the bed. “Undress for me, Reece. I want to see your beautiful body,” I grind the words out, wondering if I can hold back my own desire while watching her.

  She seductively unzips the skirt and lets it fall to her feet.

  “Fuck,” I breathe when she’s standing in front of me only wearing a black, lace thong and boots.

  Without thinking, I sink down to my knees in front of her and grab hold of her hips. Without giving her any warning, I latch onto her pussy with my mouth, sucking hard.

  “Alec,” she moans as her hips jerk in my hold.

  She grabs my hair as I suck again, but instead of pulling me away, she fists it and pushes me harder against her.

  I’ll take it easy on her later. Right now, I just want to fuck her. I lick and suck her clit until her legs are shaking.

  Taking pity on her, I climb to my feet and move her over to the bed. I let her lie down, then remove the thong, so it’s out of my way. Teasing a finger at her entrance, I lean over her and press a hard kiss to her mouth. As I slip my tongue past her lips, I thrust a finger inside her and curl it, hitting the soft flesh which is all it takes for her body to detonate. As she tenses, I pull my hand away, letting the orgasm fade.

  She lets out a frustrated groan and glares at me as I unzip my jeans, and pulling my cock free, I quickly roll on a condom.

  As I crawl onto the bed, I flip her over on her stomach and bring her up on her elbows and knees. Grabbing a pillow, I shove it under her stomach and glide my hands up and down her back, loving the feel of her soft skin.

  I have no restraint left and positioning myself at her entrance, I surge into her with one powerful stroke.

  Driving my cock in and out of her tight heat, I draw a whimper from her. “Damn, Reece, you feel so good.”

  My thrusts
grow harder and deeper, and I relish in the feel of her tight muscles squeezing me. When she starts to tremble and tense, I move faster until she comes apart. Words cannot express the feelings I have while I watch my woman unravel before me.

  It only takes a couple of more thrusts for me to groan out my own release. Falling to my side, I pull Reece against me and hold her while we catch our breath.

  I’m beyond grateful we found one another because I sure as hell can’t imagine my life any other way.


  “How did I get this lucky?”


  Alec asked if he could take me somewhere. I thought it was so sweet, seeing as we skipped the dating part of the relationship in the beginning.

  He told me to keep it casual, so I’m wearing a pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a denim jacket, along with sneakers. I’ve put extra effort into putting on my make-up. Pulling a brush through my hair one last time, I stand back and look at my appearance.

  “Pretty,” I whisper. Satisfied with the result, I head to Mom’s room.

  As I get close to the door, I hear Alec’s voice, “Who writes stuff like this?”

  Mom giggles. “Just read it.”

  “But…” I hear the pleading in his voice. “The things you make me read,” he says exasperatedly.

  He clears his throat, then starts. “Her skin turns red from the slap as she wiggles her… uhm… butt in the air.”

  Clearing his throat again, he shifts uncomfortably in the chair, and I have to quickly cover my mouth, so he doesn’t hear me laugh.

  “Give it to me?” he reads, sounding as uncomfortable as hell. “As much as I love you, there’s no way I’m readin’ the rest.”

  “You’re such a party-pooper,” Mom teases him.

  “Listen, we have to talk about your taste in books.”

  Mom starts laughing as I walk into the room. “She’s just givin’ you a hard time,” I explain.

  “Did you hear how his voice went all squeaky?” Mom asks, and she begins to laugh harder.


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