Reign of The Valdraken

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Reign of The Valdraken Page 7

by N L Nold

  She turned her head to the side causing her hair to fall over her shoulder. Reign gasped noticing her Raven hair now held streaks of white a stark contrast to the darkness usually situated atop her head.

  A million thoughts ran through her head threatening to overwhelm the fragile state she found herself in. Everything Reign knew about her life, her purpose, it was all a lie. These men before her wanted to offer her their love and loyalty, to pledge themselves to her for eternity.

  She had just met them, just set herself free from a life of servitude and abuse. Could she really do this could she really be this Valdraken they were asking her to be?

  Chapter 12

  Not Ready

  Reign was lost in her thoughts when Abban spoke.

  “My Valdraken, I know you are confused right now, you don’t know us. You were raised amongst the humans knowing nothing of your heritage of our culture. You were not raised with the legends of the Valdraken. I understand your hesitation, but this is your destiny the choice was made for you long before we met.”

  That was it that is what finally sent her over the edge. She rolled Abban’s words around in her mind, the choice was made, her destiny. Nope she didn’t like it and who the Drak thought they had the right to make decisions about her life. She was powerful she was fierce, and she would not stand to be told what to do anymore.

  The longer she thought on it, the angrier she became, and the larger the flames grew. The flames were so large now they lit the entire clearing and caused the men before her to back up. She had made her decision the moment she walked out of the Tricky Trollip.

  “I am Reign, demon of Taru, destroyer of men, and bringer of fear. I will not tie myself to you because of a choice I had no say in.”

  Eerikki tried to interrupt her but she raised a hand sending the white flames closer to him.

  “I am not finished, you will listen to what I have to say. You three claim I’m this Valdraken, the savior of the four lands of Taru. If this is in fact the case, you will show me the respect I deserve.”

  With a pointed look to the fae she continued.

  “You have done nothing in our short time together to earn my respect or trust and this display has only further proven none of you deserve it.”

  The men before her all raised their eyes to her varying degrees of shock across their faces.

  “You came her expecting to tell me this story, my story, hoping I would follow blindly and do as you tell me too. Well right here is where I stop you. If you expect me to save the world, you’re going to have to prove to me its worth saving. I may not have grown up with the stories and legends of what or who I am, but what I have seen of this world in my time and of its people has shown me they are not worth saving.”

  With that Reign broke the magic she felt tethering the flames to her body and lowered herself to the ground once more. The new armor slowly began to dissipate from her body replaced once again by the soft familiar feel of her fighting leathers.

  Eerikki was the first to speak

  “You… you”

  He stumbled over his words.

  “You don’t get to decide this, it isn’t a choice you foolish girl, you are the Valdraken and only you can save the four lands from what is coming.”

  Reign shook her head at the fae re-adjusting her wings as she took long sure strides towards the male. The fae was quite a bit taller than her so when she stopped before him placing her hand on his chest, she had to look up to meet his eyes.

  “Eerikki, you truly are a beautiful fae.”

  She added a sultry tone to her voice pressing her chest to his firm body she allowed her hand to roam the expanse of his well-defined chest. Eerikki seemed to relax into her touch letting his guard down just long enough for rain to take advantage. She swept her leg out with enough force to knock the fae from his feet.

  “I may be a foolish girl, but this foolish girl has put you down twice in one day.”

  Changing her tone and stance completely to reflect the rage burning within she looked down upon the fae and stated.

  “There is a choice, my choice. I refuse to tie myself to anyone who has not earned their place at my side. You want me to mate with you, with all of you…”

  She looked to the three making sure they understood she was addressing them all.

  “Prove your worthy of the title, then and only then will I consider it. Until then you may travel with me as companions only.”

  The men shared looks amongst themselves and where smart enough not to allow the fae to speak for them this time. Instead Maikoh’s voice rang clear in her head.

  “Where are you traveling too oh great Valdraken.”

  Reign could hear the sarcasm in his tone and she didn’t like it one bit. Speaking aloud so they could all hear she added the same level of sarcasm to her tone.

  “Well oh great shifter, we are headed first to the capital to prepare for the journey and then onto the place I was born.”

  Reign turned to walk away and retrieve the sack she had dropped to the ground when landing, Abban called to her back.

  “Where is that, the place you were born that is?”

  With a smirk on her lips she bent over to retrieve her pack giving them an uninterrupted view of her backside, and stated loud enough for all three to hear.

  “The fact that you do not know only serves to prove you aren’t ready to be my mates.”

  That remark earned her a few grumbles and muttered curses. With her pack in hand and would be suiters in tow Reign began to walk into the forest seeking a place less exposed than the clearing. A place where they could bed down for the evening and rest before making the remaining trek to the capital.

  She didn’t have to go far after walking for a short time she came upon a small pond and just on the other side of the pond was a fallen log surrounded by trees.

  The trees of the forest where ancient and giant in stature, wide as a carriage and too tall to see the tops from anywhere but the air. The fallen log was hollow in the middle and would allow the group some shelter for the night.

  Reign started towards it gathering kindling for a fire as she walked. The men did not question her again only followed in silence mimicking her moves.

  Once they reached the log she intended to sleep in, Maikoh stepped forward still in wolf form and took the lead to ensure the area was safe. Leaving the wolf to his task she started on the fire. Gathering the twigs and dried moss into a small pile she made sure to set the kindling just right so the air could get through and feed the flames.

  Once she was happy with her structure she looked around for a piece of flint or something that would allow her to light the fire. Abban must have recognized her intent. He muttered a few words and the small pile immediately ignited.

  She nodded to the mage in thanks earning her a smile in return. Maikoh reappeared from checking their surroundings his presence an assurance that the area was safe.

  “I am going to hunt see if I can find us some food”

  The wolf spoke into their minds. Abban replied

  “I am going to gather more wood for the fire these sticks will not last long.”

  That left Eerikki.

  “I will…”

  He was immediately cut off by Maikoh.

  “You will stay with Reign and ensure her safety until we return.”

  His tone left no room for argument, he appeared to be the leader of this small group of men weather they liked it or not. The fae did not look happy but also did not seem to want to challenge the shifter either.

  He muttered under his breath

  “I will stay with Reign.”

  With that Abban and Maikoh where off to hunt and gather what they needed for the evening. Reign entered the hollow space of the fallen log activating the ruin on her left hand enough to light the cozy space.

  As she stepped inside a few bugs and small rodents scuttled away clearly unhappy with the party interrupting their home.

  Reign took in the small spac
e she noted the moss that grew inside was dry buy relatively soft and would provide a good foundation for sleep. The four of them would be a tight fit but they could make it work at the very least their backs would not be exposed and they would be sheltered from the elements if the weather decided to turn.

  Happy with her choice for the evening she set her pack down just inside the opening and returned to the small fire that Eerikki was adding more sticks to. She sat down opposite the fae the dried leaves on the forest floor crunching beneath her weight.

  Eerikki did not look up or acknowledge her only continued to tend the fire in silence. Reign took the opportunity to unabashedly view the beautiful fae before her.

  Eerikki was beautiful there was no doubt in her mind about that where she would use the term handsome to normally describe a male the term didn’t fit him. He had an ethereal quality to his features. Everything about the fae seemed to emit a slight silver glow. She could tell by the way he held himself that though he appeared young in age his body told a different story.

  She could see the light pink of the scars on his hands reflected in the firelight. The slight crinkles at the corners of his eyes and mouth. The way he spoke. The way he fought. Eerikki was a seasoned warrior there was no doubt in her mind about that. The fae before her had seen battle, he had seen hardship, and now he sought a way to find peace.

  Unsure of how long she stared at the grace and beauty of the fae before her, she was finally shaken from her trance the crunch of leaves directly behind her. Acting on pure instinct alone Reign focused on her rune a dagger materializing in her hands.

  Eerikki must have noticed her reaction as his mouth opened at the same moment Reign laid flat on her back and threw the dagger. The weapon clearly hitting its mark by the grunt that followed its flight.

  Rolling over and using her hands to position her body in a crouched stance she saw the target her dagger had hit causing her heart beat to stumble in her chest.

  A flash of silver raced by her headed straight for the mage that now lay prone on the ground surrounded by the wood that he had gathered. Reign’s shadow dagger protruded from the left side of his chest. Her aim true as always, she had struck him in the heart and now the mage was dying.

  Chapter 13

  A life for a Choice

  Maikoh appeared behind the mage dropping the hares he held in his mouth. He too ran to the mages side shifting into his human form as he did so. Reign was still in her crouched position next to the fire shocked and unable to move.

  What had she done? She had killed a man again. Only this one she did not intend to kill. She may not have known the mage but he risked his life like the others to find her and take her from her miserable existence of slavery and abuse.

  Seemingly lost in her thoughts she heard Eerikki and Maikoh shouting at each other. Maikoh looked to the fae to heal the mage.

  Eerikki looked to Reign.

  “I cannot heal this wound if I remove the dagger he will die and my light magic is not powerful enough to fight your shadow magic.”

  Shaken from her stupor Reign approached the three men.

  “I…. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, I mean I didn’t know”

  Maikoh stood and walked to her. He placed himself between Reign and Abban blocking her view of the dying mage. Gently placing a finger below her chin, he raised her eyes to meet his. He spoke in a gently kind tone as if speaking to a child.

  “Reign we know you didn’t mean to do this but Eerikki is unable to heal him, is there anything you can do to help.”

  Reign shook her head never having tried to heal anyone but herself.

  “I don’t know if my magic works that way.”

  She told the shifter a slight shake to her voice. Maikoh’s eyes searched hers looking for what she didn’t know.

  “Are you willing to try love? That is all we ask.”

  With a slight nod of her head Maikoh’s fingers slipped from her chin and reached for her hand. Reign allowed the shifter to lead her to the side of Abban’s body he had just vacated.

  She kneeled before the mage examining the dagger, her dagger as it jutted from his heart. The shadows that formed the dagger pulsed and writhed with her magic.

  Eerikki would not even be able to touch the dagger let alone combat the magic that created it.

  Reign let out a ragged breath trying to steady herself. She thought of the short time she had known him and how he was the first person to make her laugh. The mage was funny and kind, he seemed to view the world with joy in his heart.

  He did not look at her with fear or disgust for what she was but with awe and love in his gaze. She thought back to their fight and how gentle his hands where as they caressed her sides, how he gazed upon her with such heat. Even now on the brink of death he smiled up at her with complete trust in his eyes.

  She looked to Eerikki on the other side of the mages body. He nodded in understanding. As Eerikki stood and moved a few paces back she could tell Maikoh was mimicking his movement from behind her.

  Reign wasn’t sure how this was supposed to work every time she extended the light magic from her left hand it came out in the form of pain.

  That is not what she needed right now she had to put away the thoughts of rage that she used to fuel her magic and instead harness them with the intent of good, of healing, and love.

  She thought of the mages smile, of the fae’s laugh, and of the shifters touch. She harnessed the kind thoughts she had for the men.

  Expanding her wings to their full width the runes activated, that familiar silver glow encompassing her. Reign leaned down over Abban using her wings to shelter the two of them from the outside world.

  “It’s ok Valdraken I trust you.”

  The mage whispered the words to her as he closed his eyes edging closer to the brink of death every second she hesitated.

  Reign leaned closer to Abban on pure instinct bringing her face mere inches from his.

  She slid her hand to the dagger in his chest wrapping her fingers around the hilt. She pulled the shadow magic back into herself the sudden jolt causing Abban’s body to arch into hers and his lips to make contact.

  Reign kept their lips pressed together following him back down to the ground as his body relaxed once more. The mage parted his lips causing Reign to do the same pulling back slightly as she did and opening her eyes.

  It felt as if a string tethered the two together. Reign could feel her healing magic flowing through her and into the mage below. The magic slipped from her mouth to his soft as silk against her parted lips.

  The thing that surprised her most however was the image she saw reflected back at her in the molten chocolate eyes of the mage. Her eyes where glowing silver the same as her skin. Her white healing magic making its presence known across her body.

  Reign was unsure of how long the two lay there, but she could feel when the mage was healed. She pulled back from him taking the magic with her, looking down at the mages chest instead of her dagger now appeared a black rune seared into his skin. The same rune she possessed on her right hand and used to control her shadow magic.

  Looking up from his chest and once again meeting his eyes she was about to speak to when a sudden pain erupted in her chest right over her heart. It felt as if someone had taken a red-hot branding iron to her skin. She pulled back screaming the look of horror on Abban’s face the last things she saw before losing consciousness.


  Reign awoke to the warm feel of bodies surrounding her and soft snores. Her head gently rising and falling with the chest she now rested upon. She was inside the log a large hand rested on her hip from whoever curled up behind her and she was pressed into the side of Abban judging by the blue runes inked to the skin.

  Shifting her body gently as not to wake the two men she raised her head enough to see it was still night the soft flicker of the fire light dancing inside the opening of the hollowed-out tree. Taking a minute for her eyes to adjust she blinke
d away the sleep from her vision.

  Once her vision cleared, she used her eyes to trace the half-naked body before her. Abban was a handsome man, his physique carved from stone. Each muscle of his chest and abdomen outlined by his inked skin.

  The blue runes covered most of his upper body forming a pattern of lines like scrollwork across his chest and abdomen. Reign wanted to trace the runes with her finger but didn’t dare risk waking the mage she had almost killed hours ago.

  She raised her hand from his chest hoping to find something to use to prop herself up. Instead her eyes caught on the new rune that marked his chest right over his heart. Just as she thought of how it appeared the slight tinge of pain on her own chest reminded her that she also had a new rune marking her skin.

  Unlike the other runes that Abban had inked upon his body this mark was black branded into his skin just as her own where. She was happy that her magic seemed to have worked and was able to heal the mage before her, but she wondered at what cost.

  After a great deal of effort and stealth on her part Reign was able to wiggle her way out from between the two men without waking either. Finally finding her feet she realized that it was Maikoh who slept at her back, but she did not find Eerikki amongst the group.

  Stretching her arms above her head and releasing a quite yawn she noticed she felt rested and had a new energy burning within her.


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